We are not all children of God. That is a great misconception. Only when you are born again are you adopted into His family. No one is good enough to get to heaven nor can we earn our way thru doing good. Only through belief in the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can we be assured of salvation. God bless you both and may we all draw closer to the Lord in these trying times we are so privileged to live in. Blessings!
Thank you brother Christian for your careful analysis of current events and how they fit into Bible prophesies. One thing I realised, that is, that Israel is the focus OF IT ALL even though it involves the whole world. Definitely when COVID began to SPREAD 2019 -2020 throughout the world, the world changed, and has grown darker by the day. October 7th 2023 attrocities committed on the innocent in Israel, has taken us to another level, beyond belief. The world has gone backwards. People, LEADERS cannot be reasoned with; without natural affection. We all need to be praying for God's Kingdom to come and be established on this earth, the sooner the better. Even so come Lord Jesus.
Okay, so I been calculating for a while. So, what is the message to give, if it ends with every Jew's throat slit in Israel and all 1.6 billion Muslims prostrating unto Barack Hussein Obama during Ramadan of 2025, what do you tell humans? Daniel 9:27 "He shall be firm in a covenant with many for one week, yet in the midst of a week shall he stop to make sacrifice in the wing. Abomination! The one who spreads desolation spreads desolation even until complete consummation, for the decree that shall be, is a flowing forth." BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (the firm week) First time 2009-2012 Second time 2013-2016 DONALD TRUMP Cut-Off time 2017-2020 JOE BIDEN (in the midst of a week of an image of his time) October 7, 2023 is the dawn of JACOB’s (Israel’s) TROUBLE Then cometh Annihilation, the perishing of the end. Daniel 7:25-26 “He will speak against Allah, to wear out the saints of the Highest One, intending to change time to a decree (stop all time - decrees are final), and give his hand a time, and a time, and a cutting off time. But the judgment shall be final and his dominion shall pass away (Joe Biden’s boss loses influence in the USA, for Joe Biden has to leave the White House, and Trump comes in for a supposed glorious future), then annihilation, the perishing of the end.” Daniel 9:24 "Seventy, seven, decreed upon thy people (Jews) of the Holy City (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, sin offering, propitiation unto iniquity. "Come in unto the eternal duration of Righteousness." Seal the vision of this prophecy, unto the Most Holy Place." 70 and 7 Then the end. Can a nation be born in a day? May 14, 1948 Israel, as a nation, is gone before May 14, 2025. I’ll go further and say with the Holy Bible we can know it is gone before Ramadan next year ends with Eid al-Fitr. How can I know? Because this Ramadan meets the criteria for the final Ramadan. Isaiah 66:23 ““New moon to new moon, Sabbath to Sabbath, all mankind will come to be brought down before Me,” saith Yahweh.” Ramadan is the feast calculated to begin & end with NEW MOON and this 1 is bounded by Sabbaths. It begins with the Anti-Christ gaining the Islamic prostration in Palestine whole with Israel wiped off the map. Ezekiel 46:1-3 "Thus saith Adonai, Yahweh, "The Gate of the inner court facing the East shall be shut six working days, but open the Sabbath (Saturday), open the day of new moon. THE PRINCE shall enter by way of the porch of the gate from outside and stand by the post of the gate; then the priests and sacrifice shall make whole burnt offering, sacrifice and prostration at the threshold of the gate, and exit, and the gate shall not be shut until the evening. All the peoples of the land shall also worship at the doorway of the gate, before Yahweh on Sabbath and on new moon." And how does Yahweh feel before He shows up per REVELATION 11:7-15 to change it? Isaiah 1:13-14 "Bring vain oblation no longer, the incense is abomination. New moon Sabbath, you proclaim assembly. I cannot endure the inquity of this solemn assembly. I hate the new moon, your appointed feast. You have become a burden; I am weary of bearing with you.” THIS RAMADAN goes from FEBRUARY 28 to MARCH 29, 2025. MARCH 13-14, 2025, has a total lunar eclipse & appearing as a BLOOD MOON Joel 2:31 “The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood red, before the Great and Terrible day of Yahweh cometh.” The Acts 2:20 “The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood red, before the Great and Terrible day of Yahweh cometh.” Hosea 5:7 "The dealers of treachery against Yahweh bear the illegitimate children, and now, in-between the new moons, I will devour all of them in their land."
I'm from India,but love your message,from berean,so i always like to watch, because of the truth,n all the prophecies and im really blessed,as it is written in Jeremiah 9-23...... Nothing matters except knowing our loving God
The number of years since Sultan Suleiman’s decree to restore Jerusalem with plaza and moat is one of the most compelling reasons to believe we are in the end times imho.
I understand what Christian is saying about 'the change' at the time of COVID. Even now people speak of "pre Covid" or "that was during Covid" etc. Something definitely happened at that time.
YES I have repented and REPENT for my nation🙏🙏🙏 in Isaiah it says I have found no one that stood in the Gap and repented I do not want that to be for America❤🙏🙏🙏
The name Charles translates to “a man”. Rev 13:18 It is the number of a man and his number is 666. The UN evolved from the League of Nations which evolved from Chatham House, a London think tank that started in the early 1900s with the mission to reinstate the British empire. The British royal family is behind it all. The US didn’t stat rt or inspire the UN, however we are indeed major players today. Also, read the Paris Peace Agreement. That is how the one world government, religion and economy will be created. It’s already started. Look up.
I see what you are saying about the ROYALBRITISH common wealth ! It’s connection to Germany & the Royal hold on the banking system ,also with the British flag & it’s design The British Empire as a world dominating powerful Nation
@ The Antichrist will absolutely be thrilled to rule from the temple in Jerusalem. Charles will no longer be the man that he is now once he is possessed. His current personality will no longer exist. Once someone has done the proper research , there is not a lot of room for “I think or I don’t think …” . It’s not speculation or conjecture.
The abomination of desolation has nothing to do with October 7th invasion in Israel. Abomination of desolation is when Antichrist sits in the temple there needs to be a temple and it doesn't have it until the middle of the tribulation.
🇹🇷 I saw a great red dragon, having 7 heads and 10 horns. The heads are the history of the beast. Rev. 17:9-12 1. Assyria 2. Egypt 3. Babylon 4. Medo-Persia 5. Greece-Turkey 6. Rome 7. Islamic Caliphate 1453-1923 -Mortal head wound in 1923- 8. Revived 10 nation caliphate
7 heads, why it didn't occur to anyone that it maybe the G7; not saying it is. Is it because G7 is considered righteous. Don't forget, the biggest exporter of this world's evil is among them.
Does Christian still believes his “forecast” interpretation? Unbelievable he takes little stuff here and there and says my expertise on research tells me this is it. Wow .. I found it very unintelligible from the start what he’s saying although I believe he is sincere and is a true follower of Jesus.
Here is America in prophecy: We can know "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, five of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching. Ezra wrote Second Esdras, chapters 11, 12, and 13 many centuries ago, long before the United States existed, yet he accurately describes a line of 15 US presidents starting with Hoover. This 100-year-long prophecy began fulfilling on March 4, 1929. It is now 95% complete. Its perfect fulfillment to this point has established its credibility. Ezra was not guessing. I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
President's Term = 4 years / Beast's Term = 42 months (3.5 years) / 7 years of Tribulation Period = Two 3.5-year periods. (Daniel 9:27) The President-elect is already over by 6 months and in the first term.
It tells you that he is a man yes you'll be the head of the empire the 10 Hornes but he is a man and he'll sit in the temple of God declaring that he is God so there is no doubt that he is and he is a man.
The Two Witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days. This is why we are not seeing them. They will begin to prophesy after the 5 months of torment which is the 1st Woe. The 5th Trumpet with marks the beginning of the Tribulation Period and is the 1st Woe. (Rev 9:1-12). The 2nd and 3rd Woe mark Daniel’s 70th Week. (Rev 11:1-14; Chapter 12 & 13) Christ returns after the 6th Bowl of God’s Wrath is poured out. “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” (Rev 16:15) Jesus used the word “woe” to describe Great Tribulation. (Matt 24:19) “Woe” is also described as Great Tribulation in Rev 12:12. This confirms that the 6th Trumpet is not the 2nd Woe and the 7th Trumpet is not the 3rd Woe. In Daniel the days are described as "true" evenings and mornings, which means they are literal days, not years. Daniel's 70th Week begins in Daniel chapter 7 through 12. Chapter 7 describes the time culminating in Christ's kingdom on earth. Chapter 8 goes in-depth about the beginning of the daily sacrifice, the transgression of desolation, the sanctuary being trampled underfoot, and Christ's return to cleanse the sanctuary. The holy one describes the time as "true" evenings and mornings. The word "true" means they are literally 2,300 days and not years. Chapter 9 is where we see the 70th Week described as "one week" (7 years). The "middle of the week" is what we know as Day 1,260. God said He would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem in Daniel 9:2. The way to know for sure that the visions in chapter 7 through 12 refer to the same time is by the phrase used in Daniel 7:25 "a time and times and half a time", and Daniel 12:7 "a time, times, and half a time". This phrase is also seen in Rev 12:14 as "a time and times and half a time", This is how we know it is referring to end times. Revelation chapter 11 through 13 is the only place a 7-year period is mentioned. “1,260 days/42 months” = 1st Half / “a time and times and half a time”/ 42 months = 2nd Half.
Saying born again doesn’t mean you’re a child of God. You need to live according to the will of God. I can say I am born again, but support abortion, divorce, homosexuality, you are not a child of god.
So, how close can any person live "according to the will of God?" Answer: We cannot. We can only try to. If you think there is a point where you qualify, you are living by your works or thinking that your accomplishments save you, keep you saved, or get you saved. The bible says if you 'believe' you become born into God's family. Period. A person is either born again or they are not. Nobody is aborted for not living up to a certain way or not. How you live after believing in Christ's finished work is dependent on how much you yield to God's spirit and His word. It is whether you choose to let him disciple (discipline) you, be it a lot or a little that makes the difference. All believers have a flesh side or a carnal mind. Nobody is perfect in their walk. That is our battle - the flesh wars against the spirit until we are resurrected from death, or raptured alive. We are saved by grace, not by our works. Our works are what we are saved for - to accomplish in Him. Our "position" in Christ is settled - because we believe in Christ's sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sin. It is settled because he paid our debt in full - past, present and future sins. Salvation is free (it cost God everything, us nothing), but being a disciple will cost us all. Let's not judge those who Christ has saved, or discourage them. In actual fact a Christian may support a person's right to do all those aforementioned things - why? because the people who usually want to do them are unbelievers. God gave them a free will to choose whatever they wish to do. They will be judged by Him.
Born again means born to obey the will of God. If you love your wife, you won’t hurt her by committing adultery. Same way, if you love God, you won’t hurt him by disobeying him
@jamesjoseph3352 Jesus said if you lust after another woman you have committed adultery. So have you been 100% obedient with that command? I think not. Good luck with your feigned righteous obedience. The law condemns you. There is a righteousness 'apart from the law' Look that verse up and the context. Read the book of Galatians also. Only faith in Christ saves us and being in him makes us righteous. Ephesians 2:8-9. The only righteousness that God accepts is Christ's. Even when we walk in the spirit we fail at times. Self righteousness is folly. If you break one law you are guilty of all. All our own self righteousness is filthy rags. It is by grace we are saved, not by our works. And it is by grace that we stand and we walk in Him by his spirit and are changed, not by our self efforts. Yes we are to obey Christs commands but we all fail. Christians can be carnal and still be saved. I. Corinthians Paul was addressing believers who were sinning. Salvation is God's gift. Its not a licence to sin (agreed) but we all do. There might be a plank of self righteousness in your sanctimonious eye ? And 4 fingers pointing back at you. Don't be like the Pharisee praying next to the tax collector. Not where you want to be...
We are not all children of God. That is a great misconception. Only when you are born again are you adopted into His family. No one is good enough to get to heaven nor can we earn our way thru doing good. Only through belief in the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can we be assured of salvation. God bless you both and may we all draw closer to the Lord in these trying times we are so privileged to live in. Blessings!
Acts 2:37-39❤
Chapter 1 of The Gospel of John tells us we become the children of God! Maranatha, Greetings from Tampa Florida 😎
That is absolutely 100% correct.
Thank you brother Christian for your careful analysis of current events and how they fit into Bible prophesies.
One thing I realised, that is, that Israel is the focus OF IT ALL even though it involves the whole world.
Definitely when COVID began to SPREAD 2019 -2020 throughout the world, the world changed, and has grown darker by the day.
October 7th 2023 attrocities committed on the innocent in Israel, has taken us to another level, beyond belief.
The world has gone backwards.
People, LEADERS cannot be reasoned with; without natural affection.
We all need to be praying for God's Kingdom to come and be established on this earth, the sooner the better.
Even so come Lord Jesus.
Okay, so I been calculating for a while. So, what is the message to give, if it ends with every Jew's throat slit in Israel and all 1.6 billion Muslims prostrating unto Barack Hussein Obama during Ramadan of 2025, what do you tell humans?
Daniel 9:27
"He shall be firm in a covenant with many for one week, yet in the midst of a week shall he stop to make sacrifice in the wing. Abomination! The one who spreads desolation spreads desolation even until complete consummation, for the decree that shall be, is a flowing forth."
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (the firm week)
First time 2009-2012
Second time 2013-2016
Cut-Off time 2017-2020
JOE BIDEN (in the midst of a week of an image of his time)
October 7, 2023 is the dawn of JACOB’s (Israel’s) TROUBLE
Then cometh Annihilation, the perishing of the end.
Daniel 7:25-26
“He will speak against Allah, to wear out the saints of the Highest One, intending to change time to a decree (stop all time - decrees are final), and give his hand a time, and a time, and a cutting off time. But the judgment shall be final and his dominion shall pass away (Joe Biden’s boss loses influence in the USA, for Joe Biden has to leave the White House, and Trump comes in for a supposed glorious future), then annihilation, the perishing of the end.”
Daniel 9:24
"Seventy, seven, decreed upon thy people (Jews) of the Holy City (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, sin offering, propitiation unto iniquity. "Come in unto the eternal duration of Righteousness." Seal the vision of this prophecy, unto the Most Holy Place."
70 and 7
Then the end.
Can a nation be born in a day?
May 14, 1948
Israel, as a nation, is gone before May 14, 2025.
I’ll go further and say with the Holy Bible we can know it is gone before Ramadan next year ends with Eid al-Fitr.
How can I know?
Because this Ramadan meets the criteria for the final Ramadan.
Isaiah 66:23
““New moon to new moon, Sabbath to Sabbath, all mankind will come to be brought down before Me,” saith Yahweh.”
Ramadan is the feast calculated to begin & end with NEW MOON and this 1 is bounded by Sabbaths.
It begins with the Anti-Christ gaining the Islamic prostration in Palestine whole with Israel wiped off the map.
Ezekiel 46:1-3
"Thus saith Adonai, Yahweh, "The Gate of the inner court facing the East shall be shut six working days, but open the Sabbath (Saturday), open the day of new moon. THE PRINCE shall enter by way of the porch of the gate from outside and stand by the post of the gate; then the priests and sacrifice shall make whole burnt offering, sacrifice and prostration at the threshold of the gate, and exit, and the gate shall not be shut until the evening. All the peoples of the land shall also worship at the doorway of the gate, before Yahweh on Sabbath and on new moon."
And how does Yahweh feel before He shows up per REVELATION 11:7-15 to change it?
Isaiah 1:13-14
"Bring vain oblation no longer, the incense is abomination. New moon Sabbath, you proclaim assembly. I cannot endure the inquity of this solemn assembly. I hate the new moon, your appointed feast. You have become a burden; I am weary of bearing with you.”
THIS RAMADAN goes from FEBRUARY 28 to MARCH 29, 2025.
MARCH 13-14, 2025, has a total lunar eclipse & appearing as a BLOOD MOON
Joel 2:31
“The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood red, before the Great and Terrible day of Yahweh cometh.”
The Acts 2:20
“The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood red, before the Great and Terrible day of Yahweh cometh.”
Hosea 5:7
"The dealers of treachery against Yahweh bear the illegitimate children, and now, in-between the new moons, I will devour all of them in their land."
Please pray for the salvation of my son Morgan and my dying mom and dad
Prayer sent for them and peace for you.
Christian Widener ‘s understanding of scripture is very much like mine… I appreciate his insight.
It’s just so insane that UN gave them the land (and more of it) and yet it’s the UN that is persecuting them for defending it; unbelievable
I'm from India,but love your message,from berean,so i always like to watch, because of the truth,n all the prophecies and im really blessed,as it is written in Jeremiah 9-23...... Nothing matters except knowing our loving God
The number of years since Sultan Suleiman’s decree to restore Jerusalem with plaza and moat is one of the most compelling reasons to believe we are in the end times imho.
I understand what Christian is saying about 'the change' at the time of COVID. Even now people speak of "pre Covid" or "that was during Covid" etc. Something definitely happened at that time.
Yes , and people said that about 9/11 as well. It changed the world .
The oil is the presence of the power of the Holy Spirit giving us light through the understanding of God's word.
YES I have repented and REPENT for my nation🙏🙏🙏 in Isaiah it says I have found no one that stood in the Gap and repented I do not want that to be for America❤🙏🙏🙏
The name Charles translates to “a man”. Rev 13:18 It is the number of a man and his number is 666. The UN evolved from the League of Nations which evolved from Chatham House, a London think tank that started in the early 1900s with the mission to reinstate the British empire. The British royal family is behind it all. The US didn’t stat rt or inspire the UN, however we are indeed major players today. Also, read the Paris Peace Agreement. That is how the one world government, religion and economy will be created. It’s already started. Look up.
I see what you are saying about the ROYALBRITISH common wealth !
It’s connection to Germany & the Royal hold on the banking system ,also with the British flag & it’s design The British Empire as a world dominating
powerful Nation
I don't think Charles will want to rule from the temple in Jerusalem. (Matthew 24:15, 16; 2 Thes 2:1-4)
@ The Antichrist will absolutely be thrilled to rule from the temple in Jerusalem. Charles will no longer be the man that he is now once he is possessed. His current personality will no longer exist. Once someone has done the proper research , there is not a lot of room for “I think or I don’t think …” . It’s not speculation or conjecture.
The abomination of desolation has nothing to do with October 7th invasion in Israel. Abomination of desolation is when Antichrist sits in the temple there needs to be a temple and it doesn't have it until the middle of the tribulation.
🇹🇷 I saw a great red dragon, having 7 heads and 10 horns.
The heads are the history of the beast.
Rev. 17:9-12
1. Assyria
2. Egypt
3. Babylon
4. Medo-Persia
5. Greece-Turkey
6. Rome
7. Islamic Caliphate 1453-1923
-Mortal head wound in 1923-
8. Revived 10 nation caliphate
Or 8. Revived Greece per Daniel 8:20-25 the little horn, which will come out of all the 1st 7 horns per Rev 17:7
7 heads, why it didn't occur to anyone that it maybe the G7; not saying it is. Is it because G7 is considered righteous. Don't forget, the biggest exporter of this world's evil is among them.
You need to read Veloci-Rapture
Does Christian still believes his “forecast” interpretation? Unbelievable he takes little stuff here and there and says my expertise on research tells me this is it. Wow .. I found it very unintelligible from the start what he’s saying although I believe he is sincere and is a true follower of Jesus.
Same. I feel he is a follower of Jesus , for sure and that’s what matters. But I think his view on the end times is off.
The stage is being set for fulfillment of Prophecy but it's not happening yet Christian please read Veloci-Rapture you have a lot to learn
Here is America in prophecy:
We can know "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, five of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching.
Ezra wrote Second Esdras, chapters 11, 12, and 13 many centuries ago, long before the United States existed, yet he accurately describes a line of 15 US presidents starting with Hoover. This 100-year-long prophecy began fulfilling on March 4, 1929. It is now 95% complete. Its perfect fulfillment to this point has established its credibility. Ezra was not guessing.
I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Is Esdras in Ezra?
@IgivemylifetoChrist No. You will find it in the original King James version of the Bible or the RSV Bible or the CEB Bible.
President's Term = 4 years / Beast's Term = 42 months (3.5 years) / 7 years of Tribulation Period = Two 3.5-year periods. (Daniel 9:27) The President-elect is already over by 6 months and in the first term.
It tells you that he is a man yes you'll be the head of the empire the 10 Hornes but he is a man and he'll sit in the temple of God declaring that he is God so there is no doubt that he is and he is a man.
The Two Witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days. This is why we are not seeing them. They will begin to prophesy after the 5 months of torment which is the 1st Woe.
The 5th Trumpet with marks the beginning of the Tribulation Period and is the 1st Woe. (Rev 9:1-12). The 2nd and 3rd Woe mark Daniel’s 70th Week. (Rev 11:1-14; Chapter 12 & 13) Christ returns after the 6th Bowl of God’s Wrath is poured out. “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” (Rev 16:15) Jesus used the word “woe” to describe Great Tribulation. (Matt 24:19) “Woe” is also described as Great Tribulation in Rev 12:12. This confirms that the 6th Trumpet is not the 2nd Woe and the 7th Trumpet is not the 3rd Woe.
In Daniel the days are described as "true" evenings and mornings, which means they are literal days, not years. Daniel's 70th Week begins in Daniel chapter 7 through 12. Chapter 7 describes the time culminating in Christ's kingdom on earth. Chapter 8 goes in-depth about the beginning of the daily sacrifice, the transgression of desolation, the sanctuary being trampled underfoot, and Christ's return to cleanse the sanctuary. The holy one describes the time as "true" evenings and mornings.
The word "true" means they are literally 2,300 days and not years. Chapter 9 is where we see the 70th Week described as "one week" (7 years). The "middle of the week" is what we know as Day 1,260. God said He would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem in Daniel 9:2. The way to know for sure that the visions in chapter 7 through 12 refer to the same time is by the phrase used in Daniel 7:25 "a time and times and half a time", and Daniel 12:7 "a time, times, and half a time". This phrase is also seen in Rev 12:14 as "a time and times and half a time", This is how we know it is referring to end times. Revelation chapter 11 through 13 is the only place a 7-year period is mentioned. “1,260 days/42 months” = 1st Half / “a time and times and half a time”/ 42 months = 2nd Half.
Wef the gang
Saying born again doesn’t mean you’re a child of God. You need to live according to the will of God. I can say I am born again, but support abortion, divorce, homosexuality, you are not a child of god.
So, how close can any person live "according to the will of God?" Answer: We cannot. We can only try to. If you think there is a point where you qualify, you are living by your works or thinking that your accomplishments save you, keep you saved, or get you saved. The bible says if you 'believe' you become born into God's family. Period. A person is either born again or they are not. Nobody is aborted for not living up to a certain way or not. How you live after believing in Christ's finished work is dependent on how much you yield to God's spirit and His word. It is whether you choose to let him disciple (discipline) you, be it a lot or a little that makes the difference. All believers have a flesh side or a carnal mind. Nobody is perfect in their walk. That is our battle - the flesh wars against the spirit until we are resurrected from death, or raptured alive. We are saved by grace, not by our works. Our works are what we are saved for - to accomplish in Him. Our "position" in Christ is settled - because we believe in Christ's sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sin. It is settled because he paid our debt in full - past, present and future sins. Salvation is free (it cost God everything, us nothing), but being a disciple will cost us all. Let's not judge those who Christ has saved, or discourage them. In actual fact a Christian may support a person's right to do all those aforementioned things - why? because the people who usually want to do them are unbelievers. God gave them a free will to choose whatever they wish to do. They will be judged by Him.
Born again means born to obey the will of God. If you love your wife, you won’t hurt her by committing adultery. Same way, if you love God, you won’t hurt him by disobeying him
@jamesjoseph3352 Jesus said if you lust after another woman you have committed adultery. So have you been 100% obedient with that command? I think not. Good luck with your feigned righteous obedience. The law condemns you. There is a righteousness 'apart from the law' Look that verse up and the context. Read the book of Galatians also. Only faith in Christ saves us and being in him makes us righteous. Ephesians 2:8-9. The only righteousness that God accepts is Christ's. Even when we walk in the spirit we fail at times. Self righteousness is folly. If you break one law you are guilty of all. All our own self righteousness is filthy rags. It is by grace we are saved, not by our works. And it is by grace that we stand and we walk in Him by his spirit and are changed, not by our self efforts. Yes we are to obey Christs commands but we all fail. Christians can be carnal and still be saved. I. Corinthians Paul was addressing believers who were sinning. Salvation is God's gift. Its not a licence to sin (agreed) but we all do. There might be a plank of self righteousness in your sanctimonious eye ? And 4 fingers pointing back at you. Don't be like the Pharisee praying next to the tax collector. Not where you want to be...
Not sure about this teaching. Abomination of desolation happens during the Tribulation. You never spoke about the Rapture so not all accurate
Good point about the Pharisees missing Jesus and the attitude we should have but as far as the specifics he is wrong.
In what way?
America lose your ego and be consistent!