Amharic Ethiopian Bible Song/የልጆች መዝሙር/የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ቃል/አልአዛር
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ม.ค. 2025
- አልአዛር
ዮሐንስ 11 (John)
43፤ ይህንም ብሎ፡ በታላቅ ድምፅ፡- አልዓዛር ሆይ፥ ወደ ውጭ ና፡ ብሎ ጮኸ።
44፤ የሞተውም እጆቹና እግሮቹ በመግነዝ እንደ ተገነዙ ወጣ፤ ፊቱም በጨርቅ እንደ ተጠመጠመ ነበር። ኢየሱስም፡- ፍቱትና ይሂድ ተዉት፡ አላቸው። #መዝሙር #መጽሐፍቅዱስ
Sing along with this joyful and uplifting Bible story song about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead! Join us as we learn about how Jesus called out to Lazarus, bringing him back to life, and filling everyone with awe and joy! This catchy tune teaches kids about the love and power of Jesus in a way that’s fun and easy to remember. Based on John 11:43-44, this story shows that with Jesus, there’s always hope and new life! #amharicbiblekidssong