Ready for the full message and instructions for Christians that Jesus Christ taught to prepare them for His Kingdom? Order our FREE study guide, “Do You Believe the True Gospel?” Why is it free? We are determined to follow Jesus’ command to “freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
*The POPE and the Catholic Church in the Bible* If Christ, HIMSELF been given the proper name *“ROCK”* everyone in the Bible would have called Christ “PETER” Or “CEPHAS” because the ONLY way to pronounce the *proper name* "Rock" in the bible is PETER OR CEPHAS!! The Protestants are caught in their desire to deceive themselves and others! Christ's *name* was never Rock in the old or new Testament. Jesus is *described* (adjective) as a Rock, but that was NEVER HIS NAME! Christ's name is "Yashua" not ROCK. Christ reserved the *name* Rock for Simon Barjona (John 1:42). The Protestants and their like have never gotten over the fact that Christ Himself *named* Simon Barjona, "Rock" and gave to *Peter the power authority to bind and loosen in his stead.* Mt. 16:16-19 Christ did *NOT SAY "I AM ROCK"* concerning himself. Christ said to Peter, *"YOU ARE ROCK"* Christ did not describe Peter as a Rock, *Christ changed Peter's name to Rock"* having reserved it for him from the foundation of the world. John 1vs 41 The first thing he did was to find his brother Shim‘on and tell him, “We’ve found the Mashiach!” (The word means “one who has been anointed.”) 42 He took him to Yeshua. Looking at him, Yeshua said, “You are Shim‘on Bar-Yochanan; you will be known as KEFA.” (The name means “rock.”) *The Jewish Bible* *AT NO TIME DID CHRIST EVER SAY OR UTTER THE WORD PETER* CHRIST ONLY CALLED HIM "CEPHAS" CHRIST'S ENTIRE MINISTRY!! MEANING ROCK.
As usual, Mr. Weston, you explain GOD'S WORD so well to make all to be able to understand it. I am so thankful for this, because sometimes it is hard to understand. That is why I love and look forward to our Bible study. May our Eternal God, keep you safe and bless all who preach GOD'S WORD, in truth. Thank you.
Had you noticed that any Bible studies from LCG which comprise scriptural doctrinal proofs for the doctrines which LCG teaches and extols are absent? Have you ever sought such proof for the nature and timing of the first resurrection? What about for the nature and timing of the marriage of the Lamb? Has LCG clearly explained with scriptural proofs precisely what is the event described in Matt 24:30-31, 'Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, ...and they will see the Son of Man coming on the CLOUDS of heaven ...And He will send His angels with a great sound of a TRUMPET, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.' and has LCG explained v27 of this chapter? Has LCG explained with scriptural proof why this description differs from that of Rev 19:11-16 with Christ Jesus coming upon a white horse? Is that a horse-shaped cloud then; which naturally would be white of course! And what about those 'armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, following Him on white horses.' Would those also be horse-shaped clouds? That must be a lot of curious horse-shaped clouds, remarkable! Has LCG explained all this with a 'booklet'? Remember 2Tim 3:16? So what about doctrine, reproof, and correction, does LCG (or any other splinter) apply this scripture and recieve correction of false (or unclear) doctrines from the word of God, your sword of the Spirit? As much as LCG and Gerald Weston, his eminence, profess to adhere to scripture, do they adhere to 2Tim 3:16 or just like saying that they do?
So do any of those treasured Bible studies offer scriptural proofs for held doctrines of LCG? Does doctrine matter for truth? Are LCG's doctrines all sound; are they tested (proven) by scripture? Do you know clearly the doctrines which LCG teaches and espouses? How can anyone discern a true church from a false or corrupted (apostate) church? Might LCG be such a church, how can you know? Just because it feels right, or perhaps because it feels good? What does LCG teach about the rapture at Christ's 'appearing' (in the sky upon clouds) and about Christ's 'return' (to earth) as King of kings (upon a horse), would that be upon a white (of course!) horse-shaped cloud? Where are the saints when all this is happening? When is the first resurrection? What is the 'wrath' to which the saints are not appointed in 1Thes 5:9? What is the 'Day of the Lord' and what is 'the day of Christ'; are these the same or different, how are they different? Has LCG Bible studies covered these subjects? Do they matter? What about that 'place of safety', does LCG teach on that, what does it teach, can this be scripturally proven? Does that matter?
Wow, Jesus Christ be praised. Thank you @TomorrowsWorld Your video came in today to me in a perfect time. For so many years, my thinking was wrong and the only thing I desired was for Jesus to help me escape to heaven as soon as possible. This covered my mind and clothes me with a jacket of judgment of all things earthly. I desire to be in joy and God has put in my heart that my thinking needs to be renewed. I thank God for his providence and mercy, and you for blessing me with this video. Thank you for helping me put into words and scripture "Seek to be in the kingdom of God" amen.
God is a just God. Imagine if He had not given Man the choice and He took up government from the very beginning. Man would be in an uproar.. I’m glad He gave Man the choice.. all Men have seen what it is like to be governed by Men.. no one can dispute now that it has not worked when he returns.
can you be as human a church as you used to be, and tell us a hope to get us through each human day alive and sane inside humanity? yes eternal life, yes saved from eternal death, yes give not get, yes loving and caring not hating and hurting i do not need to be vainly puffed up as a future king or priest, i only want to be of use, now! that will give me hope
Please pray for my sister and nephew, they have had a terrible year, with the death of a child, their house being flooded, and now my nephew may lose an eye. I don't know what to say to them anymore, it seems as if they are under attack and that God doesn't care. By the way, God bless the local church and the menonnites who helped them in their time of need. I'm having a hard time believing that people like them are "lost", just because they don't keep the sabbaths, while others are "saved" just because they do. It's wasn't the LCG, or any other Sabbath keeping church who sent repair supplies and a crew to help rebuild, it was the mennonites. A triple blessing on them and their families. I'm not denying Sabbath keeping, we keep the Sabbaths, but surely there's got to be room for people like them. As for Sabbath keepers... Keep the Sabbaths, but Jesus also said to do good and He said He will say "I never knew you" to those who don't, just as he said the same about those who practice lawlessness. It seems to me that Sabbath keepers have one eye open and non Sabbath keepers have the other eye open, but no one has both eyes open. People on both sides of the Sabbath debate should be doing the one thing, without neglecting the other, as Jesus said. A little less conversation and a little more action...
What are their names? I will definitely pray for them ..Gods church is a tiny scattered flock called out from vastly different backgrounds and beliefs all over the world. I'm sure His people would indeed help those in their vicinity in need, just as Christ did. It's a blessing to live amongst compassionate and caring people such as the Mennonites who can rally together and support their communities in times of tragedy. God sees, He hears our prayers and He provides 🙏🙏🙏 Check out the behind the work films 2023 and 2024😊
@SarahG-i4n Cindy and Shawne The Mennonites actually came from all over, one of them is from Canada. "The Mennonites Disaster Service". They are volunteers. Wonderful, sweet people.
Everyone will eventually have the opportunity to be saved. They don't have to be lost forever, one day everyone will have the chance to understand and choose. Praying for them. ❤
Does the stone smite the image on the legs of iron or on the feet of iron and clay? Isnt the feet of iron and clay a kingdom? The comparing of Daniel 2 with Daniel 7 doesnt it show that the feet of iron and clay is a beast, a kingdom with a king? Doesnt the book of Revelation magnifies this, chapter 13 etc? Thanks for your videos.
Ive always wondered if there isnt a difference between the legs of iron and the feet of iron and clay because in the said chapter, when the kingdoms are being destroyed it refers to the feet of iron and clay separately from the legs of iron and refers to it as "the clay kingdom". Now based on what the bible defines iron as (rulership, Psm.2 and Rev.2) and clay as (Faithful people/church, Isa. and Jer.) It makes sense that the legs of iron is pagan roam and the feet of iron/rulership/state and clay/church is paypal r0me as it is the entity that came out of the legs Dan.7v23 and recvd power seat and great authority from it, rev13v1-3. Remember there is also the miry clay which is unfaithful people/church in the same chapter different from the potters clay. What seems to be happening now is the healing of rev13v3. Interesting times. May we all be ready.
Your narrative now is much better, more in line with the intended gospel to nations addressing the powers that be behind closed doors(darkness). There are two parts to the gospel. The first part is to understand the rule of SIN. The second part is the way out of the rule of SIN. There is however a great difference between the kingdom of god and of heaven. The former speaks of the whole while the latter speaks of the core where Daniel is standing. All of you have stumbled on the “four beasts” which you allude to four different empires. Lastly, Jesus, the religious idol, will not return in the form you expect him to rule as King on earth. The last blind spot is your(Christianity) greatest stumbling block. There is no point talking about “the tree of life” if you are not prepared to die by the sword at the east gate. That is the second part not given to you to understand then how can you enter into the “kingdom of God”? Dan 6:26 I make a decree that in all the domain of my kingdom, there shall be trembling and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, and endures forever, and His kingdom is that which shall not be destroyed, and His rule shall be to the end.
Ready for the full message and instructions for Christians that Jesus Christ taught to prepare them for His Kingdom? Order our FREE study guide, “Do You Believe the True Gospel?”
Why is it free? We are determined to follow Jesus’ command to “freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
The only person that can fix this mess is Christ Yeshua.
*The POPE and the Catholic Church in the Bible* If Christ, HIMSELF been given the proper name *“ROCK”* everyone in the Bible would have called Christ “PETER” Or “CEPHAS” because the ONLY way to pronounce the *proper name* "Rock" in the bible is PETER OR CEPHAS!!
The Protestants are caught in their desire to deceive themselves and others!
Christ's *name* was never Rock in the old or new Testament. Jesus is *described* (adjective) as a Rock, but that was NEVER HIS NAME! Christ's name is "Yashua" not ROCK. Christ reserved the *name* Rock for Simon Barjona (John 1:42).
The Protestants and their like have never gotten over the fact that Christ Himself *named* Simon Barjona, "Rock" and gave to *Peter the power authority to bind and loosen in his stead.* Mt. 16:16-19 Christ did *NOT SAY "I AM ROCK"* concerning himself. Christ said to Peter, *"YOU ARE ROCK"* Christ did not describe Peter as a Rock, *Christ changed Peter's name to Rock"* having reserved it for him from the foundation of the world. John 1vs 41 The first thing he did was to find his brother Shim‘on and tell him, “We’ve found the Mashiach!” (The word means “one who has been anointed.”) 42 He took him to Yeshua. Looking at him, Yeshua said, “You are Shim‘on Bar-Yochanan; you will be known as KEFA.” (The name means “rock.”) *The Jewish Bible*
As usual, Mr. Weston, you explain GOD'S WORD so well to make all to be able to understand it. I am so thankful for this, because sometimes it is hard to understand. That is why I love and look forward to our Bible study. May our Eternal God, keep you safe and bless all who preach GOD'S WORD, in truth. Thank you.
Had you noticed that any Bible studies from LCG which comprise scriptural doctrinal proofs for the doctrines which LCG teaches and extols are absent?
Have you ever sought such proof for the nature and timing of the first resurrection? What about for the nature and timing of the marriage of the Lamb? Has LCG clearly explained with scriptural proofs precisely what is the event described in Matt 24:30-31, 'Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, ...and they will see the Son of Man coming on the CLOUDS of heaven ...And He will send His angels with a great sound of a TRUMPET, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.' and has LCG explained v27 of this chapter? Has LCG explained with scriptural proof why this description differs from that of Rev 19:11-16 with Christ Jesus coming upon a white horse? Is that a horse-shaped cloud then; which naturally would be white of course! And what about those 'armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, following Him on white horses.' Would those also be horse-shaped clouds? That must be a lot of curious horse-shaped clouds, remarkable! Has LCG explained all this with a 'booklet'? Remember 2Tim 3:16? So what about doctrine, reproof, and correction, does LCG (or any other splinter) apply this scripture and recieve correction of false (or unclear) doctrines from the word of God, your sword of the Spirit? As much as LCG and Gerald Weston, his eminence, profess to adhere to scripture, do they adhere to 2Tim 3:16 or just like saying that they do?
So do any of those treasured Bible studies offer scriptural proofs for held doctrines of LCG? Does doctrine matter for truth? Are LCG's doctrines all sound; are they tested (proven) by scripture? Do you know clearly the doctrines which LCG teaches and espouses? How can anyone discern a true church from a false or corrupted (apostate) church? Might LCG be such a church, how can you know? Just because it feels right, or perhaps because it feels good? What does LCG teach about the rapture at Christ's 'appearing' (in the sky upon clouds) and about Christ's 'return' (to earth) as King of kings (upon a horse), would that be upon a white (of course!) horse-shaped cloud? Where are the saints when all this is happening? When is the first resurrection? What is the 'wrath' to which the saints are not appointed in 1Thes 5:9? What is the 'Day of the Lord' and what is 'the day of Christ'; are these the same or different, how are they different? Has LCG Bible studies covered these subjects? Do they matter? What about that 'place of safety', does LCG teach on that, what does it teach, can this be scripturally proven? Does that matter?
Wonderful message
Thank you. So many have allowed themselves to be blinded as those in Noah's day. Only 8 were saved. I pray for the world.
❤ to All Amen Hallelujah Thanks for another Great Video. God Bless
Wow, Jesus Christ be praised. Thank you @TomorrowsWorld
Your video came in today to me in a perfect time. For so many years, my thinking was wrong and the only thing I desired was for Jesus to help me escape to heaven as soon as possible. This covered my mind and clothes me with a jacket of judgment of all things earthly.
I desire to be in joy and God has put in my heart that my thinking needs to be renewed. I thank God for his providence and mercy, and you for blessing me with this video. Thank you for helping me put into words and scripture "Seek to be in the kingdom of God" amen.
And it only gets better as you come to understand it more and more. 😊
@@brendahewer8020 So true!
Thank you sir 😊😊 oh yes 😮😮
You are very welcome
It’s amazing to think that millennia ago, wars only really happened every century or so.. in modern days it feels like it’s every week
We were deceived.the whole world was deceived by satan.
God is a just God. Imagine if He had not given Man the choice and He took up government from the very beginning. Man would be in an uproar.. I’m glad He gave Man the choice.. all Men have seen what it is like to be governed by Men.. no one can dispute now that it has not worked when he returns.
It'll be righteousness for us if we keep the commandments of the Lors as he commanded us..
Thanks for another good video.
That was a parable.and not saying we will lead actual.cities.
I appreciate the message, BUT, the music is distracting! I much prefer your older presentations without the distraction! Shalom.
You're my Zoom congregation.🕊️🤍👑
can you be as human a church as you used to be, and tell us a hope to get us through each human day alive and sane inside humanity?
yes eternal life, yes saved from eternal death, yes give not get, yes loving and caring not hating and hurting
i do not need to be vainly puffed up as a future king or priest, i only want to be of use, now! that will give me hope
Please pray for my sister and nephew, they have had a terrible year, with the death of a child, their house being flooded, and now my nephew may lose an eye.
I don't know what to say to them anymore, it seems as if they are under attack and that God doesn't care.
By the way, God bless the local church and the menonnites who helped them in their time of need.
I'm having a hard time believing that people like them are "lost", just because they don't keep the sabbaths, while others are "saved" just because they do.
It's wasn't the LCG, or any other Sabbath keeping church who sent repair supplies and a crew to help rebuild, it was the mennonites.
A triple blessing on them and their families.
I'm not denying Sabbath keeping, we keep the Sabbaths, but surely there's got to be room for people like them.
As for Sabbath keepers... Keep the Sabbaths, but Jesus also said to do good and He said He will say "I never knew you" to those who don't, just as he said the same about those who practice lawlessness.
It seems to me that Sabbath keepers have one eye open and non Sabbath keepers have the other eye open, but no one has both eyes open.
People on both sides of the Sabbath debate should be doing the one thing, without neglecting the other, as Jesus said.
A little less conversation and a little more action...
What are their names? I will definitely pray for them ..Gods church is a tiny scattered flock called out from vastly different backgrounds and beliefs all over the world. I'm sure His people would indeed help those in their vicinity in need, just as Christ did. It's a blessing to live amongst compassionate and caring people such as the Mennonites who can rally together and support their communities in times of tragedy. God sees, He hears our prayers and He provides 🙏🙏🙏 Check out the behind the work films 2023 and 2024😊
Cindy and Shawne
The Mennonites actually came from all over, one of them is from Canada.
"The Mennonites Disaster Service".
They are volunteers. Wonderful, sweet people.
Everyone will eventually have the opportunity to be saved.
They don't have to be lost forever, one day everyone will have the chance to understand and choose.
Praying for them. ❤
That's true. Most Christians actually don't understand that. 👍
Oh, this is an LCG video, that explains how you knew that. LOL.
@@justincase1919 Oh, I thought you meant it a different way earlier, :-D
Does the stone smite the image on the legs of iron or on the feet of iron and clay? Isnt the feet of iron and clay a kingdom? The comparing of Daniel 2 with Daniel 7 doesnt it show that the feet of iron and clay is a beast, a kingdom with a king? Doesnt the book of Revelation magnifies this, chapter 13 etc?
Thanks for your videos.
The feet are the final iteration of the Roman Empire, the coming beast power.
Ive always wondered if there isnt a difference between the legs of iron and the feet of iron and clay because in the said chapter, when the kingdoms are being destroyed it refers to the feet of iron and clay separately from the legs of iron and refers to it as "the clay kingdom". Now based on what the bible defines iron as (rulership, Psm.2 and Rev.2) and clay as (Faithful people/church, Isa. and Jer.) It makes sense that the legs of iron is pagan roam and the feet of iron/rulership/state and clay/church is paypal r0me as it is the entity that came out of the legs Dan.7v23 and recvd power seat and great authority from it, rev13v1-3. Remember there is also the miry clay which is unfaithful people/church in the same chapter different from the potters clay. What seems to be happening now is the healing of rev13v3. Interesting times. May we all be ready.
Your narrative now is much better, more in line with the intended gospel to nations addressing the powers that be behind closed doors(darkness). There are two parts to the gospel. The first part is to understand the rule of SIN. The second part is the way out of the rule of SIN.
There is however a great difference between the kingdom of god and of heaven. The former speaks of the whole while the latter speaks of the core where Daniel is standing.
All of you have stumbled on the “four beasts” which you allude to four different empires.
Lastly, Jesus, the religious idol, will not return in the form you expect him to rule as King on earth.
The last blind spot is your(Christianity) greatest stumbling block.
There is no point talking about “the tree of life” if you are not prepared to die by the sword at the east gate.
That is the second part not given to you to understand then how can you enter into the “kingdom of God”?
Dan 6:26 I make a decree that in all the domain of my kingdom, there shall be trembling and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, and endures forever, and His kingdom is that which shall not be destroyed, and His rule shall be to the end.