@@notSuly Langerhans cells, which are specialized dendritic cells found in the skin, do contain a variety of cytoskeletal elements, including tonofilaments. Tonofilaments are bundles of intermediate filaments, primarily composed of keratin, that provide structural support to cells. In Langerhans cells, these filaments contribute to the cell’s integrity and function within the epidermis.
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4:23 the langerhans not fixed by desmosomes, so, they do not contain intermediate filaments [ tonofilaments ] am i right?
@@notSuly Langerhans cells, which are specialized dendritic cells found in the skin, do contain a variety of cytoskeletal elements, including tonofilaments. Tonofilaments are bundles of intermediate filaments, primarily composed of keratin, that provide structural support to cells. In Langerhans cells, these filaments contribute to the cell’s integrity and function within the epidermis.
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