Just tell her the truth: Roger excites her, makes her happy and is who She wants. Nothing more to say but: Good-bye and Thank-you for being honest. No external grieving on your part, just let go as you must when your Grandparents pass.
I would tell her. sure once your single again I will call the lawyer Monday because as long as your my wife that not going to happen. if you bring this shit up again I will call a lawyer.
She is now the community stop…she is being treated as she should.. a 304. He was weak and in the end, this issue was due to him putting her on a pedestal and letting her get away with anything. I would have burned the house down and spent all the money before just walking away.😂
I am glad op moved on and found true happiness.
Good story, really good ending. Poor deluded Cathy.
Dumping a 40ish 304wife is a blessing. Let her go and find all the younger women who want financially successful men.
This was a good story 💯
Be careful what you wish for.
Hi. Another short and sweet one that showcases the adage, play stupid games, win stupid prizes 👍🏻👍🏻
Just tell her the truth: Roger excites her, makes her happy and is who She wants. Nothing more to say but: Good-bye and Thank-you for being honest. No external grieving on your part, just let go as you must when your Grandparents pass.
Should have divorce her then and there when she mention it.
I would tell her. sure once your single again I will call the lawyer Monday because as long as your my wife that not going to happen. if you bring this shit up again I will call a lawyer.
She is now the community stop…she is being treated as she should.. a 304. He was weak and in the end, this issue was due to him putting her on a pedestal and letting her get away with anything. I would have burned the house down and spent all the money before just walking away.😂
Good morning LRC from east Tennessee. I hope everyone is having a great day.
I would of never let her kiss right after the other guy 🤮