Would someone please explain to me why, especially in a championship game, they allow their opponent to score when they could easily foil the shot? Is there a time limit such that they must allow each other to score so as to move the game along? Or is there a limit to the number of consecutive defense shots you're permitted to make? Am I just missing something?
Would someone please explain to me why, especially in a championship game, they allow their opponent to score when they could easily foil the shot? Is there a time limit such that they must allow each other to score so as to move the game along? Or is there a limit to the number of consecutive defense shots you're permitted to make? Am I just missing something?
Heeft u meer van deze wedstrijden? Zijn heel interessant om te zien!
hallo Colin, zie playlists games = wedstrijden
best leuk dit.. zo ff tussen het snooker op tv door :) .. vraagje: waarom worden de ballen zo hard gepot?
het zou interessant zijn als jullie eens een video maken waarin de spelregels duidelijk worden uitgelegd.
ga ik eens werk van maken