Best machine I've ever driven was an early Bomag compactor, I put that machine up and down slopes you wouldn't believe. The old Cat would have rolled no question. Plenty fast enough in 1st, if you're running in second your compacting wrong.
nese doni me dite qeky jam. njresen time kam punu askujte keq nuk kam bere. shum keq kush me kah ber nuk ngutna vetum hakmirrna shummmmmmmm. keqqqwwwwwwwa
If you have a flat blade, the dirt or whatever is pushed can slide off the side of the blade while a bucket can hold all of the material to 1 place.
you work at Peunte hills? I dumped at Keele Valley Landfil in Toronto for over 20 years, that place was huge!
origjinal. sakte. 100 % jam kujdes si syte ballit kah qen donacion. e kam rujte. me gjithe forcen
shum mah mire kisha punu edhe nese kah pas nevoj edhe depuni isha kan qete
I'm A Landfill operator and enjoyed this video,although i'm more of a Caterpillar kinda guy lol. Thanks,bye
nderi morali ashte mbi gjithe qka. paraja asgje vetum sherbim. puna ndjersa. paster. si loti
Best machine I've ever driven was an early Bomag compactor, I put that machine up and down slopes you wouldn't believe. The old Cat would have rolled no question. Plenty fast enough in 1st, if you're running in second your compacting wrong.
@strogenenforcer bomag are very slow in first gear we normally run ours in secound
nese doni me dite qeky jam. njresen time kam punu askujte keq nuk kam bere. shum keq kush me kah ber nuk ngutna vetum hakmirrna shummmmmmmm. keqqqwwwwwwwa
ju kam trgu shum mah mire me kishi kon depuni kisha punu
When did Groupe Fayat buy Bomag?
I enjoy the large bomags never tried an aljohn it be nice to try
you dont need a dragster when compacting, the slower the better the compaction rate
2002 1 vite kam 40. ore. haxhimet ji edhe vigla
Machine roller and grader
kapaktorin. 8000 litra uje kam haxhu 1 muj pastrim. 70 ero kam deturu kampanin. me per pages. cisterna kamjon gjilan deponi
nese nuk kah baj as 10 pune nuk i kah pas kur kam marr
dhum jom kujdes. mbeturin. pah pastru. asniher. nuk kam parku pa pastru
edhe punen kam len kundershtim ploni kompani deshirojke me vjedh. pah punu. nuk kam pas deshire. kena ren kudershtim kam lan punen
ni dhamb. i kamaktorit. kah qen tt
ma mire deponi me punu. se sa mirre. gjitha problemet gjithe botes
26000. ero borxhe. qka mi kan nuk pres qe marr keto para
deponi kam punu pararan e kam fitu me nder.
200 totona. duhet fabrika. te ma ndertoj tr njet
deponi kam punu po ndihem krenare
150 m. 3. dheh. une kerkojsha ashte domodoshme qdo 24. aje me tregojke ashte domosdoshme. 7 dite. peh din mah mire po mireupafshim
2 km. deponin distanc. shtepis e kam
e pastrosha. ishte donacion bashkimit. evropjan. dhurate. qdo 3 jave cisterna. pasrim koplete. 8. mij lt. uje i harxhojsha vetum me pastru
jam krenar qe kam punu. deponi. mbeturinav nuk kam punu shtepi publike
ju kam kerku ndim jo meshire jo a ju kam ber keq jo 0 qka po deshironi pi mue
vetum qelsat mu kan derzu. as ni plan nuk kam pas vete me qip kam stodiju. koplet deponin. edhe kopaktorin. a. zh
edhe buken. e kam ngren jashte.
Watch bulldozer working for Landfill Management - | Daya Charan & Company
paear. gjermani. 1998. nuk pagun. asni her. 2002. 3600. ero. borxhe. me kah mbete. kjo deponi. tjerat nuk po shkruj
I want to enjoy. Quit the talking
caterpillar sucks
Mr. 54 very yeq
Bomag sucks bad its junk when its
New off the show room floor
jam. prefosionist per mbeturina
buduzheri. kampaktori shum pak dallim
deponi ku me shku me punu askund. vedlidje. ashte preme
otigjinal. wka jam
firma alpen. bau prishtin
Bomag sucks bad its junk when its
New off the show room floor