The thing I admire most about this DLC is that the people at MDHR didn’t really care about the delays because they cared about the well-being of their workers. I think they even assigned vacations for them!
They can delay all they want if they end up with a quality product such as this. Unlike another recent retro-themed release starring a certain hedgehog that was rushed and suffered for it.
@@mrboost4186 forreal: atleast Mania just had a DRM-issue that got handled the day after, and a small delay but gave people Sonic 1 for free. Origins just....just goddamn.
This is literally the most important thing. don't have overworked workers. give them breaks, vacations and don't have them work 70 hours a week just to release a game faster.
Spoilers obviously if you haven't watched the entire video yet: I like the little epilogue at the end. Saltbaker was righteously punished to community service. But it was nice that growing closer to the last page, he liked and enjoyed helping the others and eventually re-opened his shop and baked goods for all of them. I must say, it was a happy ending all round :D
Don't get me wrong, I agree, and that's true. ...but it's so hard to get immersed into that idea when literally two minutes earlier he looked SO MENACING. This actually isn't a complaint, it's praise as to how they did SO WELL in making Saltbaker look so evil.
@@mosesmerino7334 I had a feeling he'd be the final boss. I mean, what else would've happened after all the bosses were defeated? And I agree, he looked *Menacing* as all hell. It's the eyes that do it for me
@@mosesmerino7334 He went through entire character redemption arc in a span of credits roll, he is definitely built different. To be honest, you too would be built different if you're salty being with a glass vessel.
This just proves that masterpieces take time, instead of being rushed for a release date and being crappy. This is what happens when you take your time and create this beautiful DLC, might I add, not even a game!
I can say myself that seeing people play some bosses can help you understand their patterns and so you can ace them easily. Notice I said some, not every boss can be done this way, like Djimmy being somewhat random every time. Ribby and Croaks are a boss I can consistently beat on my first or second try because of how many times I’ve seen people fight them. Then there are others that make me want to…well I would say that but I don’t really rage at games unless it’s online.
8:28: The Gnome Berries 24:20: The Icy Suger Cubes 19:54: The Pineapple Mint 29:23: The Desert Limes 13:00: The Distillery Dough [29:27] 33:31: ª Łıvıņğ §øûł (A Living Soul)
The two callbacks are mainly the flying gentleman and the radio is actually the green man's mechanic which was mainly the entirety of the beam coming from the radio.
The animation is meticulously crafted and embodies the same charm and magic of the original game. A lot of time went into making the animation alone, which is unmatched in today’s culture right now.
the announcer's voice is genuinely one of the best parts of the game. like the game wouldn't be as exciting as it is without his charming quips. "A brawl is surely brewing, now go!"
00:00 intro 00:24 mysterious boat 00:40 chalice sends a messge 01:12 Cutscene 04:01 Inkwell isle IV 06:16 Glumstone the giant phase I 07:02 Glumstone the giant phase II 07:19 (that was quick) Glumstone the giant phase III 08:22 Gnome berries collected 1/5 08:41 The King's leap I 10:27 Moonshine mob Phase I 11:07 Moonshine mob Phase II 11:37 (Once again) Moonshine mob Phase III 12:18 (Fake) Moonshine mob Phase IV 12:58 Dustillery dough collected 2/5 13:14 The King's leap II 15:18 The King's leap III 17:40 The howling aces Phase I 18:23 The howling aces Phase II 18:45 The howling aces Phase III 19:56 Pinnaple mint collected 3/5 20:07 The King's Leap IV 22:01 Mortimer freeze Phase I 22:31 (You are a simp) Mortimer freeze Phase II 23:07 Mortimer freeze Phase III 24:19 Ice sugar cubes collected 4/5 24:32 The King's leap V 26:56 Esther Winchester Phase I 27:32 Esther Winchester Phase II 27:57 Esther Winchester Phase III (I'm not gonna say it again) 28:24 *ignores* Esther Winchester Phase IV 29:22 Desert limes Collected 5/5 30:37 Demon and Angel (Secret boss) 33:01 Cutscene 33:34 Chef Saltbaker Phase I 34:21 Chef Saltbaker Phase II 35:11 Chef Saltbaker Phase III 35:28 Chef Saltbaker Phase IV 36:26 Cutscene 37:37 You know what it is 39:19 Outro LIKE THE COMMENT IF YOU SEE THIS
Knowing that this game is entirely animated by hand to get that mad smooth look, I LOVE how in the Angel Devil secret fight, the little dancing hour glass is broken, and twitching. Fun little Easter egg I suppose
This was absolutely amazing. This is one of the reasons why I absolutely adore the team at MDHR. They spent time on this DLC, and it turned out amazing. No being rushed, just took time and went amazingly. I can’t even explain how amazing it is.
Thank you for talking to every NPC and taking the time to get every dialogue option! Drives me up the wall when people don't do that, great walkthrough! Definitely subscribing from now on
I absolutely loved this DLC. My only complaint is that there weren’t more bosses but the bosses we did get were amazing. I really hope we get even more DLC in the future (even though we probably won’t).
The DLC has some very confusing and cursed things and I love it. it really helps by giving it a cartoony feeling. Also I just realized the whole title is a pun (*D*elicious *L*ast *C*ourse)
@@danecagno588 Because chef satlbaker is actually plotting a betrayal, as he's actually making the Wondertart for himself, fooling the 3 cups to get the ingredients for him
@@danecagno588 According to the lore, Chef Saltbaker was the one who told the 3 to gather ingredients for the "wondertart" that would help Chalice live without possesing another body. He tricks them by acting friendly and at the ending reveals himself to be a manipulative being and that the wondertart was to give him powers
This dlc is was amazing to play. Alot of people were complaining about how short it was but some people can't seem to get through their heads how hard it is to DRAW EVERY SINGLE FRAME.
*(SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T PLAYED/SEEN IT YET)* I knew that Chef Salt Baker was gonna be the main villain, but I wasn't really expecting the credits (and song) to show him being redeemed. A wholesome ending!
'But remember- like any good bake, heart and soul is the secret ingredient!' 'I just know you'll put yourself fully into bringing the Wondertart to life.' The foreshadowing!
My mind was blown away at how long that animation must have taken to transition that Chef's transformation. That was clearly the main attraction of the DLC and why despite its relatively short run of at least 1-2 days (perfect on everything and secret boss involving the artifact you buy), it's more of the same quality stuff that fans of the original game will love and is a guaranteed must buy.
I love how they made chef saltbaker so evil he tortures his ingredients that are alive Another thing I love is how they reused uncut stuff from the original game while also making it seem new and added other graphics
Beard Bear i have to say I really enjoy your videos. You have a no-nonsense style to play and editing that speaks more than mere commentary. Kudos to you and all involved in making these videos.
Here are some time stamps! Hopefully it helps 0:00 - 4:22 Intro 4:22 - 4:44 Recipe for Chalice 6:20 - 8:16 Glumstone The Giant (Gnome Way Out) 9:12 - 9:51 The Pawns [king’s leap 10:30 - 12:30 Moonshine Mob (Bootlegger Boogie) 13:34 - 14:47 The Knight [king’s leap] 16:20 - 16:32 The Bishop [king’s leap] 17:45 - 19:26 The Howling Aces (Doggone Dogfight) 20:20 - 21:29 The Rook [king’s leap] 22:06 - 23:52 Mortimer Freeze (Snow Cult Scuffle) 24:45 - 26:02 The Queen [king’s leap] 27:02 - 28:58 Esther Winchester (High-Noon Hoopla) 30:47 - 31:52 The Nightmare/Astral Plane/whatever it’s called 33:44 - 36:03 Chef Saltbaker (A Dish To Die For) 37:41 - 43:59 The Epilogue I love the dlc hard but fun! Have fun and stay safe :D
16:50 secret coin 17:04 secret pathway 30:20 graveyard puzzle and secret boss some timestamps to help you all. what should we do with the bonfire lady and the podium guys? is there any quest with them?
I heard some people are actually calling the game bad because theres not enough bosses. First off, it's not Cuphead 2, its DLC for the new game; an expansion. It's never been advertised as anything else: a new playable character, new charms, secrets, puzzles, weapons, and if you count all the Kings challenges as separate bosses, there's 12 new bosses to fight. That's a lot for DLC at only £6.79. Second, bear in mind that, a long time ago, that's all the original game was going to be too. About 10 bosses, no bonuses, no nothing. Cuphead became a big game by the time of its 2017 release. And now, the game is a little bit bigger. Frankly, a whole new Cuphead 2 would be an absurd idea for me. If they come up with enough new ideas to bring us a new DLC five years from now, I'll embrace it the way I did with this one. It was great. And now I've finished it, I'm looking forward to doing it again.
This game was excellent! The graphics were phenomenal, the music was great, everything about this was all well made. Congratulations to those who have helped worked on this phenomenal game, ya folks did excellent!
This dlc was definitely worth the wait. The bosses are so fluid and cool looking plus you can even use ms chalice as a new character in the dlc and in the normal game. This is a literal masterpiece I can’t imagine how hard it must of been to draw all these sprites.
The funny thing was back when the trailer was first announced the thing I thought when seeing Salt Baker was "Oh he must be the new bad guy" because I wasn't fully paying attention they were painting him as a good guy, well turns out I was right, neat
What a twist because he seemed like a nice guy from the beginning, but then again it’s kind of strange how he wanted us to kill these characters to get their ingredients.
Wow, this cuphead game is even darker than the last one. I talk about the secret boss and Chef Saltbaker. Their musics and their designs are a little bit more disturbing than the others.This is more scary than the Boss Devil I must admit. As a cuphead fan I am fascinated and a little scared at the same time. MDHR studio did a very wonderful work and this since the first game. They put their heart in this huge project and this make Cuphead a very good game
6-30-22 In "Bootlegger Boogie" vs the "Moonshine Mob", the "This match will get red-hot. You're up." and the fake "Knockout" are actually said by the Yellow Shelled Snake. When the actual Knockout screen shows, the narrator clears his throat before saying the true "Knockout" announcement. That's attention to detail and is pretty funny. Another thing of note is that the Parry Challenges which, in the original game, were how you got the Super Arts, are all chess themed. You start off taking on the 8 Pawns, then a Knight, then a Bishop, then the Rook (as an Executioner), and end with the Queen with the King being the one who changes the level you face. The Pawns attack by going out 1 at a time, the Knight Moves back and forth constantly (like how the Knight moves in an L-Shape), the Bishop bounces around diagonally like the DVD Screensaver (plus, there are a lot of X-Shapes in the Background), the Rook is just sitting there, castling, and the Queen moves all around. Funny thing about the Bishop is that as it's defeated, it becomes a pipe organ. Also, during "Doggone Dogfight," the plane you are fighting on is driven by a character called Canteen Hughes, who is fascinated about planes. They were on the first 3 Inkwell Isles as an NPC.
happy to see that Cuphead has a DLC now, its alot better than i thought it would be! the creators did an amazing job on this, worth watching the whole gameplay!
The fact that the knight taunt you and then get knocked out after that just make me laugh Also 38:04 you will see that they use the same plant food as we see in botanic panic (the root pack level)
Also the cuphead game had a troll/trick in the dlc game. When fighting the MoonShine Mob, after defeating the mole boss part, you get the knock out screen. But that was fake knock out screen and instead there one more boss in the level. Which is the snail that was under the mole hat and starts yelling projectiles at cuphead, mugman and miss chalice. And after you defeat the snail. You get the true knock out screen. And that is why that would troll/trick the players on that level especially if they had one health too and then got killed by the snail.
The MOLE (people) you said was an anteater also why did it try to an eat a cup isn’t the suicide because the sharp parts of cup head? Do not read that last part wrong
13:34 I like how the horse's movements and body reminds me of Goofy. What a nice throwback to a bygone era. Not at all like how Goofy is drawn today looking like a strung out hobo.
When saltbaker said “But Remember like any good bake, heart and soul is the secret ingredient” it was a foreshadow to his boss fight but that’s just me and my opinion, but setting that aside DLC looks amazing I wish I could play it 😭
@@dylancrampton5620 I'm aware of that being their main inspiration but what I meant is the smoothness. Heck, It's smooth enough to make me think James Baxter did the linework here.
I like the clever play on the "DLC" acronym "Delicious Last Course" because its also DownLoadable Content good work MDHR this is really good stuff 👍🏿👍🏿
Nice DLC BUT HOW THIS PLAYER CAN ABLE TO NOT GET HIT ONCE!!! 😱Its insane!! Good job! Imagine he/she finished the DLC and he/she realized It forgot to record xD
Guys.. this is 8 dollars... This absolute masterpiece is only 8 dollars! Some of you might say "this took to long to make to be this short" seriously I hope the devil will win your soul if you think that, it already took your heart. Cuphead and the dlc was amazing and stands behind the quality over quantity standards 100% and I love it for it. Yeah I'm sad that it's over but I'm way happier to say goodbye to this adventure then letting it become a bad money begging franchise like some games do.
This is a no damage a+ rank walkthrough. If you enjoy the gameplay, please consider to like the video to support the channel.
In One day!? Man you must either be a Time god or you have way to much time on your hands!
@@forcesofnaturepokevids Yesss
is the dlc free???
@@watermanswargames no .
@@riverstyx928 DAMMIT
The thing I admire most about this DLC is that the people at MDHR didn’t really care about the delays because they cared about the well-being of their workers. I think they even assigned vacations for them!
They can delay all they want if they end up with a quality product such as this. Unlike another recent retro-themed release starring a certain hedgehog that was rushed and suffered for it.
@@mrboost4186 forreal: atleast Mania just had a DRM-issue that got handled the day after, and a small delay but gave people Sonic 1 for free. Origins just....just goddamn.
@@KoopaSanze Origins is nothing but a cashgrab
MDHR is just a premium studio that deserves way more credit.
This is literally the most important thing. don't have overworked workers. give them breaks, vacations and don't have them work 70 hours a week just to release a game faster.
Spoilers obviously if you haven't watched the entire video yet:
I like the little epilogue at the end. Saltbaker was righteously punished to community service. But it was nice that growing closer to the last page, he liked and enjoyed helping the others and eventually re-opened his shop and baked goods for all of them.
I must say, it was a happy ending all round :D
Don't get me wrong, I agree, and that's true.
...but it's so hard to get immersed into that idea when literally two minutes earlier he looked SO MENACING. This actually isn't a complaint, it's praise as to how they did SO WELL in making Saltbaker look so evil.
@@mosesmerino7334 I had a feeling he'd be the final boss. I mean, what else would've happened after all the bosses were defeated?
And I agree, he looked *Menacing* as all hell. It's the eyes that do it for me
Did anyone notice that Miss Chalice was alive on the last page?
@@mosesmerino7334 He went through entire character redemption arc in a span of credits roll, he is definitely built different. To be honest, you too would be built different if you're salty being with a glass vessel.
Also like the part where he actually sang about his bad deeds and how he became good again.
I can’t stop hearing the voices from The Cuphead Show when seeing the cutscenes from this game now. Which is a good thing because the series is great.
You said it
same lmao
same here.. that show is sooo good
You got that right😃
This just proves that masterpieces take time, instead of being rushed for a release date and being crappy. This is what happens when you take your time and create this beautiful DLC, might I add, not even a game!
The fact that i still see people being ungrateful saying the dlc is really short tho... makes me so mad
@@jackiejonesjefferson tbf it took them 5 years for half of hour DLC of course people are pissed
@@elsu1004 yeah try cell animation and game development for something like this let's see how long you take
@@elsu1004 And how long have you been alive and what have you produced of value?
@@puregarbagechannel4308 what? i never myself of being pissed i said people read before comment, i unterstand why some people are pissed
It is CRAZY when people make this game look easy!
I can say myself that seeing people play some bosses can help you understand their patterns and so you can ace them easily. Notice I said some, not every boss can be done this way, like Djimmy being somewhat random every time. Ribby and Croaks are a boss I can consistently beat on my first or second try because of how many times I’ve seen people fight them. Then there are others that make me want to…well I would say that but I don’t really rage at games unless it’s online.
but in reality its hard
@@LisaVGG I came just to watch last phase of the mob because I can easily no hit the first two phases but its that last one that is so difficult
@@SEYIALESH "hard" is still not enough to describe this game
@@lucasguenesmenezes6416 What about "torturous and rage-inducing?"
Fun fact: the bootlegger bogey bosses’ first two phases are based on scrapped bosses such as the flying gentleman and the “light boss”
I knew the spider looked familar
@@egghead4590 yea me to
Yeah I happy they did that
wasn’t the light boss a test tho
@@cheddar7777 no just scrapped phase of another boss
8:28: The Gnome Berries
24:20: The Icy Suger Cubes
19:54: The Pineapple Mint
29:23: The Desert Limes
13:00: The Distillery Dough
33:31: ª Łıvıņğ §øûł (A Living Soul)
Umm what is distillery dough at the second to bottom when it's second
@@RubbaFrog I have to place them in order. Sorry.
Alright I have plenty of souls now where's the berries because those definitely don't grow here
Wait wtf
Dude you just created a meme
There's so many callbacks to the scrapped cuphead bosses! I love it!
Yeah like the spider is the flying gentlemen and the radio for the spiders 2nd fave was also a scrapped boss
The two callbacks are mainly the flying gentleman and the radio is actually the green man's mechanic which was mainly the entirety of the beam coming from the radio.
@@thecooleststickofbutter3402 Also knight horse is reference to that squid scrapped boss
@@Adrianshephard5 oh just so you know it's name is jelly
@@Adrianshephard5That is literally every king’s leap boss.
I like how within the first five minutes, Chalice kills Mugman and Cuphead doesn’t seem to care at all.
Cuphead is a simp
cuphead: this is fine
@@You_are_genocides :D
@@TwinaWina :)
unrelated but, if you initialize "Delicious Last Course" you get DLC. So it's "Cuphead DLC: DLC.
I see why they took so long on this.
It was definitely worth the wait.
I don’t
@@oshirona3903 i can see why you don’t. Because you probably just sit around on the couch and play games all day
@@ooo4135 chill bro 😂
The animation is meticulously crafted and embodies the same charm and magic of the original game. A lot of time went into making the animation alone, which is unmatched in today’s culture right now.
Definitely. The animations are so fluid and well done it's like watching a movie.
This was so cute and well done! This DLC was really worth the wait and I freaking knew it about Chef Saltbaker being the final boss! 🥳🎉🎊🍾🎈
It's even better how he redeemed himself through serving others
All I know that was intense and exhausting.😓 I had to use genie’s help to even the odds.
Well I guess it’s fitting, but I kind of wish they gave out the choice of having a bad ending as well once you confront the chef
@@Alexander92649 what do you mean?
@@barricadefromtransformersp8561 like when you face Old Scratch in the OG where you choose to be a servant or fight him
the announcer's voice is genuinely one of the best parts of the game. like the game wouldn't be as exciting as it is without his charming quips. "A brawl is surely brewing, now go!"
"Good day for a swell battle!"
"This match will get red hot"
I love the ending! I love Saltbaker’s redemption and how they forgave him
00:00 intro
00:24 mysterious boat
00:40 chalice sends a messge
01:12 Cutscene
04:01 Inkwell isle IV
06:16 Glumstone the giant phase I
07:02 Glumstone the giant phase II
07:19 (that was quick) Glumstone the giant phase III
08:22 Gnome berries collected 1/5
08:41 The King's leap I
10:27 Moonshine mob Phase I
11:07 Moonshine mob Phase II
11:37 (Once again) Moonshine mob Phase III
12:18 (Fake) Moonshine mob Phase IV
12:58 Dustillery dough collected 2/5
13:14 The King's leap II
15:18 The King's leap III
17:40 The howling aces Phase I
18:23 The howling aces Phase II
18:45 The howling aces Phase III
19:56 Pinnaple mint collected 3/5
20:07 The King's Leap IV
22:01 Mortimer freeze Phase I
22:31 (You are a simp) Mortimer freeze Phase II
23:07 Mortimer freeze Phase III
24:19 Ice sugar cubes collected 4/5
24:32 The King's leap V
26:56 Esther Winchester Phase I
27:32 Esther Winchester Phase II
27:57 Esther Winchester Phase III (I'm not gonna say it again)
28:24 *ignores* Esther Winchester Phase IV
29:22 Desert limes Collected 5/5
30:37 Demon and Angel (Secret boss)
33:01 Cutscene
33:34 Chef Saltbaker Phase I
34:21 Chef Saltbaker Phase II
35:11 Chef Saltbaker Phase III
35:28 Chef Saltbaker Phase IV
36:26 Cutscene
37:37 You know what it is
39:19 Outro
Why would i simp for Mortimer freeze….
This was worth the wait and delays. Studio MDHR really nailed it again
I love this game, it’s like being a child watching Saturday morning cartoons except you took acid
No more like 1930 cartoons
Yes i took bleach and drank it
You mean the cuphead show or your menory
1930 cartoons were the best ones
You mean you don't normally take acid before watching cartoons as a kid? That explains a lot about me...
Knowing that this game is entirely animated by hand to get that mad smooth look, I LOVE how in the Angel Devil secret fight, the little dancing hour glass is broken, and twitching. Fun little Easter egg I suppose
This was absolutely amazing. This is one of the reasons why I absolutely adore the team at MDHR.
They spent time on this DLC, and it turned out amazing. No being rushed, just took time and went amazingly. I can’t even explain how amazing it is.
Thank you for talking to every NPC and taking the time to get every dialogue option! Drives me up the wall when people don't do that, great walkthrough! Definitely subscribing from now on
I absolutely loved this DLC. My only complaint is that there weren’t more bosses but the bosses we did get were amazing. I really hope we get even more DLC in the future (even though we probably won’t).
its a DLC. you cant expect a big list of bosses anyway.
There were literally 5 minibosses…
The DLC has some very confusing and cursed things and I love it. it really helps by giving it a cartoony feeling.
Also I just realized the whole title is a pun (*D*elicious *L*ast *C*ourse)
A king
A queen
A knight
A bishop
A rook
And pawns? Those are all chess pieces
@@danecagno588 yup! They made the first boss chess pieces. Also in the epilogue the queen is playing checkers with Chef Saltbaker
@@Potley_ ok and why is the chef salt baker the final boss ?
@@danecagno588 Because chef satlbaker is actually plotting a betrayal, as he's actually making the Wondertart for himself, fooling the 3 cups to get the ingredients for him
@@danecagno588 According to the lore, Chef Saltbaker was the one who told the 3 to gather ingredients for the "wondertart" that would help Chalice live without possesing another body. He tricks them by acting friendly and at the ending reveals himself to be a manipulative being and that the wondertart was to give him powers
This dlc is was amazing to play. Alot of people were complaining about how short it was but some people can't seem to get through their heads how hard it is to DRAW EVERY SINGLE FRAME.
also it is a DLC. not a sequel
I knew that Chef Salt Baker was gonna be the main villain, but I wasn't really expecting the credits (and song) to show him being redeemed. A wholesome ending!
'But remember- like any good bake, heart and soul is the secret ingredient!'
'I just know you'll put yourself fully into bringing the Wondertart to life.'
The foreshadowing!
This looks Crazier than the first game, I loved it 😍
I know, I am being so happy about this because it is SO AWESOME!
"First game"
My dude it's fuckin dlc for the "first game"
My mind was blown away at how long that animation must have taken to transition that Chef's transformation. That was clearly the main attraction of the DLC and why despite its relatively short run of at least 1-2 days (perfect on everything and secret boss involving the artifact you buy), it's more of the same quality stuff that fans of the original game will love and is a guaranteed must buy.
@@AMemeableChannel for fucks sake do you guys have to be exact
I love how they made chef saltbaker so evil he tortures his ingredients that are alive
Another thing I love is how they reused uncut stuff from the original game while also making it seem new and added other graphics
1 comment bud
@@frankyguffypongoh4331 no likes bud
That last battle animation holy fuck, thats one of the most refined things I ever seen
Me too, I was looking in the credits to see if James Baxter helped, it was so smooth!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dude straight up tries to kill you with his own blood.
The insane amount of detail they put into salt bakers fight
the animations are so good 😩
Fitting cuphead’s final boss would be…
Players get salty if they die
34:22 => Saltbaker used a Mushroom and grew to a larger size. (I noticed the Super Mario reference)
Lol u can actually parry the mushroom cuz it bright pink
This DLC was really cool and really liked the chess mini bosses :0
That last boss fight was beautiful, both visually AND as a twist! Also I’m loving the OST of the DLC isle
Who could’ve guessed the person you’ve been working for the entire time is actually evil? Oh wait, the Devil already did that in the base game.
i like how snow mountain giant uses king dice and devil puppets as jester and king, showing us that king dice always was joke for devil
10:35 the flying gentlemen
11:11 the light
11:34 the anteater
12:20 the announcer
All Ingredients:
8:27 Gnome Berries! 🍓
12:57 Distillery Dough! 🥧
19:51 Pineapple Mint! 🍍
24:18 Ice Sugar Cubes! 🧊
29:22 Desert Limes! 🍋
Beard Bear i have to say I really enjoy your videos. You have a no-nonsense style to play and editing that speaks more than mere commentary. Kudos to you and all involved in making these videos.
As always the soundtrack doesn't disappoint!
Here are some time stamps! Hopefully it helps
0:00 - 4:22 Intro
4:22 - 4:44 Recipe for Chalice
6:20 - 8:16 Glumstone The Giant
(Gnome Way Out)
9:12 - 9:51 The Pawns [king’s leap
10:30 - 12:30 Moonshine Mob (Bootlegger Boogie)
13:34 - 14:47 The Knight [king’s leap]
16:20 - 16:32 The Bishop [king’s leap]
17:45 - 19:26 The Howling Aces (Doggone Dogfight)
20:20 - 21:29 The Rook [king’s leap]
22:06 - 23:52 Mortimer Freeze (Snow Cult Scuffle)
24:45 - 26:02 The Queen [king’s leap]
27:02 - 28:58 Esther Winchester (High-Noon Hoopla)
30:47 - 31:52 The Nightmare/Astral Plane/whatever it’s called
33:44 - 36:03 Chef Saltbaker (A Dish To Die For)
37:41 - 43:59 The Epilogue
I love the dlc hard but fun! Have fun and stay safe :D
They did such a good job on this game! I’m so ready to see more from them!
16:50 secret coin
17:04 secret pathway
30:20 graveyard puzzle and secret boss
some timestamps to help you all.
what should we do with the bonfire lady and the podium guys? is there any quest with them?
I heard some people are actually calling the game bad because theres not enough bosses.
First off, it's not Cuphead 2, its DLC for the new game; an expansion. It's never been advertised as anything else: a new playable character, new charms, secrets, puzzles, weapons, and if you count all the Kings challenges as separate bosses, there's 12 new bosses to fight. That's a lot for DLC at only £6.79.
Second, bear in mind that, a long time ago, that's all the original game was going to be too. About 10 bosses, no bonuses, no nothing. Cuphead became a big game by the time of its 2017 release. And now, the game is a little bit bigger.
Frankly, a whole new Cuphead 2 would be an absurd idea for me. If they come up with enough new ideas to bring us a new DLC five years from now, I'll embrace it the way I did with this one. It was great. And now I've finished it, I'm looking forward to doing it again.
boss fight collection
33:41 final boss
This game was excellent! The graphics were phenomenal, the music was great, everything about this was all well made. Congratulations to those who have helped worked on this phenomenal game, ya folks did excellent!
This dlc was definitely worth the wait. The bosses are so fluid and cool looking plus you can even use ms chalice as a new character in the dlc and in the normal game. This is a literal masterpiece I can’t imagine how hard it must of been to draw all these sprites.
The funny thing was back when the trailer was first announced the thing I thought when seeing Salt Baker was
"Oh he must be the new bad guy" because I wasn't fully paying attention they were painting him as a good guy, well turns out I was right, neat
So cute and well made, a DLC that is worth buying. This game is art.
Studio MDHR: Pay 8 buckaroonies for the Cuphead DLC.
I agree with this after watching the whole damn thing
It’s finally here, after all those delays they finally released it!
So the salt baker is the final boss? Could someone explain what's going on?
@@danecagno588 the salt baker was an bad guy the whole time
What a twist because he seemed like a nice guy from the beginning, but then again it’s kind of strange how he wanted us to kill these characters to get their ingredients.
@@danecagno588 I feel like the cutscenes that are in the game explain what you need to know already lol
3:31 “Heart and soul is the secret ingredient!” Foreshadowing.
The design of these new bosses is absolutely incredible
Except when the cow girl turns into meat and sausages 🫥 makes me so sad
@@sarahkabacinski7892 wait the cow was a girl 👁👄👁
@@zacharykubas4478 the milk from a male cow wouldnt be great would it
@@zacharykubas4478 yes, duh
And the cows are female animals so, yes
Except that guy-cow from that tv cartoon, scary ._.
@@paulitastic2 Otis 😂
Chalice: casually beats the queen
King: oh no my wife
......anyways have some money
Oh my, that dog spinning my screen was unexpected
The final boss is terrifying
I say the same thing it's terrifying as The Devil
Well the devil comes in many forms. It's the devil
@Dgamer1613 I see what you did there
@@rickrolledtruth5834 i think the graveyard dream battle was the devil
17:50 Spike and Tom make an appearance. This making Tom’s second appearance in the game
All the delays were worth it! The animations are smooth like butter, and I dare say better than the base game!
Wow, this cuphead game is even darker than the last one.
I talk about the secret boss and Chef Saltbaker. Their musics and their designs are a little bit more disturbing than the others.This is more scary than the Boss Devil I must admit.
As a cuphead fan I am fascinated and a little scared at the same time. MDHR studio did a very wonderful work and this since the first game. They put their heart in this huge project and this make Cuphead a very good game
3:42 "I just know you'll put yourself fully into bringing the Wondertart to life."
Yeah no kidding... 😅
And 3:33 LOL
Chef Saltbaker:Hmm, now where did I put the salt?
Me:you’re a salt shaker! You are the salt!
In "Bootlegger Boogie" vs the "Moonshine Mob", the "This match will get red-hot. You're up." and the fake "Knockout" are actually said by the Yellow Shelled Snake. When the actual Knockout screen shows, the narrator clears his throat before saying the true "Knockout" announcement. That's attention to detail and is pretty funny.
Another thing of note is that the Parry Challenges which, in the original game, were how you got the Super Arts, are all chess themed. You start off taking on the 8 Pawns, then a Knight, then a Bishop, then the Rook (as an Executioner), and end with the Queen with the King being the one who changes the level you face. The Pawns attack by going out 1 at a time, the Knight Moves back and forth constantly (like how the Knight moves in an L-Shape), the Bishop bounces around diagonally like the DVD Screensaver (plus, there are a lot of X-Shapes in the Background), the Rook is just sitting there, castling, and the Queen moves all around. Funny thing about the Bishop is that as it's defeated, it becomes a pipe organ.
Also, during "Doggone Dogfight," the plane you are fighting on is driven by a character called Canteen Hughes, who is fascinated about planes. They were on the first 3 Inkwell Isles as an NPC.
The animation in the boss battles on the dlc is next level my god
happy to see that Cuphead has a DLC now, its alot better than i thought it would be! the creators did an amazing job on this, worth watching the whole gameplay!
You have to admire how SaltBaker rebuilt his own bakery BY HIMSELF. OVERNIGHT.
The fact that the knight taunt you and then get knocked out after that just make me laugh
Also 38:04 you will see that they use the same plant food as we see in botanic panic (the root pack level)
This is what you get when you are patient with game designers. A perfect masterpiece.
i still cant believe the ending, god, that was a twisted ending with Psychic Saltbaker
@@mememan3447 yeah thats what i meant
Here are the minutes in case of somenome needs them:
0:00- Introduction.
4:21- Recipe For Ms. Chalice.
5:16- Porkind's Emporium.
6:15- Gnome Way Out [Boss].
8:36- The King's Leap.
10:37- Bootlegger Boogle [Boss].
13:13- The King's Leap [2].
17:40- Doggone Dogfight [Boss].
20:01- The King's Leap [3].
21:59- Snow Cult Scuffle [Boss].
24:23- The King's Leap [4].
26:56- High-Noon Hoipla [Boss].
29:55- Porkind's Emporium [2].
20:44- Devil And Angel [Secret Boss].
32:45- Saltbaker's Bakery [Final Boss].
36:39- The Epilogue.
Bosses From DLC Bruh
Hmmmm Bad Thing I Heard Badass
Can we just talk about how creepy the secret devil fight was?
7:09, Notice how the one on the left represents King Dice and the one on the right represents The Devil
The game is masterpiece now i know why it took it many years bc cutscences,new wepeon,new charms and many more!
12:25 the way he clears is throat😂
I just realized that Delicious Last Course has the initials D.L.C in it! Clever!
Incredible!!! This level of skill is beyond my understanding 😮 Thanks for the walkthrough
Goddamn, the animation is so fucking incredible bro, mad respect to everyone who worked on the base game and the DLC.
Also the cuphead game had a troll/trick in the dlc game. When fighting the MoonShine Mob, after defeating the mole boss part, you get the knock out screen. But that was fake knock out screen and instead there one more boss in the level. Which is the snail that was under the mole hat and starts yelling projectiles at cuphead, mugman and miss chalice. And after you defeat the snail. You get the true knock out screen. And that is why that would troll/trick the players on that level especially if they had one health too and then got killed by the snail.
The snail is the boss xd
The MOLE (people) you said was an anteater also why did it try to an eat a cup isn’t the suicide because the sharp parts of cup head? Do not read that last part wrong
13:34 I like how the horse's movements and body reminds me of Goofy. What a nice throwback to a bygone era. Not at all like how Goofy is drawn today looking like a strung out hobo.
When saltbaker said “But Remember like any good bake, heart and soul is the secret ingredient” it was a foreshadow to his boss fight but that’s just me and my opinion, but setting that aside DLC looks amazing I wish I could play it 😭
12:18 my favorite boss phase on the Cuphead DLC
11:11 is she a reference to the beta boss with the neon lights?
This is AWESOME!👍🏼 I never expected it to be good! :)
I know and this is so 100% fantastic and wonderful😄👍
@@clawblade9462 I agree! :)
Golly, this is amazing! I sure was expecting that Saltbaker was going to be the final boss but not like that!
Something I noticed: The hand puppets that Glumstone the Giant has are King Dice and The Devil.
The animation is definitely a big upgrade. It reminds me a lot of the later 70s-90s which I'm guessing is what they are going for.
It's actually from the 30s lol
@@dylancrampton5620 I'm aware of that being their main inspiration but what I meant is the smoothness. Heck, It's smooth enough to make me think James Baxter did the linework here.
@@eaglehood224 You're right, it's the smoothest animation I've seen in a game, even more so in the DLC than the main game
I like the clever play on the "DLC" acronym "Delicious Last Course" because its also DownLoadable Content good work MDHR this is really good stuff 👍🏿👍🏿
The saltbaker fight was amazing honestly I would’ve been fine if he had more than 3 phases
Your one of the most controlled and calm players I’ve ever seen
Nice DLC BUT HOW THIS PLAYER CAN ABLE TO NOT GET HIT ONCE!!! 😱Its insane!! Good job! Imagine he/she finished the DLC and he/she realized It forgot to record xD
Guys.. this is 8 dollars... This absolute masterpiece is only 8 dollars! Some of you might say "this took to long to make to be this short" seriously I hope the devil will win your soul if you think that, it already took your heart. Cuphead and the dlc was amazing and stands behind the quality over quantity standards 100% and I love it for it. Yeah I'm sad that it's over but I'm way happier to say goodbye to this adventure then letting it become a bad money begging franchise like some games do.
The animation in this game is so smooth it warms my little artist/animator heart
The King: "Thy reward? Wealth untold."
Also the King: gives 2 coins
I hope we get to see these additional characters in the Cuphead Show.
That would be lit ngl
I think they are adding more of the older Cuphead bosses in the Cuphead Show, though if the show goes for longer then that would pretty cool.
@@purple.st4rz_556 yeah
Soon as I saw Saltbaker I knew he was going to pull something, it’s just the vibe he was giving
Are we not gonna talk about how clean the animation was? 😫
Seeing them repurpose the spider boss and the light boss from the beginning stages of the first game was AMAZING
Queen: You can't defeat me!
Chalice: But he can! (Parry on cannon)
It's really interesting how you made the animation of the last boss into a Disney like animation. Very fluent and sharp details. 😁👍
he didn't make this game
Time to wait 20 years for either a new dlc or a new game
Aw man, I was beginning to trust that Saltbaker guy