church of God, Cleveland... has taught me so much worthless garbage! I am reading (Bible) a lot.. so that it is flushing through me & coming out my nostrils.. I'm gonna listen to this again
An excellent exposition from Justin. So clear to understand why the gifts have ceased dispite the claims of many in the Pentecost/Charasmatic teaching. Now I know why folk were repeating the same words "in tongues" over and over again year in year out at the church I went too. I used to think I had more words in English than they did in tongues! Thankyou Justin for such a clear explains what we now have in Christ.
Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says. The gifts never stop until the perfect one comes. People like this false teacher is why you and the so called 'Church' has been so negligent and weak. No more and you will either get with the truth or fade away.
@@W.451No it was Peter and Peters church is for the unsaved Israel, after the body of Christ has gone home to our father in heaven. This teaching makes perfect sense.The chance to Gospel af Christ is later, so this statement is for Israel in the 70th week of Daniel.
I would say that one of my arguments out be... If the gifts of the spirit in regards to healing, miracles, tongues, prophecy, etc, have creased and died with the Apostles of the completion of the canon, please explain why there are an abundance of accounts after the first century, of miracles, tongues, foreseeing of certain events, miraculous cures, exorcising of demons, etc.? I can even cite the quotes from the early church fathers and theologians if i need to.
Because he is deceived/deceiving. LUKE WROTE Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says. The gifts never stop until the perfect one comes. People like this false teacher is why you and the so called 'Church' has been so negligent and weak. No more and you will either get with the truth or fade away.
@@nancylovelace6544 Because he is deceived/deceiving. LUKE WROTE Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
i'm still a bit confused as to if/when the spiritual gifts have stopped because the Corinthian church had them. i understand the Corinthian church was 'childish' so does that mean there is a place for spiritual gifts today in churches like the Corinthian church that haven't grown up? if Spiritual gifts stopped when the mystery was revealed to Paul why did the Corinthian church have them after this?
Because he is deceived/deceiving. Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
@@W.451Peter said this in Acts 2, not Paul. Paul (Saul) wasn’t even mentioned until Acts 7. His encounter with Jesus was in Acts 9. Then Paul received further revelation from Jesus Christ through the years as recorded in his epistles.
@@dalhuset The apostle Paul is mentioned in Acts 2 in a few ways: The Church Paul described the Church as a divine secret that was revealed in New Testament times. The Holy Spirit Paul told the Ephesian believers to "be filled with the Spirit" rather than to be drunk on wine. The Community of Believers Paul said that each member of a church needs the ministry of the other members, and vice versa. The Spokesman for the Christian Community Paul was the spokesman for the Christian community, and Luke says he was largely responsible for the community's growth in the early days. Acts portrays Paul as a committed Jew who continued to practice Judaism while preaching Jesus' message.
@@W.451 Paul is not mentioned in Acts 2. At that time he was in unbelief and persecuting the Jews who believed Jesus was their prophesied messiah. He was consenting unto Stephen’s death by stoning.
@@dalhuset Scholars far smarter than you show his work was. All that was written years after. Is your comprehension that grade school? The Book of Acts, also known as Acts of the Apostles, was likely written between 60 and 90 CE. However, there is a range of opinion on the exact date due to the lack of clear chronological markers in Biblical writings. Here are some factors that scholars consider when dating the Book of Acts: When Paul was imprisoned in Rome The earliest possible date for the book is around 62 CE, when Paul was imprisoned in Rome. The use of Mark as a source Some scholars believe that the book uses Mark as a source, which would suggest a date of 80-90 CE. The destruction of Jerusalem The book looks back on the destruction of Jerusalem, which would also suggest a date of 80-90 CE. The Pauline letters The book does not show any awareness of the letters of Paul, which began circulating late in the first century. The Jesus movement The early 60s was a time when the Jesus movement was entering its second generation. The spread of the Jesus movement The period 80-90 CE was a time when the Jesus movement spread both geographically and ethnically.
I love the New Creation teaching but claiming that is what Paul was referring to concerning the end of the charismata is a major stretch. There is nothing wrong with simply saying “we don’t know when spiritual gifts stopped”. That would be a lot more honest and accurate than saying that Paul was referring to Bible “canonization” like many of the other cessationists do.🎚📖🙏🏼
The reason we Acts 28ers believe that Ephesians was written after Acts 28 is that the middle wall of partition was still up when Paul spoke of the hope of Israel for which he was bound by chains. I realize you’re all Mid Acts so I’m not trying to change your minds, just clarifying the Acts 28 position. We are all in the unity of the faith!
Sorry, bro, but you're wrong in this. Do we no longer "know in part?" Have we been "face to face" and now "know as we are known?" If we "know even as we are known," we will no longer need Faith and Hope, but both faith and hope remain until this day because we do not KNOW as we are known: we are still seeing through the glass darkly. But then, face to face we shall know as we are known. None of us have that yet. When we see Him, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. When the knowledge is come (know as we are known) we won't need faith and hope, why hope for what you already see? I just get the feeling you're dancing around the "when" and "why" of the spiritual gifts being done away with, that Paul tells us exactly when and exactly why. WHEN, "THEN face to face, we will know even as we are known. WHY: because we know in part, but THEN we will know as we are known. The "what" of that which is perfect, Paul doesn't come right out and say it, probably because he assumes the reader to already know what that is. But he did use the "face to face" wording, which typically means only one thing: face to face with Christ. There is some serious power found in praying in tongues, it's no wonder why Satan wants the Body of Christ to not use it.
@@jk11222 if you're referring to Timothy's "frequent" stomach issues, we don't know that Timothy didn't get healed over and over again. All we know from that little mention in scripture is that Timothy had the problem often and that Paul suggests that he stop drinking the water but drink a little wine instead. Sounds to me like the water is bad and is causing these frequent issues for Timothy. I hardly think it's something to solidify a doctrine over. That would be walking by sight and not by faith. For example: in Matthew 17 the Disciples could not cast the demon out of the boy. Most of the church today stops right there and makes a doctrine out of the boy not getting healed because it "obviously" wasn't God's will to heal him. Except that God did come and heal the boy. When the Disciples asked how come they couldn't cast out the demon, Jesus answered them saying, "because of your unbelief..." Jesus didn't have the issue of unbelief, but the Disciples did, eventhough they just got back from a healing and casting out demons crusade. Jesus could not do many mighty works in His hometown except heal a few, because of THEIR unbelief. It's difficult to say that it wasn't God's will to heal all of them, when He was marveling at their unbelief. Mark 6:4-6. Again, not something to build doctrine on: salvation will be pushed on no one, it's by Grace through faith. Maybe look up the true definition of the word Salvation. Paul saw a man who had faith to be healed when Paul was preaching. Acts 14. So what was it that Paul was preaching where this guy believed ( and it showed in his countenance: it could be seen physically), and no one else did? Acts 14:7 tells us exactly what Paul was preaching: the Gospel. In James chapter 5 we're told that the prayer of faith will heal the sick. But the way most Christians see healing today is that if it's God's will to heal then He will heal on a case by case basis. But James 5:15 says the prayer of faith will heal the sick. The prayer heals. It doesn't say pray in faith and God will heal, no, because God already did His part. We just need to receive it by faith. Think of it this way: if you are not absolutely certain that it is God's perfect will to heal everyone, how do you pray a "prayer of faith?" The best you could do is a prayer of hope, but that isn't what James says will heal the sick: the prayer of faith is what heals the sick. But keep in mind, as we see in scripture the one praying and the one being prayed for must believe and have no unbelief. By His stripes we are already healed. He already took the stripes, so healing is already ours for the taking, just as James 5 tells us Elias commands the sky not to rain. He didn't command God to stop the rain, he commanded the sky. That's how we command healing and we do it by faith that it is God's will and He already bought and paid for our healing.
@@bugsocsollie1694 There is no mention in scripture that the people whom Paul had healed had faith and that Timothy and Tropimus did not have faith to believe in Paul’s gift of healings. To imply that both Timothy and Trophimus had no faith in healings and thus Paul could not heal them because they were in unbelief is a conjecture at best. The gift of healing is not necessary in this age of grace because one needs to go by faith not by sight. For unbelievers, they only need to believe by faith that Jesus died and rose again for the forgiveness of their sins to be saved. They don’t have to see healing miracles to be saved. That’s why Paul emphasised charity.
@@jk11222 I'm not saying they have to see healing miracles to be saved. I'm saying that most of them will not believe in healing miracles (do not believe in healing miracles) because they do not see it. They even justify their unbelief by what they see in scripture. Either way, they are in fact walking by sight and not by faith. Healing isn't just a gift, it's a promise. Isaiah 53:5, Proverbs 4:22, Psalm 91 (especially verses 1 to 2) All the promises of God are Yes, and Amen in Christ. I take it you do not believe that salvation is God's will for everyone??? Or maybe you do not believe salvation means salvation but means "eternal life" only??? But since you seem to be a right divider of truth, let me ask you this way: Which part of Christ's Body does He not deserve to be completely made whole in? Yes, we are in Christ in a spiritual sense, by faith. Every blessing we receive from the Spiritual realm is by faith. Even if the one and only blessing we receive from the spiritual realm is forgiveness and justification, it comes from the spiritual realm through faith. Romas 8:11 says that Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will also give life to our mortal bodies, not to our new immortal bodies, but our mortal bodies. That same Holy Spirit is exactly what makes our mortal bodies a Temple because He is in our bodies. Can sickness, death, disease, demons live where He is? But it still needs to be received by Grace through faith. ...and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Salvation means so much more than just living eternally later on, it's life now until eternity. But you don't have to believe this to have eternal life later on. But you do have to believe it to pray that prayer of faith for healing. I'm so glad I found this truth before learning to rightly divide. It has saved me and my family and friends countless times. Do you have scriptural reasons for not believing it's God's will to heal every member of Christ's Body? Or is it just traditional teaching against it that you're clinging to, or by other circumstances in scripture you're seeing? You've got to admit, I've given you some pretty compelling evidence for believing it.
@@bugsocsollie1694 Healing was a promise to Israel. Now, actually it’s not necessary for us to be healed by someone with the gift of healing. We are healed by God by faith.
Are aware that God said no Symbols? why do people stay in traditions when God said to avoid them? The bible speaks of Tammuz. When you learn about Tammuz the incarnated (Son of BA'Al), you learn that his symbol was the cross. then you research when the cross was used in Christianity you learn that it was not used until 200AD Then you learn that the translations for cross is also stake. Then you learn the ancient statues of Christ on a stake were around before the cross. Then you have to admit that Rome mixed babylonian Greek practice with Christianity. Then you have to ask if the cross was a well known satanic symbol, did Jesus say pick up your satanic symbol or pick up your stake? I'm willing to bet he said stake. This is the same transliteration used to trick the masses into satanic pagan worship. God said no symbols yet in pride and tradition everyone displays this pagan symbol in remembrance of Christ. I bet that just makes God want to puke
@Ash Jesus Let me clarify. Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are the same, just as you said. But He worked differently at certain times. Holy Ghost was given to LF with power and Holy Spirit seals the believer when they are saved. Would you say that's what the Bible teaches?
@Ash Jesus So would you say this is LF doctrine? That's what I'm seeing here.... 1 Thessalonians 1:5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. Would you say that this is the gospel that Paul stated in Romans 1:1-4? 1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) 3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: And would you also say that neither of these passages are talking about the Gospel of the Grace of God by which the BOC is saved today?
@Ash Jesus All great points. Thank you!! So you would say the BOC gets their gospel for salvation by BELIEVING in his death burial and resurrection found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4?
2 Timothy 3:1-17 When someone has a form of godlessness but deny the power , better turn away from them. This is the spirit of antichrist that working in this guy
Here ia more. PAUL WROTE Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
I’ve never heard a more arrogant self serving speaker in my life. The reason you insult people by intentionally twisting what they may think of themselves or how they view their ministry you stand there. Edits us TEACHING with no authority to do so. (Using your own criteria)
church of God, Cleveland... has taught me so much worthless garbage! I am reading (Bible) a lot.. so that it is flushing through me & coming out my nostrils.. I'm gonna listen to this again
An excellent exposition from Justin. So clear to understand why the gifts have ceased dispite the claims of many in the Pentecost/Charasmatic teaching.
Now I know why folk were repeating the same words "in tongues" over and over again year in year out at the church I went too. I used to think I had more words in English than they did in tongues!
Thankyou Justin for such a clear explains what we now have in Christ.
Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
The gifts never stop until the perfect one comes. People like this false teacher is why you and the so called 'Church' has been so negligent and weak. No more and you will either get with the truth or fade away.
@@W.451No it was Peter and Peters church is for the unsaved Israel, after the body of Christ has gone home to our father in heaven. This teaching makes perfect sense.The chance to Gospel af Christ is later, so this statement is for Israel in the 70th week of Daniel.
Thank you
Wow, that is what I call bible study. Thank you for clarifying a difficult and controversial subject.
That’s Godly edification
I would say that one of my arguments out be... If the gifts of the spirit in regards to healing, miracles, tongues, prophecy, etc, have creased and died with the Apostles of the completion of the canon, please explain why there are an abundance of accounts after the first century, of miracles, tongues, foreseeing of certain events, miraculous cures, exorcising of demons, etc.? I can even cite the quotes from the early church fathers and theologians if i need to.
In this dispensation of grace we walk by faith not by sight
Accounts can be made up
Because he is deceived/deceiving. LUKE WROTE
Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says. The gifts never stop until the perfect one comes. People like this false teacher is why you and the so called 'Church' has been so negligent and weak. No more and you will either get with the truth or fade away.
Because he is deceived/deceiving. LUKE WROTE
Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
Paul didn't write Acts 2
Great teaching,thank you brother Justin
Very helpful thank you Justin
Why did Paul get the powers? I believe you are right
i'm still a bit confused as to if/when the spiritual gifts have stopped because the Corinthian church had them. i understand the Corinthian church was 'childish' so does that mean there is a place for spiritual gifts today in churches like the Corinthian church that haven't grown up? if Spiritual gifts stopped when the mystery was revealed to Paul why did the Corinthian church have them after this?
Because he is deceived/deceiving.
Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
@@W.451Peter said this in Acts 2, not Paul.
Paul (Saul) wasn’t even mentioned until Acts 7. His encounter with Jesus was in Acts 9. Then Paul received further revelation from Jesus Christ through the years as recorded in his epistles.
@@dalhuset The apostle Paul is mentioned in Acts 2 in a few ways:
The Church
Paul described the Church as a divine secret that was revealed in New Testament times.
The Holy Spirit
Paul told the Ephesian believers to "be filled with the Spirit" rather than to be drunk on wine.
The Community of Believers
Paul said that each member of a church needs the ministry of the other members, and vice versa.
The Spokesman for the Christian Community
Paul was the spokesman for the Christian community, and Luke says he was largely responsible for the community's growth in the early days.
Acts portrays Paul as a committed Jew who continued to practice Judaism while preaching Jesus' message.
@@W.451 Paul is not mentioned in Acts 2. At that time he was in unbelief and persecuting the Jews who believed Jesus was their prophesied messiah. He was consenting unto Stephen’s death by stoning.
@@dalhuset Scholars far smarter than you show his work was.
All that was written years after. Is your comprehension that grade school?
The Book of Acts, also known as Acts of the Apostles, was likely written between 60 and 90 CE. However, there is a range of opinion on the exact date due to the lack of clear chronological markers in Biblical writings.
Here are some factors that scholars consider when dating the Book of Acts:
When Paul was imprisoned in Rome
The earliest possible date for the book is around 62 CE, when Paul was imprisoned in Rome.
The use of Mark as a source
Some scholars believe that the book uses Mark as a source, which would suggest a date of 80-90 CE.
The destruction of Jerusalem
The book looks back on the destruction of Jerusalem, which would also suggest a date of 80-90 CE.
The Pauline letters
The book does not show any awareness of the letters of Paul, which began circulating late in the first century.
The Jesus movement
The early 60s was a time when the Jesus movement was entering its second generation.
The spread of the Jesus movement
The period 80-90 CE was a time when the Jesus movement spread both geographically and ethnically.
Pentecostals never preach or teach about 1CORINTHIANS14 🤣 their tongues are babbling not languages
I love the New Creation teaching but claiming that is what Paul was referring to concerning the end of the charismata is a major stretch. There is nothing wrong with simply saying “we don’t know when spiritual gifts stopped”. That would be a lot more honest and accurate than saying that Paul was referring to Bible “canonization” like many of the other cessationists do.🎚📖🙏🏼
He's giving scripture
The reason we Acts 28ers believe that Ephesians was written after Acts 28 is that the middle wall of partition was still up when Paul spoke of the hope of Israel for which he was bound by chains. I realize you’re all Mid Acts so I’m not trying to change your minds, just clarifying the Acts 28 position. We are all in the unity of the faith!
Sorry, bro, but you're wrong in this. Do we no longer "know in part?" Have we been "face to face" and now "know as we are known?" If we "know even as we are known," we will no longer need Faith and Hope, but both faith and hope remain until this day because we do not KNOW as we are known: we are still seeing through the glass darkly.
But then, face to face we shall know as we are known. None of us have that yet. When we see Him, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
When the knowledge is come (know as we are known) we won't need faith and hope, why hope for what you already see?
I just get the feeling you're dancing around the "when" and "why" of the spiritual gifts being done away with, that Paul tells us exactly when and exactly why. WHEN, "THEN face to face, we will know even as we are known. WHY: because we know in part, but THEN we will know as we are known.
The "what" of that which is perfect, Paul doesn't come right out and say it, probably because he assumes the reader to already know what that is. But he did use the "face to face" wording, which typically means only one thing: face to face with Christ.
There is some serious power found in praying in tongues, it's no wonder why Satan wants the Body of Christ to not use it.
I am just wondering if spiritual gifts still exist, why didn’t Paul heal Timothy and Trophimus?
@@jk11222 if you're referring to Timothy's "frequent" stomach issues, we don't know that Timothy didn't get healed over and over again. All we know from that little mention in scripture is that Timothy had the problem often and that Paul suggests that he stop drinking the water but drink a little wine instead. Sounds to me like the water is bad and is causing these frequent issues for Timothy. I hardly think it's something to solidify a doctrine over. That would be walking by sight and not by faith.
For example: in Matthew 17 the Disciples could not cast the demon out of the boy. Most of the church today stops right there and makes a doctrine out of the boy not getting healed because it "obviously" wasn't God's will to heal him. Except that God did come and heal the boy. When the Disciples asked how come they couldn't cast out the demon, Jesus answered them saying, "because of your unbelief..." Jesus didn't have the issue of unbelief, but the Disciples did, eventhough they just got back from a healing and casting out demons crusade.
Jesus could not do many mighty works in His hometown except heal a few, because of THEIR unbelief. It's difficult to say that it wasn't God's will to heal all of them, when He was marveling at their unbelief. Mark 6:4-6. Again, not something to build doctrine on: salvation will be pushed on no one, it's by Grace through faith. Maybe look up the true definition of the word Salvation.
Paul saw a man who had faith to be healed when Paul was preaching. Acts 14. So what was it that Paul was preaching where this guy believed ( and it showed in his countenance: it could be seen physically), and no one else did? Acts 14:7 tells us exactly what Paul was preaching: the Gospel.
In James chapter 5 we're told that the prayer of faith will heal the sick. But the way most Christians see healing today is that if it's God's will to heal then He will heal on a case by case basis. But James 5:15 says the prayer of faith will heal the sick. The prayer heals. It doesn't say pray in faith and God will heal, no, because God already did His part. We just need to receive it by faith.
Think of it this way: if you are not absolutely certain that it is God's perfect will to heal everyone, how do you pray a "prayer of faith?" The best you could do is a prayer of hope, but that isn't what James says will heal the sick: the prayer of faith is what heals the sick. But keep in mind, as we see in scripture the one praying and the one being prayed for must believe and have no unbelief.
By His stripes we are already healed. He already took the stripes, so healing is already ours for the taking, just as James 5 tells us Elias commands the sky not to rain. He didn't command God to stop the rain, he commanded the sky. That's how we command healing and we do it by faith that it is God's will and He already bought and paid for our healing.
There is no mention in scripture that the people whom Paul had healed had faith and that Timothy and Tropimus did not have faith to believe in Paul’s gift of healings. To imply that both Timothy and Trophimus had no faith in healings and thus Paul could not heal them because they were in unbelief is a conjecture at best.
The gift of healing is not necessary in this age of grace because one needs to go by faith not by sight. For unbelievers, they only need to believe by faith that Jesus died and rose again for the forgiveness of their sins to be saved. They don’t have to see healing miracles to be saved. That’s why Paul emphasised charity.
@@jk11222 I'm not saying they have to see healing miracles to be saved. I'm saying that most of them will not believe in healing miracles (do not believe in healing miracles) because they do not see it. They even justify their unbelief by what they see in scripture. Either way, they are in fact walking by sight and not by faith.
Healing isn't just a gift, it's a promise. Isaiah 53:5, Proverbs 4:22, Psalm 91 (especially verses 1 to 2)
All the promises of God are Yes, and Amen in Christ.
I take it you do not believe that salvation is God's will for everyone??? Or maybe you do not believe salvation means salvation but means "eternal life" only???
But since you seem to be a right divider of truth, let me ask you this way: Which part of Christ's Body does He not deserve to be completely made whole in? Yes, we are in Christ in a spiritual sense, by faith. Every blessing we receive from the Spiritual realm is by faith. Even if the one and only blessing we receive from the spiritual realm is forgiveness and justification, it comes from the spiritual realm through faith. Romas 8:11 says that Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will also give life to our mortal bodies, not to our new immortal bodies, but our mortal bodies. That same Holy Spirit is exactly what makes our mortal bodies a Temple because He is in our bodies. Can sickness, death, disease, demons live where He is? But it still needs to be received by Grace through faith. ...and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. Salvation means so much more than just living eternally later on, it's life now until eternity.
But you don't have to believe this to have eternal life later on. But you do have to believe it to pray that prayer of faith for healing.
I'm so glad I found this truth before learning to rightly divide. It has saved me and my family and friends countless times.
Do you have scriptural reasons for not believing it's God's will to heal every member of Christ's Body? Or is it just traditional teaching against it that you're clinging to, or by other circumstances in scripture you're seeing? You've got to admit, I've given you some pretty compelling evidence for believing it.
Healing was a promise to Israel.
Now, actually it’s not necessary for us to be healed by someone with the gift of healing. We are healed by God by faith.
Are aware that God said no Symbols? why do people stay in traditions when God said to avoid them? The bible speaks of Tammuz. When you learn about Tammuz the incarnated (Son of BA'Al), you learn that his symbol was the cross. then you research when the cross was used in Christianity you learn that it was not used until 200AD Then you learn that the translations for cross is also stake. Then you learn the ancient statues of Christ on a stake were around before the cross. Then you have to admit that Rome mixed babylonian Greek practice with Christianity. Then you have to ask if the cross was a well known satanic symbol, did Jesus say pick up your satanic symbol or pick up your stake? I'm willing to bet he said stake. This is the same transliteration used to trick the masses into satanic pagan worship. God said no symbols yet in pride and tradition everyone displays this pagan symbol in remembrance of Christ. I bet that just makes God want to puke
It's not about the wood, it's about what Jesus did on that cross.
It was not the Holy Spirit that was poured out in the beginning of Acts. It was the Holy Ghost!
Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost are different.
@Ash Jesus Let me clarify. Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are the same, just as you said. But He worked differently at certain times. Holy Ghost was given to LF with power and Holy Spirit seals the believer when they are saved.
Would you say that's what the Bible teaches?
@Ash Jesus
So would you say this is LF doctrine? That's what I'm seeing here....
1 Thessalonians 1:5
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
Would you say that this is the gospel that Paul stated in Romans 1:1-4?
1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)
3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;
4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:
And would you also say that neither of these passages are talking about the Gospel of the Grace of God by which the BOC is saved today?
@Ash Jesus Awesome! Glad we are on the same page. Thanks for the response! I always appreciate your comments and study of the KJB.
@Ash Jesus All great points. Thank you!!
So you would say the BOC gets their gospel for salvation by BELIEVING in his death burial and resurrection found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4?
@@countryrose31 You tell me!
2 Timothy 3:1-17
When someone has a form of godlessness but deny the power , better turn away from them. This is the spirit of antichrist that working in this guy
Here ia more.
Acts 2:16-17 says, "In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams". THAT is what the word says not this Illuminati infiltrated garbage this deceiver says.
I’ve never heard a more arrogant self serving speaker in my life. The reason you insult people by intentionally twisting what they may think of themselves or how they view their ministry you stand there. Edits us TEACHING with no authority to do so. (Using your own criteria)
Be quiet.