Changing Beliefs Part 8 - The Creative Process - The Creating

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • With the understanding of how the asking happens for what we want, in Part 7, Part 8 moves on to how those things we want are created. This will further show you how faulty our beliefs are and just how easy life really is. This is why this information about The Creative Process is so important, it allows us to change the way we think about life, which changes our beliefs, our energy and life.

ความคิดเห็น • 10

  • @winiletshabalala7060
    @winiletshabalala7060 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thank you 🙏for such lovely simple direct teachings⭐️

  • @jordan555garnet
    @jordan555garnet 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Spirit (The Inner Being) really just wants us to relax and stay poised while we receive..
    Great video as always!

    • @brianwithers357
      @brianwithers357  20 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Thank you. This is a simple concept to understand but practiced by few because of the faulty beliefs about how life works that we grew up with. The whole point of this video series is to get people reconnected with how easy life is and relax, let go to receive the details, and how we can learn to do that.

  • @palobar9974
    @palobar9974 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Ι am very grateful for this video series. Over the past months, I have invested so much time on this topic. I have watched each of your videos many times. The slides are very helpful and provide a nice overview of the process. In these first 25 videos, we have not discussed the "how to" change a belief. I kindly ask you to provide a clear and specific example in any area (money preferably, relationships etc) of what a person could do in his daily life to change a particular belief (circumstance). For the whole process, of course people can refer to your books. I get the feeling that we are giving a wonderful description of the house outside but we are not opening the door to get inside. If I'm missing something, I am happy to go through the videos again. Thank you.

    • @brianwithers357
      @brianwithers357  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Thank you for your comment and for sticking with these video series. This is going to be a long answer. I am going to give you a direct answer to your question but before I do, let me say this. If you were to go to aviation school to learn how to fly an airplane would you, after 2 months express to the instructor, can you just tell me how to fly the plane, I just want to fly the plane. The instructor would let you know that you will be able to fly the plane but first you must have knowledge to study and be tested so you understand. And then you work with a pilot and then you can fly on your own, but that takes months. You would understand that and be OK with it, well learning to change beliefs is something like that. The first series I did was to make everyone aware of who we really are and how life really works and why were were not living the good life we came for, which are, as the videos showed because as a child we recorded the repetitive messaging we received and they became our faulty / limiting beliefs. These beliefs are now running our life as I showed and I also showed what has to happen to change the beliefs, generally speaking, that process of displacement, new daily repetitive messaging that replaces the old limiting beliefs with a natural high vibration belief that supports our desires. In this new series I am showing the basis by which we can choose new thoughts in our daily life so we change our faulty beliefs and thus our vibration on any topic is a match to what we want and it can manifest. So the process is like this. Let's say you are experiencing a lack of money, or less than you want. That means for sure you have a limiting belief because it is natural for money (or anything else) to flow through your experience effortlessly as you like. The limiting beliefs would be something like money is hard to come by, you have to work hard for it, you have to know the right people, there are only so many hours in the day, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer . . . there are endless limiting beliefs about money. And what happens is that as we see the physical world show us that limiting belief we tend to get caught up in that physical reality and think the same old thoughts and that is the cycle most people are in and on all aspects of life. So the answer to your question is this and don't be surprised if it does not make sense you yet before hearing the rest of this series. In order to change a lack belief in money to an abundance belief as part of our daily life 1) when you want money to flow you have to have a reason that you believe it can flow as you want instead of how it has been flowing, and what you have been believing. You have to have new information that makes the old belief sound ridiculous, false and nonsense because it really is and until this happens that old belief cannot change. This is what the current series is giving you, a reason to believe something new and different such that you can feel the (emotional) presence of the money you want even in current physical life where it is absent. This is 100% essential that you learn to do this. 2) to go along with a reason to believe that money can flow as you want, you are also going to have demonstrate to yourself that your desires can manifest effortlessly, and you can do this by setting easy daily intentions like seeing a red car or yellow balloon and they show up without you doing anything. Then you can reach for more, like someone buying you cup of coffee for example. The point is you must learn to trust The Creative Process meaning that everything you want is setup for you to receive effortlessly which happens when you have no resistance and easy intentions involve no money, no time or not commitment so no resistance other than many people look for them to manifest and that's resistance, we must learn to let go and trust. 3) Between where you are where you want to be is a path of details that your Inner Being sets up for you to receive what you want. In order to receive this path, consistent feel good thought energy is required during your day. So if anything is upsetting or bothering you, you are not receiving the path and most people go through a variety of negative and positive emotion in the day and so that doesn't change anything, you need consistent positive / high vibration thought energy. So, you can see you have to learn to feel good in all situations, all times, with all people, all day, every day. And right now, with faulty beliefs, that is quite a challenge, it takes time to restore our positive emotional frame of mind and be able to process everything, no matter what it is in a way that feels good because the law of attraction is listening in each moment. So if you got an unexpected bill and you don't have the money in your account, you got to know how to feel good. If someone runs into your new care and they drive away before you know who it is, you got to feel good. If your doctor gives you news you don't like you got to feel good. If your child's teacher sends a note home about trouble, you got to feel good. If you spouse up and leaves you got to feel good. As you can see most people would not have a clue how to continue to feel good in those situations but yet there is a way and until we learn it, nothing changes. When people do the 20 week program in my first book I say don't even try to change anything until you are done the book, because only then are even ready to start doing the daily work that begins to change the beliefs. And here is another thing. Faulty beliefs have momentum and that first has to be slowed and stopped before releasing it. This means as you start to respond to something in your life you don't like instead of reacting negatively. You are going to have to do that consistently for a few months before the energy changes. Most people do not realize this either. So you can see there is a great deal to changing beliefs but if you keep watching you are going to get a better understanding. And the series are not meant to replace my books, there are no shortcuts, they are meant to give enough information and awareness that a person can decide if they want to learn what it takes to restore our natural high vibration life that we came for. There are many years put into the writing of those books and I give free support for them. I am very passionate to raise the awareness and know-how for people to take charge of their life using their powerful mind. So consider yourself in school and keep watching and learning, it will increasingly make more sense. I could sum it all up like this. If you were to go through your days feeling good at all times, you would be changing your beliefs, and within thirty days you would start to see changes because when you feel good, you have no resistance and everything naturally flows to you, but try it, see how many days you can go in a row without feeling negative emotion for any more that say 1 minute before you shift back to feeling good. Most people can't make it through 1 day. But that is not surprising based on what we have been taught. So now it's time for new education.

    • @palobar9974
      @palobar9974 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@brianwithers357 Thank you for taking the time to provide this long response. Much appreciated!! I apologize for taking so long to respond. The week you posted your reply I broke up with my girlfriend. I have tried to feel good but it has not been easy. I'm going to watch very carefully every video of this series again In your response, I am very glad you discussed the lack of money. Personally, I grew up in an environment where money was scarce. Having food on the table was a big issue for my family. When I started working in a large consulting firm I worked very hard but kept watching the others climb the corporate ladder. I was complaining all the time and felt that life was unfair to me. After a few years, I changed my mindset. I said to myself "Brian really deserved that promotion", that's when things changed. I received a job offer with a crazy salary (2x what I was receiving). Every month, I checked my bank account and couldn't believe it. The environment was very toxic, and my salary was probably far beyond the level that I could emotionally handle or perhaps thought I deserved. Four years ago, I left the corporate world and moved to a lovely Greek island to do what I love, study and trade the markets. I started doing well, but at some point, I reached a certain level (a resistance, like a wall) that no matter how hard I worked I just could not breakthrough that financial level. This is when I realized that most likely I had some hidden beliefs that were holding me back. I trust the universe and hope that your videos and your book will help. Thank you again for making these videos!!
      ps I have watched countless other videos on this subject, but unfortunately I didn't find the answers I was looking for.

  • @fatboy1993v
    @fatboy1993v 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Let’s say I want to have good friends, if I keep saying and being aware that I have great friends, my inner being will sort it out. But I need to keep the internal talk the same, no matter what the outside is showing?

    • @brianwithers357
      @brianwithers357  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      You are on the right track, let me add, you can emotionally feel the experience of great friends right now even if your physical reality is not yet that way. When you use your powerful thinking mind to hold the positive emotional energy of the experience you want, despite current conditions, you are a vibrational match to the desire wanted and it's on the way, and yes all details are taken care by your Inner Being for you to receive this desire in a very satisfying way. Those details are in your daily life and don't necessarily look like they are related to the desire but all feel good in your day is the path and you receive, thoughts, ideas, right time, right place, inspired action etc. Now another very important thing to remember is that where you are today and where you want to be with regard to great friends, there is a path of details (manifestations) that take you there. All of these details are high vibration, so not only do you have to feel the emotional presence of what you want, but you also have to feel good in all matters of your day to receive the path of details that take you there. Most people don't understand this and think feeling good about the desire is enough, it's not. If you are feeling the emotional presence but going through your day feeling upset and bothered about things, you can't receive the details that move you to receiving the desire, you must process all things in your day in a way that leaves you consistently feeling positive emotion.

    • @hoyvey
      @hoyvey 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@brianwithers357so good and helpful. I’ll be buying the book. Thank you Brian

    • @fatboy1993v
      @fatboy1993v 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@brianwithers357 🫶