@cran brisbane The living word is written in my heart, they can never take it. Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
I feel the same way. I said to myself the other day, "I'm finished listening to the news....it isn't going to get better and wickedness is still increasing and wicked people strut about free as a bird. Our hope truly is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He's my anchor, He's my redeemer!
@@skmcpheron Some are not talking about the last days, end times, etc. Some Christians concentrate on what God is going to do for them. Or, everthing is positive, no faith if you are not. Some false doctrines out there, huh? This year was very unique for me by finding these types of channels that speak God's word so diffetently than what I grew up in. Yes, love Jesus & look forward to His return! 🙏☺
Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth, too many "pastors" are saying we may have a revival, but no where does this say so in God's word...."As it was in the days of Noah" no revival there!
Yaddy Stanley.. I think there are many pastors who do not understand the Book of Revelation.. they confuse the Many tribulation saints who will come to Jesus and die for their faith AFTER the Rapture.. with revival... “Blessed are those who will die in the Lord from now on .” Revelation 14:13. There will be a great realization by the lukewarm and new believers.. many will come to Jesus in this time.. Too much to write here.. but please everyone read the Book of Revelation and find a pastor to help with your understanding. Pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit WILL guide you. God Bless!
Dear Dr. Reagan, you are so right. The same applies to Europe. Also our society forgot our heavenly LORD Jesus Christ. We passed the point of no return around 16 years ago. There is no hope for the world, except for the people who are believing in our dear LORD Jesus Christ. Praise our dear LORD Jesus Christ. All glory to him. Amen & Maranatha 🙏 🙏 🙏God bless the Christ in Prophecy Team
God is merciful. We can use this time to take as many as we can with us, that's probably why we are still here, and not in Heaven yet. He said to occupy till He comes, but we can know the seasons and it is close. God bless. See you in the clouds. 😊
Wow, I have had those same feelings for some time now. I recieved more rebuke and condemnation from the church expressing these feelings. It is a blessed confirmation to know I am not alone. I thank God for your faith and courage. God Bless
I was becoming increasingly depressed by what I see happening to the nation I love. I left the house to go for a drive and ended up listening to this while I was out. This message actually cheered me up with reassurance and when I returned to the house happy and cheerful my wife wondered where I’d been and what I’d been up to. She won’t believe me that just going for a drive cheered me up so I added “and listening to a great message explaining God’s judgment on our nation”. Now she really wants to know what I’ve been up to.
That is so funny!I feel like a burden has been lifted while I listen to this message as I have been so anxious and dismayed over election thinking God was about to move in a 11th hour miracle.If that is the case and America is about to be judged then how close is the Lords coming?See you in the clouds brother!From a sister in Australia
I feel this. When I'm told by pastors to pray for America, pray for a turn-around, I just shake my head. This nation hasn't made the change needed, turned to God as we should...we allowed the wicked to rise.
We have allowed the wicked to rise but don't forget there is a remnant in this country that does stand for God. Many appreciate Trump bcs he has defended Israel and Christianity unlike any other Pres. Biden and Dems will bring much destruction never seen before
@@Minkagurl see the way you took an unbiased and God honoring concern and turned it political? That's the opposite side of the coin. The liberal/democrat is obviously ungodly, obviously counterbiblical. But then there is the entity in Revelation that "looks like a Lamb but speaks like a dragon". That's the prejudiced political church that has lost all credibility and influence in the lost world today. The salt has lost its savour, the lost world will never again look there for the image of God.
I’m very concerned for the future of this nation. I am an immigrant who became a naturalized citizen. When freedom is gone in America there will be no other place to go
If you are a Christian, than this world isn't your home. Your citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. That is where your freedom lies. This world is but a vapor. Life with our King Jesus lasts forever. Cling to that hope.
Thank you Dr. Reagan. I prayed for Jesus to show me his truth today, and he is always , just and faithful! Savior give us faith and guidance to seek your truth! The only truth! Amen ❤️
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your telling it like it is Dr. Reagan, not adding a spin or foofooing it up to make it more palatable! I agree completely with your assessment!! America has dug the pit we find ourselves in now! Our hope is in Jesus alone! We have to keep our eyes on the prize and share Jesus whenever we can, put on the full armor of God daily, thank Him for everything-good and bad alike (hello kidney stones), and pray in the Spirit about all things! Maranatha!
No one wants to hear the truth! God has spoken! Those who hear this message and take it to heart, need to put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ, our only hope!
Read these scriptures GENESIS 15:13,14...2SAMUEL 1:18...JASHER 81:1-4...DEUTERONOMY 23:2 and 8 and ISAIAH 11:12 also read the scripture I said in the verse I dropped called GET READY TO PAY and in the comment section
@@valorinhislight5808 Aloha e Hau’oli Makahiki Hou ( Hello and Happy New Year ). I still write comments on Brother Farag’s video but I think UTube censor my comments or something where they are not showing up on the channel. GOD bless you too.
God bless you richly for declaring His Word truthfully! You've confirmed exactly what the Holy Spirit has been showing me! For a while, it was Jeremiah. Then, recently, it was as if a big, cement blockade was up when I would try to share Jeremiah. For about a month or so, Ezekiel has been in the forefront. And my prayer is for the lost sheep to get into the ark of safety, which is faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord. My main prayer is that we would prepare to meet God and give Him an account of our lives. I hate thinking about the lost rewards when judged at the Bema seat of Christ, but the reward of living with God forever is worth everything. 💔👐🕊💗
Powerful presentation. This country is finished. The only hope I have is that this means that Jesus is closer to coming for us. Intercessory prayer for individuals to come to Jesus is even more essential now than ever.
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' Isaiah 46:10
I'm a sinner too Stephen, if we all were so perfect Jesus would not have had to die on the cross, I have to ask Jesus to forgive me everyday..God bless and stay strong in the Lord
Have you been born again? If you haven’t and would like to be you can. Please read Romans 10 9 & 10. Praying for both of you. Jesus is your help. He loves you and will save you.
Sin is to live in satan's nature. Once you are born again, baptized in Jesus name and Spirit filled, you can start to live in God's nature through the guidance of his Spirit, no desire to sin anymore... Anyone calling themselves a sinner after being born again and Spirit filled is actually rejecting what Jesus has done for them....
@@andrevisser7605 Christians can still sin, but it won't be our Practice (habit). Even King David sinned and He was a man after God's own heart, and he also had the Holy Spirit. When we do sin occasionally (and we shouldn't use this as an excuse to sin, we have been given the power to resist temptations, but we must apply it), we aren't comfortable in it because the Spirit within us is fighting against it. We can still grieve the Holy Spirit. The Spirit wrestles within us against the flesh. We aren't free from this corruptible body until Jesus comes back, and gives us incorruptible resurrected bodies. His blood did pay for our past, present, and future sins. However, Christians can stumble at times. That is why we must guard our hearts and put on the full armor of God. We have an adversary trying to trip us up. It is why we have 1 John Chapter 2 and that was written to believers. Our "desire" isn't to sin anymore once we do become born again. However, at times we may let our guard down and stumble. If we are in habitual sin, than we may have to examine if we are truly born again. A born again Christian will never be comfortable in sin. King David even wrote a psalm about how he felt inside when he sinned with Bathsheba. He had the Holy Spirit, and there was a wrestling match going on within him, until he turned away from it. That wrestling match never started within me, until I became born again. My perspective changed. My desires changed. I became a new person by Gods power. 1 Corinthians chapter 10 warns us to be careful when you think you stand, lest you fall. Again, written to believers.
You are a sinner, who is in need of Gods mercy. God gave you that mercy through Jesus. That is the man that was justified before God in the parable that Jesus told. By Gods grace through faith that Jesus paid your sin debt in full.
Amen! Thank you for this powerful message and may God bless the Lamb Lion Ministries for sharing the truth of God's word. I would say the words spoken apply not only to America but the world at large. People do not have time for God with many not believing in His existence. What an absolute tragedy!
You do tell it like it is and I appreciate that, I agree with everything you say. There is absolutely no hope left for our country and I believe this time available is to refine the true Christians .
Paula, you are right! My sentiments exactly! I have had this thought in my heart over the past year that The Lord is refining and purifying His Bride. I also believe that America is finished. What an exciting time to be living in. Though we may stumble, yet the Lord forgives. Stay strong sister. I look forward to meeting you in glory.
And as an American living in Canada I know that whatever happens in America, Canada is not far behind. Same things happening here. I know I have to lean on Jesus and His word more than ever and prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for what is coming for true believers. Cpme Lord Jesus (Maranatha!).
@@Minkagurl I won't go so far as to say America has passed the point of no return because I am not God. However, it sure isn't looking like repentance is coming, but a doubling down of rebellion instead. Persistent rebellion has always brought God's discipline, and it can be severe if the rebellion is severe. IF there is repentance in this nation, than God will relent of the calamities that He has in store for us. He has done it in the past, and He never changes. However, we may be on the last birth pain before the Tribulation starts. Prophesies have been converging at a quick pace in our generation. If that is the case, then there won't be that repentance because Gods appointed time has come. It is possibly the last push, but maybe not. We could possibly see another break from the contractions, that we are going through at the moment. However, we are starting to parallel the descriptions of the "difficult times" that will occur world wide, as the time of His return draws near. Time will tell. The church just needs to keep our focus on preaching the gospel. Don't get sidetracked by the difficult times. Keep going.
We need more Pastors who know the truth and are willing to teach it, not only to non-Christians but also to professing Christians. I'm sad to see our once great nation being overtaken by this evil but God's Word will always come to pass. Like you said, our only hope is in Jesus Christ. May we cling to Him desperately in faith. God Bless.
Thank you Dr. Reagan. This message is a truth inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your faithfulness to Him and for preaching the uncompromised Word of God. A quick comment regarding the "liberal packing of the Supreme Court": In my humble opinion, I don't think they need to place liberal judges at the Supreme Court level. The three "conservative judges" which the president appointed showed their true intent and color when they stabbed him and this once great nation in the back when they would not even listen to the concerns brought to them by the great state of Texas regarding voter fraud and the stealing of the election. What we saw by SCOTUS is an Isaiah 10:1 moment.
Thank you, Dr. Reagan, for bravely standing for the truth & bringing a message that is sobering but sadly so true. May God continue to be with Lamb & Lion Ministries as you continue to spread God’s word to a lost & dying world!
i am so grateful for dr. reagans ministry i challenge others to help him out he really tells the gospel truth without and sugarcoating. missed going to his conference last summer.
Oh pastor reagan, im listening to u now on tct. You are so on target. Everything you are saying it unfortunately so true. God must be so sad when he looks at us. Im so sorry this country has become so filthy spiritually
I’ve lived watching America change for over 60 years. When the towers went down in 2001, I knew that evil in this country would excelerate. I told my children that day: “Evil has entered, and this nation will never be the same again.”
Outstanding spirit filled message full of the truths that most ignore... but even though ur reasons for President Trump losing makes perfect sense and I do agree..he hasn’t lost yet!!!!
I've followed Dr. Reagan since the mid '80's and he's never led me astray. He never deviates from the word of God. I agree that America's wounds are incurable and that God is in control! Keep looking up!
Thank you for your program! I feel that we are on the down hill slide and there is no return! Our only hope is to stand on our faith and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! However, I feel so sad to see this happening, it like watching a loved one die.
I met you in Palm Springs and really respect you. Thank you for ripping off the bandaid and saying it bluntly I see it and you confirmed it. I pray I am doing my Father's business when he comes for me.
I have so many Christian friends that believe in some great revival or awakening. It breaks my heart because like you, I feel that we've been given over to a depraved mind and this country is coming under judgment. Like another person posted, this is purifying the Bride before Jesus comes back. That's what persecution does. Keep looking up!! He's coming back soon!!!
Yes, I have heard of Trump winning for sure due to the Phrophetic prophesies by many out there. So what happens if Trump does not win? A big let down, huh? I would like to see justice and truth in the results but if God turned America over then anything can happen. I'm going to choose to trust in God and not man. Amen! 🙏👍
AMEN!!!! PREACH!!!!!! God cannot bless America anymore!!!! GODS WRATH HAS ARRIVED.. RAMPING UP BY THE DAY! God have grace and mercy on us!!!!!!!!🙏 Thank you Pastor for preaching the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!🙏🙌
You are right on the money Dr. Reagen! Sad to see the only nation in the world that has had true freedom, freedom to worship and the opportunity to succeed go down. We must trust the Lord and His plan!
“O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:2-5 KJV
Love you so much, Dr. Reagan! I hope you' re right with your teachings on hell (conditionalism) and that our beloved pets will go to heaven! Blessings from Canada, Gordon's wife
I love hearing your voice, Dr. Raegan. I found you early in my Christian life. You are so knowledgeable and have helped me learn about Christ and eschatology.
Thank you, Dr. Reagan -- I am an intercessor and does this mean I should stop praying for this country??? I want to thank you for sharing and caring! #THEKINGISCOMING
The pagan prayer recently spoken in our congress was heartbreaking. I do not understand why every bible believing person there did not stand up, turn their backs and walk out!
It is sad that he needs to do so. Christian's should be maturing, studying all the scriptures (Old and New Testament), and testing the spirit themselves like the Bereans did, and the Apostle Paul applauded them for doing so (even when they were testing what he himself said to them, against the scriptures in order to see if it was true or not). Way too many Christians have neglected ALL the scriptures, and are paying the price for doing so. They are being destroyed for lack of knowledge. They are shipwrecking their faith. They have refused to get off the milk and get into the meat of the scriptures. The are being tossed to and fro by every wind of false doctrine. They have neglected what is most needful for them. God's entire council is our compass, and it ALL is necessary so that the man of God is fully equipped for every good work. ALL the scripture is for correction, rebuke, teaching, and training in righteousness. We become easy prey for the enemy, when we neglect it. Remember, the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he MAY devour. Gods word, His council, is our protection against our fleshly desires, and the wiles of the devil. AMEN
I am feeling more and more out of place in this world...everything disgusts me, except of course, God's amazing nature.. Come soon Lord for your bride 🎺☝😇
How refreshing to finally hear the truth, I am very sad for our country, I pray that everyone gets into God’s word the time is short Jeshua is coming for his remnant yes remnant how sad that we have to say remnant and not the majority May Elohim bless you all
Sad but true message. My friends seek the Lord while you may. Time is running out.
@cran brisbane The living word is written in my heart, they can never take it. Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
I agree: Sad but true. Then again, NEVER underestimate God! We don't KNOW what He is doing until He does it, right? Let's pray.
I feel the same way. I said to myself the other day, "I'm finished listening to the news....it isn't going to get better and wickedness is still increasing and wicked people strut about free as a bird. Our hope truly is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He's my anchor, He's my redeemer!
people are SO PROUD of their sin....no shame....
I have said the same words to myself.
The Lord did tell us these difficult days would come. We need to stay close to Jesus.
@@ImForgivenToo yeah
I have never given a rating on a message but this message is 5 stars. A must hear by everyone!
You are absolutely right, maybe a 5+
Unfortunately, the ones who need to hear it will not listen.
@@danarosesturgeon Amen but I shared the link on my Facebook page.
@@skmcpheron Some are not talking about the last days, end times, etc. Some Christians concentrate on what God is going to do for them. Or, everthing is positive, no faith if you are not. Some false doctrines out there, huh? This year was very unique for me by finding these types of channels that speak God's word so diffetently than what I grew up in. Yes, love Jesus & look forward to His return! 🙏☺
Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth, too many "pastors" are saying we may have a revival, but no where does this say so in God's word...."As it was in the days of Noah" no revival there!
I was just thinking about your quote while scrolling through the comments. I agree wholeheartedly.
This!!! Exactly!! People need to go to the Word.
I have always had this view....My bible says it all is coming down...Look at Washington DC today😢 God Word is forever truth!
Yaddy Stanley.. I think there are many pastors who do not understand the Book of Revelation.. they confuse the Many tribulation saints who will come to Jesus and die for their faith AFTER the Rapture.. with revival... “Blessed are those who will die in the Lord from now on .” Revelation 14:13. There will be a great realization by the lukewarm and new believers.. many will come to Jesus in this time.. Too much to write here.. but please everyone read the Book of Revelation and find a pastor to help with your understanding. Pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit WILL guide you. God Bless!
Dear Dr. Reagan, you are so right. The same applies to Europe. Also our society forgot our heavenly LORD Jesus Christ. We passed the point of no return around 16 years ago. There is no hope for the world, except for the people who are believing in our dear LORD Jesus Christ. Praise our dear LORD Jesus Christ. All glory to him. Amen & Maranatha 🙏 🙏 🙏God bless the Christ in Prophecy Team
God is merciful. We can use this time to take as many as we can with us, that's probably why we are still here, and not in Heaven yet. He said to occupy till He comes, but we can know the seasons and it is close. God bless. See you in the clouds. 😊
Wow, I have had those same feelings for some time now. I recieved more rebuke and condemnation from the church expressing these feelings. It is a blessed confirmation to know I am not alone. I thank God for your faith and courage. God Bless
Oh this is so true and so heartbreaking that we’ve gotten to this point.
Even so come Lord Jesus
Amen, may Jesus bless you.😊
Maranatha 👑
I was becoming increasingly depressed by what I see happening to the nation I love. I left the house to go for a drive and ended up listening to this while I was out. This message actually cheered me up with reassurance and when I returned to the house happy and cheerful my wife wondered where I’d been and what I’d been up to. She won’t believe me that just going for a drive cheered me up so I added “and listening to a great message explaining God’s judgment on our nation”. Now she really wants to know what I’ve been up to.
That is so funny!I feel like a burden has been lifted while I listen to this message as I have been so anxious and dismayed over election thinking God was about to move in a 11th hour miracle.If that is the case and America is about to be judged then how close is the Lords coming?See you in the clouds brother!From a sister in Australia
Finally a pastor who speaks truth about this country! Thank you!
I feel this. When I'm told by pastors to pray for America, pray for a turn-around, I just shake my head. This nation hasn't made the change needed, turned to God as we should...we allowed the wicked to rise.
We have allowed the wicked to rise but don't forget there is a remnant in this country that does stand for God. Many appreciate Trump bcs he has defended Israel and Christianity unlike any other Pres. Biden and Dems will bring much destruction never seen before
@@Minkagurl see the way you took an unbiased and God honoring concern and turned it political? That's the opposite side of the coin. The liberal/democrat is obviously ungodly, obviously counterbiblical. But then there is the entity in Revelation that "looks like a Lamb but speaks like a dragon". That's the prejudiced political church that has lost all credibility and influence in the lost world today. The salt has lost its savour, the lost world will never again look there for the image of God.
Very sobering Dr Reagan. Thank you again for bringing us God's word.
I’ve thought repentance was Gods message. But going back and reading about Isreal, I understand the wrath and judgement.
We are here.
I’m very concerned for the future of this nation. I am an immigrant who became a naturalized citizen. When freedom is gone in America there will be no other place to go
If you are a Christian, than this world isn't your home. Your citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. That is where your freedom lies. This world is but a vapor. Life with our King Jesus lasts forever. Cling to that hope.
Sad that you chose Sodom and Gomorrah. But if you still continue in His righteousness He will lead you out before this Mystery Babylon meets the end.
God Bless you David for being a voice of truth. I have followed you for years and you never falter no matter how tough the message
Thank you Dr. Reagan. I prayed for Jesus to show me his truth today, and he is always , just and faithful! Savior give us faith and guidance to seek your truth! The only truth! Amen ❤️
Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
@@klausmkl Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🕊🕊🕊
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your telling it like it is Dr. Reagan, not adding a spin or foofooing it up to make it more palatable! I agree completely with your assessment!! America has dug the pit we find ourselves in now! Our hope is in Jesus alone! We have to keep our eyes on the prize and share Jesus whenever we can, put on the full armor of God daily, thank Him for everything-good and bad alike (hello kidney stones), and pray in the Spirit about all things! Maranatha!
This is so so true. People are becoming so evil we are in the last days. May we be found righteous until the Lord's day.
This is Incredible!! I found myself saying Amen to EVERY word!! I hope more/ ALL Christians wake up to the truth!!Thank You !!God Bless!
Thanks Dr. Reagan. This message has touched my heart. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to listen to this.
Thank you for this channel. This episode is hitting the mark right in the center. Let's be ready for Christ's return.
No one wants to hear the truth! God has spoken! Those who hear this message and take it to heart, need to put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ, our only hope!
Sad but true! Judgement is coming, but mercy will still redeem the repentant.
Redemption for the church, His bride & for Israel! 🙏
@@cat-bg3rv pick you
Read these scriptures GENESIS 15:13,14...2SAMUEL 1:18...JASHER 81:1-4...DEUTERONOMY 23:2 and 8 and ISAIAH 11:12 also read the scripture I said in the verse I dropped called GET READY TO PAY and in the comment section
JAMES 3:13 and 14 is this verse I dropped look for this comment by Sam M
OUTSTANDING Message! Amen, Praise JESUS 🙏🙏🙏 💯👍
Yes but let's keep working hard for our Lord reaching out to the lost and taking many with us when we go 😁
Amen for that message brother Reagan! Your ministry is truly a blessing, thank you and may the good Lord bless you🙏❤
I keep seeing the same trend and the bible tells us so. Jesus said when you see these things happen, look up as our redemption is nigh..
....and OUR REDEMPTION certainly “draws nigh” for sure. Happy New Year!!! Perhaps THIS YEAR!!!
@@SalvationinCHRISTalone888 i used to see you on JD Farag comments. Where have you been sister? God bless you!
@@valorinhislight5808 Aloha e Hau’oli Makahiki Hou ( Hello and Happy New Year ). I still write comments on Brother Farag’s video but I think UTube censor my comments or something where they are not showing up on the channel. GOD bless you too.
@@SalvationinCHRISTalone888 glad you're still around and doing the good work. YT can't stop the Word. Maranatha!
@@valorinhislight5808 AMEN...YT sure CAN NOT!!!! See you in the air the “cloud party”....I pray it is THIS YEAR!!!
God bless you richly for declaring His Word truthfully! You've confirmed exactly what the Holy Spirit has been showing me! For a while, it was Jeremiah. Then, recently, it was as if a big, cement blockade was up when I would try to share Jeremiah. For about a month or so, Ezekiel has been in the forefront. And my prayer is for the lost sheep to get into the ark of safety, which is faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord. My main prayer is that we would prepare to meet God and give Him an account of our lives. I hate thinking about the lost rewards when judged at the Bema seat of Christ, but the reward of living with God forever is worth everything. 💔👐🕊💗
Thank you Dr. Reagan; you spoke many times at Harvester Christian Church in the past and opened our eyes and hearts to Bible prophecy!
Powerful presentation. This country is finished. The only hope I have is that this means that Jesus is closer to coming for us. Intercessory prayer for individuals to come to Jesus is even more essential now than ever.
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' Isaiah 46:10
I agree with you Pastor. I believe that true believer's can feel this decent of America. Thank you for this much needed video.
Praise God for the hope I have in Jesus Christ my Lord!!!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I’m a sinner ! I believe everything that is in the Bible . God help us .
I'm a sinner too Stephen, if we all were so perfect Jesus would not have had to die on the cross, I have to ask Jesus to forgive me everyday..God bless and stay strong in the Lord
Have you been born again? If you haven’t and would like to be you can. Please read Romans 10 9 & 10. Praying for both of you. Jesus is your help. He loves you and will save you.
Sin is to live in satan's nature. Once you are born again, baptized in Jesus name and Spirit filled, you can start to live in God's nature through the guidance of his Spirit, no desire to sin anymore...
Anyone calling themselves a sinner after being born again and Spirit filled is actually rejecting what Jesus has done for them....
@@andrevisser7605 Christians can still sin, but it won't be our Practice (habit). Even King David sinned and He was a man after God's own heart, and he also had the Holy Spirit. When we do sin occasionally (and we shouldn't use this as an excuse to sin, we have been given the power to resist temptations, but we must apply it), we aren't comfortable in it because the Spirit within us is fighting against it. We can still grieve the Holy Spirit. The Spirit wrestles within us against the flesh.
We aren't free from this corruptible body until Jesus comes back, and gives us incorruptible resurrected bodies.
His blood did pay for our past, present, and future sins. However, Christians can stumble at times. That is why we must guard our hearts and put on the full armor of God. We have an adversary trying to trip us up. It is why we have 1 John Chapter 2 and that was written to believers.
Our "desire" isn't to sin anymore once we do become born again. However, at times we may let our guard down and stumble.
If we are in habitual sin, than we may have to examine if we are truly born again. A born again Christian will never be comfortable in sin. King David even wrote a psalm about how he felt inside when he sinned with Bathsheba. He had the Holy Spirit, and there was a wrestling match going on within him, until he turned away from it. That wrestling match never started within me, until I became born again. My perspective changed. My desires changed. I became a new person by Gods power. 1 Corinthians chapter 10 warns us to be careful when you think you stand, lest you fall. Again, written to believers.
You are a sinner, who is in need of Gods mercy. God gave you that mercy through Jesus. That is the man that was justified before God in the parable that Jesus told. By Gods grace through faith that Jesus paid your sin debt in full.
Absolutely STRAIGHT UP! This is TRUTH!
The LORD is awesome .
One nation, under God's judgment. Lord, in your wrath, remember mercy. Maranatha.
Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️🕊🕊🕊Yes LORD,may Your mercy and grace go before Your judgment,Amen.
Well said, AMEN
Thank you Dr. Reagan for speaking truth when so little truth remains in this world. God Bless you.
That is the best thing I have heard explaining what is going on today!! Thank you!!!
Amen! Thank you for this powerful message and may God bless the Lamb Lion Ministries for sharing the truth of God's word.
I would say the words spoken apply not only to America but the world at large. People do not have time for God with many not believing in His existence. What an absolute tragedy!
You do tell it like it is and I appreciate that, I agree with everything you say. There is absolutely no hope left for our country and I believe this time available is to refine the true Christians .
Paula, you are right! My sentiments exactly! I have had this thought in my heart over the past year that The Lord is refining and purifying His Bride. I also believe that America is finished. What an exciting time to be living in. Though we may stumble, yet the Lord forgives. Stay strong sister. I look forward to meeting you in glory.
@@sj-777 yes
Jesus is coming soon Rapture ready.
Isn’t salvation and living right and trying to reach others for the LORD rapture ready
Thank you for sharing. :)
Very sobering! Our God reigns!
As I try to make sense of this whole situation you helped me understand. Thank you sir. God is good.
And as an American living in Canada I know that whatever happens in America, Canada is not far behind. Same things happening here. I know I have to lean on Jesus and His word more than ever and prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for what is coming for true believers. Cpme Lord Jesus (Maranatha!).
I can’t thank you enough for this message. I’m sharing it with a prayer that others will watch and awaken from their slumber!
Praise the lord for this message
Yes, I also agree that America has passed the point of no return
That's a good attitude to have. I'm sure God likes this way of thinking😒😒😒
@@Minkagurl I won't go so far as to say America has passed the point of no return because I am not God. However, it sure isn't looking like repentance is coming, but a doubling down of rebellion instead. Persistent rebellion has always brought God's discipline, and it can be severe if the rebellion is severe.
IF there is repentance in this nation, than God will relent of the calamities that He has in store for us. He has done it in the past, and He never changes.
However, we may be on the last birth pain before the Tribulation starts. Prophesies have been converging at a quick pace in our generation. If that is the case, then there won't be that repentance because Gods appointed time has come.
It is possibly the last push, but maybe not. We could possibly see another break from the contractions, that we are going through at the moment. However, we are starting to parallel the descriptions of the "difficult times" that will occur world wide, as the time of His return draws near. Time will tell.
The church just needs to keep our focus on preaching the gospel. Don't get sidetracked by the difficult times. Keep going.
@@Minkagurl he doesn't. That's why David is right
Thank you for your strong and very true words!
I don't know how much more sobering it could possibly get!
We need more Pastors who know the truth and are willing to teach it, not only to non-Christians but also to professing Christians. I'm sad to see our once great nation being overtaken by this evil but God's Word will always come to pass. Like you said, our only hope is in Jesus Christ. May we cling to Him desperately in faith. God Bless.
Brought back to life two times by Jesus. Be ready for the rapture at all times . God wins in the end, not satan. eye witness , love Marilyn
thank you for your thumbs up . if you would like to ask any question you might have , I am here . M
Awesome delivery from Dave. Blessings from Tony, Sydney, Australia.
Thank you for this sobering truth! I’ve listened to you for years and you are right on target. God bless you!
Thank you Dr. Reagan. This message is a truth inspired by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your faithfulness to Him and for preaching the uncompromised Word of God. A quick comment regarding the "liberal packing of the Supreme Court": In my humble opinion, I don't think they need to place liberal judges at the Supreme Court level. The three "conservative judges" which the president appointed showed their true intent and color when they stabbed him and this once great nation in the back when they would not even listen to the concerns brought to them by the great state of Texas regarding voter fraud and the stealing of the election. What we saw by SCOTUS is an Isaiah 10:1 moment.
Thank you, Dr. Reagan, for bravely standing for the truth & bringing a message that is sobering but sadly so true. May God continue to be with Lamb & Lion Ministries as you continue to spread God’s word to a lost & dying world!
i am so grateful for dr. reagans ministry i challenge others to help him out he really tells the gospel truth without and sugarcoating. missed going to his conference last summer.
Oh pastor reagan, im listening to u now on tct. You are so on target. Everything you are saying it unfortunately so true. God must be so sad when he looks at us. Im so sorry this country has become so filthy spiritually
I’ve lived watching America change for over 60 years. When the towers went down in 2001, I knew that evil in this country would excelerate. I told my children that day: “Evil has entered, and this nation will never be the same again.”
Outstanding spirit filled message full of the truths that most ignore... but even though ur reasons for President Trump losing makes perfect sense and I do agree..he hasn’t lost yet!!!!
I've followed Dr. Reagan since the mid '80's and he's never led me astray. He never deviates from the word of God. I agree that America's wounds are incurable and that God is in control! Keep looking up!
Such a powerful video. Here in Europe the situation is equally bad
Thank you for your program! I feel that we are on the down hill slide and there is no return! Our only hope is to stand on our faith and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! However, I feel so sad to see this happening, it like watching a loved one die.
I feel the same way and it's very sad.
"Wow!" 🙏😧 Sobering but God is not forgotten in my heart, Amen! 🙏☺
Thanks brother for preaching the truth God Bless you.
I met you in Palm Springs and really respect you. Thank you for ripping off the bandaid and saying it bluntly I see it and you confirmed it. I pray I am doing my Father's business when he comes for me.
"Give me Oil in my lamp 🪔, keep me burning, burning , burning"... 🪔🪔🪔🙏🏻keep me burning till the break of rapture day🎺⛅️🌈💕
I have so many Christian friends that believe in some great revival or awakening. It breaks my heart because like you, I feel that we've been given over to a depraved mind and this country is coming under judgment. Like another person posted, this is purifying the Bride before Jesus comes back. That's what persecution does. Keep looking up!! He's coming back soon!!!
Yes, I have heard of Trump winning for sure due to the Phrophetic prophesies by many out there. So what happens if Trump does not win? A big let down, huh? I would like to see justice and truth in the results but if God turned America over then anything can happen. I'm going to choose to trust in God and not man. Amen! 🙏👍
AMEN!!!! PREACH!!!!!! God cannot bless America anymore!!!! GODS WRATH HAS ARRIVED.. RAMPING UP BY THE DAY! God have grace and mercy on us!!!!!!!!🙏 Thank you Pastor for preaching the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!🙏🙌
You are right on the money Dr. Reagen! Sad to see the only nation in the world that has had true freedom, freedom to worship and the opportunity to succeed go down. We must trust the Lord and His plan!
“O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.”
Habakkuk 1:2-5 KJV
Oh David, thank you for truth.
Love you so much, Dr. Reagan! I hope you' re right with your teachings on hell (conditionalism) and that our beloved pets will go to heaven! Blessings from Canada, Gordon's wife
Praise the Lord ..... HE is coming soon!
Wow, this is powerful
Thank you for teaching the truth. Looking up for our Redemption draws near
I love hearing your voice, Dr. Raegan. I found you early in my Christian life. You are so knowledgeable and have helped me learn about Christ and eschatology.
Thank you, Dr. Reagan -- I am an intercessor and does this mean I should stop praying for this country??? I want to thank you for sharing and caring!
Great message!! We feel the same way about America and Costa Rica too!!! Judgment is coming! 🔥🌎 Jesus our only hope!!! 🙌👑☁️✝️❤
The pagan prayer recently spoken in our congress was heartbreaking. I do not understand why every bible believing person there did not stand up, turn their backs and walk out!
Deep State
Thank you for speaking the Truth! 😇🙏
Acts2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days I will pour out my spirit own all flesh
Spot on message - thanks for telling it as it is.
The best insight! 👍sure the Lord has inspired you.
God bless you Brother David! I’ve been watching you on daystar for the past 6 months. I enjoy your teaching.
Amen, Dr. Reagan. Watching from Aloha, Oregon
Wow this was awesome. 🙏📖
Radical truth is OFFENSIVE. THANK YOU 🙏
I think this is your best and greatest message Dr Reagan. Praying some will truly listen. In Jesus. name.
God is giving the USA exactly what it deserves, beginning in the 1960’s. We are to blame!
You are always sobering, Dr. Reagan
Excellent, excellent message!!
XLNT Program here. Thank You David.
Amen. Only in the Lord Jesus.
I'm glad he called out that PHONY JOEL OSTEEN!
It is sad that he needs to do so. Christian's should be maturing, studying all the scriptures (Old and New Testament), and testing the spirit themselves like the Bereans did, and the Apostle Paul applauded them for doing so (even when they were testing what he himself said to them, against the scriptures in order to see if it was true or not).
Way too many Christians have neglected ALL the scriptures, and are paying the price for doing so. They are being destroyed for lack of knowledge. They are shipwrecking their faith. They have refused to get off the milk and get into the meat of the scriptures. The are being tossed to and fro by every wind of false doctrine. They have neglected what is most needful for them.
God's entire council is our compass, and it ALL is necessary so that the man of God is fully equipped for every good work. ALL the scripture is for correction, rebuke, teaching, and training in righteousness.
We become easy prey for the enemy, when we neglect it. Remember, the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he MAY devour. Gods word, His council, is our protection against our fleshly desires, and the wiles of the devil. AMEN
Fantastic message.
Amen preach it brother God Bless
Dear LORD help us!!!.....please come and get your repentant, forgiven, redeemed children OUT of this filthy fallen world!🙏🏼Come LORD Jesus Come!
I am feeling more and more out of place in this world...everything disgusts me, except of course, God's amazing nature..
Come soon Lord for your bride 🎺☝😇
Awesome message! Very sobering
I believe our once great nation got the leader it deserves.
How refreshing to finally hear the truth, I am very sad for our country, I pray that everyone gets into God’s word the time is short
Jeshua is coming for his remnant yes remnant how sad that we have to say remnant and not the majority
May Elohim bless you all