It’s sad how mature they were as kids and as adults they were so immature and hurt each other so much I mean I understand that jj wanted to go but they were so many other ways to write him off temporarily Luke was hardly ever in port Charles so why couldn’t they do the same jj character ugh! Miss these two so much 💕💕
There was no chemistry with Jacob young so I think they had him sleep with Sarah because they had more chemistry but JJ had chemistry with Becky wish he could of stayed
they're so young yet their relationship is so mature.
It’s sad how mature they were as kids and as adults they were so immature and hurt each other so much I mean I understand that jj wanted to go but they were so many other ways to write him off temporarily Luke was hardly ever in port Charles so why couldn’t they do the same jj character ugh! Miss these two so much 💕💕
Lucky’s facial expressions while she’s asking these questions are freaking hilarious.
The two of them are kind a like old souls especially lucky
Great conversation about sex! :) I'm glad Liz realized that she isn't ready for sex. :) Very mature. :) Oh oh her fortune is empty! Bad forshadowing!
Man jj has the cutest smile ever
While I agree with each - Just to let you know Liz was 16 and Lucky was 17:)
We had a wall (in a previous house) were we taped fortunes from cookies...
There was no chemistry with Jacob young so I think they had him sleep with Sarah because they had more chemistry but JJ had chemistry with Becky wish he could of stayed
So did they ever end up doing it or did they break up before then?
They did but it was the Lucky recast (Jacob Young) It was after Lucky "died" and came back brainwashed.
Yeah and he ended up sleeping with her sister JJ lucky would never the chemistry was fire with JJ and Becky