Thank you Chris! I'm a first generation Hungarian Filipino American. My dad was a 56'er a proud 56'er I must add. I grew up listening to this music in the house. He loved this music, especially the cimbalom his favorite. Help me learn the music my father loved.
Észbontó jó bőgős!!! Igy érdemes valamit művelni.......
Thank you Chris! I'm a first generation Hungarian Filipino American. My dad was a 56'er a proud 56'er I must add. I grew up listening to this music in the house. He loved this music, especially the cimbalom his favorite. Help me learn the music my father loved.
tisoy909 I will keep uploading as much as I can ! Thanks for your kind words !
I have 3 albums of the greatest cimbalist
steengoed! en pracht opname, dank!
0:00-2:55 A csitári hegyek alatt.... Hungarian folk song
6:20-9:15 Kútágas gémestől.....Hungarian folk song
Great I have added the names ! Thank you so much
The tune at 6:20 is also known as "Haj, haj, haj, letörött a gally"
2:55 Búra termett idő
4:50 Haja haja, kukorica haja
I looked it up and I think you are correct ! Great ! I put it in the descriptions
10:00- Lajos Sárközy jr. - Rollicking Gipsy Music “ Vojake Sheja ”
Hát igen a vér nem válik vizzé méltó örököse vagy apádnak . Gratula