The Daniels Read Your Letterboxd Reviews
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- With Everything Everywhere All at Once becoming the highest rated movie of 2022 on Letterboxd, the film’s writers and directors - Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan - took some time out to thank the community, and read a selection of your Letterboxd reviews.
Produced by Brian Formo
Letterboxd needs to do this with every director ever
will try our best 😁
@@TheWelchProductions Directors read reviews all the time I mean look back a couple decades they used to only read newspaper and journalist reviews, now it's letterboxd. What's wrong with that? I would love to see so many Directors read their reviews, for me it's Tarantino, I'd love for him to see how Letterboxd ranks all his films
They start with Roman Polanski
@@TheWelchProductions I found the pretentious film reviewer
you said it yourself, if the filmmakers don’t care about whether the audience likes their film or not, then what’s the problem of doing this video?? it’s just letterboxd, its not the end of the world.
Also if you think it doesn’t bring anything valuable then at least give constructive criticism on how letterboxd can do better, like show these directors better reviews, longer reviews, people who like or don’t like their films for a good balance. Instead of complaining in the comments & turning such a good idea for filmmakers to connect with their audience, both fans & critics, down. Like what you’re doing right now.
Your comment doesn’t bring anything valuable to the table.
i need Ari Aster to do this bc my favorite Letterboxd review ever is just this single line for Midsommar: "i am SO glad Ari Aster never went to therapy"
SAME this would enter my mind any time
Making movies is a form of therapy.
I would give my life to see him reacting to The Strange Thing About The Johnson's reviews, they're HILARIOUS
these two really are such a great duo not just for the creativity but for their very chill and clever vibes
The Daniels, Phil Lord/Chris Miller and Matt Stone/Trey Parker are some, if not the best creative duos of our time.
I freaking love the Daniels. They're both chill and hilarious, they don't take themselves too seriously, but you can tell from their work there's a lot of passion behind what they do.
They even point out some minor inconsistencies of their own film in the director's commentary to EEAAO haha
[justin timberlake voice] it’s just Daniels, drop the “the”
@@Mr_Spaghetti They've said that they're fine with "the" as part of a sentence, it's semantically awkward otherwise. But they want to be officially billed as just "Daniels" because printing "The" in front seems pretentious, as if they were the only ones.
They handle criticism so well, it's honestly inspiring
the daniels need to drop their account
The only problem with this is a bunch of people going to find their reviews to try talk to them or say something funny or just intentionally be annoying and making the account unusable.
@@e.d.5766 Luckily you can turn off replies
@@e.d.5766 your name and subsequent frustration make a lot of sense
@@e.d.5766 There are already famous filmmakers who use the app and have a big following without issue.
"Feature length Rick and Morty ep for New York Times readers" is accurate and might explain why I like it so much lol
please keep making these omg
ok! 💖
@@LetterboxdHQthanks Letterboxd uwu
@@hotdog8109 "uwu" 🤮
@@notprosperBEATS owo :3
Something the directors said in another video is that the movie had "training wheel" scenes, basically parts of the movie that teach you how to watch or process the film. So by the time she's doing kung fu with her pinky, you don't even question it.
what i love about eeaao is that its essentially two movies. a family drama and a wacky fighting movie, one to delve deep into with analysis and emotion, and the other to just have fun watching
I describe it as a indie family drama highjacked by a marvel movie
@@davidhayes4840 if say less Marvel and more The Matrix
That is reductive of how well both of these aspects are blended into each other
@@kidkangaroo5213 dude, I totally agree. Rewatching it now, I see a lot of nods to Jackass as well
@@kidkangaroo5213 well yeah i simplified it i wasnt gonna get as deep as i wouldve liked in a youtube comment. i was just saying it was fun
came back to this after EEAAO won SEVEN oscars! seeing these guys get on stage to accept the best directing, best original screenplay, and BEST PICTURE awards was just amazing!!!
Someone actually farted when I watched this for the first time. It was during the rock scene. Couldn’t stop laughing but I tried so hard to hold it in
that is so funny
So did they
Hold in what? the fart
It's great to see the directors don't take the film too seriously and accepted the bad reviews. Really wish more directors were like this. They knew what they were making and they made it unapologetically. It was a risk that might fail, but it somehow succeeded and captured the audience's hearts.
Co-worker recommended this movie saying it was the best film of the year and it was about a lady doing her taxes. I knew nothing going in and I think that is the way to see it. It's definitely the best film of the decade
It isn't definetely. For you it may be. For me the film was extremely pretentious, coherent and predictable. And for an hour and a half the narrative didn't advance and it was boring. It could have had an hour cut, even in the end when the themes came out. And the protagonist was the most insufferable character I've ever seen. I personally don't see how people say this film is great. Just because it's different it isn't great. 6.5/10 for me.
Anyways, if you enjoy it, perfect.
@@r.c.c.10 It's one of those things where in this current culture with marvel movies being the most popular set of films, this movie is basically like a breath of fresh air, it's almost like a marvel movie in a lot of ways, but it chooses to embrace the "mundane" elements that marvel movies lack.
Also, if you think the protagonist was the most insufferable character you've ever seen, I'm guessing this is your second time seeing a movie because that doesn't even sound possible.
@@dffgffffffdddddddddd She's a bad person, who even when the movie says she's supposedly redeemed still treats her husband bad without a single reason. She's selfish. And besides she's always making the wrong choices.
There are characters who are worse people, but few are so frustrating and insufferable.
@@dffgffffffdddddddddd And a film is not better or worse for being different from others. Citizen Kane is not the greatest film of all time because of the restrictions of its time. No, that implies merit, not quality. Nowadays, Citizen Kane is not much good in my opinion. And if there had been a hundred films like EEAAO before, would it still be as good? That's the real question. So, depending on its time of release the quality changes? No, I don't think so.
@@r.c.c.10 Was that not the point, though? She was meant to be insufferable and selfish in the beginning, and her flaws were apparent, even to the other characters, to the point that it was destroying their family and their business. She was at rock bottom, or so she thought. And even went so far as to consider embracing nihilism to drown her sorrows and failures as a person. It was because she was so flawed that she was the Evelyn the Alphaverse needed, since she had the most potential in connecting to every other universe that was better than her, the "worst version of yourself".
It's pretty shortsighted though to say she wasn't redeemed by the end, and still treated her husband like shit. That's far from the truth. She, much like the audience, had an epiphany moment, and realized how wrong her perspective was, after everything, and came to understand her husband and her daughter's points of view, embracing the former and challenging the latter. By the end, she became more loving to her husband and fixed her marriage, stuck with her failing business and the mundanities of life she took for granted, and helped her daughter accept herself and find meaning to exist. How on Earth could you possibly have missed all that and still thought she didn't redeem herself whatsoever?
This was a powerful story of proactive empathy, anti-nihilism and not taking the small things in life for granted. And it somehow portrayed all of that in a quirky fashion that flipped the conventional genre on its head and still managed to make sense amongst the intended chaos. It's refreshing and daring. It's a pity all of that flew over your head, and, for you, was reduced to a pretentious, mundane story with insufferable characters. Your loss, not ours.
lmaooooooooo the ending as if this video wasn’t already perfect enough 💀💀💀
As a screenwriter, thank YOU, Daniels, for writing this screenplay! It is the most fun I've ever had reading a screenplay and has left quite an imprint on me.
You've got yourself a Best Picture winner here Daniels
They sure did
To Ivy Wolk, SAME!!! I watched this with my mom and my dad separately, both of them fell asleep halfway through. The metaphorical implications of depression, suicide and the weight of expectations flew right over their heads. They just thought it was a junk movie where random shit happens. It seems to be a trend with them.
Sometimes falling asleep can be like a defensive mechanism of psyche against feeling stuff
Very interesting that my parents' review was also "eh". I'm the Daniels' age and I absolutely loved it, so it made me wonder how much it's specific to a generation (or two). And also how valid their lack of enthusiasm was. They do like fun and don't miss themes, so I don't think it's as simple as "they didn't get it".
Same thing happened with me and my mom
This is why I’m not showing my dad this movie. It means a lot to me as someone who’s been suicidal and had a complicated relationship with my mom, and if he just fell asleep during it I would take it way too personally.
@@Norsilca I don't know, I'm 75 and went nuts for it. But I'm just one individual.
Swiss Army Man was my favorite movie of 2016, so I was more hyped for EEAAO than anyone. Saw it multiple times on opening weekend and it was my favorite movie of the past 5 years. So yeah, I'm really glad I got to enjoy it "pure" before Film Twitter started shitting all over it.
hyeah yeah sure we all believe that (NOT) youre a normie sheep like everybody everywhere all at once! get real and watch a movei before us next time
Swiss army man wasn’t that good
@@nalimlattarai2873 no it wasn't, it was great ;)
@@nalimlattarai2873 doesn't have to be great to be a favourite :) (its great to me)
Yeah i love swiss army man, when i heard they making movie eeaao, im looking forward to and not expect it they won the oscar omg
they’re so grounded and humble i love it
Watching this movie was one of the best cinema experiences in my life. I laughed, cried and felt overwhelmed with emotions. Left cinema feeling completely drained in a good way, cause I needed that good cry, and with a heart full of love for people who made this film.
Eeaao: 10/10, Swiss army man: 100/10
my mom falls asleep at pm every movie and she didnt fall asleep during eeao last night so high high praise
This was so wholesome. How can you be mad at these guys? They even love the bad reviews!
Best directors ever. Such sincerity, joy, gratitude and humility in their every action. I love them so much.
That last review is interesting, innitially, it doesn't seem like the form of the movie would be too overbearing and could easily turn off viewers from it, or at least block the meaning behind the form. but They really did a good job of holding and guiding your hands throughout the whole movie, there was always a consistent thread present underneath.
Must’ve been an editing nightmare to get the final version.
Lol the guy sitting beside me felt the same way as that last review lol.
can't wait for "Martin Scorsese Reads Your Letterboxd Reviews"
Nah. He's annoying
i hope u guys know this movie has become *embedded* into my personality since the day i watched it (4/11/2022) thank you both for such an incredible movie and thwnk you to both the cast and crew for making something so beautiful happen !
They are morphing into the same person - Round glasses, Beanies, Beards ... ... LOL
This channel is popping with content! Watching EEAAO was like watching a film in the 4th dimension. So glad it won best editing.
the daniels are tremendous creative minds and they seem so kind and friendly.
very inspiring!
The first 10 minutes of the film, no- the first FIVE minutes of the film had me going, “I am obsessed with how this is directed, I must know the team behind this movie.”
Oh my god…Cosmonaut was literally noticed by the Daniels
i really love the daniels. they are very down to earth. it feels like even though they are public figure, you can pop by their house and just a have a chill afternoon.
EEAAO was my favorite movie of last year! Absolutely fantastic and incredible in every way! Michelle, Ke, Stephanie and Jamie are so well deserving of their nominations.
"Generationally bad piece of culture"? Well this "generationally bad piece of culture" HAS 11 OSCAR NOMINATIONS LETS GOOOOOOO
I really admire the way they handle the bad reviews, if you can find laughs in any situation, you can rock the world!
Was that Marcus from Cosmonaut Picture Show??? Wild cameo
I liked both Swiss Army Man and Everything Everywhere All At Once. They are very similar in originality, gross out humor, complex emotion and surreal weirdness. But one was a low key underground favorite and the other cleaned up at The Oscars.
letterboxd u are my favourite not-a-social media platform. both in general and for this video specifically
The Daniel’s seem like the kind of guys you’d have a blast hanging out with.
I wouldn't expect you to do it, but thank you anyway Letterboxd for not being those people that would've put "EEAAO directors read your Letterboxd reviews" in the title
This was so funny, thank you letterboxd and the Daniels!
Cosmonaut getting a shoutout is dope asf
"Turns out you're smarter than us. Can't wait to watch your movie" 💀
Oh wow this is just lovely.
Ten hour version please
i actually choked on popcorns watching this in cinema - the random humour that was genuinely (and genius) completely out of nowhere very much unhinged caught me off guard
these 2 deserve everything
This honestly have such a great attitude towards their criticism, and that honestly makes me so happy. I said honestly twice.
thank you both for an amazing movie. It touched me deeply and waymond speaks to me in so many ways.
Love their attitude and wish others could have this kind of outlook towards criticism.
1:42 Shoutout to the Cosmonaut Variety Hour (aka Marcus)
this video just restored a little bit of my faith in humanity
Bowen Yang had the best review for this movie.. totally relatable
It's impressive that just the two of them are able to direct everything everywhere all at once!
People who are very uptight and conservative will and do hate this movie. That's their opinion. Greatest movie in 15+ years.
The way I explained it to my parents is that, it will completely shatter your views on life, before piecing it back together again by the end. Watch with an open mind and trust the script. Hopefully they’ll have the patience to sit through the whole thing
Exactly! Their movie is a zeitgeist movement. Literally represents the new culture of the new generation
LMAOOO u know what’s insane? when it got to the “i laughed, i cried and i farted” comment i aCTUALLY FARTED lmaoooo
AW YEAH my boy Marcus is being acknowledged by the Daniels!
The Daniels are so calm and humble
Definately my favourite directors from now on. Love you, guys
10/10 genre of video. more directors reacting to reviews of their films! love it
They are both so sweet, kind and humble 😊 And EEAAO is one of my favourite movies of all time ❤
Thank you, thank you, thank you guys for making this movie.
Amazing video, with very gracious directors. I’d love to see this for M3GAN
Lets be real this is one of the most bold, honest, and lovingly crafted movie since ..... I don't know when! Maybe the best movie since Arrival, and before that No Country for Old Men
i love this so much omg they also seem like so fun people to be around
Love these guys!✌
Shoutout to Cosmonaut Variety Hour
I like how kind they were about the bad reviews.
It’s nice to see that there are some nice, humble, down-to-earth people making brilliant work out there. Pretension feels so forced in the film industry these days with even the most generic films claiming to be high art. Even though EEAAO has all of the qualities to be pretentious about, these guys can still laugh and accept criticism.
The "nihilist lesbian" part just sold me on the movie
I love it when people don't take themselves too seriously. Impressed how well they took the criticism, my rsd could never
*1-star review*
The Daniels: I mean, that's accurate.
I love them hahaha
Aaaaaaaaaaaay, you've read my boy Marcus' review
The Daniels are couple goals!!!
Do more of these!
Just go for it, not everyone is going to like everything, stay true to your own inner compass. I loved your movie. Stay true to your heart and dreams.
The Daniels are awesome! Loved the movie, so different from the usual crap you see in film these days....keep up the great work, can't to see what you come up with next!
I love the review about being a circa2012 youtube video, which in some way it does feel like that, maybe that’s why I was so engrossed with the movie hahah defo has nostalgic factor, reminds me of the likes of Freddie wong, Nigahiga and WongFu productions when they would make all those skits and even a short film like A.S.S. (Agents of Secret Stuff). 😄
please more of these videos!
not their matching outfits LMAO theyre so besties 😭
Thank you for such a wonderful movie
i love this video and the daniels 😭
Im glad that from now on we can call them in the next way:
They are absolutely amazing and hilarious! 😂
This is like mean tweets but for bisexuals
Never stop doing theeeeese
This movie will become a classic in a few years!
I love them so much! Their movies are all amazing 🙌
I easily could have watched two more hours of this.
That was fun, these dudes seem awesome
The last 20 seconds of this video is pure gold! - A light and silly non sequitur comment from the directors.
I like how they go "1 star" or "5 star" no in-betweens.
This is fun. More of this pls
This was fun! 😆
Спасибо, ребят, большое за фильм!
Я давно не испытывала такого большого любопытства, энтузиазма, довольства и лёгкой обескураженности, как во время просмотра!!
Фильм суперский! Вы гениальны!
Humbles and smarts.
OMG they are so down to earth and FUNNY
Today I learned Letterboxd has a TH-cam account.
wake up babe, new kino alternative format to criterion closet picks just dropped