With streaming now the video section at places like Walmart and Target are disappearing too. Only the biggest blockbusters are even available on Blu-ray or dvd.
I love the post Falls store. It’s one of my all-time favorite video stores to go to here in the area. If you’re ever in the area of Post Falls, Idaho, you have to check this out.
We were a Hollywood Video family. I remember going in to the horror section trying to freak myself out by peaking at the scary cover art. Huge reason why I’m a cinephile to this day. Later they partnered with a small Game Crazy making it basically the only place in town I ever wanted to be. I can be grateful that I had that childhood experience.
I can understand about Sega and finger foods. Because when I would play NTN Trivia I learned the hard way it was easiest with a finger food then get a burger or sandwich.
I do. Ten units or so. I freaking love the format. Currently building out a mega collection. Hooked up with the local second hand shops to capture the vhs cassettes before they get binned which is what was happening to them. I give a donation. In return they give me access to nostalgia.
With streaming now the video section at places like Walmart and Target are disappearing too. Only the biggest blockbusters are even available on Blu-ray or dvd.
I love the post Falls store. It’s one of my all-time favorite video stores to go to here in the area. If you’re ever in the area of Post Falls, Idaho, you have to check this out.
Man I miss video rental stores so so much :(
We were a Hollywood Video family. I remember going in to the horror section trying to freak myself out by peaking at the scary cover art. Huge reason why I’m a cinephile to this day. Later they partnered with a small Game Crazy making it basically the only place in town I ever wanted to be. I can be grateful that I had that childhood experience.
If I ran a video store I would do kids rentals on weekends because Monday is a school night. I also would do every day during the summer.
If I did a video shop I would consider doing a subscription service. A new twist on an existing idea.
I can understand about Sega and finger foods. Because when I would play NTN Trivia I learned the hard way it was easiest with a finger food then get a burger or sandwich.
You're in Idaho? I also have to have closed captions when watching movies or TV.
Employees get sent to places like Walmart. Long before Blockbuster folded up wow
It's 2022, who still owns a vcr?
I do. Neither of them work right now though.
@@jwgreek8606 Horder aye
Haha one does not work but I have one for Christmas and it is not hooked up right now.
I do. Ten units or so. I freaking love the format. Currently building out a mega collection. Hooked up with the local second hand shops to capture the vhs cassettes before they get binned which is what was happening to them. I give a donation. In return they give me access to nostalgia.
Not necessarily any movie you want. You are limited with streaming and you have to pay to rent some on amazon.
Which one is Jane? The customer or the worker?
@aaronsitzes841A more appropriate question for the 2020s, or even the 2010s, would be who has a Blu-ray player.