Küfür ile belli olmaz kardeşim Türklük bu kadar cahilce konuşmayın artık lütfen. Hele ki ülkenin şimdi ki şu hallerinde. Bilime, teknolojiye, en çoğu gençlere ve onların öğreneceği bilgiye ihtiyacı varken Türkiye'nin. Burası belki bu muhabbetin yeri olmayabilir ama aklınızda bulunsun. Küfür ile hiçbir yere varamazsın daha çok geriye adım atarsın.
*The ergonomic design of this device is a testament to a commitment to user comfort, ensuring that every interaction is not just functional but also physically satisfying.*
A couple years ago we were coming home one night from visiting my son. Truckers were parading like this across the Mackinac Bridge. We asked the toll booth person what was going on. She said they do it every year in memory of a fallen colleague.
Checking in from New Zealand, there's some very unusual looking trucks to what we are used to here, check out logging trucks at pan pack Napier new Zealand or off high way logging trucks in the Kaiangaroa New Zealand , seems there's no American trucks in Europe
It's cool is the best video ever it's truck mafia all truck in this video is truck mafia one of the old timer this video is long 1 hour this video i love it is the best.....😍😍💕💕🏁🏁🏁thank you creator......
How long does it TAKE to CUSTOMIZE A TRUCK with that AMOUNT of DETAIL? Probadly they are old truck drivers and most of them love SCANIA. Well same as me. :D
@@M1NUSTWØ XD? Why is it not enough? The RJL Scania Has Many Parts to Put Lights on @Redim Before I was like this on ets2 I put a lot of lights on my trucks
a full hour of beautiful professional video, a lot of Nice trucks with super sounds I really like the sounds of those Air horns would be great to have these sounds in ETS2. truly: European truck spotting your videos are amazing & lovely
i wish ets2 would let you have that healthy open pipe sound
i also wish Scania could come here to the US
Me too
Me too
Yeah that would be awsome
I saw a Scania on my way to work the other day. Sadly I didn't get a picture.
24:04 O_O Ex-American fire truck 😲😲 Has a Bodywork of Emergency One (E-One)
10:38 the best part 😍
Love from Pakistan
Ich bin selber LKW Fahrer und ich bin aus Oberslieschen (Opole) Byłem i widziałem Live Było warto . Polska. 👍Brawo.
26:35 Euro Truck Simulator 2
Sondaki küfür ne alaka kardeşim?
türk oldugumuzu belli edelim gardas
Küfür ile belli olmaz kardeşim Türklük bu kadar cahilce konuşmayın artık lütfen. Hele ki ülkenin şimdi ki şu hallerinde. Bilime, teknolojiye, en çoğu gençlere ve onların öğreneceği bilgiye ihtiyacı varken Türkiye'nin. Burası belki bu muhabbetin yeri olmayabilir ama aklınızda bulunsun. Küfür ile hiçbir yere varamazsın daha çok geriye adım atarsın.
Ohhhh!!! Many beautiful M.A.N.s again!!! Silent, soft and powerful big cats!!!
10:37 - 11:15 😮😍Woooww...The best Part. What a Sound and beautiful Lights !!! 💜💜💜
7:33 the best💪
Wanderful truck i hope soon i am interested dribe, for now i am treiler driver ind the philipines 🇵🇭❤️ i love your trucking ❤
Great great video!!! 27:00 SCS Iveco and Trailer!! Great catch!!
He has krone dlc 😂
LOL are they advertising Euro Truck Simulator 2 well guess what i have it in my STEAM ACCOUNT.
@@BeziTank same
Yea, Ik they ride around and in the trailer they have 2 very realistic gaming setups to promote Ets2
11:10 omg mega super DAF XF 105 😱😱😱
How MUCH power does that DAF HAVE to POWER all THOSE LIGHTS?
Are you kidding me damn its a carnival ride
1:57 train on road 😂😂 great sound 😊😊
Too mutch lights it's ugly
10:58 DAF PARTY!
10:47 literally the coolest one
Oh Amazing European truck spotting
8:30 Tritube Paul WALKER ♥
hiihih nniin no
@@AltijdMatthijs ะะลนช
@@natthapongsiripheat1890 what
@@AltijdMatthijs lol
Immer wieder schön zu sehen Lkw .🤗🥰👍
10:24 wow 🤩
Algunos trailers no parecían trailers parecían árboles de navidad
Polska ❤
Lorakovaty fajnie ze taki filmik powstał
Polska Biało Czerwoni
@@СашаЯхонтов-е8ш 9
The Graphics on these Trucks are simply stunning, very good Video 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Bruh graphics
@@ezprck6191 .
I really liked the first truck's horn.
Man,this video has some heavy stuff.Nice mix of trucks and skins.Thanks for the share!
11:08 just WOW O_o
Scania V8 l love
How many leds you want?
Wow truk nya keren keren, salam dari Indonesia
27:45 i love scania
Kasjano Yt mafia truck
@@dennisp6722 9popo
@@sofia1fatipieto437 3ydyyYzYGtz5Fzt
It's not Scania
Scania V8, the Legend!
Poland ❤
1:32 best Truck
coś pięknego aż mam ciarki gdy tak trąbią..nie rozumie co jest z tymi ludzmi co dają łapkę w "dół"
Witam Polskę
Awesome video, ETS!
I want that in ETS2
Mooi om te zien
your the best
I have never seen an open piped Renault Magnum, until this video. Nice ;)
One of my favourite horns in the video was from the FH16 heavy duty truck at 56:38
Very nice 👍
Nice VID bro
*The ergonomic design of this device is a testament to a commitment to user comfort, ensuring that every interaction is not just functional but also physically satisfying.*
A couple years ago we were coming home one night from visiting my son. Truckers were parading like this across the Mackinac Bridge. We asked the toll booth person what was going on. She said they do it every year in memory of a fallen colleague.
Koaooaoppoojwkwkwkwlwleelll3l3l3kl3wkwlm4kw d de se.o8q
7:20 the best part
Checking in from New Zealand, there's some very unusual looking trucks to what we are used to here, check out logging trucks at pan pack Napier new Zealand or off high way logging trucks in the Kaiangaroa New Zealand , seems there's no American trucks in Europe
i whyle love your viedio
I love all trucks
لان القلبية حتي،،🚵🚴
Ya ni hui ok😊I,fdA01mmma
1qlq9 PM
12:15 Jończyk Transport Stare Kobiałki pow. łukowski
Lots of scania love here wow
Scania King of the road. Leider Geil 💋💋💋
i love trucks
It's cool is the best video ever it's truck mafia all truck in this video is truck mafia one of the old timer this video is long 1 hour this video i love it is the best.....😍😍💕💕🏁🏁🏁thank you creator......
Good 27:00 i love euro truck 2
Il fischio e bellissimo💪💪😵😘
Those 1 meter long horns sounds legit !
0:22 telolet sound bro...made in Indonesian😄
27:10 I don't think there is a 500hp version of the Performance Edition....
Love these trucks more than the American trucks
"Tamta noc nie była spokojna" - mówią pobliscy mieszkańcy ;)
10:59 tom-tech jeszcze takiej ciężarówki nie widziałem !! ledy pod nią piękne malowanie naprawdę wow
21:10 Artdrive!
Одно подобное видео наглухо перекрывает все остальные "видео" на TH-cam
Super LKW. 👍👍
Scania v 8 legendary!!!
The tribute to Paul Walker was the best
Awesome video but what's wrong with the colors? Red and blue turn to grey
28:35 zabawna syrena
29:48 jeszcze lepsza
jjaka syrena gościu kurwa
Byłem na tym :D
Kerennnn banget truknya saya penggemar truk dari Indonesia mana nih yang dari Indonesia kasih like dong please 🇮🇩
11:08 DAF just super, I have not seen so many headlights Oh et can be
love in scania
24:43 ten znak tam jest niepotrzebny ewentualnie dalej można go postawić.
Nice video clip very cool
my fav truck is scania t and scania s
the Scania at 2.37 is this an old knut enger transport truck from norway
Yes, that is correct, here in Chile there is an old Volvo from that company
How long does it TAKE to CUSTOMIZE A TRUCK with that AMOUNT of DETAIL? Probadly they are old truck drivers and most of them love SCANIA. Well same as me. :D
10:46 Me adding as many lights as possible in ETS
Still not enough tho 😂
@@M1NUSTWØ XD? Why is it not enough? The RJL Scania Has Many Parts to Put Lights on
@Redim Before I was like this on ets2 I put a lot of lights on my trucks
@@valentingajardocollao1704 And the vad&k daf too
Even though I’m in Australia and don’t see these trucks very often,still an amazing video to watch ver beautiful trucks here!
a full hour of beautiful professional video, a lot of Nice trucks with super sounds I really like the sounds of those Air horns would be great to have these sounds in ETS2. truly: European truck spotting your videos are amazing & lovely
RrieigďSDCCźSd4pv uokhfccxxc68
@@БатырЖанғожа 1111111❤❤😂❤😂😂❤😂😂😂😂🎉1😢1🎉1🎉1🎉1🎉🎉1🎉1🎉1🎉11🎉🎉q😢😢😢😢😢8p!🎉
Scania at 7:11 was lovely. But overall I couldn’t choose between which on I drive 😂
Nice video
I'm from indonesian
10:47 Christmastree
yea ! polska
22:10 #teamFreshCargo
Very nice shot video 👌👌🏆🥇🏅👍💪👈👍👍🖖✌👍
I have a photo since february 2018 with daf 11:09
witch country does it come from?
witch country does it come from
Thx man!
57:44 super
35:26 Polish "maluch" xD
4.20 its not an airhorn but what do they call the weep weep sound that the trucks make, anyone please help me
this is a wolf whistle horn
I love daf 10:48
Какая КРАСОТА!!! Спасибо!
А,,, алайкум, МОЙ ДОМ,МОЁ КРЕПОСТЬ.🥇👍🇺🇿.
1:58 ahahahaah NICE beeeeeeeep XD
You're all welcome to Master Truck 2019 this weekend!! The best truck show in the region
Добрый день! Очень здорово и красива спасибо.
Красиво, а не красива
0:30 dem Timo Mücke Truck. Was ist dem denn da abgeflogen? :D
sieht so aus als hätte er nur ein Pappbecher hochgewirbelt
1:02 👑 S C A N I A 👑 T O R P E D O 👑V8 👑 S-U-P-E-R 👑 K E M P F 😄👍
No to sie chopaki bawią👍
Great video, I watched some of your videos, amazing. Waiting for new ones after this quarantine. Keep the good work!
thank you 👍
@@european.truck.spotting vvvvhvhc
7:13 Hungary Truck Aki Volt Már magyar kamionos találkozón az ismeri !
Még szép, hogy ismerem! :) Egyik legszebb Scania, amit valaha láttam!
(Polak Węgier dwa bratanki i do szabli i do szklanki) From Poland to Hungary 👍✌👋
Be en av de som helas av
Hát a Norbi csapatát ki nem ismeri :D A citrom sárga scania is szép :)