He is very knowledgeable and honest person. Some people may think or say he insulting but his words may hard but they are facts we should face and accept reality. Thank you Dr.
Personally, I have been waiting to this day for the last almost two years, it's a big honer to see the Great Dr. Dereje. God blesses you a lot. Thank you Tedi for bringing such intellectual and honest person who can open our eyes to see the reality and the path where we are going.
Dr Dereje🙏 I salute for ur bold, articulated interview. Plse, come again and again. Thank you. Tedy, let riot goes for life🙏 keep working. Thank you, too.
Dr derege is one of the most articulate and honest people I've seen in Ethiopia. His honesty and unbiased analysis is so refreshing and very rare to find. He's understanding is not based on victim mentality and ethnic identity, it's based on facts and logic. The truth is bitter and hard to swallow but you can't ignore it.
I do however respectfully wish Dr Derege avoids using certain words that can flame ethnic tensions (Unintentionally) After all, all ethnic groups have in the past been labeled with derogatory terms, not only the Oromos.
Now I saw one political analyst, intellectual and the best of this time Dr dereje thank you very much for your explicit interpretation of nationalism and for making me realize what no one can do for me
PERSONAL TRIBUTE TO THE LATE DR. DEREJE ZELEKE Dr. Dereje was my batch at the law school. We graduated from AAU the same year. He was so good a student that he graduated with great distinction. His academic career began when he joined the editorial board of the Ethiopian Law Journal at the AAU when he was at law school senior class. Undoubtedly, he was one of the few Ethiopian legal scholars. It is indeed very sad that his accumulated knowledge and experience is not a transferable asset that can be inherited by his surviving heirs. Nearly 30 years of unmatched academic excellence, knowledge and experience that he has achieved through persistent and unrelenting endeavor has finally been buried with him. If I may have to guess his age, Dereje should only be just in his mid-50s and it’s too soon for him to leave at the time he could have contributed much more to the academic world and to his nation. Of late, I have learned that Dereje has also been a spiritual person who is well connected to God and always expressed his devotion to Him. Hopefully, he’s now in heaven enjoying eternal life in peace! RIP BROTHER! Amen!
Dr. Derege is absolutely generous brutal honest, We all should be open minded and prepare for provocative opinion to over come the disagreement through civil discussions
My first question is l can't see clear platform for the modern and the current generation which believes In democracy equality in indignity and obeying human rights from the four corners of the country ??? But my advice for both of you is you would not have to use provocative analysis of history bcz our past history has not documented with enough evidence we know our domestic history most of the time oral
I really respect and appreciate Dr. Dereje's understanding and views. Thank you Teddy' the way you handled the interview. You let him to express himself than leading him with a preconceived thought of yours like other interviewers. Much appreciated! Dr. Dereje berta!
Hello Dr., I just happened to be one of the millions of diaspora Ethiopians who watch Ethiopian politics from afar. Three years ago I had a chance to see the interview you had with Seyoum Teshome. Frankly speaking, I was so impressed at the depth of knowledge and how you eloquently express Ethiopian politics. At the time, you became the talk of the town in an instant. I was so hopeful that this will encourage so many intellectuals like you, to come forward. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for you to disappear from the media. Like everybody, I was concerned for you because you were telling the government as it is; without no ifs and buts! After a long absence when you came to the media, I was so eager to listen to your perspective on the current affairs. As usual, it was very interesting... It was during this time you mentioned that you were affected by mental health. By the way, It takes a very courageous man to talk about it. Mental health is a taboo in many societies. To be honest, this might encourage other patients to come forward and seek treatment. I am glad to see you back fully recovered and share your thoughts once more. Regarding the first interview, I agree with most of the issues that you raised. However, the second interview was more intense! I was shocked beyond belief! I don't want to go into the details. Rather, I would like to ask you kindly to watch the interview for yourself. If you think you might have crossed the red-Line, be brave to come forward and ask for forgiveness. If not, please refrain from using those sensitive words for the sake of the Amhara people who are being slaughtered in Wollega as we speak. Thank you!!
You are the very very Normal person that i have seen among millions crazy . 🤔🤔🤔 What can i say wish you long and safe life from the depth of my heart Bro.
Great and insightful discussion. Thank you @Teddy for inviting Dr. Dereje who is one of the greatest thinker of Ethiopia. I’ll look forward to hearing your forthcoming program with him.
Great discussion , even though there were some points I didn’t agree with him , he is still Qualified political analyst who speaks from evidence. Knowing people exist like you at this mad time , it restores hope in humanity.
I wish Reyot had a follow up session with Dr. Dereje. It is really sad to hear losing him at this age.... ለምን ሞተ ቢሉ ???? ንገሩ ለሁሉ ፣ ሳትደብቁ ከቶ፤ ከዘመን ተኳርፎ፣ ከዘመን ተጣልቶ።
I feel proud about my self taking this kind of people as role model this are the people the younger generation should aspire to be.good investment of my time to listen
ሁሌ ቢያዳምጡት የማይሰለች፤ በጣም የሚወደድ፤ የማያስመስል፤ በእውቀት የታጨቀና፤ ጥቂቶች ሊረዱት የሚችሉት ምሁር ዶክተር ደረጀ ዘለቀ ነብስህ በሰላም ትረፍ።
ሞተ እንዴ ?????🥲🥲
i still watch his interview and keep calling to his family from shashemene
በዚህ ዘመን አዋቂ ሙሁር ሀቀኛ መሆን ራስን መብላት ነው ።
የዶክተር ደረጄም መጨረሻ ይሀው ይመስለኛል።
የሀገራችን ፓለቲካ ዝቅጠት አስጨንቆ አበሳጭቶ አብሰክስኮ የበላው
ሀገር ያጣችው ተብሰክሳኪ ልጅዋ ነው
ዶክተር ደረጄ ፈጣሪ ነብስህን በአፀደ ገነት ይካሳት
የማውቀው በሚዲያ ነበር።
በእውነት በጣም አዝኛለሁ
ሀገሬ በመርህ ላይ የቆመ ውድና አንደበተ ሩትእ ሙሁር ልጅሽን አጥተሻልና ፅናቱን ይስጥሽ።
አንተስ ነፍስህ አረገች የኛ ነገር ያሳዝናል ያሳስባል
@@netsanethAndinet ድልብ መሀይም ነህ
Dr Derege I couldn't believe you are not with us anymore .You been amazing person with full of knowledge. NEFS YIMAR.AMEN.
ዶ/ር ደረጄ ሰው የጠፋ ዕለት ሰው የሆንክ ምርጥ ሰው ነህ። እንዳንተ ያለ ሰው ሳይ በኢትዮጺያ ተስፋ መቀጠል ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ።
አቤቱ ይህ ሰው! እውነት እንዲህ ስትነገር አይቼ አላውቅም:: አገሬ ይህን የመሰለ ምሁር በማጣቷ እጅግ አዝናለሁ ያልታደልን ሕዝቦች😢😢 ነፍስህ በሰላም ትረፍ ወገኔ!
እውነት መናገር አስበላው
መታመምህ ጤነኝነት ነው ወንድሜ ❤። እግዚኦ ለተቀረነው ኣገር እያነባች፣ በምንኣገባኝ ስሜት ትኩሳትም ለማይሰማን።
በጣም ግሩም ውይይት ከይት ተገናኛችሁ እውነት እውነቱን ነው የምትነጋገሩት እግዚአብሄር ይጠብቃችሁ ተባረኩ
በእውነት የሚገርም እውቀት ::
The legend Dr Dereje. Here is the person who has integrity, knowledgeable,logical, reasonable and doesn't fear anything except his moral values. RIP
3 ጊዜ እንዳድስ ሰማሁት ተባረኩ በዚህ ወቅት እንደዚህም አይነት ሰው አለ
አምላኩን የሚፈራ ስለእውነት የቆመ
ኢትዮጵያ ሰው ባጣች ሰዓት ከተገኙ ጥቂት ምርጥ ሰዎች አንዱ ያለፍርሃት እውነትን የያዘ ዶ/ር ደረጀ በርታልን
#Dereje i feel like we're lucky to have such a genuine and smart Ethiopian like you. I'm
Thankful to you too teddy
Dr.Dereje Zeleke i hv no words to describe you ..U Are Simply Amazing!!!!!!!
I can’t get enough of Dr. Dereje’s historical and political analysis! I love him is an understatement!
ልበ ስውር እና
ብሩህ አይምሮ በአንድ መድረክ
DR ደሬ you are my hero..
He is very knowledgeable and honest person. Some people may think or say he insulting but his words may hard but they are facts we should face and accept reality. Thank you Dr.
Personally, I have been waiting to this day for the last almost two years, it's a big honer to see the Great Dr. Dereje. God blesses you a lot. Thank you Tedi for bringing such intellectual and honest person who can open our eyes to see the reality and the path where we are going.
I love this guy. No words to explain myself. Dereje, all blessings to you.
Dr.Derjie was a definition of brilliant mind. It is a big loss to miss him.I can’t get enough of him/ analysis.
ዶ/ር ደረጄ እራሱ አብዝቶ በሚጠቀመው ቃል ስገልፀው 'He is brutally honest!'
This is truly the most thought provoking interview in the recent past! God bless you Sir!
He put the truth boldly, clearly & bravely! I've no words to thank & appreciate Dr. Dereje.
Thank you guys GOD bless you brothers for the truth
ዶክተር የምልህ የለኝም ነገር ግን እግዚአብሔር ያክብርህ፣ ሰላሙን ያብዛልህ፣ እረዥሙን እድሜ ያድልህ፣ በመንገድ ከመደናቀፍ ይጠብቅህ!
በእውነቱ አቶ ደረጀ በእውቀት ላይ የተመሠረተ አስተሳሰብና አመለካከት እንዲሁም ደረቅ ሀቆችን ሳያሽሞነምን ያቀረበልን በሳል ሰው ሆኖ አግኝቸዋለሁ። እንዲህ ዓይነቶችን ከአድርባይነት የጸዱ በሳል ሙሁራኖችና አርቆ አሳቢዎችን ያብዛልን። በድጋሚ በጣም እናመሠግናለን ደረጀ ለቀና እና በሳል አስተሳሰብህና ትንታኔህ።
Take him to above neck surgery clinic
Thank you so much for sharing your view, genuine and courageous man. May his soul rest in peace.
Dr Dereje🙏
I salute for ur bold, articulated interview. Plse, come again and again. Thank you.
Tedy, let riot goes for life🙏 keep working. Thank you, too.
ለካ ሙሁራን አሉን እወነትም ተስፋ አልቆርጥም በ ሀገር እንደ አንተ አይነቱ እንዲበዙልን ምኞቴ ነው በዕውቀት ጅራፍ ነው የገረፍከን እናመሰግናለን ዶ/ር ደረጄ።
Wow, he is awesome 👍 I love his intelligence and wisdom 👍
ዶ/ር ደረጀ ፈጣሪ ረጅም ዕድሜ ከጤና ጋር አብዝቱ ይስጥህ ከመላዉ ቤተሰብች ጋር
Dr. Derge one of the most articulate politicians and intellectual I have ever known
Dr derege is one of the most articulate and honest people I've seen in Ethiopia.
His honesty and unbiased analysis is so refreshing and very rare to find.
He's understanding is not based on victim mentality and ethnic identity, it's based on facts and logic. The truth is bitter and hard to swallow but you can't ignore it.
I do however respectfully wish Dr Derege avoids using certain words that can flame ethnic tensions (Unintentionally) After all, all ethnic groups have in the past been labeled with derogatory terms, not only the Oromos.
ዶክተር ደረጄ ፣ ስሰማዉ የሚገርም የአነጋገር እና ስሜትን የሚነካ ማለት መባል ያለበትን በተዋበ እና ደፈር ባለ ቃላት የሚናገራቸዉ ነገሮች አስደምሞኛል። ዶክተር ላንተ ያለኝ ምክር የሞራል ልእልናህን ፣ ለራስህ እናም ለኢትዬጵያዊነት ያለህን ክብር እንዳትቀይረዉ ነዉ። በተረፈ እናመሰግናለን።
Dr Dereje you are the reason to hope
We can learn a lot from this person
He is honest and extremely intelligent
Well done sir.
Wow the most reasonable person i have even seen! He is bold, confident and honest!
Now I saw one political analyst, intellectual and the best of this time Dr dereje thank you very much for your explicit interpretation of nationalism and for making me realize what no one can do for me
ጆ/ደረጅ እንኳን ደህና መጣ እውነቱን ይሚናገር እንዳንተ አይነት ስው እውነቱን የሚነግረን ስው ነበር ያጣነው . Thank you!
I didn't listening suchlike a wondeful true speech before, thanks for your time
This great discussion thank you teddy for inviting dr. Dereje an honest and candid conversation
Dr. Dereje Thank you!!! God blesses you! ረጅም እድሜ ክጤና ጋር
Thank you Dr. Dereje Zeleke 🙏🏽🙏🏽
ስምናገረዉ ነገር እዉቀት የለለዉ ማፈሪያ ሰዉዬ ስለምኑ ነዉ ያመሰገንከዉ
@@tilahunbereket1362 እኔን በገባኝ መጠን አመስግኘዋለሁ።
wow man of the year I watched full time interview, thank you Dr. Derije for your Genuine interview 🙏
Really he exacerbated and accelerated the fall of Ethiopian Abyssinian lead government.... Hallelujah to that
Dr. Dereje was my batch at the law school. We graduated from AAU the same year. He was so good a student that he graduated with great distinction. His academic career began when he joined the editorial board of the Ethiopian Law Journal at the AAU when he was at law school senior class. Undoubtedly, he was one of the few Ethiopian legal scholars. It is indeed very sad that his accumulated knowledge and experience is not a transferable asset that can be inherited by his surviving heirs. Nearly 30 years of unmatched academic excellence, knowledge and experience that he has achieved through persistent and unrelenting endeavor has finally been buried with him. If I may have to guess his age, Dereje should only be just in his mid-50s and it’s too soon for him to leave at the time he could have contributed much more to the academic world and to his nation. Of late, I have learned that Dereje has also been a spiritual person who is well connected to God and always expressed his devotion to Him. Hopefully, he’s now in heaven enjoying eternal life in peace! RIP BROTHER! Amen!
ጋዜጠኞች አስለፍልፈዉ አስለፍልፈዉ አስበሉት ።
በጣም መልካም እና እውነተኛ ነገር ነው የተናገረው። አሁን ደግሞ ከህወሓት ግልገሎች ከነ መሃሪ ዮሐንስ ጋር ብታቀርበው እና አዋርዶ ጎሪ ውስጥ ቢከትልን ኢትዮጵያም የትግራይ ህዝብም ሰላም ይሆናሉ።
አማራና ትግሬ የሀገሪቱ መሰረቶች ናቸው ይላል ነገር ግን አማራ የሚባል ህዝብ የለም አይጋጭም ሆይ???
በአሁኑ አማራ ትግሬ የሚባሉትን ክልሎች ለማለት ነው እንጂ አማራ ብሄር አለ እያለህ አይደለም
@@abc-m2ohahahaha Amhara yemibal hizb kelele Amhargna quanqua endet nore? Litwenejlut stfelgu Amhara bedelen tlalachihu lemebtu sinesa degmo Amhara yemibal hizb yelem malet funny new😂
Geez yemibalew quanqua yeman behereseb new?
I think Dr. Dereje spoke the historical and cultural facts in Ethiopia. We should accept our problems to find solutions.
Waw ከማንም ማንሰማውን እውነት Dr. ደረጄ እድሜ ይስጥህ !!
Because you stay in your own block there are more blunt people than this guy is you just with your own kind that is your problem
Really doctor you are documented truth, I love you with great gifts for balanced strength.
Thank you Tedrose for your service. I really enjoy your guests. He is brilliant.
ምርጥ ሰው ዶ/ር ደረጀ
Dr. Derege is absolutely generous brutal honest, We all should be open minded and prepare for provocative opinion to over come the disagreement through civil discussions
I am deeply sad for your loss because you was the most iconic person with full of knowledge you will be missing forever R I P
such a thought provoking and insightful discussion! thank u Reyot n Dr.
እውነት ለመናገር እንደ ዶክተር ደረጄ ዘለቀ አይነት እውነት ገላጭ ቃላቶች ከማንም ሙሁር ሰምቼ አላውቅም።እውነትን ፈትፍተሕ ነው የገለፅክልን መቼም ጤናና ዕድሜ ይስጥሕ በጣም ነው የምናመሰግነው።እውነትሕን ነው ደደብን መፀየፍ አለብሕ።
My first question is l can't see clear platform for the modern and the current generation which believes In democracy equality in indignity and obeying human rights from the four corners of the country ???
But my advice for both of you is you would not have to use provocative analysis of history bcz our past history has not documented with enough evidence we know our domestic history most of the time oral
No matter his stands, saying his mind with such bold and assertive manner in current stand less society , amused to see such a courage !
Wow Wow I really appreciate Dr. Derege
ዶ / ር ነፍስን እግዝአብሔር ይቀበልህ አንተ ድርሻህን ተወጥተሀል ይብላኝልን ለቀረው ህዝብ አንተ መልካም መልእክት አስተላልፈህልናል
ዶክተር ደረጄ ቃለመጠይቁን ደግሜ ደጋግሜ አደመጥኩት ፍፁም ነው ባልልም ትልቅ የሚባል ስህተት አላገኘሁበትም ::ለምን ብዙዎች እንደረጫጩ የገባኝ አሁን ነው ደረጄ ተራ ፖለቲከኛ ሳይሆን የሕግም የታሪክም ሙህር መሆኑ ነው ::
Wow we need more enlightened persons with logical reseaning like Dr Dereje.
ዛሬ ለ 4ተኛ ግዜ አዳመጥኩት ❤መቼም ባዳምጠው የማይሰለቸኝ ሀቀኛ እና በሁሉም መልኩ ዕውቀት የተጠቀጠቀ ምሁር ዶ/ር ደረጄ ዘለቀ ነብስህን ይማረው❤
Thank you both of you
I really respect and appreciate Dr. Dereje's understanding and views. Thank you Teddy' the way you handled the interview. You let him to express himself than leading him with a preconceived thought of yours like other interviewers. Much appreciated! Dr. Dereje berta!
ነብስ በሰላም ትረፍ ዶክተር ደረጀ
Dr Derje you are a right man
Hello Dr.,
I just happened to be one of the millions of diaspora Ethiopians who watch Ethiopian politics from afar.
Three years ago I had a chance to see the interview you had with Seyoum Teshome.
Frankly speaking, I was so impressed at the depth of knowledge and how you eloquently express Ethiopian politics.
At the time, you became the talk of the town in an instant. I was so hopeful that this will encourage so many intellectuals like you, to come forward.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for you to disappear from the media. Like everybody, I was concerned for you because you were telling the government as it is; without no ifs and buts!
After a long absence when you came to the media, I was so eager to listen to your perspective on the current affairs. As usual, it was very interesting...
It was during this time you mentioned that you were affected by mental health. By the way, It takes a very courageous man to talk about it. Mental health is a taboo in many societies.
To be honest, this might encourage other patients to come forward and seek treatment. I am glad to see you back fully recovered and share your thoughts once more.
Regarding the first interview, I agree with most of the issues that you raised.
However, the second interview was more intense! I was shocked beyond belief! I don't want to go into the details. Rather, I would like to ask you kindly to watch the interview for yourself.
If you think you might have crossed the red-Line, be brave to come forward and ask for forgiveness. If not, please refrain from using those sensitive words for the sake of the Amhara people who are being slaughtered in Wollega as we speak.
Thank you!!
Rest in piece Doc I been watching this interview again and again “The truth Sent you free “ always in my heart Doc
A bitter pill to swallow. I appreciate the host and the guest.
Thank you Dr. Dereje, I took off my hat for you. Much respect!!!
Really outstanding discussion between 2 brilliant guys. Thanks.
Thank you, Dr. Dereje! I enjoyed the discussion! Words are not enough to express my gratitude and respect for you!
You are the very very Normal person that i have seen among millions crazy .
🤔🤔🤔 What can i say wish you long
and safe life from the depth of my heart Bro.
Teddy Reyot big respect , the first time I saw you give him a lot of time for Dr Derje bless You!!
Teddy as usual best interview of the year. Dere I got respect for you...God bless your family.
እውነተኛ ኢትዮጵያዊነት በ Dr. ደረጀ ታየችኝ ።
Dr Derege God bless you !!!
ዶ. ደረጀ በጣም ምርጥና ቅንነት የሞላው ሰው፡ ኢትዮጵያን የገደላት ኣስመሳይነት ነው።
ንስኻ እውን ንፉዕን ፍትሓውን ሰብ ኢኻ ። ኣብ ሃይማኖታዊ ይኹን ፖሎቲካዊ ጉዳያት ኣብ ኩሉ እየ ዝሪአካ ። ቅኑዕ ሪእቶ ኢኻ ትህብ
@@Zemen271 የቀንየለይ
ጋዜጠኞች አስለፍልፈዉ አስለፍልፈዉ አስበሉት ። ምን ጠቀመዉ እዉነት መናገር ሒዎቱን አሳጣዉ አስመስሎ መቆየት አይሻለም ከሁለት መጥፍ የተሻለ መጥፎ ማስመሰል ይሻላል
@@tigisttigist4115 ምናልባት ቅንነት መናገር እንደ ዶክተር ደረጀ ብግልህ ሊጎዳህ ይችላል፡ ኣስመሳይነት ግን ለግዜው በግል ባይጎዳህ ኣብዛኛው ህዝብ ኣስመሳይ ሲሆን ግን ኣገርም ሕዝብም ገደል ይገባል ልክ እንደ ኢትዮጵያ ማለት ነው።
ስለዚ ስለዚ እውነት ተናግረህ በግል ተጎድተህ ኣገር ሊድን ይሻላል ወይንስ ሁሉ ሰው ኣስመሳይ ሆኖ ለግዜው ሳትጎዳ ቀርቶ መጨረሻው ህዝብ እንደ ህዝብ ገደል መግባት ይሻላል፧.
Great and insightful discussion. Thank you @Teddy for inviting Dr. Dereje who is one of the greatest thinker of Ethiopia. I’ll look forward to hearing your forthcoming program with him.
I like the straight talk of Dr Dereje whatever he says !
Thank you so much Dr. Dereje for your honest discussion. Looking forward to the next segment.
ደጋግሜ ደጋግሜ ባዳምጠው የማይሰለች ትንታኔ ዶ ር ደረጀ እራስህን ጠብቅ እባክህን አንተንማጣት አልፈልግም
ይሄ ሰውየ ዝምብሎ ያስደንቀኛል,ጠያቂው ደሞ ቴዲ ሲሆን ሁለት እና ሶስት ግዜ ደግሜ ለመስማት እገደዳለሁ :: ዶ/ር ክበርልኝ ❤❤❤🙆♂️🙆♂️👏🙏
The best insight i have ever heared in years . MASTERPIECE ❤👍🙏💯✅😊
Dr Deraje is man of wisdom, God bless him 🙏🏽
The Best interview ever
RIP Brother Dereje.
ዛሬ ድክተር ድረጀ በጣም ድስ ብሎኛል በጣም አእሙሮ ኑጡቅ ሞሆንህ ለመጀመርያ ግዜ ነው ከአድስ ያየሁት ዛሬ ከጠያቄ ስው ማየተ በጣም ድስ ብሎኛል አንተን ለማወቅ ይረዳኛል የት ነበርክ እስከ አሁን ለኔ ከማድንቃቸው ቴድሮስ አስፋ ከነ ሽሙየ በልጠህ ከፈርሀት ነፃ ሆነህ አግኝቸህ አለው
ወንጌል የያውክ.. ፍትሕ አለው.. Dr dereje
I never see like Dr Derage very knowledgeable, brilliant clear massage to Ethiopia people. Thanks
Great discussion , even though there were some points I didn’t agree with him , he is still
Qualified political analyst who speaks from evidence. Knowing people exist like you at this mad time , it restores hope in humanity.
ማረፉን ሰምቶ እዚ የመጣ? ነብስ ይማር ዶ/ር።
ዶ/ር እግዚአብሔር ጤናህን ይመልስልህና ለኣገርህ ምትሰራ ያርግህ በጣም ሚዛናዊ ፣ ሰብኣዊ የሆነ ኣስተሳሰብ እንዳለህ ማየት ችለናል እናመስግንሃለን
Dr Dereje very unshakeable stand. And very true speech
ምርጥዬ ዜጋ ።
ያንተ አይነት አሳቢ መኖሩን ማወቅ ያፅናናል ዶ/ር ደረጀ 💚💛❤️
ዶክተር ደረዴ በጣም ደስ የሚል ቆይታ ኑርልን
I wish Reyot had a follow up session with Dr. Dereje. It is really sad to hear losing him at this age....
ለምን ሞተ ቢሉ ????
ንገሩ ለሁሉ ፣ ሳትደብቁ ከቶ፤
ከዘመን ተኳርፎ፣ ከዘመን ተጣልቶ።
Thank you for the amazing discussion 🙏
ዶ/ር ደረጀ የቀድሞ መምህሬ ሠላም ላንተ ይሁን። በበጎ ህሊና ላዳመጠህ እውነተኛ እና ቀጥተኛ ነገር ተናግረሃል ።
ግን ወዳጄ ...ስትናገር የሚያዳምጡህን ሰዎች የሚመጥን ...ደካሞች እንዳይስቱም ተጠንቀቅ።
ወድሞች እንዳይስቱም የብርቱዎች ሐላፊነት ነው።
I feel proud about my self taking this kind of people as role model this are the people the younger generation should aspire to be.good investment of my time to listen
I cannot believe Dr Dereje’s brilliant expression and his outstanding mind.May your soul rest in peace.
የአመቱ ምርጥ ውይይት
ደረጀ፣ የፖለቲካ ትንታኔህ በጣም ያረካኛል።
ይሁን እና ከአፍህ የሚወጣው አፍ እላፊ ስድብህ ያሸማቅቃል፣ብሎም ካንድ ሙሁር አይጠበቅም። ለወደፊት ከማይገቡ ቃላቶች ብትቆጠብ ደስ ይለኛል። ይሁን እና ብሩህ ጭንቅላት አለህ፣ በርታ❤
ብዙ ልይነት ቢነሮን ግን ኣፌ ከፍቼ ነው ያዳመጥኩት እናመሰግናለለን ደረጁ እንደተ ያብዛው ከእውነት የታረቁ
Great & glad to see he was expressed his feelings freely & uninterruptedly.