He was a gambler . He just didn't like the word so described himself as a risk taker . Straight to the point it was greed and denial that lead to his downfall. As gambling addicts we always try to justify our keep gambling behavior as delusion of turning it around .
Easy when you have been in that mindset , to see it in others . Self induced destruction of one's own life is the worst . Not to mention the trust we never truly fully get back from those we have lied to over the years while chasing that dopamine dilution.
Great story, very helpful and useful
great wee vid keep them coming to this high standard
Will do
He was a gambler . He just didn't like the word so described himself as a risk taker . Straight to the point it was greed and denial that lead to his downfall. As gambling addicts we always try to justify our keep gambling behavior as delusion of turning it around .
Great observation my friend
Easy when you have been in that mindset , to see it in others . Self induced destruction of one's own life is the worst . Not to mention the trust we never truly fully get back from those we have lied to over the years while chasing that dopamine dilution.
If you're going to the casino solo, then you may have a problem.
Great story by the way
Btw your timestamp for the story says «trip report» great video!
Thanks bro! I updated the timestamp
I almost lost everything luvkily i watch adin ross and make me change my mind to STOP what im doing
Dude that was heavy!
1800 bitcoin is worth 126 million dollars right now.
Omg that's wild bro
Wow. Stunning! More money has been lost in crypto from scams, crashes and lost passwords than ever has been made.
I bought loads for 0.001 dollars in 2010 😂