Dustim juda yaxshi ta'rif bo'libdi. Yaxshi tushindim. Savolimga javob bersangiz men uchun katta yordam bo'lardi Hozir 4-kursni "Buxgalteriya hisob audit" yo'nalishini bitiryapman nima maslahat bera olasiz. Biz qanaqa sohada ketsak yaxshi. Bankdami? Yoki xususiy fermalardami? F3-F7 ni olsak qanday imkoniyatga ega bo'lamiz? Katta raxmat javob uchun oldindan
As far as i have heard CFA is cheaper than MBA. So it's better to go for CFA than MBA, firstly. Secondly, as i am doing ACCA now although authentic and well recognized, i feel that these designations will lose its importance, if IT is not included within the syllabus.
Aka content juda foydali boldi,alloh rozi bolsin
Perfectly explained 👍👍
I had no any idea about CFE until this video. It was very useful. Big thanks
I still don't have any idea what CFE is)
Ups. So sorry for one letter with big change in meaning )
Thanks bro :) Good luck. I hope that your videos will be top
Thank you too
Dustim juda yaxshi ta'rif bo'libdi. Yaxshi tushindim.
Savolimga javob bersangiz men uchun katta yordam bo'lardi
Hozir 4-kursni "Buxgalteriya hisob audit" yo'nalishini bitiryapman nima maslahat bera olasiz. Biz qanaqa sohada ketsak yaxshi. Bankdami? Yoki xususiy fermalardami?
F3-F7 ni olsak qanday imkoniyatga ega bo'lamiz?
Katta raxmat javob uchun oldindan
Biror kishiga soha boyicha tavsiya berishdan yiroqman)
Chunki o’zim ham Big4, Banklar, firmalar turganda sevgan ishim dars berishni tanladim
As far as i have heard CFA is cheaper than MBA. So it's better to go for CFA than MBA, firstly.
Secondly, as i am doing ACCA now although authentic and well recognized, i feel that these designations will lose its importance, if IT is not included within the syllabus.
CFA vs MBA is another hor topic, actually.
I feel the same about your opinion in IT)
Thank you for good infos
CFA boyicha online courselariz bormi yoki kitoblarini aytolasizmi
CFA bo`yicha kitoblar bor. Adashmasam, ACCA global kanali bor telegramda. shundan
Acca salary ozroq adashdiz?!
shu joyi subjective. siz ham haq bo`lishiz mumkin albatta
Can u explain in hindi..?
I wish I could. But I dunno hindi, unfortunately
Hi how can i connect with you?
@Universal_tutor in telegram