Back in the days, during an evening in groceries, seeping alckhol, there were ginbegnas lecturing enginers about construction and the enginers used to have a lot fun listening to the ginbegna....Anwar sounds like one of them.
As of 2024, the WTO has 164 member countries, representing over 98% of global trade. Ethiopia, for instance, is in the process of joining the WTO and has observer status.
MashaAllah ብለን እንቀበላለን ከተንኮላቸውም አላህ ይጠብቀን ፈርተንም መጥፋትና መሞት የለብንም
አንወር ትንታኔውን አደንቃለሁ አንድ ነገር ግን ልበልህ ይህ አገር ብለህ ራስህን አታግልብንና ሐገራችን በለን ሐገሪቱ የሚለውን ቆማጣ ብሂል ባለመጠቀምህ ደግሞ ሹክረን ብያለሁ
Back in the days, during an evening in groceries, seeping alckhol, there were ginbegnas lecturing enginers about construction and the enginers used to have a lot fun listening to the ginbegna....Anwar sounds like one of them.
ሁሉን አማረሽን ገበያ አታውጣት እብይ አህመድ
As of 2024, the WTO has 164 member countries, representing over 98% of global trade. Ethiopia, for instance, is in the process of joining the WTO and has observer status.
የምታብራራው ሰውዬ ከልብ አሳቀችኝ:: ስለ WTO ምንም አይነት እይታ ወይም ግንዛቤ እንደሌላት ይታወቃል:: ለመሆኑ መቼ ነው WTO ስለውጭ እዳ መነጋገር የጀመረው?
ለመሆኑ ታዛቢ መሆን ምን እንደሚያጎድል ታውቃለች? ምላሱዋ ከሰውነቱዋ ረዘመ...😢😢😢
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