Amazon Fresh UK - The World’s most Advanced Coffee Station Technology | Coffee Content EP.6 (2/2)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2025
  • Amazon has been opening physical Amazon convenience stores, which are now numerous stores in London, branded Amazon Fresh.
    All have one thing in common - unlike most shops, there are no registers or cashiers. You walk in, pick out what you want, and walk out. Amazon calls it a 'just walk out' shopping experience.
    Amazon is using a combination of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and data pulled from multiple sensors to ensure customers are only charged for the stuff they pick up. Cameras are used to track items as they're taken from shelves.
    Amazon is the largest and most successful retailer in the western world because they built the best customer experience.
    _ Amazon Fresh CoFFee Station _
    Customers can make a cup of coffee for £2.30. Oat milk was also an option.
    At the front of the store, there were two separate coffee machines, one for normal milk and one for oat milk.
    If you have a coffee shop that you love anywhere around the world, please comment bellow.
    We will go there to try it for you. ^ ๐ ^
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