It seems to be good for Lucky to have MooMoo to play with. I'm glad you two are able to move forward as friends. You seem to be well suited for that. Happy travels and stay safe.
Never run a vehicle with pump-in-tank empty [below 1/4 tank]. 19:31 The fuel keeps the pump cool, when it becomes exposed [from running the tank low] it heats up and will wear out faster. Nothing sucks worse than a fuel pump going out on the road!
Hi Ausia and MooMoo, Wow Again More Beautiful Road Nice Tress. Little turn around. And farm lands so beautiful. Look's like my High Way in New Jersey.7 Mikes away frim your Relaxing Spot..p Ausia timed for you and John to Fill up before you leave....Lucky and moomoo looking Comfortable. Awesome Food.. Good Morning. John so funny.Skies look a little Dark...Bright Green grass nice. Awesome Video Say hello to John and Lucky and MooMoo. Take Care Be Safe and God Bless Us All.Gloria thee 62 year's young Traveling Noma in Waiting . Happy Traveling...
I feel like I've watched your channel through so many different chapters. I remember stumbling on your channel and watching you set up a TV in Panda. Seemed alone, but you started getting a groove. Scotty & Terry was a family vibe chapter. Family grew into a tribe chapter. New Panda and trailer was a party DJ jam. Buying the land was foundation and roots. Then you got the side by side and ya'll we're running around the desert and it was an adventure feel. This video felt lost. I hope you aren't. I'm nobody to you. But I worry.
Used to be fun here. Ausia does so very well sharing the beauty of where she goes, the people, the hikes. She is upbeat and a calm corner of the internet. I see that this, too, is being ruined by politics. I’m so sorry this is happening Ausia. Good life, safe travels, much joy.
Loved that western travel music you used. You aren’t far from North Platte which has the largest railroad classification yard in the world. It is eight miles long. You can go up in a tower to get a view. I recommend it!
Yea Ausia another reminder again that in the northeast where all of the Great Lakes are located, it is very humid and muggy. The drier winter without as much snow means the lakes are warmer than colder relative to when the rains come in the Spring and Summer, so now it's muggy hot, and humid. Have fun.
I left Denver on Monday. 76 East to Rt 80 East to Medina Oh. 80 is the worst major highway I've driven on. Especially west of Chi town to Indiana. I need a front end alignment it was so rough.
Does Jon have his own channel? Did I miss a video tour if his van. I wanted to see how he did his box truck. How long has he been out of Illinois? He doesn't seem to have the Chicago
Question? what kind of radio you guys use I see a few wants expensive and other an expensive and how many channels🤔 by any chance did you do any film on radio or walking talking😍🚚🇺🇸
Just remember the more alcohol in the gas, the lower your fuel milage. It takes between 1.8 and 2 times the fuel per volume of air for alcohol as apposed to gas.
@@FairyChild_For_Freedom-Justice They don't make that well known so you don't really know how much money the oil industry is making off you. The only thing that benefits from ethanol is corporate profits. They waste more than 1.5 gallons of water making one gallon of ethanol.
I've never had sweet potato fries. Dinner looked good. You hold 45 gallons in your rig. I didn't know. I thought it would be more. How far will that get you? The 400 miles?
Gas prices always go up this time of year. I liked driving through Nebraska. I thought is was pretty. Got caught in a massive thunderstorm that flooded the road in N.Platte lol. pretty crazy, but beautiful.
I can’t wait to get out there on the road! Future Nomad right here ✌️ 😃 Thx for another great video ❤️ When you see Dana make sure she has bike gear on if y’all take a bike ride together 😂 😆 Sry Dana I had to! 😉
I've always known ladybugs to bring you good luck.. Yeah, your going to have to have Alot of money especially nowadays for the way too expensive gas to travel.. Nomad life has sure changed and not for the better... can barely find a campsite, much less a quiet one cuz there's a million people out now and driving is not much fun anymore either. the roads are jam-packed in so many places
If you all come back through Central Illinois after your Michigan run. I definitely recommend camping at Lake Shelbyville. It is a very large lake and has many many campgrounds around it. We use to work for the army Corp of engineers as workcampers. If you decide to go and I can tell ya which campgrounds to hit that have their own beaches, very cheap like 10 bucks a night.
Price of gas has nothing to do with supply and demand. Its always manipulated by politicians. Just one word from the clown in DC increases oil prices. And its only been 6 months, just wait till it gets bad.
glad to see your posting more frequent videos,,,,i love watching your travels
It seems to be good for Lucky to have MooMoo to play with. I'm glad you two are able to move forward as friends. You seem to be well suited for that. Happy travels and stay safe.
Have fun and take care and take it easy and enjoy it
I always love your videos. A favorite part of my day.
Never run a vehicle with pump-in-tank empty [below 1/4 tank]. 19:31 The fuel keeps the pump cool, when it becomes exposed [from running the tank low] it heats up and will wear out faster. Nothing sucks worse than a fuel pump going out on the road!
Yep, the fuel is what lubricates the bearings.
Thank you.
Hi Ausia and MooMoo, Wow Again More Beautiful Road Nice Tress. Little turn around. And farm lands so beautiful. Look's like my High Way in New Jersey.7 Mikes away frim your Relaxing Spot..p Ausia timed for you and John to Fill up before you leave....Lucky and moomoo looking Comfortable. Awesome Food.. Good Morning. John so funny.Skies look a little Dark...Bright Green grass nice. Awesome Video Say hello to John and Lucky and MooMoo. Take Care Be Safe and God Bless Us All.Gloria thee 62 year's young Traveling Noma in Waiting . Happy Traveling...
I feel like I've watched your channel through so many different chapters. I remember stumbling on your channel and watching you set up a TV in Panda. Seemed alone, but you started getting a groove. Scotty & Terry was a family vibe chapter. Family grew into a tribe chapter. New Panda and trailer was a party DJ jam. Buying the land was foundation and roots. Then you got the side by side and ya'll we're running around the desert and it was an adventure feel. This video felt lost. I hope you aren't. I'm nobody to you. But I worry.
@Terry Variety of chapters makes for an exciting book!
She feels it’s time for something new. And it is!
Pretty sky.
Did ya say hi to us, we live 23miles sw of desmoines iowa, little town called winterset, John Waynes birthplace. Got a campground here. Safe travels.
The heat around here getting crazy, hope you 2stay cool.
The clouds look amazing 🤩
That's the Bellevue exit, you were near me yesterday, could've stayed at my place just off I29
Oh nice! Thanks anyways
Used to be fun here. Ausia does so very well sharing the beauty of where she goes, the people, the hikes. She is upbeat and a calm corner of the internet. I see that this, too, is being ruined by politics. I’m so sorry this is happening Ausia. Good life, safe travels, much joy.
@@jenniferrae6646 in the comments. Hard to miss.
@@buffylous.8735 oh, I didn't miss that. I mistakenly thought you meant it to be in the video
@@jenniferrae6646 not at all. Ausia and MooMoo and pals have been a true joy.
It’s beuityful
Thank you for the pretty views. Have a safe trip.
Thank you for the Beautiful Blue Skies and White clouds scenery.
Another great travel vlog thanks for sharing ! be safe !
Beautiful sky out there with all the puffy clouds
Loved that western travel music you used.
You aren’t far from North Platte which has the largest railroad classification yard in the world. It is eight miles long. You can go up in a tower to get a view. I recommend it!
You have the best music !
a nice place n good weather
Loved the dash cam view of the beautiful blue sky and various cloud formations!😎✌
You lost an hour!🤔😅🤣😁👍but it's all good cuz tomorrow morning you loose that hour for realz!!😝
I love your hair this color, Ausia. Safe travels to you both.
Where are you guys now ? I need to catch up .
Yea Ausia another reminder again that in the northeast where all of the Great Lakes are located, it is very humid and muggy. The drier winter without as much snow means the lakes are warmer than colder relative to when the rains come in the Spring and Summer, so now it's muggy hot, and humid. Have fun.
Be safe! 👍🏻❤️🐾
I left Denver on Monday. 76 East to Rt 80 East to Medina Oh. 80 is the worst major highway I've driven on. Especially west of Chi town to Indiana. I need a front end alignment it was so rough.
Stop moNing here in the UK we pay Approx $13 a gallon
Thanks Girl great job safe travels enjoy all your videos 👍🙏🏼🙏🏼🐶
Kum & Go LOL now that's priceless
Tell John that was so and funny as heck!
I loved your snappy comeback Ausia!!! Marie ♥️
Love the music you put to your videos.
Nice to see you driving thru my home state...Lots of neat places to see when its not hot lol
Love your travel videos! stay safe!
Hi Guys. Enjoying the trip to Nebraska. Lucky appears to be more playful. He looks good playing with Moo-moo. "Onward Bound"
Does John have a channel? I'd like to follow his adventures as well.
Nomad happy hour and Van Life Dayz
I heard the gas will be going down in the near future. Something about OPEC increasing production.
Wow the gas prices .glad you are somewhere nice now. Thanks for sharing 👍🥰
I like your video I've stayed in North Platte a few times the hotels tell you where to go in a tornado to the middle Hall
Your a great storyteller….love watching your videos….
i would love to see the inside build of Jon's box truck. Have you ever done a tour of his rig on this channel?
Ever feel like a long distance over the road trucker ? Love following you and MooMoo 's travels.
Please be careful, we need you
Love your Videos ❤️🙏🏻🎉👍🏼🙏🏻
What is that laying on your dash ,,its been there forever.
Solar Christmas lights
Welcome to Illinois! I live in southern Illinois! Prayers for a enjoyable time! God bless! Stay safe!
So when u say a movie do you have DVD or some other device for traveling to watch movies ?
Im full time and haven't figured that out yet.
Love your vibe, your channel always makes me long to hit the road, even with gas gouging and all. The price we pay for freedom ❤️🤍💙
Arthur videos thank you so much for the video have a great journey hugs and kisses moo moo
I love the clouds and sky in those wide open places🏞🏜🏔
Wow! You’d have to take out a bank loan to pay for that tank of gas! 😜
Those are ponds typically deep & dug out for dirt needed to build up the overpasses along the interstates & highways.
Wow!!!! That's a lot to pay for gas!! I love watching your vlogs!!
I have only put gas in my rv once. Filled half a tank in April and it as about 129. Nervous for my trip south in the fall. Lol
I hope you are running your engine. Need to keep varnish from building up.
@@genesiesky3756 I am.
I feel ya, my fill is 250 gallons... I don't travel to far each day.
Does Jon have his own channel? Did I miss a video tour if his van. I wanted to see how he did his box truck. How long has he been out of Illinois? He doesn't seem to have the Chicago
When you get to the East side of Iowa, you must stop at the I-80 Truck Stop :-)
Is that the tuck stop advertised as "The Worlds Largest Truck Stop"?
Safe travels hugs 👍 💜
Aww I went that way from Michigan to Denver. Too bad you didn't stop at Lake McConaughy. It's so beautiful there! 😍
Perked up when you said Des Moines, that’s where I live. 😊
Come to California.. beautiful weather.. but it will cost you $4.09 a galloon for regular!!
Oh wow!
Hello im following. Beautiful . Be safe Gods blessings.
Lol, did that French fry hit you, I know love can be blind, but sorry darling you have an over grown child hanging on you, wish you the best.
Ok so what has happened to Scott and Terri haven't heard from them for a while? Love watching your videos I found you through them lol
Many Van lifers do the same or similar loops year after year. Maybe they got bored?
They are at home in Washington state they normally go back to Washington in the summer and come back out in late fall to Arizona.
They are hunkered down!
I have driven that route (I-79 to I-76 to I-80) and back (Glenwood Springs, CO to the Quad Cities)many times. :-)
He has lost it lol
Kum & Go, I'm not even going there on that name.
Hey Ausia, when you tow the truck do you take the RV out of overdrive?
Have you been in Az during monsoon season. Its muggy and humid
Question? what kind of radio you guys use I see a few wants expensive and other an expensive and how many channels🤔 by any chance did you do any film on radio or walking talking😍🚚🇺🇸
Um what?
Just remember the more alcohol in the gas, the lower your fuel milage. It takes between 1.8 and 2 times the fuel per volume of air for alcohol as apposed to gas.
Really? I had no idea, thank you for sharing that!
Wow I never knew that thank you for the information
@@FairyChild_For_Freedom-Justice They don't make that well known so you don't really know how much money the oil industry is making off you. The only thing that benefits from ethanol is corporate profits. They waste more than 1.5 gallons of water making one gallon of ethanol.
Wondered what is your destination?
I've never had sweet potato fries. Dinner looked good. You hold 45 gallons in your rig. I didn't know. I thought it would be more. How far will that get you? The 400 miles?
Singing Tina turner
Great Video, Ausia !!
no meet up in Des Moines?
Please complain about gas prices because we are all Americans and have every right to complain
No you don’t Gas is dirt cheap in the states compared to where I live
Gas prices always go up this time of year. I liked driving through Nebraska. I thought is was pretty. Got caught in a massive thunderstorm that flooded the road in N.Platte lol. pretty crazy, but beautiful.
Ya fuel is crazy nowadays, my woman has put $200 dollars of diesel in her 2020 f350 diesel dually.
I can’t wait to get out there on the road! Future Nomad right here ✌️ 😃 Thx for another great video ❤️ When you see Dana make sure she has bike gear on if y’all take a bike ride together 😂 😆 Sry Dana I had to! 😉
Sal would say Boofay. SS Cats. Is Jon ok? Or a disaster ? Hahahahaha Cheers!!!
Lov s s n 3kittys
Yup....Sal loves his boofay!
I've always known ladybugs to bring you good luck.. Yeah, your going to have to have Alot of money especially nowadays for the way too expensive gas to travel.. Nomad life has sure changed and not for the better... can barely find a campsite, much less a quiet one cuz there's a million people out now and driving is not much fun anymore either. the roads are jam-packed in so many places
Thank goodness you have your property to go to.
@@denisedarrell6828 that's the problem I don't have any property anymore after the forest fire
@@maryjomorra2865 Very sorry to hear this. The pictures are horrible. Such devastation.
@@maryjomorra2865 So sorry to hear that...
Safe travels see yah Auisa and moo moo hugs always
There's not much better on this planet than orange chicken.
Over rice
It’s getting out of hand with the gas ripping people off how sad.
Focus on the octane, not the name. Never run less than 87 octane in the Ford cutaway chassis, especially since you are towing a vehicle.
Tell you what, it is going to be more expensive for fuel when you decide to come back west.
Yup probably but you never know
Ha ha ha ha Jon!
$3.49 a gallon in Littleton, Co.
$4.99 interstate 15 in so cal
@@janidabaader9794 $5.49 in Bridgeport CA. Up along the 395 trip
When heading east you loose an hour. West you gain.
If you all come back through Central Illinois after your Michigan run. I definitely recommend camping at Lake Shelbyville. It is a very large lake and has many many campgrounds around it. We use to work for the army Corp of engineers as workcampers. If you decide to go and I can tell ya which campgrounds to hit that have their own beaches, very cheap like 10 bucks a night.
John is funny!
Moo moos like grass what the hell is that. 😂
If your headed East get ready for ethanol
And worse milage...
Supply & demand - the US way of life.🤑
Headed my way - if you need a place to park overnight give me a shout out!
Price of gas has nothing to do with supply and demand. Its always manipulated by politicians. Just one word from the clown in DC increases oil prices. And its only been 6 months, just wait till it gets bad.
@@SoloHiker1 un-🔌
Want to meet up with you Ausia! I’m in NC, but want to meet up. Got an idea? Message me.
Love and Hugs to you and Moo Moo!
MommaFaye 🌺