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- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- The family is hunkering down in the basement when the first tornado warning of the year hits and brings with it intense lightning strikes and continuous thunder.
#tornadowarning #severeweathervlog #lovejarvlogs
We are a large homeschooling family of nine. We enjoy vlogging our crazy Iowa weather, gaming, traveling, Halloween and spending time together. Join us for learning, life and laughs.
Mom: Christi
Dad: Matt
Skylur: 23
Charlea: 22
Tearlyn: 18
Braxen: 16
Zane: 13
Ireland: 11
Aspen: 7
1 GRANDBABY: Graelynn Kallie: 2
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Dubuque, Iowa 52004
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For business inquiries: lovejarvlogs@gmail.com
Music Attribution: Riot, Silent Partner, Green Orbs, Doug Maxwell, Huma Huma, Audionautix, Jingle Punks
All music licensed under Creative Commons
The calm before the storm
I love Your videos on TH-cam your so amazing
One tornado touched the down the airport
I remember 9 months ago when me and my family were driving to new Hampshire to spend the night there but we were Under a tornado warning luckly nothing got destroyed it was a 3 hour drive 👁👄👁
I was going to ask about tornadoe's but I got my answer, We don't have tornadoes but last week end and thru Tuesday it was real hot for us on the west side of the cascade mt it was real hot we broke records. Last Saturday it 105 on Tuesday it 108. W it was 114 and it dropped to the 90's and in Eastern Was they set records but the it is always hot over there and in the winter it can get real cold. Im glade your family is all ok.😁😁☺️☺️🌹🌹🌺🌺❤️
Thank you and praying for cooler temperatures.
We had a Tornado that hit a week and a half ago. It was 5 football fields wide tore alot of farms up
Stay safe 🙏🏻
@@LoveJarVlogs we are
I am glad to live in indonesia
Hi your videos are entertaining, stay safe during hurricane season❤️
Thank you we are lucky not to really be too effected by hurricanes in the Midwest 😀
Was it a ef3
We get the tornado warnings and watches but very few tornados infacr 66 have hit West Allis but only 3 recorded 1962 1975 and 1977 ! I came close to being in a toirnado in August of 1975 when it hit like 14 blocks from where I lived at The Wisconsin State Fair ! It did go over the house I lived at but did not touch down and it sounded like a train in a tunnel !
We dont have a tornado but towworrow were going have a severe thunder strom warning or watch!!!
we had a tornado watch out of no where but thankfully nothing happen
Was it huge tornado
Nope just a warning ⚠️
It's been hot for weeks where I live to be it's making me very sweaty and I haven't been out 5 minutes and I get sweaty right away it gives me headaches makes me. the humidity makes me lose my energy makes me weak I almost passed out. Almost all July having thunderstorms almost every day almost all July. I have a fear thunderstorm so I had a very bad summer this year cuz I couldn't go out as much this year because of the thunderstorms thunderstorms make me very miserable the weird thing is I love watching thunderstorms on TH-cam also love your thunderstorm videos I can watch storms on TH-cam on but I can't watch it in real life
Thank you for watching and I agree storms can be very scary 😦
@@LoveJarVlogs I just had big thunderstorm tonight and yet it's getting dark again I think I'm getting more and more is coming
I get those yellow clouds after it's been storming almost all day and the sun sets. (Possible weather warnings: tornado warning, tornado watch, severe thunderstorm warning, severe thunderstorm watch, flash flood warning, areal flood advisory)
And im sick with RSV AGAIN. I'm not feeling very good
I hope you feel better
I like storms because my son will do pretend to do videos.
Aww 🥰
weird thing but that bad bad storm was near you but also near us but somehow we only got a few rain showers that day and no thunderstorms or anything
Love your weather vlogs ,thank you
Thank you ☺️
I always love your storm videos!
Thank you ☺️
So glad your safe 😊
Thank you 🙏🏻
What a storm glad your all OK take care and stay safe
Thank you
God wills it.
I believe I can fly in tornado warning 🌪I believe can fly in tornado warning 🌪
I have 2 things to say about this, 1 if you ever see a cloud shaped like a ufo or "Mothership" from a thunderstorm it means it's a supercell which are the ones that produce hail, straight line damaging winds and possibly tornadoes, and the cool breeze you felt was the wind sheer pushing the storm in the atmosphere, which makes the storm rotate and makes it look like a "mothership" or "ufo". And also here are main signs a tornado may be approaching, 1 Drastic changes in temperature(usually from hot to cold") 2, blueish or green colored clouds- this is a hail/rain core which is a sign of a strong updraft in the storm. 3 Sudden changes in wind direction or if the wind or thunder stops all at once, and blows again.
I had two tornado warning actually three all toward my house
Stay safe.
Wow I'm glad I'm back! Love these weather videos LOL but stay save love Jar family!
Thank you ☺️
Lost of thunder lightning non stop
I think that was the storm that spawned the Woodridge tornado in Illinois, near my grandparents. I was actually there that weekend, and it was very scary to see. Glad you were safe during that.
Wow I am so happy that you all are okay that must off been scary I love your videos xc
Loved the video and all the cool lightning! Hoped you guys are okay after that crazy storm!
Thank you we are well 🙏🏻
This was an amazing Video!!! I loved it
Thank you ☺️
I live in Naperville Illinois and we had the tornado last week but I am very fortunate to be safe from the storm, thought and prayers for anyone affected by storms.
Glad you are safe 🙏🏻
Have you ever heard of a tornado watch in the middle of the winter cuz that's happened to us before it was like mid to late March and parts of Southeastern Minnesota were in a tornado watch while the rest of Minnesota there was like snow and stuff
Yes we have had them in late fall too.
Yeah in Wisconsin
I loved the video it was so cool to see the storm.BTW I'm from Minnesota we get a lot of storms up here⛈🌪🌪💨
I love when you post storm videos lol
Thank you ☺️
What an adventure the weather can be... I'm glad you didn't get hit by a tornado!
Me too. That lightning though pretty sure that one bolt I caught is the one that caught a garage here on fire 😳
@@LoveJarVlogs Yikes!
So much lightning and loud thunder
Was scared for you guys
Thought you'd lose power
You guys are my favourite TH-cam channel right now
Thank you 😊
@@LoveJarVlogs you are most welcome
Do u still have power?
@@LoveJarVlogs that's good
That lightning looked intense and that thunder was definitely continuous
Will I ever get to meet you guys one day?
I live in Adelaide which is located in Australia
@@LoveJarVlogs I would really love to meet all of your family one day
I want some storms not snow
I love storms hope you all made it out safe 🌪️ 😱
Ahh, that exciting time of the year in Iowa -- tornado season! But it could be worse; you could be out west suffering through the extreme heat!
Hehe I’m suffering is extremely heat rn but Canada was worse, it’s supposed to get to 113 2 days in a row
This was strong
@@weatherboy2965 that is warm -
Love you guys and love you guys
Wow I haven't seen your videos in a while and you're at 14k subscribers, that's amazing!
The last time I saw you you had a few thousand💙
Thank you
Love the videos
Thank you
I knew it was a matter of time before you guys came out with this one. I remember seeing the tornado warning up by you last week.
Although I didn’t want a tornado warning I sure was grateful for the rain 🌧
I Loved Your Vlog And Videos
Thank you ☺️
I am glad that you guys are alright. Been a long while since I saw a video of yours just because I see other family-type videos that I can't watch all of them.
I am so glad that you and everyone at home is safe. At my high school in 2006, one person at the window saw a funnel cloud somewhere at the east. He said, "Guys, there's a funnel cloud coming towards us. Get your things, go straight home and go to the basement. Now!" So...yeah. Be safe out there.💙💙💙💙👍
Y’all got better weather than we did! Tornado tore down my town
Stay safe 🙏🏻
I just don't like bad weather in general. Especially storms.🌪️🌀⛈️ I hate it when we get a weather warning. It makes me want to go into the bathroom.
Wow! Stay safe guys!
Hope you are all ok?
tornados can be scary for sure, but i’m so happy your safe!!💜
Thank you
I had a thunderstorm ⛈️ at my house and I was scared 😥 and I saw lightning ⚡ for the first time
Hello my name is Debbie how are you
Hello, and we are well. How are you?
Because i live in Sydney Australia we never get tornados but we can get severe thunderstorms in the summer time
Ps i wondered what a tri-state area was. We dont have that here in australia.
In America we have states and we live in the state of Iowa, but can cross a bridge and be in the state of Wisconsin or cross a different bridge and be in the state of Illinois. It is literally three states right next to each other. 😀
I love thunderstorms, but we don't get tornadoes in Tassie so they are never a threat to people or property. Glad the little one could dance when the storm was over. So cute ❤👍❤👍
I was tracking the weather within the past few days and saw those lines of thunderstorms! I was worried about you guys! Glad you're okay!!
I’m glad you guys were safe! I’m jealous of the storm and rain, we desperately need rain in NH but tornado warnings I’m good with lol.
Was this yesterday? That’s crazy. I’m visiting Iowa and there wasn’t any activity where I’m at
No this was last week.
Hope you are doing well and I watch your videos all the time and you are the best youtube family ever
Thank you
How much storm are you getting in your area???😂😂😂
We had rain today
we were supposed to get those storms today but thankfully they passed
I do not like lightning. Those strikes looked scary
Why does Iowa get a lot of storms?
Actually I live in Maine and we got a severe thunderstorm warning at the beginning of June before your first
wow alot of lightning
There was
We are expecting 40°c by Wednesday here in Edmonton Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦. . Right now it is 33° c
Oh no that is awfully hot 🥵 Are those temperatures common in your area during the summer?
The dots are bigger cities with transmitters with the news station. Has nothing to do with watches/warnings. When there is a warning it would have a polygon or box that would have a different color. If there's a watch all whole counties included will be shaded with whatever color that station decided. Like I said the (dots) are bigger cities within the map area that everyone should correlate with. Also, love your videos but please DO NOT USE CANDLES. What will happen if your house gets hit and gas is leaked along with those candles?? Please use flashlights.
The candles we use are actually designed for emergency use.
Hope your safe! I'm in North Carolina so we dont get Tornadoes often
Thank you
Hi 👋
I hop you guys are safe from tornados I been there and I get really stressed out but otherwise I always subscribe and like and ring the bell 🔔
Pilots see a tornado be like !... hey captain I dare you get as close to spinning tube thing
First officer hold my beer lol
Ps I'm a plane nerd 😆
i live in west des moines and we haven't gotten any bad storms, we've had several severe thunderstorm warnings but it always goes around us and i always get sad because i love watching storms! glad you guys are safe though:)
Stay safe this storm season.
man I'm glad y'all are ok. we've had bad storms to
Stay safe.
Watching the weather now. Be safe
I hope you be safe from a severe thunderstorm warning
Difficult to see all the bolts, other than the bright ones.
But by the time you guys got the candles going, easily to really see how dark it got.
Post a follow up video, if pussible on what happened afterwards.
Safety to you all!
Omgosh we had the same line of storms come through I live in Peoria Illinois
Tornadoes: thunderstorms come over here
Thunderstorms: what do you want me tornadoes
Tornadoes: I want you to make it wet on Missouri
Thunderstorms: okay then
Missouri: I dare you not
I'm glad that you guys were ok. I'm surprised I didn't hear the sirens.
Thank you. I don’t think the threat was high enough for the sirens to be sounded.
Plz respond jar
Hi 👋
Hi 👋