A lo of times people use color matched paint from companies such as Hiroboy with their Zero paint line or Spot Model with their Number Five paint line to get the exact Matra French blue. The large white parrots are resin, the metal parts are white metal and there is also plenty of photoetch too.
An absolute work of art!!
Ok now I have to pull out my 2 1/12th versions and make a decision of which I,m going to build Hmmmm
May I ask what color you used or which Ratio mix for the French blue and I,m unfamiliar with MFH I,m assuming that’s all metal?
A lo of times people use color matched paint from companies such as Hiroboy with their Zero paint line or Spot Model with their Number Five paint line to get the exact Matra French blue. The large white parrots are resin, the metal parts are white metal and there is also plenty of photoetch too.
extremely expensive and difficult models to build . i tried the 956 Porsche and gave up . too many defects , a nightmare .