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You Don't Know Who J-hope is, Right? [BTS Variety Chronicles]
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.พ. 2025
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If the girl was me, i would regret for not knowing the brightest, and the softest but powerful and handsome human like jhope
Guys dont feel bad about it yet we need to be happy because it means ARMYs is still for jhope armys still chances 😆😆😆
I choose Our sunshine JHOPE
Me to j hoooooooope😘😘
She must regret it now... 🤭
Yeah i wish i could be in her place with out hesitation i will pick my hope! J-HOPEEEEE!!!
man this was sad like u could see hobi was actually kinda hurt that she didnt know him 🥺
And pretty pissed that she didn't pick him because it looked like she was gonna and then she picked the idol beside him plus I could tell he gave it his ALL in order to impress her. Our poor hobi.
i myself even felt the pain and shame for twice she slapped jhope for not knowing him.. even moreso for not answering politely when she was asked if she know his name as a BTS member.. she could have atleast answered like 'sorry, i don't know his name' or ' sorry may i know your name pls'.. she just said, NO! :( well, it was her lost.. jhope have forgotten her now anyway..
It’s her lost in the end I don’t know if she was paid to do that. Regardless she looks like the fool in the end because she missed an opertunity of a life time. Some of us would wish to be in her place atm.
“that kinda hurted me though cause like why would you say that” - lol what went through Hobi’s head lol😂☹️
This girl has no idea how millions of people wish to be in her place ! I would even sell my kidneys for ! lmao ! he is one of the best human being and full package artists ever ♥♥ loss of anyone who sleep on him.
yessss i want to be in her place soooo bad😢😢😢😢😢
Yummy Shooky yes but not every one knows them
I think it was srcipted show, cause how does she know RM,Jimin but not J-hope. Also why would these many guys come to propose her. Who tf is she🙄
Although,they've provided the link for full episode but it is NOT available in my country.
But this girl must be CRAZY 😏
Same feeling I have too...even I want to meet him once ...😔😔
J-HOPE was actually the first and only member i knew when i first came into the fandom
Honestly I was interested in bts after watching jhope's bright smiles in carpool with James. His smile is really attractive 💚💜
Same 💜
Yeah, me too... He never fails to bring a smile on my face ☺️
I really felt so sad when j-hope was hurt😔
@@ftm2950 same
I don't know why jhope is not a 'KOREAN BEAUTY STANDARD'. TBH when I first saw BTS jhope is the one who caught my eyes, he has those unique aura that no one can have.
He’s beautiful!
Actually korean beauty standard doesn't Matter to look handsome , even many k-pop idols are still alive without fitting korean standard and they are not only Handsome; , IMO they look more beautiful than any k- standard , jhope is now in top 10 most handsome man in the world and also members don't fit korean Standard but they have different standard which is better than any korean standard ... They aren't just so handsome ,they have pure soul 💜👑
Korean beauty standard is stupid 😤😤
they like the ones who have a skinny face and skinny pointy nose, even if they look unhealthy. and the normal people look plain and judge them. Hobi was always attractive and talented.
That broke my heart. J-Hope was genuinely sad when the girl thought that there's only Jimin and RM from BTS he just hid it with his smile 😭😭. Its ok now though. Now there's a lot of people who knows J-Hope ❤❤. Right, ARMYs?
Hoseok dont need her. He have Armys who love him with all our hearts💜
Not everyone whole universe known j - hope He's sunshine
J-hope is in TOP 20 most handsome faces, I believe
For me the number doesnot count to rank his beauty he is a most beautiful person for me both from appearence and from heart. My hope
Yeah i know
Me too
Please tell that young hobi that in 2019, 60 thousands people cheer and call his name in the legendary Wembley stadium!!!
Yeah!!proud of them😍😍
It was 90 thousand I believe
@@harbhajankaur223 isn't it 120 thousands for 2 nights? The capacity of Wembley is 90K, but they only accept 60K per night, am I wrong?
In Brazil they adore him!!!
I feel sad for Jhope but he still shows his humbleness.. but it is ok Jhope u are now the one of the famous men on earth 🌎🌍🌍
jhope went from 'no one knows him' to 'men and women have a crush on him'
Lesson from this show.... we never know what will happen to someone in future....
Ferri Liu Exactly as life is unpredictable!
@@TrinhNguyen-sh4fj what happened?
@@juliabastos9714 some show treated BTS like trash😢🤷♀️
ArmLink Squad yep it was weekly idol :/
mina they didn’t treat them like trash?
this makes me feel a little bad for him...I feel like he can be very underrated sometimes and it makes me sad for him. Love you hobi ❤️❤️
@@mahsheedx why would she be embarrassed, she's not obliged to know every single idol. I'm a Bts fan as well but some of the army's logic don't make any sense at all.
Jha0601 “im an army but-“ stfu.
@@Jha0601 Perish
Jha0601 I didn’t say that every fan has to know everything about their idols all I meant was that if that girl was me I would regret not taking the flower from him as i mean look at him now 🤷♀️🙃
Jha0601 also she didn’t say she was a fan all she said was that she “knew” them
even if i don't know hobi.. i would pick him? he's the most handsome among them all and his smile is so precious, his dance is so fluid
Yeah, I would tooo, how can a person can’t chose him even after he make such a bright smile and moves
She doesn’t deserve even seeing him
Ya same actually he dance for girl if If I were in her place, I would have loved his smile
actually !😅
2:22 *RM and Jimin have the best reaction hahaha! They were like, "Damn I didn't know our Hobi was like that to a woman he likes. So that's the way he'll capture her heart."*
J-Hope was broke because she didn't know him. Hobi, it's alright you have us, ARMYs with you😭
i think he's not broken
@@prexxrex4608 I thought it was a joke.
You can’t host them anymore so you’re bringing this back for views it’s so ironic
I agree
They need money and views :(
Sam Axe absolutely
Whatever their intentions were it doesn't matter.. coz here we are watching it anyway...
can you tell me what happened?
*J-Hope, Hoseok, you are very handsome and you are very warm and our brightest sunshine*
They really create new variety shows just for BTS 😂 not surprised!!
Well they need to gain money
Queen V Twice was on the Set with them
@@ultimatebiasjimin9591 KINGS & QUEENS 💜
Where I can find full episode??
Please help me if u guys know
@@anjali1999 i think there is a link in the description
I love how Jimin gave those extra roses to Jhope at 1:09 when he was so upset and the crowd went aww. This moment is precious Hobi was seriously hurt and Jimin was so upset and sweet of him to help hobi gain his confidence
I cried after watching this, I m not gonna say anything else.
*JUNG HOSEOK, you are a king and we, ARMY, love you*
She didn't know J-Hope, and I still don't who the Other guys are 😂 love U hobi
Hahahaha same
whats the name of this show or the full video?
Hobi: *Steals her heart by offering a flower*
Army: *He sToLe mY hEaRt By ExIsTinG*
Facts UwU
Eye when did I write?--- I'm so eeird
@@yoonminly8440 omg 😂
@@melondyy anyways how are you? BTS just won an award djwoqdldk
I will pick jhope everytime. He is such a sweetheart.
me too! That dance was so hot, he is such a sweetheart.
Don't worry jhope MILLION OF ARMY is waiting for this moment 😭💜
Well, unlucky of her, that gurl just missed a lifetime chance *sigh
Uh, YEAH! Unlucky her, for sure. That could have been his future wife. She was attractive; a tad dense, but attractive. It was an 'in the moment' embarrassment for JHope...but, what a rebound for him. Now, he's one of the world's most well known and famous heartthrob. 💜
I would probably cry if I've ever had the opportunity to breathe in the same space as Hobi. He is simply the brightest little angel in the whole world. That lady just lost the chance of have a piece of sunshine in his life. 😿👊
Moonchild well u technically are breathing the same space cos we all live in earth :)
There's a saying "Be careful whose shoes you step on today because they may be connected to the backside you have to kiss tomorrow." J-hope is now worldwide famous. He can go anywhere and he would be instantly recognized.
As a dude I can literally feel the second hand embarrassment , but this is much worse for a bangtan omg...they did hobie bad
The way jimin patted him back to return ...simply shows he was sad n members got it ..... I feel so bad why I didn't joined fandom before
Now the whole Wembley Stadium shouted his name.
I would‘ve chosen hobi a thousand times sis really has no taste
yes i mean i would have to but let's respect her taste and the man she chose
just because she doesn't like the same thing as you do doesn't mean she hAs No tAsTe
@@kkwonbi8071 ya
I feel teary for jhope... but dnt wori hobi... that was just a phase... ur one of the brightest and biggest star now.. everybody knows you..
Sad..feel bad for him now jhope is worldwide she mush shame everytime she see jhope on TV remember the day she doesn't recognize future worldwide artsis not kpop idol but Worldwide BOY GROUP BTS.
Simon Sonaone that’s right 👍🥰😂
That's true
That's what success is.
She doesnt need to know J-hope just because he is your idol lol. Its so normal because BTS is not so famous back then. And even now J-hope is the least popular member. So why blame her tho?
@@minstan2371 By what logic is JHope least popular? And even if he is, least popular in BTS is still bigger than every other idol group combined...
Jhope: I'm ready to captivate your heart.
Me: Boy you already took it☺
Now, he is the richest member of bts and also a best dance of all kpop groups..... And the whole world knows him.... 💖
when she said "aren't there are two members?" i am about to combust and fight her, and i wanna hug Hoseok so tight and comfort him. I feel so sad for him :(
Mikee Raya This was back then when they were not that famous yet.
Dont feel bad for him, this was just for fun. This time BTS was still not so famous group. Well not in Korea anyway.
he fact that they know Rm and Jm but not him is just...? Just why. I cant.. process it. Like how?? If she dont know BTS in general I'm okay. But likeee how.
Same 😔
jhope was dancing for that woman but why did my heartbeat race a little bit😳
that must have been so embarrassing for him.. she didn't know who he was and didn't care what he did for her.. also his face were so red :/ alright you don't want our beautiful Sunflower? 🌻 don't worry we will appreciate him and love him even more (we already do) 👏😍😘💜
Yh you could see how embarrassed he was like damn.
@@multifandomtrash1601 ikr
She doesn't deserve his precious hug 🥺💔... he was so hurt and he was really crying inside😭😭
Hoseok was sad tbh we can actually see it through his sad, what the fuck man. Hobi tries to hide his sadness with his smile. He's so warm, cute sunshiney from the outside, but we never know what's going on :( I'll always pick my sunflower 💜💜💜💜🍓
I'm glad she didn't choose hobi cos he is mine! *evillaugh* 😁😁😁😁
The woman who shout out loudly when jhope start to dance is totally me lol
2:13 anyone know the song name
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the prime example why bts doesn’t do variety shows anymore
Hobi in his mind be like
“Don’t worry lady if not for the show I wouldn’t approach you either 🥱”
2:23 jimin's reaction is just priceless.... I really took me in😍💜 who agrees?
imagine not knowing the actual sunshine... tragiC
The way Hobi looks and sounds here when he said he will captivate her heart, I don't know how did the girl able to resist it. Our beautiful man is shining inside and out from the start. 💗
The thing that, I'm really fall in love with him and she doesn't even know who is he- That makes me angry-
OUR HOBIIII😍😍😍😭😭💜💜💜💜😍😍😍😍😍💜💜💜
@@yallbetterdonttouchmyman3103 she be looking back feeling the sense of regret.
@@yallbetterdonttouchmyman3103 what is that stupid woman name??? Who is she??
Me too
@@babyhoney776 ya tell me the name, armys will take care of the rest
She didnt knew our sunshine and am sitting here without knowing anyone else except BTS 😂 lol
I am accually crying because, j hope is accually so sensitive and he always thinks that he has less fans.
But still he loves all the people.
And I am sure that he was heart btoken
You know, back then bts barely could get in a variety show so they solely on bangtan bombs bangtan episodes. Now all of them ask bts to be in their shows but bts of course doesn't have time for them 🤣🤣🤣 this show just prove how desperately they want bts to be their guest 🤣🤣🤣
This isn't true lol they were on lots of variety shows both individually and together. They were still appearing on variety shows while they filmed run eps up until last year where they became too busy to appear on those shows.
Not true. Their own agency don't let them appear in variety shows often. As much as they are funny in dalleora most of them are a bit shy or too respectful around other people, it would be too hard for them to guest in as most korean variety shows with formats similar to star king can be pretty harsh.
Sorry but Karma change its name to BTS🙄 do they think ARMYs will be happy by uploading this out of the blue🙄
@@Dukeoflords nah, they weren't on much shows, there was a time where one particular show cancelled BTS appearance for a different group.
Bts had informed ARMYs that they were gonna be on a variety show but it got cancelled. Even when they were on Knowing Bros, one of the hosts said "Wow, I can't believe that u guys are here, u don't really appear on variety shows" and they replied that their agency doesn't let them but they tried really hard to convince their agency to let them on the show in 2017.
PS *sorry for writing a whole paragraph😂*
Edit: did I forget to mention they were mistreated in a lot of variety shows too like the flower crew, weekly idol, etc...
Like I'm over here trying to be cool and cold-blood but Jung Dancing king Hoseok doesn't let me ! I legit screamed when I watched his freaking dammit amazing and mesmerizing moves and footworks ! he is just something else !! that girl won't forget him for rest of her life anymore prob ! how can she ? he is such a bublly soft cuttipie human being hottie dancing legend !!
You just said my thoughts😭
Omg I couldn’t have said it better myself!!
Not to be like that but nothing was funny about this! She can not know him and that's ok but I watched the whole show and every MC was calling him j hope of BTS. How come she didn't know him when he was being called the whole time and she was right there. Still hobi is well known now. 💕
Yes you are right, cuz how does she get to know RM and Jimin but don't know J-hope. I believed she knows all 7 boys of BTS she just don't like J-hope cuz he doesn't fall within their beauty standard.
Shes attention seeker guys this woman is pabooya
TINA WALKER Maybe she just did not like him. I feel bad for Jhope as he has such a sweet, kind and friendly face. Even RM said he is the friendliest and most welcoming member in the whole group. That lady is just bias against him. It is her loss anyways as Jhope is well loved by most. But to be fair, regardless of how sweet, kind, famous, etc... anyone is, they cannot be liked by everyone.
Absolutely right if u clearly watch at 1:52 , both JHOPE and that girl said the name JHOPE.
100% sure she doesn't like him but she knew that he is JHOPE
@@tinawalker6770 he isn't their beauty standard well their loss. Westerns will appreciate him, the full package that he is
If i were that girl , I would have said J-hope's name firstly and didn't reject him .
I can see how much J Hope reacts to her, well jhope can still smiling in front of her.. that's the reason why 💕... jhope will not being rejected by any Army... So tough...
Hurt inside but smile still showing as nothing happened
Good job 👌 jhope I know you are the great one ✨
And that's why he is my bias because he has a great heart 💜💜💜💜
even if you don't know who J-Hope is, he is the best of those who were there! Hoseok, you are the best! ) borahae) it's good that she chose not him ))) keke
2:22 Namjoon is me.... Hoseok ah please give the rose to me or any other ARMY we will definitely treasure the rose forever.
2:11 she's literally me everytime i watch hoseok's dance
My heart broke into pieces after seeing him wiping his tears 😢
I was literally about to cry but my mother came took the phone from me 😭
When she said she didn’t know him and he was sad that broke my heart.
If I were that girl I will pick J-hope because I know that feeling when you got rejected . J-HOPE is our sunshine!!
Exactly my thought, looking at his eyes and seeing how deeply hurt he was, I would have chosen him even if I didn't know who he was.
Bruh, Twice was actually shook af when she didn’t know who Jhope is 😂
Do you like lankybox?
That woman ugh!!!
Nevermind, the world knows Hoseok /Jhope.. talented and handsome man
I love how everybody lost it as if he was giving the teacher a lap dance. He’s too powerful.
Jhope is the definition of beauty with good heart 💜
Give that rose to me i'll take not delaying even a sec jhope😆😆😆😆
The girl must have felt bad now for not choosing him!! So sad for her !! 💜 BTS
So sad for hobi i didn't felt sad about her she should learn a lesson respect everyone hobi did a dance for her 😒😒
I would pick hoseok in a heartbeat ! tsktsk
Its her badluck you know!!
If she don't know about him!!
Hobi oppa is the best
I love him from the bottom of my heart😍😍😍
I'm literally dead after watching this... OMG how can she do it???
I'm crying... If I was there I would obviously chose jhope
Don't worry HOBI me and all army's love and we will love you forever
Awwww I feel bad for him, I just want to give him a hug and choose him😢
J-Hope is cute ❤️❤️
I feel so bad for him ☹️ And despite of all that he was so charming and sweet 😢
I need rewatch episode of "Under nineteen" with him now! Because he was appreciated a lot in that one, it is heartwarming
Is that a show they appeared in ???
@@lelagregori ohh I remember that one.
Having this type of times, jhope still a prettiest soul and a good man .he didn't change . 😊💜 i'll always support him.
Jhope is my bias from beginning and forever, and I’m always so grateful to know him and having him in my life bc he’s the love of my life 🤍❤️🔥
*_I wonder why these variety shows are uploading a bunch of BTS episodes 🤔_*
don't act that you dont know
@Yuju Waterbottle exactly
they need money period
@Yuju Waterbottle bts doesn't need the help tho, their the biggest group in the world rn.
I think i know 😅
1:46 idk why but I felt sad at his expression while he was confessing. Kinda looked like he remembered the time with his ex
i just felt bad for hobi bcos he's not so famous 3 years old ago. but now .. there a lot of people love him💜. that's why i choose him as my bias and i will always support him 😘.
He looked really sad. I thought he would cry out but he is good at masking emotions. Hope is my bias and I would work hard to be at the girl's place. BTS teach us so many things. It ain't easy. Big hit used to chase around and now see. People are chasing around them even to get a glimpse of them. Namjoon taught me to be my own person. Seokjin taught me to always love myself. Yoongi taught me to work hard to overcome the difficulties. Hoseok taught me to be always positive and see the bright side. Jimin taught me to never let myself down because he knows I can do it. Taehyung taught me that small things can also give happiness. Jungkook taught me that no matter what you are, no one can stop you being passionate in something you love. No one is like BTS. They don't sing or dance. They show us a deep meaning behind everything. They are truly something.
Also! I should not forget about my family! ARMY taught me what is family. 🥺🥺💜💜 ARMYs are the best in my eyes. I love you all.
Yeaahh TRUUUUUEEE AMIII😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜 I felt reallyyy sad for Hobii, he doesn’t any that kind of woman, OUR HOBI has ARMYS from all around the world😭😭 I love all them, they taught us a lot of things, they are literally angels😭😭😍💜💜💜💜
This makes me so furious the way she treated Jhope the most handsome man alive
J-Hooooope... the Lovely Sunshine😍❤💕
You are so sweet, Luv U
I feel bad for Jhope yet he is still smiling 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Jung hoseok u r the brightest star in the whole universe.. U hv millions of ARMY supporting n loving u no matter what.. Nevermind all the rejections, god gives u an ARMY for u💜😍🤗
J hope is mostest favourite…. He is so handsome and his solo songs are great
That’s crazy bc jhope was the first person I actually knew and recognized when coming into the fandom 🤦🏾♀️🥺
Damn, how could you not choose J Hope, this is a mistake of a lifetime🤦♀️how I wanted to be in her place and choose someone from the BTS💜😍
2:11 If that woman ain't me anytime while watching hoseok's dance !!
I can't stop my tears after seeing this because they all are precious too like a diamond .
What the crazy girl .....😤😤😤😡
J-HOPE is really handsome man in the world with full fledged talent and beautiful heart 💜💜💜💜💜💜
He is the bestest dancer in the world 🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜💜💜💜
Woa, it's hurt. My sunshine T.T
At some point, this hurts me alot seeing jhope like that. But, I'm happy now that's jhope is lately being celebrities' favourites like Halsey, Drake and so on. Kinda shame on you teacher
Fun fact..
She doesn't know who is J HOPE
My SUNSHINE DOESN'T REMEMBER who she is... wow..🤣🤣🤣🤣
It was her lose, she may be really regretting now. Welp, millions of beautiful Armys are there for our Hobi. Flex💅💅💅
Jhope hyung we all true army loves you from our bottom of heart please don't get hurt, it's hurt to see a person who is our always sunshine and you get hurt, always remember we love you 😀😄😊😊😊😊🤩🤗🤗🤗🤗🤧😇
ANYWAYS, stream Hope World by Jung Hoseok from BTS lmao
When you click on something so fast
Edit: Wtf tho
I will whole heartedly accept the rose which Hobi is holding if I was the girl and right away I'll pass out 😂😂😂
Hobi is very sweet hearted he didn't mind. Even after that he had a big smile on his face and he sat back with flowers.🌞💖
My gosh, my sweet sunshine!!! He’s so so sooo sweet, gentle, kind and polite! The dance time!? My HEART!!!!!!! 🤯💘💘🤯 IF I didn’t know who he was, by the time he spoke and danced I would totally be into him... Seriously, my sweetest poor Hobiiii 😭💔