Jikook/ Hate wave against jikook and Jimin's Dad

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 196

  • @lilyspaws
    @lilyspaws  หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    🚨Spanish and japanese translation: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
    Esta ola de odio fue diferente a todo lo que he presenciado antes. Se dirigieron ataques repugnantes al padre y a la familia de JM, lo que lo obligó a deshabilitar los comentarios en su cuenta de Instagram. También hubo ataques a Bam, además del odio extremo hacia JK y Jimin.
    El Instagram de Bam se convirtió en un campo de batalla, donde tanto él como JK fueron atacados en los comentarios. Esto llevó a contrataques hacia JM y su familia. Los hashtags que apoyaban y oponían a diferentes lados inundaron las redes sociales. Y cuando digo "ataques", realmente estoy minimizando la situación. No compartiré los mensajes, pero el nivel de la discusión es espantoso, absolutamente vil y lleno de odio. Es repugnante.
    Hay partes de este fandom que realmente desearía que desaparecieran-que simplemente se desvanecieran, llevándose consigo su mentalidad delirante. La ignorancia que tienen sobre lo que BTS realmente representa es impactante. Dicen amar a JK o JM, pero luego ignoran completamente todo lo que esas personas representan. La forma en que atacan ferozmente a la única persona que claramente su ídolo ha demostrado ser más cercana, la persona con la que eligió servir sus 18 meses de servicio militar, es increíble. Nadie obligó a tomar esta decisión. Fue una elección que ambos hicieron.
    Estas personas necesitan una llamada de atención. Necesitan salir de sus delirios, encontrar una vida real, conseguir un trabajo, hacer un hobby-cualquier cosa que los mantenga alejados de sus teclados.
    Solo quiero señalar que ni Jin ni Hobi hicieron transmisiones en vivo durante su tiempo libre mientras cumplían con su servicio. Publicaron ocasionalmente en Instagram, pero nunca hicieron un en vivo. Creo que eso vale la pena mencionarlo. JK, por otro lado, podría haber publicado en Weverse - y lo hizo - pero también podría haber compartido una foto o grabado un mensaje corto. En cambio, eligió hacer un en vivo porque tenía algo que decir, con su estilo directo y característico de JK.
    Y ya que estamos en el tema, ¿puedo mencionar que la karma tiene una forma de arreglar las cosas? O más bien, JK tiene una forma de hacer que las cosas sucedan. Si alguien cree que el momento de su en vivo fue una coincidencia, está equivocado. El en vivo de JK no fue un accidente.
    Para los haters allá afuera, JK se aseguró de mencionar a JM varias veces durante la transmisión en vivo. Él hace las cosas por una razón. Incluso mencionó sus duchas juntos. Ahora, si alguien quiere sacar el tema de las "duchas comunitarias", los detendré ahí. No, ellos no se duchan con otros soldados, especialmente considerando las preocupaciones de JM sobre su imagen corporal. Este ha sido un gran tema para los ídolos en el pasado, y se les da tiempo privado para ducharse. No se duchan con otros.
    Ahora, hagamos una pausa por un momento. Ellos cantan juntos en la ducha. Piensa en eso y piensa en "Die with a Smile". Ahí está: nuestro sueño hecho realidad. Jikook cantando esa canción juntos. ¡Está destinado a ser! Se alejan de los demás y cantan en voz alta...
    JK sabe exactamente lo que está haciendo. Sabía lo que estaba haciendo cuando salió en vivo después de las transmisiones de Tae para aclarar las conclusiones tontas hechas por los fans (el llamado "culto"). Sabía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo cuando compartió cosas con nosotros en sus transmisiones en vivo de 2023, revelando lo que quería que supiéramos de él. Y ciertamente sabía lo que estaba haciendo cuando mencionó que cantaban juntos en la ducha. No tenía que mencionar la ducha, pero lo eligió, y se podía ver en su expresión y oírse en su voz. Los haters siempre odiarán, y Jikook seguirá compartiendo sus duchas juntos. JK literalmente vino a casa para darnos su regalo de vacaciones.
    私は、このファンダムの一部が本当に消えてほしいと思っています-まるで消え去って、彼らの妄想的な考えも一緒に消えてしまうように。BTSが本当に何を代表しているのかについての無知は衝撃的です。彼らはJKやJMを愛していると言いながら、彼らが何を大切にしているのか全く無視しています。彼らのお気に入りの人物が、明らかに最も近い人物として選んだ18ヶ月の兵役を共にする人物に対して、これほどまでに vicious な攻撃をする方法は信じられません。誰もこの決断を強制したわけではありません。これは二人が自ら選んだことです。
    私はただ、ジンもホビも休暇中にサービスを受けている間にライブをしなかったことを指摘したいだけです。彼らは時々インスタグラムに投稿していましたが、ライブはしませんでした。それは言及する価値があると思います。一方で、ジョングクはWeverseに投稿することができました - 実際にそれをしましたが - 彼は写真をシェアしたり、短いメッセージを録画することもできました。それでも彼はライブを選びました。なぜなら、彼は言いたいことがあったからで、いつものストレートなジョングクスタイルで伝えたかったからです。
    嫌っている人たちへ、JKはライブ中に何度もJMのことに触れていたことを確認しました。彼は理由があって物事を行います。彼は一緒にシャワーを浴びたことにも言及しました。さて、「共同シャワー」の話を持ち出すつもりなら、そこで止めます。違います、彼らは他の兵士とシャワーを浴びません、特にJMの体型に関する懸念があるので。これは過去にアイドルたちにとって大きな問題であり、彼らにはプライベートなシャワータイムが与えられています。彼らは他の人とシャワーを浴びません。さて、少し立ち止まって考えてみましょう。彼らは一緒にシャワーで歌っています。それを受け入れて、「Die with a Smile」について考えてみてください。そうです、私たちの夢がかなった瞬間です。ジククが一緒にその歌を歌っているのです。それは運命です!彼らは他の人たちから離れて、大きな声で歌っています…

    • @lajosnenagy-e5w
      @lajosnenagy-e5w หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      kedves lily elolvastam az írásodat és azóta is zokogok .annyira fáj nekem hogy egy angyalt bántanak a gonoszok. végtelenűl szeretem a jikookat .engem ők gyógyítottak meg

    • @yliagonzalez4622
      @yliagonzalez4622 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Gracias Lily por el articulo en Español. Esto que está pasando es realmente vergonzoso y doloroso. Estos no son fans, son enfermos mentales. Si amas a tu idolo, lo apoyas y respetas sus decisiones, sobre todo su familia, sus amigos. Tener presente que cada uno de ellos pertenece a BTS. JIKOOK es una unidad inseparable. Gracias de nuevo por tu gran apoyo para Jimin y Jungkook. Feliz Navidad!!

    • @freciapazperpinan9563
      @freciapazperpinan9563 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Tienen razón en todo jikook 💜💜

    • @maggiechien9804
      @maggiechien9804 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Your analysis is true.

  • @Claudi24
    @Claudi24 หลายเดือนก่อน +137

    I think that is a Reason while Jungkook came Live. He was singing and only telling us that Jimin and he doing good and stick together.

  • @kayprivate2720
    @kayprivate2720 หลายเดือนก่อน +171

    The louder tkk & his solos get, the louder JK gets about his bond with Jimin. One day they'll learn they cannot control him no matter how much they try. The more they attack the ones he loves, the more he slaps them. Sinking as low as attacking Jikook's family, Jk's mom & Jimin's dad who support their son's close bond, shows how unhinged half this fandom is.

    • @CristinaDaSilva-cm1dr
      @CristinaDaSilva-cm1dr หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻concordo plenamente com você 🙋🏼‍♀️

    • @iisnurhasanah9414
      @iisnurhasanah9414 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Mereka/haters seperti itu karena sejujurnya mereka tau jikook lebih nyata..jika jikook tidak nyata,tidak ada alasan untuk marah,benarkan?😊❤

    • @Serene-su3hu
      @Serene-su3hu หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@iisnurhasanah9414 THIS 👍🏼💜💜

    • @bottlebebe
      @bottlebebe หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think you right, they hate and attack ,Besides jealous they also wants or control them not bond together.
      oh devils should go to hell.

    • @cindyyoung3994
      @cindyyoung3994 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      All they are doing is showing a very bad light on their fav V........he feeds them without any concern for Jimin.

  • @snookiwerewolf18
    @snookiwerewolf18 หลายเดือนก่อน +131

    Why can’t these people just let them be. If they are in a relationship so what. If they love each other that is the greatest thing in this world to find your mate I wish them all the happiness either way

  • @Purple-Hearts-2.0
    @Purple-Hearts-2.0 หลายเดือนก่อน +71

    Those who hate them know very well that Jikook is the truth. Its rivalry is for everyone. I will support them no matter what they say. Because they changed my life. Jikook is my world. I love them. God bless them 🤲🏻♥️

  • @colleenrodamer9497
    @colleenrodamer9497 หลายเดือนก่อน +172

    I truly do not understand, and I’m almost 70 years old. If you do not like a person why waste your energy on telling that person how much you hate them walk away leave them alone ignore them if they do not exist. Obviously, those people or like spoiled children, throwing a fit just to get someone’s attention. Very sad that they haven’t learned in their lifetime how to behave.🐰🐥💛💜❤️💯🔥Forevermore!!!

    • @RaquelSantos-fg3bs
      @RaquelSantos-fg3bs หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      Verdade amada

    • @vip.baikal5998
      @vip.baikal5998 หลายเดือนก่อน +11


    • @trinajenkins8486
      @trinajenkins8486 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      It's sad and dangerous, but I hope it doesn't go without consequences, both financial and social. There's evidence of being psychotic if despite any truth that comes your way, you try to bully and lie to distort reality to fit your narrative.

    • @Loupibou.613
      @Loupibou.613 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Youre right, people are like that, just hurting...

    • @lchung5986
      @lchung5986 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      I’m with you. Unbelievable and dangerous. Envy and avarice has gone extremely way out of bounds….
      I hope BTS, HYBE, the military and S. Korean government are taking this aggression against these amazing ambassadors of South Korea (and their families [that includes feathered and 4 legged members]), SERIOUSLY. Poor clueless BAM!
      Two beautiful people showing us what true love is (love of self, love of those closest to us, love of absolute strangers and love of all other creatures on this planet). Committing beautiful acts of kindness, compassion and generosity….
      Sending prayers for Jikook and all their beloveds. May the holy life force that created all things continue to guide and protect everyone. You are precious to hundreds of millions of us. We are grateful to be living in the same time and era as the 7. Please, please, please take care of yourselves and take all necessary precautions. Sending ❤🙏 🤗 ❤🙏 🤗❤🙏 🤗 for a blessed present and future.

  • @nanceemoon365
    @nanceemoon365 หลายเดือนก่อน +57

    These haters will go to hell for eternity. Their choice. They have no love of anything in their lives. Lost souls

  • @zanelekhumalo2200
    @zanelekhumalo2200 หลายเดือนก่อน +71

    Such behaviour should be criminalised only then will haters stop with this appalling conduct. Laws should be made stricter on social media and enforced for some level of protection.

    • @luckyshaz703
      @luckyshaz703 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      BH can only sue antis in SK not internationally

    • @zanelekhumalo2200
      @zanelekhumalo2200 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@luckyshaz703 Its a shame really that people choose to hate rather than spread love in times that we live in and not only for Jikook and their families - for humanity PERIOD

    • @luckyshaz703
      @luckyshaz703 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@zanelekhumalo2200 its not "people" its Taekookers. And the reason they have gotten so bad and confident enough to hate on Jimin openly and sh!t on his family is because ot7 Armys on twitter dont defend him. Ever. All other 6 members get fought for but never Jimin. So as long as that keeps happening hate on Jimin is just gonna escalate

  • @melanienatividad6417
    @melanienatividad6417 หลายเดือนก่อน +90

    To jimins dad and to the family ...were here for you❤❤❤ ganbatte ne!

  • @Debbie-b5h
    @Debbie-b5h หลายเดือนก่อน +80

    We will always be here for jk and jimin all the hate needs to stop 💛💜every live he does he always talks about jimin

  • @SanjanaSingh-zz4co
    @SanjanaSingh-zz4co หลายเดือนก่อน +63

    I just only wish best for our couple I know God 🙏 is always there for our couple and I am just waiting for KARMA 😏🐣💍🐇

  • @marisadimaano75
    @marisadimaano75 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    They hate because now JK finally confirm the he and Jimin are ok and they have a lot of time together

    • @kayprivate2720
      @kayprivate2720 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

      They didn't listen to what he said. They heard it, but didn't listen. You can see by their responses & twisting his words. Always claiming he's lying.

    • @lajosnenagy-e5w
      @lajosnenagy-e5w หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kayprivate2720 ez amit írtál értelmezhetetlen, most akkor JK hazudott jiminről, ,magyarázd meg kérlek

    • @kayprivate2720
      @kayprivate2720 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      @@lajosnenagy-e5w People don't want to accept his words and instead twisting his words. They think everything he says is a lie.

    • @lajosnenagy-e5w
      @lajosnenagy-e5w หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@kayprivate2720 köszönöm

  • @td7080
    @td7080 หลายเดือนก่อน +53

    Jikook forever. We love and support you 💜💜💜
    Some fans are just so toxic 😣

    • @mariaceleste5061
      @mariaceleste5061 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      They're not fans!

    • @td7080
      @td7080 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@mariaceleste5061 agree 💜

  • @melanienatividad6417
    @melanienatividad6417 หลายเดือนก่อน +55

    Jikook ❤❤❤fighting 💜 support you till the end 😊😊😊happy jikook holiday every one ✌️

  • @leslieperkins7014
    @leslieperkins7014 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I was in shock and in tears over the things that I read on Mr. Park’s cafe Instagram and even on Jungkook’s Live comments. I have been upset all week and I just want to protect them from such horrible things that were said about Jimin.

  • @pancakenationJikook
    @pancakenationJikook หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I wish that Jimin’s Dad would not take down what is being said but rather expose all these nasty people. If you keep letting them bully you into submission then the Haters feel like they have the upper hand and what they do works. They should be called out, their names listed and reported. Enough is enough. This needs to stop!!!

  • @annwashington471
    @annwashington471 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    Lily, jk's mother was harrassed for talking about jimin on ays. These people have lost the plot, they can't and won't accept the truth.
    You had a fake supporter on one of your posts yesterday claiming to be a jikook supporter and accusing jk of lieing and doing fan service.
    I let her know she was no fan and should go back to tcrazies.
    Army, the tcrazies will try to place doubt in your minds dont entertain it, if you know jk and jimin you know they are in love and a couple.
    To any new army, jk and jimin are not a newly in love couple they have been a couple for years and know and love each other.
    JK knew what message he was sending , he simply wanted them to know they weren't going destroy his relationship with jimin,
    They are solid and happy togethr no matter what lies the crazies and haters tell.
    To all those waiting for jk and jimin to make some announcement that won't happen it doesn't need to you either see and believe in them
    as a couple or you don't.

    • @kayprivate2720
      @kayprivate2720 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      Don't forget attacking Jk's brother, media who support Jikook, reactors who talk about Jikook, harassing Jikook's friends, family, tattoo artists, boxing coach. Spam people who've never been seen with members, claiming they're dating & harassing them to admit it, to free their ships. They don't care how bad they embarrass Jikook or the group.

    • @annwashington471
      @annwashington471 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@kayprivate2720 Very true it's disgusting.

    • @moonlight4923
      @moonlight4923 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Teljesen egyetértek. Még azt füzném hozzâ, hogy sokan vannak akik azt mondjâk csak baràtok, és nem akarjàk elfogadni,hogy kötelékük alapja a szerelmük ami szilàrd. Sok Jikook rajóngó is van kõztük. Ha csak barâtok lennének egy taekuka sem foglalkozna velük, mivel nem kéne félteniük a fantàzia vilàgukat.Pont azért van ekkora gyülölet, mert làtjàk, tudjàk Jikook szeretete egymàs irànt igazi. Ezért esnek kétségbe mert lâtjàk hogy ugy sem tudjâk elvàlasztani Jikookot egmàstól! Csak az a gond hogy nem adjàk fel és minden aljassàgra képesek!!!

  • @savagekiddo9436
    @savagekiddo9436 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    We are here for JIKOOK..and JM 's dad..let the haters hate it's all they can do..they won't behave like that if they know jikook isn't real right but they know it's true about jikook relationship so they can only hate for what they can't afford to have..our jikook we are here 🫶💜💛🐰🐣

  • @anni-102
    @anni-102 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    Thank you for calling out the haters - enough is enough!! It's one thing to live in delusions but to allow yourself to be brainwashed to the point of hating these two wonderful men and their families because of their beautiful bond is just crazy!! Those people need a life and help otherwise their rotten souls will never find peace!!

    • @anni-102
      @anni-102 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      No matter what people say or want, the love they have will last a lifetime...♥️

    • @leeanne4638
      @leeanne4638 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @torieba60
    @torieba60 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    Thank you for this. And you’re absolutely right, he did not have to bring up the shower, I missed the live and I’m so freakin mad at myself, idk if someone requested the song, cause I know he was taking request, but he didn’t have to say, me and Jimin sing this together. And what the hell is wrong with people, hating on his dad, attacking his family, 🤬. These people are not fans, and for sure not Army!.thank you again! 💜

    • @BolanleMafuah
      @BolanleMafuah หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      He can say whatever he wants he's just telling us about jimin what is wrong with it. Shame on haters shame on them

    • @MomyRokhmii
      @MomyRokhmii หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      Jk tidak suka diatur-atur. Dia mempunyai jiwa yg bebas. Dia mau ngomong apa ya terserah dia, mau nyebut hyungnya seribu kali pun tidak masalah. Bukankah diantara member yg lain memang mereka berdua lah yg terlihat selalu bersama dari dulu? Apalagi sekarang wamil dengan cara "body sistem", jadi wajar saja jika jk lebih sering nyebut nama jimin karna tiap hari mereka melakukan aktifitas bareng (diluar pekerjaan masing2) dari bangun tidur sampe tidur lagi.
      Jadi dimana salahnya mereka? Ya haters lah yg salah karna tidak menjaga hati dan pikirannya, juga lisannya.
      Para haters sepertinya kebakaran jenggot melihat kenyataan bahwa jikook baik2 saja.

    • @iisnurhasanah9414
      @iisnurhasanah9414 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Mereka begitu karena mereka semakin marah melihat Jk lebih memilih Jimin dan selalu menyebut nama Jimin(lah emang dia wamilnya sama Jimin)dibanding nyebut nama biasnya,dan sejujurnya mereka tau itu bukan salah Jimin..tapi mereka butuh pelampiasan untuk marah, karena menurut mereka tidak mungkin marah kepada Jk(walaupun secara logika harusnya marah sama orang yang milih bukan sama orang yang dipilih)😅

  • @LynnAndrews-j5m
    @LynnAndrews-j5m หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    Ty Lily once again for the lovely video of beautiful jikook .hates .you will never win .jikook we will always support and love you ❤❤

  • @ledasoria3620
    @ledasoria3620 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    Thanks Lyly, we need stop all this hate 🐥🐰💜💛🖤🤍❤️🌗

  • @jshoes9984
    @jshoes9984 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    It sadness me so much that people have so much hate and for what….no reason at all. I love that JK made it a point to mention JM and their time together while serving. These haters are not real ARMY - real ARMY loves and cherish all 7 members 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @pittonia9902
    @pittonia9902 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    True and real love is so much more powerful than all those hate! I’ve said this before, the more they hate the more JK will love ❤ He will protect JM no matter what. Hating will drain you but loving will keep you alive ❤

    • @lajosnenagy-e5w
      @lajosnenagy-e5w หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      igen JK nak egyszer azt mondták bizonyos tagok hogy hagyja el jimint , mire JK azt mondta ,soha nem fogja el hagyni, mert jimin az övé csak az övé .féltékenyek vagytok ? akkor legyetek féltékenyek bla bla bla .ez egy telefon beszélgetés volt bizonyos taggal a csoportbol. egy jikook videóban található

    • @anni-102
      @anni-102 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@lajosnenagy-e5wI think you got there something wrong, jk said this on insta to an army who said he/she is jealous because he can hold jimin!!

    • @anni-102
      @anni-102 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@lajosnenagy-e5wI think you got there something wrong, jk said this to an army on insta who said she was jealous because he can hold jimin!!

  • @JM22JM
    @JM22JM หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    they are foaming at the mouth in despair. surely they know that they are nearing the end of this cursed sect.

  • @cherylyoke4872
    @cherylyoke4872 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Thank you Lily for sharing your thoughts and letting us know what’s going on. Jungkook’s live was wonderful, and I was so happy to see his face and hear his Voice to reassure us that he and Jimin are doing well and see each other often. I support them and wish them long happy, healthy lives.

  • @shishaLyngdohNonglait
    @shishaLyngdohNonglait หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    I'm always support n happy Jikook always❤❤

  • @ИринаТовкачева
    @ИринаТовкачева หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    So crazy toxic frogs 😡
    Park and Jeon so beautiful and lovely family 🫶🪖🪖🫶

  • @RaquelSantos-fg3bs
    @RaquelSantos-fg3bs หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    O que esses meninos fizeram prá serem tão odiados?
    Meu coração doi só de pensar o quanto de pessoas ruins existem neste mundo. Felicidade prós nossos jikooks e suas famílias.

  • @merce10554
    @merce10554 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    We'll have to endure this but there's no way in the world that what is authentic stops being so.

  • @kilsyzapata1298
    @kilsyzapata1298 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Pienso que JK hizo el live con doble intención.Tanto porque nos extrañaba como también de "tapabocas" con todo el hate a Jimin y flia...Los amamos ❤JIKOOK FOREVER ❤❤❤

  • @nitablue6264
    @nitablue6264 หลายเดือนก่อน +45

    Hi Lily, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. My heart is sick for Jimin's dad and his family, no one should have to endure other people's delusions and hatred, but this is what social media has turned into with laws to protect us. Mr. Park loves his son as much as an typical parent, but because his child is well known he has to shut down his page because he chooses to show how proud he is of his son, sad, this is beyond sad this is heart wrenching. All of this because some distorted mind people can't accept reality. Let me say, I'm sorry to the Park family and my heart goes out to them. Lily thank you for speaking out about it and giving a platform to it. Forgive me for the long post everyone. 🙏💜💜🫂😊

  • @Jadeofhearts
    @Jadeofhearts หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    A few days ago when JK went live on Weverse I was so heart happy to finally know that JK and Jimin are doing well. Now my heart is not happy anymore to know about Jimin and his father, and JK getting so much hate. I don’t understand why ??? What is the reason ??? They are such loving and caring guys about their family’s, the other members, and army. I just don’t get the level of hate that is going on. When will is stop!!! How will it stop!!! BTS is all about love not hate!!! Please keep spreading the love for Jimin and his dad, and JK.

  • @angiezulueta
    @angiezulueta หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Those that try to destroy your happiness do so out of jealousy and enviousness. They are unhappy with their own miserable lives so they project their unhappiness onto others!
    JK by nature is kind, loving and gentle but when it comes to matter protecting his family and loved ones, do not try to trifle with him!

  • @VimbaiChigodora
    @VimbaiChigodora หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    They are stupid, they think they have won by what they did but they are making jikook sticking together more than before. If they think by doing so they are causing jk and jimin to go separate ways they are wrong, jk will want to be there and protect jimin more than before. Jk come on weverse purposely for that. He knows everything people are saying and he came to clear so many rumors of him being bullied at Ms. I'm sure everyone saw him healthy... They said he doesn't see jimin at all because he is in the kitchen but jk came to tell us they sing together in the shower. And from the beginning jikook in 'are you sure' they said hope we sleep opposite or next to each other but some toxic ships because they can't accept jk and jimin closeness they lie, manipulate, create stories in their pages. Hati😂on jimin will never make their ships real rather they are making jk and jm bond stronger each day. 🐰🐣💜

  • @tracyhanukkah5978
    @tracyhanukkah5978 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    This is so bad they should not do like that but jikook will support each other ❤❤

  • @JeonsJimin
    @JeonsJimin หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I found so many clues from JK family/family friend of jikook evidence and how supportive JK family is of Jikook, and I never made a video or post because of the hate Jungkook brother received in the past. But I found it so funny that tkk was excited about JK family liking one pic when his tags are ONLY Jikook (he literally removes all other tags and only keeps Jikook content) 🤭

  • @Diva59918
    @Diva59918 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Jungkook just came to shut those haters down. Those idiots need to wake up from their stupid dreams. Jikook forever 💜💜💜

  • @debbiestanford6917
    @debbiestanford6917 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Thank you. I totally agree with you, I'm a grandmother and get so stressed when I hear these things, they don't deserve this shit.

  • @mutiaratsurayya6025
    @mutiaratsurayya6025 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Haters gonna hate but jikook still jikook

  • @owenainza4667
    @owenainza4667 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    We love Jikook❤❤❤no matter what❤thanks for sharing this video❤

  • @phillove1015
    @phillove1015 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    It's so sad to have that much hate over jikook. People really need to get a life and get a grip on reality because they are truly unhinged.

  • @terrycruz522
    @terrycruz522 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I'm so happy that you said what you said I hope this haters will just give it up and let them alone they want to be with each other so let them with her family leave it alone that's their private so let them be happy and let them be what they want to be and thank you for telling us

  • @bridgettekhan8418
    @bridgettekhan8418 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    As harsh and downright crazy people are with their words towards jikook, i think they attempt to ignore them and call them out on occasion, but when it comes to their parents, that is a different story. My biggest fear is that these psychotic people will try and do physical harm to some or all of them. These people need to go to prison and get deep psychological counseling.

  • @leeanne4638
    @leeanne4638 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    This hatred of Our Angel Jimin and Jungkook has been going on for awhile now (especially Jimin,whom I recall contacting Yt often about) .Tkrs SERIOUSLY need mental help,as any therapist would have a field day on billing them triple for their issue's. I honestly DON'T want BTS to reunite after their service is over.As I cannot stand to see Jimin,going through a fresh batch of TK revolting abuse.They are NOT BTS fans they are ONLY fans of one particular member. Who would secretly relish.,disrupting the band,then blaming Jimin and Jungkook. When innocent family members are treated harshly you truly need to take a step back and ponder if anything is that important. And privately I believe they wonder too.
    Funny all this hate coming from people.Towards a band member. From a band who preaches love❤

  • @didini9345
    @didini9345 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    These people are not fans of BTS they are sick bullying people over the phone are really sick Jimin and JK have a bond with each other and you can't do anything about that. They should leave the family members alone these guys are not fans they are just I feel sorry for them

    • @SCHATZ19979
      @SCHATZ19979 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Вигукеры ликуют,что увидели на диване игрушку КИТТИ радужного цвета.Такая игрушка было на фото Тэхена в фотобуке.Для них это подтверждения отношений между Вигу.И еще рядом сердце лежит.Только сердце это не Тэ символизирует,а подарок от баленсиага.
      Вигукеры начинают лихорадочно высасывать из пальца хоть какие-то доказательства их отношений.

  • @lauriesiebert2912
    @lauriesiebert2912 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you Lily! You are the best!

  • @hanniarueda3489
    @hanniarueda3489 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    To haters/ hyenas: Jk , Jm and their families only get stronger with every attack , you all just saw Jk mentioning Jm again and again , so ...keep trying losers !😉

    • @barbarabeaver
      @barbarabeaver หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Hi My Hannia! This is so heartbreaking, I am so glad Lilly posted the video on it. I don't think I have ever heard her so angry and rightfully so! I hate that they have to so through this much hate. I knew it was going to get worse once he mentioned Jimin so many times. The roaches/hyenas would lose their minds and they did. They did not like the fact that Jungkook was smacking them upside their heads once again and reminding them that they are still together in the military and their bond is stronger than ever!

    • @hanniarueda3489
      @hanniarueda3489 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      @barbarabeaver My friend ! ❤️
      We shouldnt let those hyenas go any further , it has gone way too far ! And no body has done much to stop them !
      But one true thing is how badly it hurst hyenas to know jikook are together , and that makes me sooooo damn happy ! 😉...to see them crying so hard !

  • @lilliewong9708
    @lilliewong9708 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I guess the haters have never heard of Karma. When Karma hits, it will be unexpected and from left field. Spread love, not hate.

  • @yolandacortesbarcelo703
    @yolandacortesbarcelo703 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Gracias por transcribir lo que has dicho en español! Lo acabo de leer y tienes razón en todo! Esas haters tienen que aceptar y abrir su mente de una vez! JK nos está gritando y desde hace años la relación que tiene con Jimin, y quiere aclararnos a todos que está junto a él y está feliz, haciendolo todo con él y compartiendo todos sus momentos libres, comidas, duchas, camas con él! Porque de eso se trata el Buudy system y porque ellos asi lo eligieron! 💜💜💛💛🥰🥰🌞🌞🌛🌛

  • @baikongrakim2626
    @baikongrakim2626 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    jimi❤❤❤❤❤ Family💜💜💜💜💜jk💜💜💜

  • @Jasonjan13
    @Jasonjan13 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    Les haineux sont tristes, malheureux et jaloux du bonheur de Jikook ...
    Dans le monde entier, il y a beaucoup et de plus en plus de Jikook ...
    Que Dieu protège Jikook, BAM et leurs familles...
    J'adore Bruno Mars

  • @ElizabethMorgan5
    @ElizabethMorgan5 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Greetings to you my beautiful Queen 🥰 I truly must say I don't feel like saying anything beautiful right now as I'm fuming with rage, from the negative attributes that have been bombared against Jikook. It's really unfair because its their lives and their choice as to how they want to live. This is really harrowing 💔. Thank you so much for this highly alarming and saddening information yet we'll keep supporting our JK+JM. TO INFINITY AND BEYOND.

  • @jonsie733
    @jonsie733 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I only hope new Army take the time to watch the original content first, don’t only watch the edits. Watch and form your own opinion. I think for some it is too late they are so invested no matter what comes out they will somehow twist it to fit their narrative. I don’t agree with the interpretation made of every Jikook moment but that doesn’t matter when the majority of their moments are so obvious and don’t need weird explanations, they just show that they have a beautiful bond. But no matter what happens in the future I love BTS and will respect whatever choices they make.

  • @pamelabatchelor9204
    @pamelabatchelor9204 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I do not see it because it's too awful and I avoid it at all costs. I think haters hate would fizzle out if they got no response to fight with. it saddens me so much. I hope HYBE deals with it swiftly. Thank you for letting me know it's happening though. Im glad I didn't read one bit of it. Happy Holidays Lilypawa and thanks for doing the hard work

    • @valeriekyle8813
      @valeriekyle8813 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I agree with you, just knowing about it breaks my heart💔..I don't want to see it 😭😭😭😭 Just leave them and their families alone ..WAKE UP HYBE!!!!!!! PROTECT YOUR ARTIST!!!!!

  • @sheridanpope937
    @sheridanpope937 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Those people who say these things need to be made responsible, it is slander in the first degree. My view is it just makes the bond between ARMY and BTS even stronger. As Jk says ‘ you wouldn’t like me if you knew me’ … so don’t ever get on the wrong side of the guys. Jikook✌🏻💜☀️🌙

  • @JM22JM
    @JM22JM หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    vlive has shown some truths that they don't want to accept. do they think JK will change his speech to protect Jimin? it could be. keep trying. maybe he'll stop talking about JIMIN because he loves him so much.

  • @JMP_07
    @JMP_07 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    This's really getting worse even though Jungkook is threatened by trashhookers.. I don't really understand why Teakookers can't stop spreading hate and disrespect towards Jimin and Jungkook😤😡 Bro It's literally their lives and their relationship, whether romantic or platonic, and theses so called "ot7" and their opinions doesn't matter at all 💜💛❤️‍🔥

  • @haydeesalmor2277
    @haydeesalmor2277 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Those people are not happy with their own lifes.
    They are envious of everyone else happiness.
    Seeing JIMN and JUNGKOOK happy and together is eating them alive.

  • @prdz15
    @prdz15 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Lo que no entiendo de todo esto cual es la excusa que estas personas usan para odiar a un ser humano tan hermoso como Jimin ❤Es una pena para ellos pq se están perdiendo tanto de Jimin. Sinceramente he aprendido mucho de él . No sólo es hermoso, buen artista, su personalidad y como le gusta ayudar. Por eso los miembros lo aman tanto o más que nosotros sus fans. ❤

  • @monkat3759
    @monkat3759 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Heartbreaking and disgusting that a father who clearly has supported and loved his son can't mention his own son.

  • @nanceemoon365
    @nanceemoon365 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Love you lily 😊

    • @lilyspaws
      @lilyspaws  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Love u too ❤😊

  • @emzmolali4476
    @emzmolali4476 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I really love jikook no matter what always together and forever stay strong forever my baby jikook ❤❤

  • @Ruth-xt6xm
    @Ruth-xt6xm หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Grandma nana 79year old Thank you Lilypaw for the 😢video I have been watching for 20 years BTS keep me going waiting for them to all comeback soon on🙏💜2025 they are my Grandsons Love you All 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @annamariagondos18
    @annamariagondos18 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Tkk are obsessed and unable to accept anything that is not about them. If I love JK, you love who he loves.

  • @catherinetessier3534
    @catherinetessier3534 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Laisse tranquille jikook !!! Rumeurs faux et jaloux, regarde pas ta vie....,laisse tranquille la vie de jikook !!! Je soutiens jikook et BTS 💜💜💜💜🪖🪖🫡🫡🐰🐣🥰🥰😘...et laisse tranquille le père de jimin et la mère de jungkook...je soutiens la famille de jimin et jungkook !!!💜💜🥰😘

  • @lthill4656
    @lthill4656 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    People are disgusting and just want attention. I ignore them. Jikook has been dealing with this for years. Love Jikook 💜💛💜💛

  • @DebraADameron
    @DebraADameron 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for this video. I support and second your thoughts and words on the haters. I adore Jungkook and Jimini and agree that the love they share is so pure and beautiful and something we all yearn for. I am grateful and thankful to Jikook for allowing us the privilege of sharing their gorgeous life, and my prayers include that they find forever happiness together. Thanks again, Lily. Greetings from Australia, regards Debbie

  • @carolynmcalister9675
    @carolynmcalister9675 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    This so sad I don’t blame jk him and jimin is very much n love they are partners for life t now theses old haters attacking members of their family jk expressed his love highly for jimn deny all those lying rumors fake photos and theses fools still on the war path they need to go to hell and leave jk and jimn alone and their family jimin and jk love is unstoppable it here to stay I hope they are marry peoples like there are lifeless and miserable and they love to keep up a lot of hell

  • @Pavani9198-l9z
    @Pavani9198-l9z หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    It's just disgusting how much hate and y to be honest jimin don't even know anyone personally y these sick people giving hate to him and his family yaar its #jikook mutual concent to join military service together and they are happy with that decision y these haters can't understand its not jimin fault by all these ongoing situation of haters one thing is getting clear they know #jikook exist from beginning but they don't want to believe once #jikook join military together they just can't digest the biggest reality now they are unable to feed their dilusitions all these got piled up now everything gone from their hands what can haters do now they just unhappy with themselves so giving hate 😅😅 present jk mention jm so many times in live what if one day jk directly say that #jikook is real and it definitely happens one day at that time jk didn't give a damn to all this hate once he cross his limit just waiting for that day all this haters gona hate themselves 😅😅😅😅 what ever haters gona hate so we have to make them happy by just saying #jikook

  • @Ruth-xt6xm
    @Ruth-xt6xm หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Grandma nana people don’t know how it is to lose someone l just lost my husband we were married for 63year l wish people would live Jimin Dad alone my prayers are for them thank you 🙏 Jungkook for being there for them it really hard sorry Jimin stay strong bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👌

  • @СветланаМойсеенко-б5с
    @СветланаМойсеенко-б5с หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    ВОТ ВАМ И ОТВЕТ: АРМИ, а вернее те из фандомов, кто сейчас свои личные предпочтения и больные фантазии переносит в плоскость жизни артисов, не давая им возможности хотя бы спокойно дослужить. ВОТ НАПИСАЛА О ТОМ, что жгло меня целые сутки и больше: ибо "Как мог КУКИ!, - думала я, - как мог КУКИ, ЭТО ЖЕ ЧЕСТНЫЙ КУКИ! УМОЛЧАТЬ НА ВИВЕРСЕ О ТОМ, ЧТО СЛУЧИЛОСЬ ИЛИ ОН ЕЩЕ НЕ ЗНАЛ???"И теперь ПОНИМАЮ: УЖЕ ЗНАЛ, ПОНИМАЛ И ПОТОМУ И ВЫШЕЛ на виверс, чтоб поддержать Минни. ВОПРОС ОДИН ОСТАЛСЯ, ПОЧЕМУ ОТКРЫТО НЕ ГОВОРИЛ???? ВИДИМО ЭТИКЕТ АРМИИ НЕ ПОЗВОЛЯЕТ. А ВТОРОЕ: ПЕРЕВЕСТИ СКАНДАЛ В ИНТЕРНЕТЕ В ПЛОСКОСТЬ РЕАЛЬНОГО И ЖИЗНИ БТС И РОДИТЕЛЕЙ - ЛЕГКО! А КАК ПОТОМ ВЫБРАТЬСЯ: ведь озвуч Куки хоть слово из того, о чем идет перепалка фандомов - значит признать "реальность существования пары JM или JV" и ВО-ПЕРВЫХ: в консервативной Корее их закопают как Айдолов скорее за такое, чем возвысят и порадуются (геи в Армии!!! да еще и парочка вместе пристроилась, представте, их в Армии просто линчуют!), ВО-ВТОРЫХ: это ж грозит развалом группы, убийством репутацииБТС, не иначе. А В ТРЕТЬИХ: как всю эту ересь Куки должен воспринимать: буквально и серьезно, поддержать "идеи и мнения" чтоб был этим ненормальным повод и дальше воевать. ДА И МНОГО ПОДВОДНЫХ КАМНЕЙ ЕЩЕ ЕСТЬ, ГДЕ И ПОЧЕМУ ПАРНИ БТС МОЛЧАТ ИЛИ УМАЛЧИВАЮТ О СЛУЧИВШЕМСЯ! думаю, им не помешает хороший юрист и адвокат по таким делам , ну и конечно, хороший Закон, что убережет их в дальнейшем от нападок и угроз - ЗА ТАКОЕ ЛЮБОЙ ДОЛЖЕН НЕСТИ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬ - ОТ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНОЙ ДО УГОЛОВНОЙ, - и ТОГДА, КАК ПОШЕПЧЕТ. Причем на всех языках - и для всех стран в мире!!!!!!!

  • @puppypower6958
    @puppypower6958 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I don’t understand some of the comments on Instagram. What the heck is Scooter about? And are there really Park Jimin fans that hate Jungkook? Who are these insane people?
    Also, who are these people that refer to Jungkook as their husband? They look so creepy and gross

  • @user-kr5rl9ro3k
    @user-kr5rl9ro3k หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I can't wait for the next jikook video

  • @purplelady1264
    @purplelady1264 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Hi Lily every you said is so truth, JK is downing the right thing treating the aggression with passive words, I am sure he was very angry, but why bring yourself down to the haters level and I believe that a lot of the haters are too stupid to realise what he's doing. Happy Christmas to you and yours🎄🎄🎄

  • @jk_jimin9597
    @jk_jimin9597 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    JK went on live with a purpose..JK had to ask permission from the military to do the live not from Hybe becoz if he did ask permission from Hybe, there could be a translation in the live..and this is after the hate for Jimin went viral and the IG acct of Appa Park was deleted..JK is the biggest debunker of the naratives of those antis, toxic JK and PJM solos esp those toxic Taekookers..JK can read those comments in the socmed..

  • @gracielapichardo263
    @gracielapichardo263 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I’m really think it’s stupid, toxic and immature this people act against them , just because their ship it’s not real and they want them to do wherever this toxic people want 😡😡😡 they need to respect the idols and stop this nonsense action against them and their family members, if the don’t like it , just don’t follow them and start doing something with their life’s or take some therapy, because it’s not normal to act like that against people they don’t even know you personally, maybe this people never going to meet them in real life

    • @poultryinmotion5721
      @poultryinmotion5721 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      It's absolutely absurd the way these people behave. They care more about their imaginary relationship than the actual, real people they're hurting.

  • @Ladyozy
    @Ladyozy หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    JK came live to distract hater against himself and jimin

    • @pattysimpson93
      @pattysimpson93 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Him going live was absolutely not a coincidence.. he sees… he knows..Jungkook loves Jimin and Jimins Dad .. if the idiots out there think for one minute that JK isn’t paying attention..they are pathetically misguided 🤬

  • @MariaGrazia-y7z
    @MariaGrazia-y7z หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Non posso più sentire cattiverie su loro è veramente demenziale basta occupatevi di voi stessi e fatevi curare 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • @sadiodianka3738
    @sadiodianka3738 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    WoW c’est trop beau j’adore merci 💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💛👍👍👍👍

  • @barbiechadwick9942
    @barbiechadwick9942 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Good grief, those haters need to get a life, hating is a waste of time and energy, as the saying goes kharma is a *****, but to attack their families thats just cowardly, they know the cant get at the boys so they target their families, thats not on
    Respect for JK for the way he handled it, we all know how protective he is - live your life to the fullest guys, be safe and happy 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @kathyw2374
    @kathyw2374 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I am very very happy about your post. But I would like to correct you on one issue. Jimin's father was horribly and unjustly attacked First before Bam's account was hijacked. That is when other factions wrongly decided to go and post under Bam's account. Under no circumstance is this appropriate behavior.
    Jm's father had to close the comment section for the 2nd time this year because of such vile comments. And not a single army came to his defense. Not one.
    This fandom is so very very broken.

  • @ArmyVK.97
    @ArmyVK.97 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    They're just toxic people, who cant see someone happy together... Cheapos, cant let them hurt my angels

  • @adrianne7656
    @adrianne7656 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you

  • @rubinafaiz5773
    @rubinafaiz5773 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jikook look so cute and adorable 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @NevaRebic
    @NevaRebic หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @ginamagnago5205
    @ginamagnago5205 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Lili a tradução não está saindo legal, dá uma olhada aí.

    • @lilyspaws
      @lilyspaws  หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I'm sorry, I tried to fix it but to no avail.
      Here is the translation:
      Esta ola de odio fue diferente a todo lo que he presenciado antes. Se dirigieron ataques repugnantes al padre y a la familia de JM, lo que lo obligó a deshabilitar los comentarios en su cuenta de Instagram. También hubo ataques a Bam, además del odio extremo hacia JK y Jimin.
      El Instagram de Bam se convirtió en un campo de batalla, donde tanto él como JK fueron atacados en los comentarios. Esto llevó a contrataques hacia JM y su familia. Los hashtags que apoyaban y oponían a diferentes lados inundaron las redes sociales. Y cuando digo "ataques", realmente estoy minimizando la situación. No compartiré los mensajes, pero el nivel de la discusión es espantoso, absolutamente vil y lleno de odio. Es repugnante.
      Hay partes de este fandom que realmente desearía que desaparecieran-que simplemente se desvanecieran, llevándose consigo su mentalidad delirante. La ignorancia que tienen sobre lo que BTS realmente representa es impactante. Dicen amar a JK o JM, pero luego ignoran completamente todo lo que esas personas representan. La forma en que atacan ferozmente a la única persona que claramente su ídolo ha demostrado ser más cercana, la persona con la que eligió servir sus 18 meses de servicio militar, es increíble. Nadie obligó a tomar esta decisión. Fue una elección que ambos hicieron.
      Estas personas necesitan una llamada de atención. Necesitan salir de sus delirios, encontrar una vida real, conseguir un trabajo, hacer un hobby-cualquier cosa que los mantenga alejados de sus teclados.
      Solo quiero señalar que ni Jin ni Hobi hicieron transmisiones en vivo durante su tiempo libre mientras cumplían con su servicio. Publicaron ocasionalmente en Instagram, pero nunca hicieron un en vivo. Creo que eso vale la pena mencionarlo. JK, por otro lado, podría haber publicado en Weverse - y lo hizo - pero también podría haber compartido una foto o grabado un mensaje corto. En cambio, eligió hacer un en vivo porque tenía algo que decir, con su estilo directo y característico de JK.
      Y ya que estamos en el tema, ¿puedo mencionar que la karma tiene una forma de arreglar las cosas? O más bien, JK tiene una forma de hacer que las cosas sucedan. Si alguien cree que el momento de su en vivo fue una coincidencia, está equivocado. El en vivo de JK no fue un accidente.
      Para los haters allá afuera, JK se aseguró de mencionar a JM varias veces durante la transmisión en vivo. Él hace las cosas por una razón. Incluso mencionó sus duchas juntos. Ahora, si alguien quiere sacar el tema de las "duchas comunitarias", los detendré ahí. No, ellos no se duchan con otros soldados, especialmente considerando las preocupaciones de JM sobre su imagen corporal. Este ha sido un gran tema para los ídolos en el pasado, y se les da tiempo privado para ducharse. No se duchan con otros.
      Ahora, hagamos una pausa por un momento. Ellos cantan juntos en la ducha. Piensa en eso y piensa en "Die with a Smile". Ahí está: nuestro sueño hecho realidad. Jikook cantando esa canción juntos. ¡Está destinado a ser! Se alejan de los demás y cantan en voz alta...
      JK sabe exactamente lo que está haciendo. Sabía lo que estaba haciendo cuando salió en vivo después de las transmisiones de Tae para aclarar las conclusiones tontas hechas por los fans (el llamado "culto"). Sabía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo cuando compartió cosas con nosotros en sus transmisiones en vivo de 2023, revelando lo que quería que supiéramos de él. Y ciertamente sabía lo que estaba haciendo cuando mencionó que cantaban juntos en la ducha. No tenía que mencionar la ducha, pero lo eligió, y se podía ver en su expresión y oírse en su voz. Los haters siempre odiarán, y Jikook seguirá compartiendo sus duchas juntos. JK literalmente vino a casa para darnos su regalo de vacaciones.

  • @donnarinaldi8597
    @donnarinaldi8597 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    All the fake news has been refuted, he is in good health and continues with Jimin, singing and taking a shower.

  • @bernadettegatmaitan4773
    @bernadettegatmaitan4773 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love JM&JK, ✨💛💜✨ Wish them good health, good life and happiness.

  • @BTS_A.R.M.Y._
    @BTS_A.R.M.Y._ หลายเดือนก่อน

    Читаю Русские комментарии и, за исключением, нескольких людей, думаю: ВЫ что все ТэГукнулись? У Вас ВиГуха поехала? Что со всеми Вами? Причём тут Бан Ши Хёк, вложивший в ребят всё, что у него было! Причём тут Тэхён, являющийся лучшим другом Чимина, а Вы их обоих ставите по разные углы! Да Вам и не снилась такая дружба! ВЫ не знаете, абсолютно, что такое любовь и на 100% уверена, что личной жизни у Вас нет, потому как счастливый человек не будет писать гадости ребятам, прошедшим такие тяжёлые времена, всегда будучи почтительными, а никак сейчас New Jeans - маленькие да удаленькие, чуть что и выступают, будто они пуд соли съели! Наши ребята всегда молчали, склонив головы, шли маленькими шагами. Они голодали, падали в обмороки, их везде отменяли, фандомы других групп творили ересь, а ребята всё равно шли к своей мечте и стали легендами! При этом остаются скромными, не выпячивают свои пожертвования, если бы Арми этого сами не узнавали, так как это открытая информация. К ним на концерты едут умирающие люди, ребята спасают от депрессий! Они мне помогли справиться со смертью обоих родителей! Так как же у Вас совести хватает очернять дружбу Чимы с Тэ и отношения Чимы с Гуки! Какая разница, что они делают на едине, Вам что так важна постель? Да, у них особенные отношения, Чонгук восхищается Чимином и говорит об этом, говорит открыто, а Вы всё клеете фансервис и неужели не понимаете, что ребятам давным давно ничего и никому не нужно доказывать и играть в игры новичков - айдолов? Наши семёрка одна из самых влиятельных в Корее, приносящая миллиарды вон, а Вы к ним игры лепите! Ну нормально это в Корее сидеть на коленях у парня, шлёпать по попе, обнимать. ВЫ же не жените Гуки на Хосе, а чего так? Ведь Гуки и обнимал и сидел на Хосоке, висел даже на нём. А Тэ спрашивал можно ли обнять Намджуна ночью ( в Бон Вояже 4), Гуки спокойно шлёпает своего лидера Но Вы не жените Тэ с Моней или Гуки с Моней, а чего ж так? Пересмотрите круглый стол в 2021 году...ребята написали друг другу письма. Тэхён написал Чимину: Ты нравишься мне больше всех! И Тэ не раз писал именно Чимину тёплые слова. Уже песню написал об их дружбе, но Вам всё мало....Вы видите лишь ненависть! Зачем? Хоть кто-то из ребят сделал Вам гадость? Оскорбил веру, язык, внешность? Так зачем же Вы это делаете! Вы - нелюди? Вам же всё это вернётся сторицей и на вопрос, а за что....вспомните мои слова! А за то.....за все гадости, что Вы послали в сторону любого из нашей семёрки, потому что они - спасают людей, а Вы не спасаете никого и наши мальчишки, в отличие от Вас - счастливы и поэтому это Вас задевает!

  • @fannyreyo417
    @fannyreyo417 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is sad. They love Army so much, and they get this treatment.

  • @yolandacortesbarcelo703
    @yolandacortesbarcelo703 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Porque no hay traducciones hoy? Me gustan tus videos aunque no entiendo muy bien el ingles! Gracias de todos modos!💜💛

  • @shawnsanders7574
    @shawnsanders7574 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What gets me is the hypocrisy. They accuse Jimin of queer baiting but it could be argue that JK sucking Jimin's ear in front of 60,000 people could be seen in that light. I don't think this about JK at all by the way.

  • @MarymPhilip
    @MarymPhilip หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @elianevictor796
    @elianevictor796 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ahh não liguem para essas pessoas doentes.. nunca vão aceitar a verdade que está na cara deles. Só ignorando que si perdem a graça.

  • @haydeesalmor2277
    @haydeesalmor2277 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    JM and JK are extremely intelligent young men. They know exactly what ,when , and how to say things. If those people don't understand .... too bad !.

  • @MdNoman-d9y
    @MdNoman-d9y หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @carmenmarques2819
    @carmenmarques2819 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Deixem eles em paz

  • @enmm2
    @enmm2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Koo who
    Say by himself he meet with jimin all time and they sing together and shower together

  • @csilveira8951
    @csilveira8951 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How sad this has become.😞 Try kindness people, your actions are absolutely disappointing & embarrassing.🙁