Diplomacy must be practised in the singing industry esp. Visiting team is invited.Pls have the courtesy to invite guests to sing first.One song at a time. The next song be in the second round , otherwise , will appear stale ( afterall, all are Sr citizens aboe 45, no big deal). As host audience will respect if sings at last. Greetings fr Malaysia. TQ
By the earth’s rules of laws no one have authority to covered of anyone’s the identity and my identity must showing to the world’s people by the Hong Kong rules of laws justifying to announce of the information immediately. Canada and US has had no rights kidnapped if anyone’s. I’m going back to Hog Kong very soon by this week the airport’s in Toronto must be prepares of my jets to go any times ready.
非常好听 赞!
@@laiwahchan4356 w
Diplomacy must be practised in the singing industry esp. Visiting team is invited.Pls have the courtesy to invite guests to sing first.One song at a time. The next song be in the second round , otherwise , will appear stale ( afterall, all are Sr citizens aboe 45, no big deal). As host audience will respect if sings at last. Greetings fr Malaysia. TQ
Agree. Great suggestion.
过去真實的事件!记得在1969年>70或71之中一个聖誕節平安夜!陳浩德有另一英文名字叫>高peter 當时大家三至四人一齐去抄Party!(長话短说)玩到了零晨二点钟Party曲中人散!我与高peter 同另一个friend共三个人沿着彌敦道近佐敦道方向行路!记得當年高peter是在漆咸道QE HOSPITAL 斜对面是英軍軍营一个小賣部雪糕店工作!在彌敦道还未有轉入佐敦道之间迎面走來有四至五人都是短頭髪的人!那个年代男的大多都是披着長頭髪装束的!短髪大多是(有牌爛仔)>或是皇冠牌柳記!這幾个人二話不说就动手腳打人!我们三个人只能狂走!我和高peter 一同向着佐敦道狂奔!眼尾闪看到另一个friend走出马路中间夸过铁欄奔走!我们俩人直走而後面的人在追!我突然也打斜走出马路中跳夸过铁欄向裕华国货公司方向走而没有人追來向後望见高peter 已经给多人圍着!我走到行人路一个电话亭打电话报警说那个地方有人被圍欧?之後就回家感觉到背後与面部瘀黑一片痛!两天之後往英軍营小賣部见到高peter 给短髪的人用剪剪去大片頭髪!頭上戴着長假髪!事件千真萬確!可以问高peter 他本人吧?
By the earth’s rules of laws no one have authority to covered of anyone’s the identity and my identity must showing to the world’s people by the Hong Kong rules of laws justifying to announce of the information immediately. Canada and US has had no rights kidnapped if anyone’s. I’m going back to Hog Kong very soon by this week the airport’s in Toronto must be prepares of my jets to go any times ready.