I've discovered something useless but also interesting while playing. you can cancel a BT ha ha by tapping d/b or a justframe f and stand still while doing a ha ha step. leis legs will twich but he'll return to neutral. you can do razor rush out of it and i've had some success doing it when the opponent tries to rush down while ha haing but i mostly use it in neutral and spacing to try confuse the enemy. it good when you're in a staring match but beyond that the main use of it is to troll the opponent when i try keep my distance. it's also somewhat useful to use along with the ss bt cancel to enter razor rush but im struggling to apply it in a more meaningful way. i was wondering if you could find a use out of it
Hi alltimeszzz, a few weeks ago you published a video about Lei's magic 4 combo. Would this technique be helpful to buff the 1st _f_ of _f,f2_ after _f3,1_ ? In fact, I regularly get the 12 frames _f2_ instead of the power crush _f,f2._ That's really annoying. 🙁
Alti, make a video using this thecnics with option select to punish -13 with fn4,1,w (you can do on -12 too but is too difficult). This buffer can be applyed during recobery after a block. But making fn4,1,2 after block is very difficult because, in case of wrong timing, sometime Lei make f4. This is the right way: Block, buffer F than press 1+4,2. in this case if you make the right time, the fn4,1,2 come out. But if you press too early will exits 1,2. In any case Lei make damage. I discover this thing since Tekken 5dr. ;-)
Hey man ...nice video I was just thinking that lei's fn strings and Steve's b+1 both start up at 13 to 14 frames how can I bait for CH with these strings for big damage? Never played a CH baiting character.
@@OJxT 👍🏽 ive managed to pull it off rarely but the percentage isnt high enough for in game battles. Do you have any other alternative suggestions for ch4 But i will continue to practice lol its nice when it works.
NICE ALITMESSS !! GREAT VIDEO!Super Knowledgeable! Ima use that to my Advantage 😎 Rhank you once again MY KINGFU BROTHA! Can we play sometime my psn FeiFONG WONG777!
Amazing. Just punished my first hopkick with the fn - 4 string after a few tries. This is really useful!
Fantastic bit of knowledge 😄 love your Lei content
I never knew this. What a good knowledge to have in mind
I've been working on my ewgf punishment and this video seems really relevant because of the blockstun of many moves that I do not have memorized.
Thanks man had no idea you could do this. Can you do it during your recovery animation from getting hit?
Joshtamis prime I think so but why would you want to do fn after getting hit? Frame disadvantage
alltimeszzz I was just curious is all. I’m not saying it was a good idea lol
Learnt something new here.
Much appreciated.
Thanx a lot man love your video
Really great information
I’m going to try this out
Keep the Lei tech coming!
Thank you alltimeszzz, for this video
I've discovered something useless but also interesting while playing. you can cancel a BT ha ha by tapping d/b or a justframe f and stand still while doing a ha ha step. leis legs will twich but he'll return to neutral. you can do razor rush out of it and i've had some success doing it when the opponent tries to rush down while ha haing but i mostly use it in neutral and spacing to try confuse the enemy. it good when you're in a staring match but beyond that the main use of it is to troll the opponent when i try keep my distance. it's also somewhat useful to use along with the ss bt cancel to enter razor rush but im struggling to apply it in a more meaningful way. i was wondering if you could find a use out of it
Oh I’m gonna try this out later
Hi alltimeszzz, a few weeks ago you published a video about Lei's magic 4 combo. Would this technique be helpful to buff the 1st _f_ of _f,f2_ after _f3,1_ ? In fact, I regularly get the 12 frames _f2_ instead of the power crush _f,f2._ That's really annoying. 🙁
This is gonna be hella helpful, thank you!
Also, what type of stick do you use? I have the Hori rap 4 pro or whatever. Your stick looks much better.
Its a mad catz te2+ with custom artwork, silent buttons and a helpme lever
very nice bro great tech once again
Alti, make a video using this thecnics with option select to punish -13 with fn4,1,w (you can do on -12 too but is too difficult). This buffer can be applyed during recobery after a block. But making fn4,1,2 after block is very difficult because, in case of wrong timing, sometime Lei make f4. This is the right way:
Block, buffer F than press 1+4,2. in this case if you make the right time, the fn4,1,2 come out. But if you press too early will exits 1,2. In any case Lei make damage. I discover this thing since Tekken 5dr. ;-)
seria genial que subas la pelea que tuviste contra The Main Man
Hi alltimeszzz what do you think of TMM saying that lei is as easy as noctis?
but how to use razor rush out of drunken?can't find it anywere
Nice video man
mind blown
Mind blown..
Hey man ...nice video I was just thinking that lei's fn strings and Steve's b+1 both start up at 13 to 14 frames how can I bait for CH with these strings for big damage? Never played a CH baiting character.
Parry it Khan with F ,3+4 Steve is Actually a Good match up for Steve i think ove Fighting Steve Fox players!😎
It’s all about timing
The magic 4, - - > * 2 is difficult on d-pad, any tips?
Just practice or try the other combos for CH 4
@@OJxT 👍🏽 ive managed to pull it off rarely but the percentage isnt high enough for in game battles. Do you have any other alternative suggestions for ch4
But i will continue to practice lol its nice when it works.
@@user-fm3xr9yz3i you can try f31, ff2, dash 1+2 1, BT 44 (65 dmg) delay f31 a bit
@@OJxT thanks.
Okay... I'll give it a try.
repeat on the gamepad
Wonderful ..Thanx Man
NICE ALITMESSS !! GREAT VIDEO!Super Knowledgeable! Ima use that to my Advantage 😎 Rhank you once again MY KINGFU BROTHA! Can we play sometime my psn FeiFONG WONG777!