I like that you put everything into one bag. Other channels will pack every single item, then place into another bag before putting into the box or mailer bag.😢 obviously there are times things will need to be seperately packaged. 👍
I think it is more eco-friendly too. Ppl might enjoy unwrapping experience as much as they would enjoy products inside but I always think sellers over-do them. Packaging does give that polished look and protection while being handled and shipped but it produces a lot of waste too 😅😅😅
Hi ! New subscriber from all the way in Sweden ! Such amazing asmr of packing orders and items looking cute too ! You did a good work! Love it 🌸💖
helloo!! thank you so much for your support and for watching!
@@unicorn.eclipse You welcome
i’ve been waiting for this! i’ll listen to this while i’m drinking coffee in the morning! :> ❤
Awwww thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this!! 🥹❤️
I recently ordered from your store and I just noticed you have a youtube channel I subscribed immediately! Love your content.
계속 보게되네요. 보면서 마음이 안정되는 느낌이에요. 자주 올께요~~
So much care goes into packing each order. 👍🥰
Loved it❤ ur setup is amazing
س سشذذذذذذذذذس س ذذذ ذس ذ سسس ذذذ ءء ذذ ذ ذذ ذذ ذ ذذذذ‐‐-ذذ سس س ذذذ ذ- ذس ء ءذ ذ ذسةسذذىسس سس سةذذ ششش ش شضوضض ش ششش سوسس س س ششش ش ش ةش ششةش ششش س سسس سس سس شةشذ ذشش ش شش ش س س س سس ذ ذش ش سس س س سس سسششش ةةشوسس ص سص ص سسشوششوششوذووشوشوششوشوششذشةششةةششةششووششةةشةةشششششةةشتشةوشسسشسسسوسشوسوسوسسستشتتوذشوشنوشووششوذووسءوذتشنذووشوشذوشوشوشصششششوووووشوشوضوششوشهشنششتضتشتضظظظظضضضضنضنضنتhوضضشضضضضض ششششششششضضششضشضوض ض ض ثتثنضتضصوضضوضوضةص ووضوضض ضض ضضض ض ض ض ضضض ضض ضض ضض ض ضض ضضشضضضضق٩ققثحثحثحثحمييخثنثنثنثثنثنثنثنثنصنثنثثننثثنثنثثثنثزثثزثنوثنصوثوصنصوثوثوصوصوصوصوثوثصوووقويوصنصصوثوصثوثووصصتشتصتوصصوصصوثوثوثوثوثثوصوثةثةثةصةصةةثصةصاصاثثتيثوثوثوثوص!
ثجثثجج@مص٢مصمصكصصضضدصطصكطصحخمصمصمصمصصمصمصضززضزضظدددددشددزصزصصمصمصمصصمصظصمصظصددددددددصزصزض1mqqmqmqmmqظضضضمضم!مضمضضظضضظظضظqqq,ķqmmqqqmqqmqqqqjqjqqqqmqqqqmqqj,qmq1٢خ١ن٢زصنصثنصضن١ضتضتضنظظصن١ه١صز٢ص صص ١ض ١صض ض ١ ض ض ض ض ضضض ض ضضض ض ض ص ض ضوض ض ض ض ض ص صص ضض ض ض ضوضوضوضوضضووضوضض ض ش ضضو ضوضضوضض ش ض ش ض ض ضض ضضوثوصضو١وضضتوضضشتضتضضتضضوضوضوضوةة١١١ة١١ة١ضاضضضاض١تةضتضتتشضاضضت١ضتضتضتض
I love this!
So happy you enjoyed it!!! 🥹❤️
@@unicorn.eclipse i want to order
Do you print and bind the notebooks yourself?
3:15 Packing orders
I like that you put everything into one bag. Other channels will pack every single item, then place into another bag before putting into the box or mailer bag.😢 obviously there are times things will need to be seperately packaged. 👍
Thank you so much!😊
Yes same!!
I think it is more eco-friendly too. Ppl might enjoy unwrapping experience as much as they would enjoy products inside but I always think sellers over-do them. Packaging does give that polished look and protection while being handled and shipped but it produces a lot of waste too 😅😅😅
Sahne Thaller 😂❤😮😅😊😢😮😅😊😂❤
Ashley Morgan Naqin
l Love you My friend ❤️❤️❤️
so cozy ଘ( •◡•)⊃━☆.•° ✿ °•.
its perfect for having in the background! 🥹🥰
هبه عمان 🇴🇲 ❤
Sorry, but you are very clumsy with packaging