Few years back, loosing my mind and about to give up on everything (not the first time), being lost in lifelong cptsd and disassociations , I heard a voice in my head.." Everything you have in your mind is an illusion". I had a psychotic breakdown , I was laughing non stop ,hysterical laugh for maybe two or three hours, uncontrollably. I saw the illusions, or maybe i was shown it. I started a deeper journey inside my mind. Really deep. Throughout my life I was drawn to psychology and esoterics and the rest what goes with , but after that episode, the brand new life had to start, I had to learn so much and I am so grateful now, despite all the losses and heartbreaks. I completely agree with all what was said in this video, my stance is the same. Every attachment is a prison. Mind is full of illusions and everything is not what it seems at a first glance. Untangling these knots is labor and time intensive, but to me ,nothing seems to be more important now.
It is definitely the most important and once you do It, life is so much fun and beautiful again. I will 100% tell you that you'll be happy. I'm going to recommend EMDR therapy to start
“Nobody needs to know your tragedies in order to accept what you have to say as a human being “ Gold 💛 I speak on a lot because I know it can help to know the story exists… but sometimes I’m explaining. Thank you for this ❤️
This July I will be 4 years clean, I know what it means to live in darkness. I’m never going back. I think a lot of addicts are very spiritual people that have not been able to come to terms with it. They are very sensitive to energy and drugs help to numb those sensations. Ppl do this w illicit substances but also through psychiatric drugs as well. At it’s core, addiction is a spiritual malady. This was a wonderful reading today and your nails look lovely. Thank you ❤️🙏
I agree with you. I've noticed that the sensitivity seems to get overwhelmed and then self-medication begins. I think you make a really good point. And thank you!
I truly needed to hear this. I have schizophrenia and have been in and out of hospitals for the past 10 years from having severe psychotic episodes. I don’t know how to fix myself. I’ve tried everything I can. These days I don’t leave the house because I’m terrified of having another episode and going back to the hospital. But it’s no real life to live. I’m starting to believe I’ll just always be sick. Hearing that you have suffered a psychiatric disorder and are now 7 years free, gives me at least a glimmer of hope that I too will one day be free.
Very much a rollercoaster off the rails lately. Big life changes going on around me for the good, but also the need to Integrate my shadow so I can embrace my present story without projecting my past onto it. This was a super useful message for me today, I'm like triple whammy in the feels, but it's exactly where I need to be. Thanks.
Therapist and friends used to say years ago, that I don’t see myself as a victim after everything I went through as I child. Hell no, that NEVER even crossed my mind. I’m far too strong. Xxx ❤️
Thank you. Again, I feel like you called me personally to help me through a really rough spot I’m in. Thank you for the reminder to tell myself a new story… I was getting lost in old hurts.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your past story, and how you rewrote it ❤️ Just physically cut the cords with my childhood home and toxic family, but still integrating the remaining “subconscious sludge”. Rewiring ALL of the neurons in the body is a process, but this reading has given me so much confirmation and brought so much clarity to that process. I’m so grateful for you and your channel 🥰 Im glad that you took the metaphorical pen and rewrote your story 🥰
I've released my past and healed so much recently. And now I'm seeing the fruits of all that labor. Life can become really sweet once you tend to your garden and plant yourself somewhere nurturing. Wishing everyone here all the healing and blessings you can handle! Much love to you and my fellow lovebugs! ❤
Spot on. I decided several months ago when I acknowledged and healed events from my past that I would leave them there where they belong. They are not a part of me or my present life. The lessons I learned travel with me and that is all. Great reading. 🙏🏻💛✨
This resonated so well, I’ve been acknowledging the things that have been coming up, and forgiving the situations, myself and making room for self-love, thank you❤️😻🫶🏾
Yes, as I look around I am Grateful for getting better and not bitter, as I could have, easily... I am Grateful to have had and found the strength to get up, on, under, over, around and through what has been... and no longer is... I am Grateful to be in this moment of knowing to be grateful for all the lessons, now my blessings and moving forward with them... I am Grateful for not only liking who I am though for taking the time to love whom I am... Me 💗 I am Grateful to and for you being here, sharing parts of my journey with me 💕 learning and evolving together separately 🧩🧩 collecting pieces to be woven into our tapestry, expanding our limitless never ending story of I Am... and Blessid be for coming into the knowing of self and standing in the essence of 'I am me' 🌌✨ Blessid be one and all🌠 😊🤗💞😘🥰 🌛🌟~💚~🌟🌜 🏹🦄🦉🌈🗝💌🐉🌠🦅🎯
It's definitely been hard for me. The voices in the head can really be helpful, and scary. Sometimes it doesn't mean what it says literally. Sometimes it does. I never even thought about leaving the story behind. Always messages like, "you can't leave your past behind, It's your cross to bear, I know what you did back then, you don't want people to know but the truth will come out, everyone one knows the truth about you" from family. It really felt like demonic attacks. Who I was, wasn't what they said, but they made me feel that way anyway. I was still believing them. I really only started learning who I was a few years ago, and it's really hard, but you are very right. I am not what they said and I don't need it anymore. Thank you, I needed to hear that really badly!
@WitchandScythe I love "The Muse Tarot" one of my first decks. It's beautiful! I'm excited you're using it. I love the other ones by @iscrywithsteph I hope I got that right. 😊
Wow 🤩 I absolutely resented with everything. This is particularly good for me to see and hear, because you’re helping me understand exactly what is happening within and to me. I’m kind of new to following my spiritual path and I see angle numbers 6/8 times a day and I’m doing deep shadow work too. Thank you honey. Xxxxxxx ❤🧚♀❤
I swear this is expounding on more of your response to me in a previous video. Everything you said here makes perfect sense! I see why I was lead to find you ❤thank you soul sister! Much love! I needed this so much to let go of the past and not identify as a victim anymore.
Sometimes we just never realize these are options, you know? And when someone tells us these things its like...oh. OHHHHH. That's how it was for me for sure. Glad the messages could help! ❤
Awesome! You have so much wisdom to share and I love where you're coming from. I also had the CPTSD etc, and those moments of grace that made me realize there was absolutely nothing wrong with me but that my brain was still beating me up. Michael Singer's books and podcasts really helped me. Rock on, sister.❤❤❤
Very calm but my body is really working hard... nausea and chills big time... I'm familiar with the feeling but super strong each interval... emotional yesterday... triangle 123 ... 3 other than that I feel pretty good... accepting the process and making light of it...🌬️🎶❤️🎶🦋
Hey the Twilight Zone remember? Everything you maybe thinking is happening... I'm walking through the store and a moment flashes by fully equipped with smells feeling and appropriate emotions for the era... no worries its simply the process shifting is the annoying part continue to strive to keep balance on all spectrums... I know I should be freaking... it's simply what it is I'm cocooned Im safe for now staying within my element... thank you for your time it is greatly appreciated... judge lest be judged ...🌬️✨💌
I got some good stuff from this message! Thank you!! One thing, my dreams lately, I had a spirit named "Thomas" come to me about an imposter.. it was very vivid. I'm totally looking Into this. Great messages though!! ❤😊
This made so much sense to me, I really needed to hear this. I kind of knew this but didn't take it as seriously as I should be, I've carried a lot of things with me as if they were part of my own story, both from many of my deep dive sessions into my own subconscious but also from some recent experiences. It was a little bit hard to let go of, I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't wish, somewhere deep down, that they were parts of my story. I'm not saying that because they were any fun going through, some of them were flat out horrifying but I have a weird love-hate relationship to anything decadent and of the dark. It has been making things difficult for me, though, for sure and it really doesn't serve me in any positive way to be holding on to them. My methods for healing traumas, specifically when it comes to initially locating and identifying them, have been a little bit extreme but it was all my own conscious choice to do it that way. I think part of it was also the fact that I wanted to remember them, write some of them down and/or be able to re-tell them, since they were such extreme and vivid experiences to have. I've recently become a thousand times better at controlling my own frequency and not allowing my ego to feed me paranoid thought patterns, which in turn really proved to me how quickly low frequency emotions like fear can manifest into my reality. It's given me a whole new perspective on things, such as what pops up in my social feeds and whatnot, what used to get to me. So yeah, that's good and all but it doesn't mean that it's healthy for me to be carrying around things emotionally as baggage and I've felt the past few days how it's started to drain me more and more of energy that I normally used to have left over to spare. Becoming mentally exhausted during the middle of the day also puts me in a much worse mood, which just adds to the problem. As always, it's from your videos I get these really impactful gems of information or inspiration, this will 100% help me. Thank you so much!
@@WitchandScythe It's L0051D btw but you probably got that, I'm gonna change back from this name as soon as I can, had a moment where I thought this was cool or whatever... x'D
i wanted to comment on this video, but then it was one idea after another popped up. so instead everything on the post i will patiently when things aline so we may discuss things face to face whether in physical form or over the interweb. but i feels it going to happen in the future :)
This reading plucked the string of the understanding of feelings, so I felt the urge to comment, I hope you don’t mind that I’m “piggybacking” on your comment as it seemed to parallel. It isn’t to comment on your comment, just following the same direction from another perspective. Feelings are our tools to tap into intuition. When you “feel” strongly in a situation or with a person it is our spirts way of “lane assist” (as another reader suggested this analogy). Depression points to past “baggage” and anxiety points to potential future “baggage”. Our feelings (all of them) serve us as sensors to keep us in the center of the lane (on our path chosen for us/by us). When we veer from center one of our sensors will “alert” us of the trajectory misalignment no matter how slight. We have to be aware of and recognize and respond accordingly to avoid potential “incidents”. I have found in my personal experience, most potential incidents arise from outside my vehicle. Needless to say, I keep my head on a swivel and have become an expert “defensive driver”. Nothing outside of us can guide us better than our own intuition which is tethered to the divine. We are all “chosen ones” as we were all created for our own purpose and no one can do this “said purpose” like the one who was created exactly for this. When you align with your purpose wholly, you will seem otherworldly… Just think of the many that manifested this: Micheal Jordan, Albert Einstein, Etc…(insert name of someone who seemed to have mastered something in life). Your heart holds the knowledge/key to our individual purpose. Look inward, make order, and then as within so without, just like as above, so below. Hopefully my attempt at contributing sparks some insightful thought for someone. Peace be with you all.
I get what your saying I also get how others might misinterpret it.... I'm used to mental gymnastics 😂 The way you explained the Queen of Cups here... How it's about deep diving and digging around in the cup Reminds me of a water version of Aquarius The emotional side of allowing ourselves to feel what's in the cup, as we analyzing it Whereas Aquarius would be more detached, acknowledging the emotions but not feeling them as a part of the analysis As a Scorpio with Aquarius moon, I can do either depending on the situation and how deep the cup 😂 I've got CPTSD from multiple PTSD events and I'm still in it Trying to heal as much as I can, while still being in a place that's shredding me to ribbons So sharing my issues... It's about raising awareness, giving alternative perspectives, using as examples.... Like... I loathe that saying "others have it worse"... It can be useful but it's mainly used in a toxic positivity way that causes more damage I reclaim it, using it as a rally cry of no one should have it as bad as me, let alone worse and I make efforts to find ways to help others not get to my level of bad or how to cope better in worse so they can help themselves dial it down as possible I'm sort of in a gray zone... Way worse than typical western society but not as bad as 🍉 though far too many relatable things that give me extreme compassion, empathy and awareness for those folks that many seem to lack cause they haven't survived enough to be forced into that level of humanity/compassion Which is weird and gross to say but one aspect of global society Basically what you haven't experienced, makes it harder to comprehend others Lol rambling... Funny though... I don't do nightmares anymore, some dreams try to be nightmares but I'm too lucid for that and do too much shadow work and efforts to connect with the subconscious The majority of attempted nightmares present more as spiritual attacks and I ain't got time for that 😂 My favorite will forever be, ripping out the fangs of a vampire and him sulking off after I ruined his staring role in my dream and I was introduced as Velma 😂 It was hilarious
Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective of your life and view of others ❤️ Give yourself patience with your own healing, you will absolutely get through it! Sometimes it just takes time. It sounds like you are doing very well. Sending you so much love.
@@WitchandScythe Oh sweety no no! I'm sorry 😂 I wasn't doing that... I flow weirdly and was excited, explaining how things felt to me How my brain was processing them Trying to capture it and share it Though given how different I post vs how the majority post, I totally get why you might think I was doing the negative side Who I am, how I am, how my brain functions... Totally doesn't come across in text 😂 sorry
Oh girl. Check the edit time stamp. I am so embarrassed because that was NOT meant for you. It's pretty clear you weren't doing that. I had a comment on one of my old readings on my other channel and I accidentally pasted it in my response to you and posted. Then realized, had an "oh sit" moment, and deleted about 11 minutes before you replied. I was praying you didn't see it lmao because the similar context (tarot rulers). One of those really bad looking flukes. Don't at all appologize, I didn't take you that way at all. The rest of the message wouldn't have been so nice 😂I appreciate everything you are saying and sharing. And I agree with you on the tarot here lol. So not meant for you 😅
@@WitchandScythe Giggling hard ...ok was already giggling before and going "sorry so sorry" out loud I mean I get it, holy forknuggets Batman the number of times folks misinterpret me being Me 😂😂 It's hard!!! That whole "words english where are you" or something similar you said... Every day! Gemini rising chatterbox but also stroke survivor in English but healing my brain in France and trying to go into stoner brain way of communicating even though I'm sober 🤣 I'm just glad your not mad at me hehehe But totally feel free to tell me if I'm too much, I'm cool with it... Over thinking on top of an analytical mind, plus the esoteric... I end up channeling out all kinds of free flowing streams of consciousness on how things feel to me and can be over the top if I get excited and want to share 😂🤭 But seriously, all the respect, it's your channel, I just wanna give validation and participation but definitely cool if I ever need to be told to chill 😂 Gonna sleep Hugs
Aw, I'm sorry you deal with that, I think you communicate very clearly. Do you think it's the sword energy? That's what gets me in trouble--my Gemini is stronger than my Cancer so when I explain things it seems pretty harsh even when I don't mean it to be. But the fact that you have people take you wrong a lot makes this situation so much worse 😑 I'd been typing out a response to this other person for...an ungoldly amount of time because I know how I come off--I pasted it to a word doc to come back to when I am not in "robot with some fire" mode (so totally not upset with them, just a robot lol) and here we are. You don't have to worry about anything, I suck at placating, I'm way too aggressive, I would definitely tell you--so I promise you--it's not you it's ME 😂😑😂 Digging my own cat holes again with confusion and chaos. Get good sleep!
(888) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you I've been connecting to Hecate 🔮 All good things comes to those who forgive 🔮 🔮 All good things come to those who give 🔮 🔮 All good things come to those who believe 🔮 🔮 All good things come eventually even those who have been to hell and returned with a loving grateful heart 🔮 Acceptance Love Ying/Yang Truth United Oneness Powerful Egyptian Pyramids Magic Trust Freedom Compassion Connecting to our higher self 🍀🌀🍀🌀🍀🌀🍀🌀🍀🌀
Im wondering how you feel about emdr therapy. I'm starting it regardless bc I feel as though it may help me, but I was just wondering about ur opinion on it
I have never done EMDR so I can’t have an opinion on it. I would imagine it would be good-I assume it works like some forms of mind control, in that motion/sensation is used to implant commands or to rewire the response to stimuli. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it but again, I can’t have an opinion since I don’t have the experience.
@@WitchandScythe completely on point response! I'm interested to see how it affects me, I feel like it could be a good way to work through energy but I also wonder if theres trouble in not organically coming to a conclusion of your emotions. Again maybe going through it is maybe whats organic for me. I was just wondering if u had any opinion or info
@@shwayzdrienne13 I personally do think it is important for us to develop a relationship to the shadow for spiritual evolution purposes. But for those dealing with a lot of trauma, especially things like CPTSD or other disorders, I think the important thing is to begin functioning effectively as a person first and foremost and to get to a personal space where life isn’t so hard to be part of.
@@WitchandScythe I believe that too. To evolve you must have a relationship with the big picture of "you" but finding a way to start functioning effectively is the most important and first thing you need to do.
Holy mother of mercy... it's an awesome card... resting today and give the process gentler... I tried to take photos and my energy is messing up... thank you ! I'm receiving some rudeness because they feel this way when I pop up and they sense my energy and feel I take away from others ... I simply reply thank you for your time and i understand... don't give a flying "F" 🌬️🎶❤️.🎶🦋🌷
@WitchandScythe we've used the words toxins from different energetic bodies, so these toxins get released as spots, vomiting, farts 😉 etc. Through physical body fields red, orange yellow chakras & through the others in similar ways like the toxins are the negative thoughts through 3rd eye, spontaneous non thought out angry projected words through throat, over exaggerated feelings blah blah... We see/feel your words of expression & ours are same same but different We've also used compost decomposition analogies but not made the breakdown of the gasses into these toxins as such but molecules, elements & chemical reactions have been a theme as our full rainbow 🌈 spectrum of solar plexus yellow chakra aligns preparing us for wk 47 of our chakra journey starting Monday. Lots of sensory system connections happening. Thanx gorgeous 😍 😘
Few years back, loosing my mind and about to give up on everything (not the first time), being lost in lifelong cptsd and disassociations , I heard a voice in my head.." Everything you have in your mind is an illusion". I had a psychotic breakdown , I was laughing non stop ,hysterical laugh for maybe two or three hours, uncontrollably. I saw the illusions, or maybe i was shown it. I started a deeper journey inside my mind. Really deep. Throughout my life I was drawn to psychology and esoterics and the rest what goes with , but after that episode, the brand new life had to start, I had to learn so much and I am so grateful now, despite all the losses and heartbreaks. I completely agree with all what was said in this video, my stance is the same. Every attachment is a prison. Mind is full of illusions and everything is not what it seems at a first glance. Untangling these knots is labor and time intensive, but to me ,nothing seems to be more important now.
Thank you for sharing this ❤️
It is definitely the most important and once you do It, life is so much fun and beautiful again. I will 100% tell you that you'll be happy. I'm going to recommend EMDR therapy to start
“Nobody needs to know your tragedies in order to accept what you have to say as a human being “ Gold 💛
I speak on a lot because I know it can help to know the story exists… but sometimes I’m explaining.
Thank you for this ❤️
This July I will be 4 years clean, I know what it means to live in darkness. I’m never going back. I think a lot of addicts are very spiritual people that have not been able to come to terms with it. They are very sensitive to energy and drugs help to numb those sensations. Ppl do this w illicit substances but also through psychiatric drugs as well. At it’s core, addiction is a spiritual malady.
This was a wonderful reading today and your nails look lovely. Thank you ❤️🙏
I agree with you. I've noticed that the sensitivity seems to get overwhelmed and then self-medication begins. I think you make a really good point. And thank you!
I stand in awe of this Journey 🙏 I've transitioned from full on fear & anger to peace & fullness & strength. Lady! ha W.O.W!
I truly needed to hear this. I have schizophrenia and have been in and out of hospitals for the past 10 years from having severe psychotic episodes. I don’t know how to fix myself. I’ve tried everything I can. These days I don’t leave the house because I’m terrified of having another episode and going back to the hospital. But it’s no real life to live. I’m starting to believe I’ll just always be sick. Hearing that you have suffered a psychiatric disorder and are now 7 years free, gives me at least a glimmer of hope that I too will one day be free.
The brain is an amazing thing :) I have also heard great things about EMDR Therapy. ❤
Very much a rollercoaster off the rails lately. Big life changes going on around me for the good, but also the need to Integrate my shadow so I can embrace my present story without projecting my past onto it. This was a super useful message for me today, I'm like triple whammy in the feels, but it's exactly where I need to be. Thanks.
Therapist and friends used to say years ago, that I don’t see myself as a victim after everything I went through as I child. Hell no, that NEVER even crossed my mind. I’m far too strong. Xxx ❤️
Appreciate u sweet soul, unconditionall love upon u . Beautiful energy radiates n rhythm surely compensates.
Just a few seconds after posting this comment, u spoke about beautiful energy!
Thank you. Again, I feel like you called me personally to help me through a really rough spot I’m in. Thank you for the reminder to tell myself a new story… I was getting lost in old hurts.
Glad the message could get you out of that space. We all need someone to pull us out sometimes ❤
"I've had a pretty crazy life, which is why I don't talk about it on this channel because its not my story and I refuse to let it be my story"
Amen🎉❤ beautifully stated. Let go, Let Love carry you forth into the future. The letting go takes time and work!😊❤ thank you for your gifts.
What i view as an Eckhart Tolle moment ... when you heard the voice. What a special awakening blessing. 🎉
This is a beautiful reading and so insightful. ❤
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I so needed this. stop rehearsing the past unless it's being used to uplift. beautiful. thank you for confirmation reminder
Thank you for sharing a bit of your past story, and how you rewrote it ❤️ Just physically cut the cords with my childhood home and toxic family, but still integrating the remaining “subconscious sludge”. Rewiring ALL of the neurons in the body is a process, but this reading has given me so much confirmation and brought so much clarity to that process. I’m so grateful for you and your channel 🥰 Im glad that you took the metaphorical pen and rewrote your story 🥰
I've released my past and healed so much recently. And now I'm seeing the fruits of all that labor. Life can become really sweet once you tend to your garden and plant yourself somewhere nurturing. Wishing everyone here all the healing and blessings you can handle! Much love to you and my fellow lovebugs! ❤
I am learning how to master my emotions right now. I am doing all these things right now. In all ways love,
Always love Bridget
Goosebumps @14:50 confirmation. Grateful! 🤍
Spot on. I decided several months ago when I acknowledged and healed events from my past that I would leave them there where they belong. They are not a part of me or my present life. The lessons I learned travel with me and that is all. Great reading. 🙏🏻💛✨
It’s a very liberating outlook ❤️
This resonated so well, I’ve been acknowledging the things that have been coming up, and forgiving the situations, myself and making room for self-love, thank you❤️😻🫶🏾
Yes, as I look around I am Grateful for getting better and not bitter, as I could have, easily... I am Grateful to have had and found the strength to get up, on, under, over, around and through what has been... and no longer is... I am Grateful to be in this moment of knowing to be grateful for all the lessons, now my blessings and moving forward with them... I am Grateful for not only liking who I am though for taking the time to love whom I am... Me 💗 I am Grateful to and for you being here, sharing parts of my journey with me 💕 learning and evolving together separately 🧩🧩 collecting pieces to be woven into our tapestry, expanding our limitless never ending story of I Am...
and Blessid be for coming into the knowing of self and standing in the essence of 'I am me' 🌌✨
Blessid be one and all🌠
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Forgiving yourself is a beautiful thing to do. Thank you xxxx ❤️🧚♀️❤️
10:02 thank you for this perception shift! ❤
That makes PERFECT sense!! Oh my goodness, thank you!
I LOVE to compost. It's nourishing
I think anyone with your gifts has experienced most things in life to be able to have the gifts you have honey. Thank you for sharing xxxxx ❤
Yeah…it’s been a crazy ride 😂 Definitely anything but boring. I love that you’re experiencing so many synchronicities :) ❤️
wow: your explanation of the self conscious was monumental and everyone needs to know.. perfect
It's definitely been hard for me. The voices in the head can really be helpful, and scary. Sometimes it doesn't mean what it says literally. Sometimes it does. I never even thought about leaving the story behind. Always messages like, "you can't leave your past behind, It's your cross to bear, I know what you did back then, you don't want people to know but the truth will come out, everyone one knows the truth about you" from family. It really felt like demonic attacks. Who I was, wasn't what they said, but they made me feel that way anyway. I was still believing them. I really only started learning who I was a few years ago, and it's really hard, but you are very right. I am not what they said and I don't need it anymore. Thank you, I needed to hear that really badly!
You're welcome ❤
All these beautiful decks.💙
I’m glad you like this. This was “The Muse” tarot…sent to me by Steph over at iScrywithSteph.
@WitchandScythe I love "The Muse Tarot" one of my first decks. It's beautiful! I'm excited you're using it. I love the other ones by @iscrywithsteph I hope I got that right. 😊
@@kimpriestess13 I love that it's your fav! I'll have to use this for the Live then. And you did :)
❤help me build upon this beautiful garden.
Beautiful message. Thank you, so much! You confirmed the meaning of the nightmare I had a few days ago! Sending love and light to all. ❤✨️
What a beautiful message!!! Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world!
Thank you, your communication style consistently seems to make a lot of sense for me. So direct 🙏
Thank you for this message ❤ 19:25
Wow 🤩 I absolutely resented with everything. This is particularly good for me to see and hear, because you’re helping me understand exactly what is happening within and to me. I’m kind of new to following my spiritual path and I see angle numbers 6/8 times a day and I’m doing deep shadow work too. Thank you honey. Xxxxxxx ❤🧚♀❤
Another touching reading, thankyou so much
Happy 🌸 🌙 ❤️
I swear this is expounding on more of your response to me in a previous video. Everything you said here makes perfect sense! I see why I was lead to find you ❤thank you soul sister! Much love! I needed this so much to let go of the past and not identify as a victim anymore.
Sometimes we just never realize these are options, you know? And when someone tells us these things its like...oh. OHHHHH. That's how it was for me for sure. Glad the messages could help! ❤
Awesome! You have so much wisdom to share and I love where you're coming from. I also had the CPTSD etc, and those moments of grace that made me realize there was absolutely nothing wrong with me but that my brain was still beating me up. Michael Singer's books and podcasts really helped me. Rock on, sister.❤❤❤
I will have to check him out, thank you so much ❤️
Very calm but my body is really working hard... nausea and chills big time... I'm familiar with the feeling but super strong each interval... emotional yesterday... triangle 123 ... 3 other than that I feel pretty good... accepting the process and making light of it...🌬️🎶❤️🎶🦋
Hey the Twilight Zone remember? Everything you maybe thinking is happening... I'm walking through the store and a moment flashes by fully equipped with smells feeling and appropriate emotions for the era... no worries its simply the process shifting is the annoying part continue to strive to keep balance on all spectrums... I know I should be freaking... it's simply what it is I'm cocooned Im safe for now staying within my element... thank you for your time it is greatly appreciated... judge lest be judged ...🌬️✨💌
Such a wonderful message. This hit so close to my soul. Thank you 🫂
I use to say "Im a childhood trauma victim" and one day I said im a survivor.
Yes ready for it....made complete sense! Appreciate your perspective thank you! 🙏 blessings
You are making SO much sense. Thank you 💜
Thank you! Love and light to you ❤
Thank you. This was so powerful and intelligent.
Beautiful and powerful messages. Resonates greatly. Thanks so much. With respect and love 🙏🏽🕉️🙏🏼🌻💜
Perfect timing.
🙏❤Answers r immediate to my questions
I really needed this reminder, thank you so much 💜
“It’s not my story anymore and I refuse to let it be my story”
Thankyou Eternally 🫶🏻🔮♾️
You’re welcome ❤️
Right on time. Thank you!
Thank you, right on time.❤
I got some good stuff from this message! Thank you!! One thing, my dreams lately, I had a spirit named "Thomas" come to me about an imposter.. it was very vivid. I'm totally looking Into this. Great messages though!! ❤😊
SO helpful right now thank you love
Thank you so much ❤❤❤
Thank you so much 💚🎶🎼🫂💎
Yes aware of this, be very mindful of bring the past into the now
This made so much sense to me, I really needed to hear this. I kind of knew this but didn't take it as seriously as I should be, I've carried a lot of things with me as if they were part of my own story, both from many of my deep dive sessions into my own subconscious but also from some recent experiences. It was a little bit hard to let go of, I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't wish, somewhere deep down, that they were parts of my story. I'm not saying that because they were any fun going through, some of them were flat out horrifying but I have a weird love-hate relationship to anything decadent and of the dark. It has been making things difficult for me, though, for sure and it really doesn't serve me in any positive way to be holding on to them.
My methods for healing traumas, specifically when it comes to initially locating and identifying them, have been a little bit extreme but it was all my own conscious choice to do it that way.
I think part of it was also the fact that I wanted to remember them, write some of them down and/or be able to re-tell them, since they were such extreme and vivid experiences to have.
I've recently become a thousand times better at controlling my own frequency and not allowing my ego to feed me paranoid thought patterns, which in turn really proved to me how quickly
low frequency emotions like fear can manifest into my reality. It's given me a whole new perspective on things, such as what pops up in my social feeds and whatnot, what used to get to me.
So yeah, that's good and all but it doesn't mean that it's healthy for me to be carrying around things emotionally as baggage and I've felt the past few days how it's started to drain me more and more of energy that I normally used to have left over to spare. Becoming mentally exhausted during the middle of the day also puts me in a much worse mood, which just adds to the problem.
As always, it's from your videos I get these really impactful gems of information or inspiration, this will 100% help me. Thank you so much!
You're welcome! ❤
@@WitchandScythe It's L0051D btw but you probably got that, I'm gonna change back from this name as soon as I can, had a moment where I thought this was cool or whatever... x'D
Yeah I got it :) I like it.
@@WitchandScythe Well, all right, thanks! xD
Thank you 😊
Thank you
Thank you for the way you explain things I appreciate you and see you sis!!
Thank you. ❤
Love to you from Scotland UK soul Goddess sister 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️ 5:55
❤️ 🌙
Thank you so much!
Thank you. ❤🤍
i wanted to comment on this video, but then it was one idea after another popped up. so instead everything on the post i will patiently when things aline so we may discuss things face to face whether in physical form or over the interweb. but i feels it going to happen in the future :)
Luv this look.
I see. Bless you. 😎
💯Beautiful Message💯
I have refused to allow my past emotional traumas to define who I am today or who I will be in the future.
It's keeping Me calm. The Awakening im having right now ..is so Unbelievable 🤍
🙏🏽🌻Appreciate this today.
Thank you xc
The nightmares....Kali....check! I'm going through this now. I'm trying hard.
You can do it! ❤️
Feelings are indeed powerfull surges 🥰
This reading plucked the string of the understanding of feelings, so I felt the urge to comment, I hope you don’t mind that I’m “piggybacking” on your comment as it seemed to parallel. It isn’t to comment on your comment, just following the same direction from another perspective.
Feelings are our tools to tap into intuition. When you “feel” strongly in a situation or with a person it is our spirts way of “lane assist” (as another reader suggested this analogy). Depression points to past “baggage” and anxiety points to potential future “baggage”. Our feelings (all of them) serve us as sensors to keep us in the center of the lane (on our path chosen for us/by us). When we veer from center one of our sensors will “alert” us of the trajectory misalignment no matter how slight. We have to be aware of and recognize and respond accordingly to avoid potential “incidents”. I have found in my personal experience, most potential incidents arise from outside my vehicle. Needless to say, I keep my head on a swivel and have become an expert “defensive driver”. Nothing outside of us can guide us better than our own intuition which is tethered to the divine. We are all “chosen ones” as we were all created for our own purpose and no one can do this “said purpose” like the one who was created exactly for this. When you align with your purpose wholly, you will seem otherworldly… Just think of the many that manifested this: Micheal Jordan, Albert Einstein, Etc…(insert name of someone who seemed to have mastered something in life). Your heart holds the knowledge/key to our individual purpose. Look inward, make order, and then as within so without, just like as above, so below. Hopefully my attempt at contributing sparks some insightful thought for someone. Peace be with you all.
Very well said ❤
Tilling? Turning over the soil to let the air in? -Thank you for your videos.
I get what your saying
I also get how others might misinterpret it.... I'm used to mental gymnastics 😂
The way you explained the Queen of Cups here... How it's about deep diving and digging around in the cup
Reminds me of a water version of Aquarius
The emotional side of allowing ourselves to feel what's in the cup, as we analyzing it
Whereas Aquarius would be more detached, acknowledging the emotions but not feeling them as a part of the analysis
As a Scorpio with Aquarius moon, I can do either depending on the situation and how deep the cup 😂
I've got CPTSD from multiple PTSD events and I'm still in it
Trying to heal as much as I can, while still being in a place that's shredding me to ribbons
So sharing my issues... It's about raising awareness, giving alternative perspectives, using as examples....
Like... I loathe that saying "others have it worse"... It can be useful but it's mainly used in a toxic positivity way that causes more damage
I reclaim it, using it as a rally cry of no one should have it as bad as me, let alone worse and I make efforts to find ways to help others not get to my level of bad or how to cope better in worse so they can help themselves dial it down as possible
I'm sort of in a gray zone... Way worse than typical western society but not as bad as 🍉 though far too many relatable things that give me extreme compassion, empathy and awareness for those folks that many seem to lack cause they haven't survived enough to be forced into that level of humanity/compassion
Which is weird and gross to say but one aspect of global society
Basically what you haven't experienced, makes it harder to comprehend others
Lol rambling...
Funny though... I don't do nightmares anymore, some dreams try to be nightmares but I'm too lucid for that and do too much shadow work and efforts to connect with the subconscious
The majority of attempted nightmares present more as spiritual attacks and I ain't got time for that 😂
My favorite will forever be, ripping out the fangs of a vampire and him sulking off after I ruined his staring role in my dream and I was introduced as Velma 😂
It was hilarious
Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective of your life and view of others ❤️
Give yourself patience with your own healing, you will absolutely get through it! Sometimes it just takes time. It sounds like you are doing very well. Sending you so much love.
Oh sweety no no! I'm sorry 😂
I wasn't doing that... I flow weirdly and was excited, explaining how things felt to me
How my brain was processing them
Trying to capture it and share it
Though given how different I post vs how the majority post, I totally get why you might think I was doing the negative side
Who I am, how I am, how my brain functions... Totally doesn't come across in text 😂 sorry
Oh girl. Check the edit time stamp. I am so embarrassed because that was NOT meant for you. It's pretty clear you weren't doing that. I had a comment on one of my old readings on my other channel and I accidentally pasted it in my response to you and posted. Then realized, had an "oh sit" moment, and deleted about 11 minutes before you replied. I was praying you didn't see it lmao because the similar context (tarot rulers). One of those really bad looking flukes. Don't at all appologize, I didn't take you that way at all. The rest of the message wouldn't have been so nice 😂I appreciate everything you are saying and sharing. And I agree with you on the tarot here lol. So not meant for you 😅
Giggling hard ...ok was already giggling before and going "sorry so sorry" out loud
I mean I get it, holy forknuggets Batman the number of times folks misinterpret me being Me 😂😂
It's hard!!! That whole "words english where are you" or something similar you said...
Every day! Gemini rising chatterbox but also stroke survivor in English but healing my brain in France and trying to go into stoner brain way of communicating even though I'm sober 🤣
I'm just glad your not mad at me hehehe
But totally feel free to tell me if I'm too much, I'm cool with it...
Over thinking on top of an analytical mind, plus the esoteric... I end up channeling out all kinds of free flowing streams of consciousness on how things feel to me and can be over the top if I get excited and want to share 😂🤭
But seriously, all the respect, it's your channel, I just wanna give validation and participation but definitely cool if I ever need to be told to chill 😂
Gonna sleep
Aw, I'm sorry you deal with that, I think you communicate very clearly. Do you think it's the sword energy? That's what gets me in trouble--my Gemini is stronger than my Cancer so when I explain things it seems pretty harsh even when I don't mean it to be. But the fact that you have people take you wrong a lot makes this situation so much worse 😑 I'd been typing out a response to this other person for...an ungoldly amount of time because I know how I come off--I pasted it to a word doc to come back to when I am not in "robot with some fire" mode (so totally not upset with them, just a robot lol) and here we are. You don't have to worry about anything, I suck at placating, I'm way too aggressive, I would definitely tell you--so I promise you--it's not you it's ME 😂😑😂 Digging my own cat holes again with confusion and chaos.
Get good sleep!
Your nails!!! White 🤍🌸💚
Yeah I need them to match an outfit I have to wear later lolol.
What are the decks that are being used, please?
I think the one is called the Archetypes Oracle. The other is The Muse Tarot.
(888) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you I've been connecting to Hecate
🔮 All good things comes to those who forgive 🔮
🔮 All good things come to those who give 🔮
🔮 All good things come to those who believe 🔮
🔮 All good things come eventually even those who have been to hell and returned with a loving grateful heart 🔮
Connecting to our higher self
Im wondering how you feel about emdr therapy. I'm starting it regardless bc I feel as though it may help me, but I was just wondering about ur opinion on it
I have never done EMDR so I can’t have an opinion on it. I would imagine it would be good-I assume it works like some forms of mind control, in that motion/sensation is used to implant commands or to rewire the response to stimuli. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it but again, I can’t have an opinion since I don’t have the experience.
@@WitchandScythe completely on point response! I'm interested to see how it affects me, I feel like it could be a good way to work through energy but I also wonder if theres trouble in not organically coming to a conclusion of your emotions. Again maybe going through it is maybe whats organic for me. I was just wondering if u had any opinion or info
@@shwayzdrienne13 I personally do think it is important for us to develop a relationship to the shadow for spiritual evolution purposes. But for those dealing with a lot of trauma, especially things like CPTSD or other disorders, I think the important thing is to begin functioning effectively as a person first and foremost and to get to a personal space where life isn’t so hard to be part of.
@@WitchandScythe I believe that too. To evolve you must have a relationship with the big picture of "you" but finding a way to start functioning effectively is the most important and first thing you need to do.
Holy mother of mercy... it's an awesome card... resting today and give the process gentler... I tried to take photos and my energy is messing up... thank you ! I'm receiving some rudeness because they feel this way when I pop up and they sense my energy and feel I take away from others ... I simply reply thank you for your time and i understand... don't give a flying "F" 🌬️🎶❤️.🎶🦋🌷
That’s right lol. Well, we love you ❤️
❤ Amen 🙏 🔑🪄✨✨✨
🌹🌿🦌🌿🌹Hi dear Witch and Scythe,🌿🍒🐦🌿 I am fine, 🌿🕊️🌿how are you and 🌿🌹🐚🌿you look younger in this top,🌹🌿🍬🍧🍬🌿🌹 thank you very much 🌹🌿🦌🌿🌹🙏☺️
Glad you are doing well :) I’m great! Thanks for being here ❤️
What a wonderful analogy of thinking of the decomposition gasses as the nightmares! 🤍🤍🙏🙏🖤🖤💚💚🖤🖤🙏🙏🤍🤍
Yeah the subcon is just breaking down the experience for its own energy fodder. Thats how I have come to see it anyway.
@WitchandScythe we've used the words toxins from different energetic bodies, so these toxins get released as spots, vomiting, farts 😉 etc. Through physical body fields red, orange yellow chakras & through the others in similar ways like the toxins are the negative thoughts through 3rd eye, spontaneous non thought out angry projected words through throat, over exaggerated feelings blah blah...
We see/feel your words of expression & ours are same same but different
We've also used compost decomposition analogies but not made the breakdown of the gasses into these toxins as such but molecules, elements & chemical reactions have been a theme as our full rainbow 🌈 spectrum of solar plexus yellow chakra aligns preparing us for wk 47 of our chakra journey starting Monday.
Lots of sensory system connections happening.
Thanx gorgeous 😍 😘
You totally make sense. I’m loving your content. Thank you for your service to us. ⭐️🤍✨
Thank you so much. Thank you for being here with me ❤
This is one of the wisest readings I had in a long time dear 🩵🥀🤍🪽✨ thank you
Thank you and you're welcome! ❤
thank you