The name YHWH is sacred and should not be pronounced just like that, Hebrews believe whenever you say it it holds holiness and should be treated as the creator with proper care not putting it on everywhere beware of that,
@@The-illuminated Are U you speaking to the comment lot the Video's audio? ..I was under the impression that "God, the God of Israel" name was not known, and it was expressed as *"I am"* The fine tuning specifics of my interpretation of God, the Creator, the Source, the 1 and only God. Further, my interpretation of tll other uses of "the word god", being lower cap and made in references would be as the word lord is used in the British Social Ranking System. I offer these subscriptions as, it seems apparent that through time, variable contexts, variable interpretations, and variable translations = have come to create the greater arguments and all that's associated with same, are largely due to *"the communication of a given reference on a related subject to 'God' and the various party's interpreting the content of the communication."* Understand? i.e., an appropriate comment from one if the parties might be: *"What we have here, is a Failure to Communicate."* Curious as to your "interpretation",
@@bethbartlett5692 God does not have a name, the way the name YH... is found is from a holy man, when he asked God for something he revealed himself. The name meaning: I am, I was, I will be meaning he is time and time is immortal as was in the beginning so in the future. Alpha and omega, end and beginning, all powerful, all knowing. The name COULD also be translated as" Lord Behold the hammer behold the nail But this is speculations. As I said no matter what the name means we can assume it means everything sacred and holy and should not be written or said anywhere.
i love this song......and it is an honor to be on this playlist with many awesome musicians and beautiful songs! shalom, salaam, paz, namaste, peace! ahava! :) thank you.....
OK what is meaning of that hebrew word? I belive look at my hand it is nailed. God has to manifest in flesh and crucified in cross in order to save mankind from their sins.
Is that so easy? The gate guardians are three Holy Mighty Angels - and the gate will open only after you pronounce theirs names correctly. Please be careful what you are stating about holy realm. That Mantra take you there - but to open the gate - better you know what you are doing. Stay alive but death is very bad state of spirit. Compreendes???
Pero él les dijo: Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos, y meto el dedo en el lugar de los clavos, y pongo la mano en su costado, no creeré. Luego dijo a Tomás: Acerca aquí tu dedo, y mira mis manos; extiende aquí tu mano y métela en mi costado; y no seas incrédulo, sino creyente. le dijo: ¿Porque me has visto has creído? Dichosos los que no vieron, y sin embargo creyeron.
There is only one YHVA, He is Three in one, powerful, yet Humble, Joy and Truth, Loving and Kind. Mysterious, and Beautiful. Love is Patience Love is Kind. You O YAH, are my Strength within me. You Surround me like an army, Thousand times Thousands of Army Angles go before me. You YAH are like no One, But Able in All your ways , O my Strength. I want more Heavenly thoughts, keeping my mind stayed on Thee.
The God of Israel is The Creator of the Universe. The most serious sin that exists is to profane the Divine Name in Hebrew (It is also a sin to desecrate it in any language): "You shall not pronounce the name of the Eternal, your God, in vain, for the Eternal shall not hold him guiltless who utters his name in vain." (Exodus 20: 7) "And he cursed the son of the Israelite woman against the name of the Lord, and he cursed him, and they brought him before Moses, and his mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dirvri, of the tribe of Dan. And they put him in prison until the sentence dictated by the word of the Eternal came. And the Eternal spoke to Moses, saying, Bring out the blasphemer outside the camp, and let all who heard him put their hands on his head, and let all the congregation stone him. And you shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, "Any man who curses his God shall bear his sin; and whoever blasphemes against the true name of the Eternal will be irremediably killed; the whole congregation will stone him, be he a pilgrim or a native; when he blasphemes against the true name, he will be dead. (Leviticus 24: 11-16) The True Name of God, is only known by great Kabbalists who throughout his life studied the entire body of Jewish study and obeyed all the Law of the Most Rigorous Form Possible. The Other Names of God, should only be used in the Synagogue, Yeshiva, Wailing Wall and in Personal Prayer, on their knees and clean. To Ask for forgiveness for our Sins, Praise Him, Thank Him for Everything. That is why the Rabbis, The Talmud, forbid pronouncing The Divine Name. So that they do not Profane The Name of God and consequently so that those people do not die punished. That is why we must write GOD WITH A SCRIPT OR COMA ENTREMEDIO FOR NOT DEPRIVING THE NAME OF D, IOS. So if the Paper where the Name of God was written ends up on the floor or in the garbage, then The Name is not profaned. Then from now on we should only pronounce The Man Hashem or God of Israel (with hyphen or comma in between). And continue with the Prayer. And in a holy place like Synagogue or Yeshiva. Never in the bathroom. The Caraitas, Nehemia Gordon and Michael Rood are wrong: 1.- The Caraitas arose in the seventh century, along with other groups that did not accept the Talmud (It should be noted that the doctrine of Anan Ben David, disagrees a lot with the current doctrine Caraita). CENTURY VI -there are no caraitos V CENTURY -there are no caraitos CENTURY IV -there are no caraitos CENTURY III -there are no caraitos CENTURY II -there are no caraitos CENTURY I -there are no caraitos When the Caraitas appeared. Gaon Saadia and Maimonides (Great Talmudic Sages), easily refuted their arguments (Thank God of Israel). The Caraite Leaders, could not counterattack or refute Rabbinic Judaism. The Caraitas modified its main foundations, principles and bases. And then they interpreted various parts of the Torah, as the Rabbis had already done. After that period, Caraismo began to shrink and shrink. Until finally being marginalized. Today caraitas are only 40,000 in Israel. Less than 1% of the World Jewish Population. In The Holocaust, the Nazis declared them NOT JEWS. In the Russian Empire (19th century) they were considered NOT JEWS. For example: The Canon of the Tanakh that Caraitas opted for, is the same as that of the Rabbis (Pharisees, BUT DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF THE SADUCEOS AND ESENIOS. 2.- Nehemia Gordon is the son of an Orthodox Rabbi. But he left the Yeshiva because he did not like the Studio style (Mishnah, Guemara, Midrash, Tefila Amida, immersion in Mikve, hand washing). WHY A CARAITA (NEHEMIA GORDON) IS THE INTIMATE FRIEND OF A PAGANO IDOLATRA (MICHAEL ROOD) WHO ACCEPTS JESUS AS THE MESSIAH? Something that is sin according to the Strict Observance of the Torah The Sadducees, Essenes, KARAITAS, DO NOT ACCEPT JESUS AS THE MESSIAH. Seriously can someone have credibility for Nehemia Gordon? Look at your Photos on your Facebook. That inappropriate behavior. Fuss, childish, immature. Disagree with that of a Torah Scholar as for example ISAAC KADURI or OVADIA YOSEF. 3.- Michael Rood is a pagan idolater. accept Jesus as the Messiah. I wonder what michael rood will say to Nehemia Gordon about the fact that in the 960 scrolls found in Qumran, there is no mention of Jesus or his life or his apostles? Or about the more than 50 apocryphal gospels? Will Michael Rood know that on the Caraita website, the New Testament is unmasked in a mocking tone? Messianic Judaism is emerging (19th century). Christianity had its beginnings with the Roman Empire (Constantine) and the Catholic Church and then the 99999999 Protestant sects (with the Reformation of Martin Luther-XVIth century). The entire New Testament was elaborated by the Catholic Church (obviating the 50 apocryphal gospels). The 10 Martires of the Catholic Church canonized by the Catholic Church, but overlooked by the Protestant sects and MESSIANIC SECTS. Why do you think Michael Rood easily changed the Name of God?Because his doctrine is false, erroneous, distorted, biased, arbitrary. That is why He is voluble and constantly changes principles (WHICH DISCREP WITH THOSE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, PROTECTING SECTS AND MESSIANIC SECTS). CENTURY XVIII -There are no MEsianicos Jews XVII CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY XVI -There are no MEsianicos Jews XV CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews XIV CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews 13TH CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews XII CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews ELEVENTH CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews X CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews 9TH CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY VIII -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY VII -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY VI -There are no MEsianicos Jews V CENTURY -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY IV -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY III -There are no MEsianicos Jews CENTURY II -There are no MEsianicos Jews - Pharisees, Essenes, Sadducees, SAMARITANS (NEUTRALS), did not accept jesus de nazareth as El Mesias. Because they never saw the fictitious events mentioned in the Gospels. We all must Worship the God of Israel, Obey the Torah, as the Ultra Orthodox Chassidic Rabbis.
Carlos, error, en ningún momento el mandamiento dice: No pronunciaras. Sino que dice; NO USARÁS EL NOMBRE EN VANO. En la kabalah aparece el nombre del Eterno como HaVaYaH.
Can anyone tell me if this practice is Pagan? Do you guys still believe in Jesus Christ as the savoir who took the punishment for the sins of mankind so they those who believe in him will have eternal life?
Richard Wise it’s not pagan Yod Hey vau Hey means Yahweh Yahweh being our Lord Yahweh also derives to Yeshuah Yeshuah being Jesus You are singing a mantra to your Lord Jesus Christ
It just comes down to whom we imitate. Can you point to somebody in the Bible who you can say chanted like this? Paul said imitate me as I imitate Christ. When I come to pages like this I wonder if this is produced by people who are imitating Christ. I don’t recognise this behaviour in the Word of God, so I stay clear of it. I have the same approach to yoga. Yoga practitioners are not imitating Christ therefore they are imitating somebody else.
Light Wolf Productions I think the comments about pagans is probably more in reference to the chanting. Paul said “imitate me as I imitate Christ“ From what I can tell, Jesus did not participate in chanting Therefore, who exactly does one imitate one imitate when chanting?
Thank you for the 20 minutesvof relief! Yod Hay Vav Hay!
Magnifico, estou membro Daniel Atalla ...Eu sou espirito eterno vivenciando uma experiência humana
Amen amen amen Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh ❤🦁👑🙌💯
HalleluYah! Praise the name of YHWH. Forever and ever and ever more.
The name YHWH is sacred and should not be pronounced just like that, Hebrews believe whenever you say it it holds holiness and should be treated as the creator with proper care not putting it on everywhere beware of that,
Are U you speaking to the comment lot the Video's audio?
..I was under the impression that "God, the God of Israel" name was not known, and it was expressed as *"I am"*
The fine tuning specifics of my interpretation of God, the Creator, the Source, the 1 and only God.
Further, my interpretation of tll other uses of "the word god", being lower cap and made in references would be as the word lord is used in the British Social Ranking System.
I offer these subscriptions as, it seems apparent that through time, variable contexts, variable interpretations, and variable translations = have come to create the greater arguments and all that's associated with same, are largely due to *"the communication of a given reference on a related subject to 'God' and the various party's interpreting the content of the communication."*
Understand? i.e., an appropriate comment from one if the parties might be:
*"What we have here, is a Failure to Communicate."*
Curious as to your "interpretation",
@@bethbartlett5692 God does not have a name, the way the name YH... is found is from a holy man, when he asked God for something he revealed himself. The name meaning:
I am, I was, I will be meaning he is time and time is immortal as was in the beginning so in the future. Alpha and omega, end and beginning, all powerful, all knowing.
The name COULD also be translated as"
Behold the hammer behold the nail
But this is speculations.
As I said no matter what the name means we can assume it means everything sacred and holy and should not be written or said anywhere.
@@The-illuminated Hashem bless you
Absolutamente bello
Me da paz interior...
Gracias, Gracias y Gracias.. SHALOM...
Boa noite (7:54 pm - 03.09.2022)
J. Cardoso
Boa Vista-Roraima-Brasil
i love this song......and it is an honor to be on this playlist with many awesome musicians and beautiful songs! shalom, salaam, paz, namaste, peace! ahava! :) thank you.....
shalom aleijem que elohim os bendiga a todos vosotros que ven este vídeo
CALEB RUIZ Así sea también en tu vida.
I come in agreement with you in this prayers and others in Jeshua mighty
This vibrated throughout my whole body! Loved it.
This song is truly beautiful to listen to. It makes you forget everything and focus on the present
Y.h.w.h yodi wa wi hay 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
"Thankx for sharing this! What a beautiful and relaxing way to ease the mind and SPIRIT!"
Felita McElroy Blessed Love
Yod He Vau He forever Yehovah I love you. Abba
This is beautiful ❤ Thank you 🙏🏼
Just lovely!
Que Hermosa Melodia!
Que hermoso mensaje
perfect! takes me into another dimension
There is ONE TRUTH that is YHVH
Touches the soul
This was absolutely amazing! Thank you!
Absolutely beautiful ! 🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤
Gratidão amorosa ❤
Oh dear Hashem bless you
It's actually Yod He VAV He.
Devil's in the detail- chill out ✌️
No, it's Yod He WAW He.
That's the original old Hebrew pronunciation...
Thank you for this, as our Assembly uses it for prayer time. And in private time prayer
OK what is meaning of that hebrew word? I belive look at my hand it is nailed. God has to manifest in flesh and crucified in cross in order to save mankind from their sins.
He did already
Jai masih ki nd god bless you all frnds
how the fuck did i get from the satan is real music video to this in like four clicks
😂I was listening to Therion....ooops
Is there any chance you could make this prayer music about 3 hours long
Yod He Vau He pronounce it right
to open the gates of heaven
and live in the light
jasongroom1 children of the law of one reader? awesome! do you still read and or use the teachings?
eliybeats yesssss
Is that so easy? The gate guardians are three Holy Mighty Angels - and the gate will open only after you pronounce theirs names correctly. Please be careful what you are stating about holy realm. That Mantra take you there - but to open the gate - better you know what you are doing. Stay alive but death is very bad state of spirit. Compreendes???
Baruj HaShem
eliybeats I have almost finished reading that book
Yod Hay Vav Hay: YAH VEH!
What hz is this tuned to??
God bless all ❤
YOd hA vahv hA. YahOvah.
Yod He Vav He
What happens if you're sincere and chant this? Can an Evocation take place for an Awakening?
I'd say
I would have love to meditate with this but the advertisement do not allow me to do so, so its useless for me
When the video starts click to the end and then restart the video.
@@Alicott ty! I didn't know!
Who is this by?
Exodus 34:5
Yud = Mano
Heih = Contemplar u Observar
Waw = Clavo
Heih = Contemplar u Observar
Yud Heih Waw Heih = Contempla la Mano Observa el Clavo
Pero él les dijo: Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos, y meto el dedo en el lugar de los clavos, y pongo la mano en su costado, no creeré.
Luego dijo a Tomás: Acerca aquí tu dedo, y mira mis manos; extiende aquí tu mano y métela en mi costado; y no seas incrédulo, sino creyente.
le dijo: ¿Porque me has visto has creído? Dichosos los que no vieron, y sin embargo creyeron.
Neville Goddard.. Todos olvidan qe el practicaba meditaciones Kabbalisticas y por eso dominaba el arte de la creacion deliberada.
Contempla la mano observa el clavo que simboliza?
Jason, can you make this longer for soaking in His Presence?
Put it on a loop. It's continuous then
Remember, no idols.
There is no truth. There is no Love. There is only you. And you have been chosen to create .
It's a demonic lie..
This is a deception
There’s 7 billion versions of you, feeling various things. You have chosen to observe at most.
Um 😶
There is only one YHVA, He is Three in one, powerful, yet Humble, Joy and Truth, Loving and Kind. Mysterious, and Beautiful. Love is Patience Love is Kind. You O YAH, are my Strength within me. You Surround me like an army, Thousand times Thousands of Army Angles go before me. You YAH are like no One, But Able in All your ways , O my Strength. I want more Heavenly thoughts, keeping my mind stayed on Thee.
Variante: YE He Wau Ha - entrada do Chi e saiida de Chi com modulacao energetica do espirito vivo em noos.. Amem
The God of Israel is The Creator of the Universe. The most serious sin that exists is to profane the Divine Name in Hebrew (It is also a sin to desecrate it in any language):
"You shall not pronounce the name of the Eternal, your God, in vain, for the Eternal shall not hold him guiltless who utters his name in vain."
(Exodus 20: 7)
"And he cursed the son of the Israelite woman against the name of the Lord, and he cursed him, and they brought him before Moses, and his mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dirvri, of the tribe of Dan.
And they put him in prison until the sentence dictated by the word of the Eternal came.
And the Eternal spoke to Moses, saying, Bring out the blasphemer outside the camp, and let all who heard him put their hands on his head, and let all the congregation stone him.
And you shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, "Any man who curses his God shall bear his sin; and whoever blasphemes against the true name of the Eternal will be irremediably killed; the whole congregation will stone him, be he a pilgrim or a native; when he blasphemes against the true name, he will be dead.
(Leviticus 24: 11-16)
The True Name of God, is only known by great Kabbalists who throughout his life studied the entire body of Jewish study and obeyed all the Law of the Most Rigorous Form Possible.
The Other Names of God, should only be used in the Synagogue, Yeshiva, Wailing Wall and in Personal Prayer, on their knees and clean. To Ask for forgiveness for our Sins, Praise Him, Thank Him for Everything.
That is why the Rabbis, The Talmud, forbid pronouncing The Divine Name. So that they do not Profane The Name of God and consequently so that those people do not die punished.
That is why we must write GOD WITH A SCRIPT OR COMA ENTREMEDIO FOR NOT DEPRIVING THE NAME OF D, IOS. So if the Paper where the Name of God was written ends up on the floor or in the garbage, then The Name is not profaned.
Then from now on we should only pronounce The Man Hashem or God of Israel (with hyphen or comma in between). And continue with the Prayer. And in a holy place like Synagogue or Yeshiva. Never in the bathroom.
The Caraitas, Nehemia Gordon and Michael Rood are wrong:
1.- The Caraitas arose in the seventh century, along with other groups that did not accept the Talmud (It should be noted that the doctrine of Anan Ben David, disagrees a lot with the current doctrine Caraita).
-there are no caraitos
-there are no caraitos
-there are no caraitos
-there are no caraitos
-there are no caraitos
-there are no caraitos
When the Caraitas appeared. Gaon Saadia and Maimonides (Great Talmudic Sages), easily refuted their arguments (Thank God of Israel).
The Caraite Leaders, could not counterattack or refute Rabbinic Judaism. The Caraitas modified its main foundations, principles and bases. And then they interpreted various parts of the Torah, as the Rabbis had already done.
After that period, Caraismo began to shrink and shrink. Until finally being marginalized. Today caraitas are only 40,000 in Israel. Less than 1% of the World Jewish Population.
In The Holocaust, the Nazis declared them NOT JEWS. In the Russian Empire (19th century) they were considered NOT JEWS.
For example: The Canon of the Tanakh that Caraitas opted for, is the same as that of the Rabbis (Pharisees, BUT DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF THE SADUCEOS AND ESENIOS.
2.- Nehemia Gordon is the son of an Orthodox Rabbi. But he left the Yeshiva because he did not like the Studio style (Mishnah, Guemara, Midrash, Tefila Amida, immersion in Mikve, hand washing).
Seriously can someone have credibility for Nehemia Gordon? Look at your Photos on your Facebook. That inappropriate behavior. Fuss, childish, immature. Disagree with that of a Torah Scholar as for example ISAAC KADURI or OVADIA YOSEF.
3.- Michael Rood is a pagan idolater. accept Jesus as the Messiah.
I wonder what michael rood will say to Nehemia Gordon about the fact that in the 960 scrolls found in Qumran, there is no mention of Jesus or his life or his apostles? Or about the more than 50 apocryphal gospels? Will Michael Rood know that on the Caraita website, the New Testament is unmasked in a mocking tone?
Messianic Judaism is emerging (19th century). Christianity had its beginnings with the Roman Empire (Constantine) and the Catholic Church and then the 99999999 Protestant sects (with the Reformation of Martin Luther-XVIth century). The entire New Testament was elaborated by the Catholic Church (obviating the 50 apocryphal gospels). The 10 Martires of the Catholic Church canonized by the Catholic Church, but overlooked by the Protestant sects and MESSIANIC SECTS.
Why do you think Michael Rood easily changed the Name of God?Because his doctrine is false, erroneous, distorted, biased, arbitrary. That is why He is voluble and constantly changes principles (WHICH DISCREP WITH THOSE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, PROTECTING SECTS AND MESSIANIC SECTS).
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
-There are no MEsianicos Jews
- Pharisees, Essenes, Sadducees, SAMARITANS (NEUTRALS), did not accept jesus de nazareth as El Mesias. Because they never saw the fictitious events mentioned in the Gospels.
We all must Worship the God of Israel, Obey the Torah, as the Ultra Orthodox Chassidic Rabbis.
I know his name but I never pronounce it as written
Carlos, error, en ningún momento el mandamiento dice: No pronunciaras. Sino que dice; NO USARÁS EL NOMBRE EN VANO.
En la kabalah aparece el nombre del Eterno como HaVaYaH.
Es la pronunciación correcta.
Can anyone tell me if this practice is Pagan? Do you guys still believe in Jesus Christ as the savoir who took the punishment for the sins of mankind so they those who believe in him will have eternal life?
Richard Wise it’s not pagan
Yod Hey vau Hey means Yahweh
Yahweh being our Lord
Yahweh also derives to Yeshuah
Yeshuah being Jesus
You are singing a mantra to your Lord Jesus Christ
This specific chant (mantra) tells about the Christ, thousands of years before his coming
This is a hebrew Jewish mantra and not in any way Christian
It just comes down to whom we imitate. Can you point to somebody in the Bible who you can say chanted like this? Paul said imitate me as I imitate Christ.
When I come to pages like this I wonder if this is produced by people who are imitating Christ. I don’t recognise this behaviour in the Word of God, so I stay clear of it. I have the same approach to yoga. Yoga practitioners are not imitating Christ therefore they are imitating somebody else.
Light Wolf Productions I think the comments about pagans is probably more in reference to the chanting. Paul said “imitate me as I imitate Christ“
From what I can tell, Jesus did not participate in chanting Therefore, who exactly does one imitate one imitate when chanting?
Transported to GLORY
por favor amigo corrigir : Yud Heh Vav Heh
Te lo dan así para no tomar el nombre divino
@Un Gnowm recuerda que no es j
(yod he vau he) ( iod heve vau he) yo soy el que soy, divinidad hembra macho
eheieh asher eheieh es varon de guerra!!!
Ehiè Asher Ehiè o Eheieh
Ese es el Nombre dado a Moshè
He-Yod-He--Alef deletreadas Derecha ,Izquierda- valor 21= La Luz de la Zarza Ardiente
Namasté _/|\_
fiat voluntas tua.
Is this a Christian chant?
Do Christian call on the name of the most high no
It should be, it tells of the Christ
89th comment was requested.
My uncle made dis
Ad INTERRUPTION ruined the meditation at 3 minutes? Sorry I trusted you.
The advertisement is the reason I wont be subscribing to the channel.
I just Worship Father; Not religion; I don't hate Moses or Jesus; But I absolutely hate religion.