こんにちは、Tassoです😊 今週も金曜日、本当にお疲れ様でした✨ 今回の動画は、久しぶりにIKEAに行ってきたので、ショッピングvlogと購入品紹介をお届けします! 今はMarimekkoとのコラボアイテムも販売しているので、 いつもとは違った雰囲気もあるIKEAはとてもワクワクしました🌷 (欲しかったサウナベンチは買えませんでしたが…😂) ぜひ皆様のリラックスタイムに、動画をご覧いただけましたら幸いです🌿 気になる商品などありましたら、ぜひコメントで教えて下さい♡ Tasso. Hi I'm Tasso 😊 Another Friday this week and I'm so glad you're here ✨. For this video, I've been to IKEA for the first time in a while, so I'm bringing you a shopping vlog and an introduction to some of my purchases! Now, they're selling some items in collaboration with Marimekko, so I was very excited to see IKEA, which has a different atmosphere than usual🌷. (I didn't get the sauna bench I wanted, though 😂) I hope you enjoy watching the video and relaxing 🌿. If there are any products you are interested in, please let me know in the comments ♡. Tasso.
Hi I'm Tasso 😊
Another Friday this week and I'm so glad you're here ✨.
For this video, I've been to IKEA for the first time in a while, so I'm bringing you a shopping vlog and an introduction to some of my purchases!
Now, they're selling some items in collaboration with Marimekko, so I was very excited to see IKEA, which has a different atmosphere than usual🌷.
(I didn't get the sauna bench I wanted, though 😂)
I hope you enjoy watching the video and relaxing 🌿.
If there are any products you are interested in, please let me know in the comments ♡.