Bertani Milon atau Semangka ,di hitung modal biaya ,bila milon semangka s/d 4 kali panen Lumayan Hasilnya, Di Indonesia hanya 2 kali panen ,yg 1 super yg ke 2 Nanggung, karena Tanah di Indonesia banyak yg Gersang
Salut ma princesse, j'ai vraiment envie de venir, j'avais écrie quelque chose de pas bon, j'ai tout effacé, je ne veux pas faire de promesses, mais j'essaierai. Cela vas mettre un peux plus de temps. PHUONG, ma princesse, je t'aime ton ami DIDIER.💌
I don't understand why, but this morning I want to comment and greet you, but I can't get in to comment, and I can't do it until now... Anyway, my greetings are cordial and I hope you had a nice, productive and favorable day...!!! 😘❤️💕👄🌜
Hallo meine innigst geliebte Traumfrau. Darf ich Dich fragen, was das für Früchte, oder Pilze sind, die Du ausgegraben hast. Sind rot und nach oben spitz. Kenne ich nicht. Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen, weil ich ein sehr naturverbundener Mensch bin. Es ist wunderbar, was es in Vietnam für eine Vielzahl an Früchten und Gemüse gibt. Gott segne Vietnam und ganz besonders Dich und Deine Familie. Ich liebe Dich Hans
Such a sweet little dog, so soft and loving. I bet he’s good company. 🙏🏻😘🌻🌻
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Sweet Phuong ❤ You are Everything
Thank you so much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Thank you so much!
자매님 ㅎ
홧팅 임다 ㅎ❤❤❤❤❤❤
💜💜💜I miss you.
Vietnam so beautiful!
Muy buenos días guapa
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Salom men sizni oʻzbekistondan kuzataman rossa borgim keladi oldingizga.Hotirjamlikda mazza sizga 😢😢
Hello! Thanks for watching from Uzbekistan!
Красивая страна, какое множество рек и водопадов...!
Semangat. Kerja. Nona. Phuong Sangat. Tinggi, Sukses. Sellalu. Nona. Manis .
much love always for my beautiful friend
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🌎👍Francisco Valenzuela Jaquez Gasparin chulada de dama hasta Vietnam brilla la estrellita de su bandera 😘😘😘🤩😘😘😘
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
41:53 @@NewFreeBushcraft156
Bom dia lindaaaaaaaaa 💓💫🏵️💮💐🌸
Very Hard Working Girl
Как классно все растет
It is okey to remove grass that compete with the play (rice) plant 🤗
Nossa que lindas são essas plantas ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ deixando meu joinha
Thank you so much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
이쁜이씨 오랜만이네요
친구야~반가워! 무늬가 수박 무늬인데,작은걸보면 수박은 아닌것같고? 메론 이야? 맛있어?😅 오늘도 모든 소망이 이루어지는 행복한 하루 보내요. ❤❤😊
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
tôi là người Nhật
Tôi luôn thích xem những video đẹp của bạn.
NA Tôi muốn thử nó 😍
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Te admiro, eres especial, que pena la distancia
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Saudações do Brasil 🇧🇷 grande abraço 🤗
Thank you so much, wish you and your family good health and luck.
Everything looks great Phuong good job ❤️
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Thank you so much for your kind words! It's been an exciting journey, and I’m thrilled to share happiness through our products.
Hello watching frm kuwait🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
❤I ❤ u
A very attractive young lady.!!!
No hay otra como ella eso lo puedo asegurar
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness. ^^
Keep your purse in front not at your back to protect your money from pick pockets. Just suggesting. GBY
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Такая девушка надо женится Красивая 🎉❤
Thank you for watching and liking the video. This is the source of motivation that helps me make more videos. Thank you so much!
Bertani Milon atau Semangka ,di hitung modal biaya ,bila milon semangka s/d 4 kali panen Lumayan Hasilnya, Di Indonesia hanya 2 kali panen ,yg 1 super yg ke 2 Nanggung, karena Tanah di Indonesia banyak yg Gersang
Salut ma princesse, j'ai vraiment envie de venir, j'avais écrie quelque chose de pas bon, j'ai tout effacé, je ne veux pas faire de promesses, mais j'essaierai. Cela vas mettre un peux plus de temps. PHUONG, ma princesse, je t'aime ton ami DIDIER.💌
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Thank you so much! ^^
2:32:05 cute Duck's mother (lol)
Дыню есть с семенами?
They just pick pick pick..yet I don't see them they own those fields and orchards ? What's going on?
The farmers here grew them. ^^
I think she buys them from farmers and sells in retail in the market
Takes small profit for her living
Привет, как дела?
I'm well. ^^ Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
I don't understand why, but this morning I want to comment and greet you, but I can't get in to comment, and I can't do it until now... Anyway, my greetings are cordial and I hope you had a nice, productive and favorable day...!!!
Thank you for watching and liking the video. This is the source of motivation that helps me make more videos. Thank you so much!
2000 Unit Trektor Quik di pasarkan di HANOI Bejing 2024M ke 2045M, perawatan dan proyektor Bertani di pasar Distributor Vietnam
selling more Melon with her smile
I come from Việt Nam.
Bikin Pondok di sawah padi produktif 2024M ke 2045M
Vous êtes dans quel pays?
I come from Việt Nam
Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
How many miles do you usually walk in one day?
The distance to the market is about 4-5km. ^^Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Thank you so much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
Yes I would like to no if that own those farms that thay are picking from
There are other people's farms. I buy fruits and harvest them to sell at the market.
Please stop showing old videos.
This is melon. ^^
Hallo meine innigst geliebte Traumfrau. Darf ich Dich fragen, was das für Früchte, oder Pilze sind, die Du ausgegraben hast. Sind rot und
nach oben spitz. Kenne ich nicht. Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen, weil ich ein sehr naturverbundener Mensch bin. Es ist
wunderbar, was es in Vietnam für eine Vielzahl an Früchten und Gemüse gibt. Gott segne Vietnam und ganz besonders Dich und Deine
Familie. Ich liebe Dich
That's dragon fruit. Thank you very much, wish you and your family good health and happiness.
What is the red fruit she is selling?
That's dragon fruit. ^^
u showing same. video y all video same like this
❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐❤⭐😘😘😘😘😘😘😘francisco.valenzuela Jaquez Gasparin el Cholo handele pues hermosa fvjhaci mpmas eres una linda dama
that's why i stopped 📷 viewing 😞 your video, you are repeating same videos.
Какая ты невнимательная.
Наложили пакет. Поставили у тебя за спиной. Потом ребёнок девочка подошла и забрала и не росчиталас. А ты невнимательная.
Да да, и не только её обманывают. Смотрю Бинь, её тоже дурят.
nữ tỷ phú việt nam
Vietnamese female billionaire