Raden is way more energetic and chaotic than I had expected, but in a good way lol That holomem hunting is the horse one? Cuz the other event was 3 people only no?
Nah, the cavalry game isn't on the list and will have everyone in a grand battle royale, the Holomem Hunting is basically a game of guessing and catching a specific Holomem
ah yes, it is you, the channel with the extremely wholesome ending screen/ outro that makes me feel very warm and fuzzy inside, like a wholesome jumpscare
It's funny how all over the place the EN and ID names are in comparison. Everyone is in full japanese names, including Kiara, but Kaela is just Kaela, Ame is Watson A, and Mumei and Nerissa are full english names.
[Minor spoilers from this stream, in case someone doesn't want to know what they have planned] She was delegated the role of the grill master (basically just cooking meat, so the only clue she needs from the princess is the type of meat) Honestly, I'd be more worried about Kaela, Kiara was constantly forgetting to relay info to her so she was just kind of hanging out during that stream :'D
I'm... Kinda curious about Raden now. I have keep up with ReGloss much beyond their debuts and Raden's was EXTRA scuffed so I have not formed much opinion on the members... But she being energetic was not something I expected
Oh you in for a treat. She’s the whole package. High energy yet her streams usually explain the motive and history behind famous artworks. Have the sunshine energy when she talks and laughs but her life story be crazy dark and hella insane at times. Plus this mad lad sneaks Japanese liquor into a official hololive channel program stream in a fucking coffee cup coz she’s to nervous and needs alcohol LOL Absolute mad lad and I love her so much 😂
Raden is wild not only does she have this insane energy, she is quite smart. As the other comment explained, she is really into art and can go on and on about famous art works
She's a real character. She drinks, she smokes, she gambles, and she has a quick wit (including amazing/awful puns) and some of the most creative ideas. And yes, she has a ton of energy, and is a very good talker and storyteller (goes well with the rakugoka backstory). She's growing fastest of all the ReGloss girls for a reason.
Oh boy, you are in for a treat. She's incredibly savvy with artworks and even went as far as traveling to our countries, especially Europe, to enjoy artworks. She has a mainstay segment in her "rakugo" streams where she talks about an artwork and its meaning. She's very passionate about her fondness of art.
@@FreinHowe I'm just so glad to have a JP Holomem be genuinely into international travel. So many of them seem intimidated by it and are generally happy with staying domestic. It's great to have one of them share my interest.
Where the hell did they even find her? Or, I guess, she came from.. History/Art educated, knows a lot of obscure stuff, worked in an izakaya bar, broke, isn't very "technological"..
From what multiple people online mentioned, she is a licensed Curator or curator-verified. From I read on google, a lot of museums required a master degree to be one.
Raden is the personification of "I'm just happy to be here"
Raden could power Japan all by herself
So true. She's so hype.
With the power o Tobacco
Raden reminds me of the video with the father who cheers for every kid at graduation.
She shouts for every person xD
She has some spirit :D
i need to see that, can you lend me that?
@@sodacrow2291 „Grandpa cheers for every kid at graduation“ by CBS News
Raden: “Oh yeah. I work here now.”
i love it when Raden hear her own name : eeeh?! wa...watashiii?!
she's such a mood. lol
She's like this massive fan that somehow made it in.
You don't know what a hype is if you haven't heard Raden when the girls were announced
She said she hadn't had a smoke yet at the time, so she must've been a bundle of nerves.
Idk about you guys, she is unexpectedly Soo cute
Raden : You're a big sister ! You're a big sister ! Everyone is a big sister !!!
I like how Raden forgot she was a part of the stream and not an audience member
She’s the support we all needed
Raden is a riot and i love her for it!!!
Raden's future very bright
Raden reminds me, it reminds me of kiryu coco in her beginnings, I think that in a few years she will be one of the biggest streamears of h
Raden is way more energetic and chaotic than I had expected, but in a good way lol
That holomem hunting is the horse one? Cuz the other event was 3 people only no?
yeh thats horse one and every member gonna play so its gonna be super crowded with lots of chaos on the actual thing
Nah, the cavalry game isn't on the list and will have everyone in a grand battle royale, the Holomem Hunting is basically a game of guessing and catching a specific Holomem
Now imagine this.
Ollie, Roberu, and Raden walk into a bar.....
Nah, Holomem hunt is basically a scavenger hunt, but the goal is to find a specific member. (e.g find a member who has a tail)
When you have not done your smoke of the day be like...
Raden its the powerhouse of hypeman and the spirit of bright soul
ah yes, it is you, the channel with the extremely wholesome ending screen/ outro that makes me feel very warm and fuzzy inside, like a wholesome jumpscare
I watched AZKi's stream, and I thought Raden was Ollie at first when she started -talking- yelling lol
seeing Ame getting called "onee-san'' makes me feel laughing....
to think i'm gonna see that Gremlin getting called "onee-san"..... lol
Raden is such a vibe. I really love her ❤
This made me smile, thanks for the clip
im convinced raden is the designated hypeman for re_gloss despite her initial quiet girl appearance
It's funny how all over the place the EN and ID names are in comparison. Everyone is in full japanese names, including Kiara, but Kaela is just Kaela, Ame is Watson A, and Mumei and Nerissa are full english names.
Probably taken from their discord name
They treat Kaela name like Japan emperor name, with only one word lol
Powered by alcohol and nicotine 😅
She is amazing
I got a big stupid smile on my face, I love her energy so much
Thanks for the subs!
LOL the last "eh watashi?!"
just like Gods, Kaela is just "Kaela".
How's Mumei going to communicate with the JP members on the princess game? Does Iroha speak english? I don't think AZKi or Kanata do...
life finds a way! and if it dosent it will be hilarious to watch
@@Acranify I'm looking forward for Mumei's passion nihongo.
Iroha english pretty good for JP members, and they already plan the strategy so nothing to worry about i think
[Minor spoilers from this stream, in case someone doesn't want to know what they have planned]
She was delegated the role of the grill master (basically just cooking meat, so the only clue she needs from the princess is the type of meat)
Honestly, I'd be more worried about Kaela, Kiara was constantly forgetting to relay info to her so she was just kind of hanging out during that stream :'D
AZKi has good "business English", so she can communicate efficiently, but not so much casually.
Raden needs an outfit with a shirt that reads "I am the hype"
she really got the spirit. The drinkable one.
raden the hype man girl
everyone needs a raden in their life, she has constant caffeine flowing in her veins
Raden is that one uncle fan with very loud voice 😅
True Kiara, they forgot to add "shin" next to Kaela, Okayu would be furious.
Based Raden got taste👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
This girl wild and is a hype girl..
Nice one, Raden can be a cheerleader XD
I'm... Kinda curious about Raden now. I have keep up with ReGloss much beyond their debuts and Raden's was EXTRA scuffed so I have not formed much opinion on the members... But she being energetic was not something I expected
Oh you in for a treat. She’s the whole package. High energy yet her streams usually explain the motive and history behind famous artworks. Have the sunshine energy when she talks and laughs but her life story be crazy dark and hella insane at times. Plus this mad lad sneaks Japanese liquor into a official hololive channel program stream in a fucking coffee cup coz she’s to nervous and needs alcohol LOL Absolute mad lad and I love her so much 😂
Raden is wild
not only does she have this insane energy, she is quite smart. As the other comment explained, she is really into art and can go on and on about famous art works
She's a real character. She drinks, she smokes, she gambles, and she has a quick wit (including amazing/awful puns) and some of the most creative ideas. And yes, she has a ton of energy, and is a very good talker and storyteller (goes well with the rakugoka backstory). She's growing fastest of all the ReGloss girls for a reason.
Oh boy, you are in for a treat. She's incredibly savvy with artworks and even went as far as traveling to our countries, especially Europe, to enjoy artworks. She has a mainstay segment in her "rakugo" streams where she talks about an artwork and its meaning. She's very passionate about her fondness of art.
@@FreinHowe I'm just so glad to have a JP Holomem be genuinely into international travel. So many of them seem intimidated by it and are generally happy with staying domestic. It's great to have one of them share my interest.
Man, I love Raden 😌
Raden got the spirit
I need to see Raden collab with Biboo so bad.
Huh, she really does feel like Hiroi from bocchi the rock
She's so cute man T-T
kawaii imouto desu
raden was so me🤣
Lmfao she so hyper
Arghh....!!!!!!! Neeee..Sann.....😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
So energetic 😂
Drunken muscle XD
Just lik bit drunk😂😂
So funny !
Where the hell did they even find her? Or, I guess, she came from..
History/Art educated, knows a lot of obscure stuff, worked in an izakaya bar, broke, isn't very "technological"..
Probably ordering cigarettes, but very loudly
They found her when pekora bought cig from koro store
Just your regular history of art major.
She sounds like a fine arts major
From what multiple people online mentioned, she is a licensed Curator or curator-verified. From I read on google, a lot of museums required a master degree to be one.
God has no second name Kiara...
it should be KAELA, not Kaela
If god, why cute
Is raden the only one in one event? Is that normal?
You are right.
Well, she's not a Minecraft player and I guess that's why she's not doing more games.
@@vvaleddy I see, thank you!
She can also join in Cavalry battle.which is free for all
was raden not in the sports festival?
she does indeed have big voice.