I do agree SnowBarry is nice and all but if you look at it this way Barry and Iris having hardly nothing to argue about. They are a golden couple and in my opinion they connect more. Barry and Caitlin are similar, tbh I don’t even like SnowBarry but this was a nice video.
Why am I tearing up at the last scene as she says “You saved my life Barry”? It’s entirely clear that the team always needs Caitlin and she is always saving them, and here she is telling him that it’s mutual and in some of the darkest moments of her life, Barry has meant so much to her. 💕🥺😭💜💜💜
I love it! I always felt that Caitlin and Barry had a special connection. More than friends, the way Barry looks at her is so beautiful. They both care about each other. Snowbarry forever ❤️😭
@@1_z610 Damn, these two made me write my own fan-made story of The Flash. I'm thinking of these two should act together in a movie and play a couple. Is it too much to wish for? :(
this edit made me realize how great they really are together. After the particle explosion and Ronnie dying/coming back and dying again-would’ve been a perfect opportunity for Caitlin to see what she gained because of Barry coming into her life instead of what she lost. Either the good and the bad of cause and effect. Could’ve been a perfect story line they could’ve grown on like 2-3 seasons!!! 😭
OMgoodness how can you not like this edit?! I love it so so much I was actually crying. Thank you for including the later season moments, I adore Snowbarry but I stopped watching the show after season 4 or 5.
This is a masterpiece!!! The showrunners need to see and accept the chemistry!!!! 😭 They are always in sync and matching clothes it's like the most of the cast and crew ship them but they won't let the viewers see the same. Them being parents to Cisco, sharing the looks, completing each others sentences... they're perfect together. And your video just makes it all the more alive. So thank you for letting us live the Snowbarry we're all dying to see on-screen.
@@jacobsmith7254 yeah but you never seen WA be this in sync have you? The part where they go to couple's therapy should be a straight evidence that these two need outside help just to be in the same headspace 😂
You always surprise me with your Snowbarry videos because they always get even better and better! You have so much talent! Keep it up with the good work!👏🏻❤️
THIS IS PERFECT! From the synchronized head turns to the slap to Cisco’s “just kiss already.” It beautiful highlights there friendship and feeling for each other. This is without a doubt my favorite edit of them ❤️
just imagine if iris didn’t come in when they were kissing 👀😳 wonder what would’ve happened maybe Barry would’ve gotten feelings and dated Caitlin and u can clearly see Caitlin liked it
This looks amazing omg I love this this is definitely real and amazing also beautiful you deserve tons of subscribes and kindness since Snowbarry is amazing u are truely the kindest
I must say I am for snowbarry but also for west-allen. Ugh it's so hard to choose, but snowbarry is everything !! if snowbarry doesn't happen then I hope julian will return in season 7 They're SO cute ! LOVE YOUR EDIT BTW !!
i hope Ronnie come back instead of julian lol, i mean caitlin and julian are cute but snowstorm is just endgame 🥺 I love snowbarry but at the same time i love snowstorm. caitlin was so so so happy with ronnie 🥺❤️
oh my - I can’t express how I feel about this video. ITS AMAZING! AFTER THIS VIDEO, I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT SNOWBARRY TO HAPPEN! ( we all should want this beside the toxic WA fans ) YOUR EDITING SKILLS, BY FARRR ARE AMAZING!
Every single thing you do is indescribably amazing, like I’m basically speechless. Thank you for another incredible edit and as always you make sweet Danielle look even more beautiful. (Sry, I just love Danielle so much she’s been my fav actress ever since she started acting😂)
tbh, barry and caitlin always had that connection, even from the start. Caitlin recently lost her fiance, and losing someone is tough. Barry understands that in a way as he lost his mother, right in front of his eyes. He understands her pain. Even though Iris sometimes made him happy, it was when he met Caitlin and Cisco he has a crazy amount of happiness pour on him. As the show developed, the more he was with Caitlin, the more you could just see in his eyes, he slowly is falling in love already . He made her smile, she made him smile. It truly is, "true love". on the side note, amazing editing skills! This was beautiful.
Ok I’ve come back to this vid over and over again. I have decided this is my fav vid you have made ♥️. They are 100% meant for each other. I am literally speechless, ur editing is one of the best I’ve seen. Thank you, just thank you ♥️⚡️❄️
THANK YOU!! I don’t even know what to say... This comment makes me so happy! 🥺♥️ All your comments make my heart melt. Omg do you have an Insta? Mine is @caitlover_edits ✨
@@cdcs_edits U are SOO sweet 🥺!! Unfortunately I do not have an insta but I am planing on getting it again and when I do ur gong be the first one person follow ♥️. I just love ur edits and ur so sweet ♥️🥺!! I hope you have a wonderful day. ♥️♥️
I’ve been having a completely shitty week and I am telling you, this video made my frickin week so much better. I remember why I love them and ship them with my whole damn heart. I was starting to loose hope but this edit honestly urgh 🥺
Aaah this is incredible!!! You definitely didn't fail!!! This is not "scrap" , it's *so awesome* 😱😍❤ I LOVE the song you chose and omg it goes so well with them! ❤ and the editing is absolutely perfect and flawless!!! I adore the text! 😍👌
I have a true love for this video, this is just amazing, they was how the scenes go exactly with the words, and the song speaks for itself, TRUEEEEE LOVEEEEE lol 😂😂😂 and then the ending when she said, “ you saved my life Barry” it just hit so hard, this is honestly so good
Lol all the dislikes were probably WA fans realizing that SnowBarry is perfect.
I love snowbarry perfect couple.
Ikr! *Snowbarry is perfect!* ❄️⚡️
I do agree SnowBarry is nice and all but if you look at it this way Barry and Iris having hardly nothing to argue about. They are a golden couple and in my opinion they connect more. Barry and Caitlin are similar, tbh I don’t even like SnowBarry but this was a nice video.
For real or they don’t like that they fit better
As we all know, Snowbarry is the real couple in Flash.
Iris and barry is an error
Duh 😂
3:23 Cisco is a mood ⚡️❄️
does anyone know what episode he says that in?
I don't know the exact episode but I know its from season 2 as Cisco actually says that to Jay and Caitlin
Jedi master Bethany kerr okiii thanks
Oh hell yeah! 😂
Why am I tearing up at the last scene as she says “You saved my life Barry”? It’s entirely clear that the team always needs Caitlin and she is always saving them, and here she is telling him that it’s mutual and in some of the darkest moments of her life, Barry has meant so much to her. 💕🥺😭💜💜💜
Yes! SEASON 7, let this happen please!!
I hope so!! ❤️⚡️❄️
I hope too yo
Snowbarry is best endgame.
The puzzle pieces are getting put together
Now it’s impossible but it will be the best if this happens
I love it! I always felt that Caitlin and Barry had a special connection. More than friends, the way Barry looks at her is so beautiful. They both care about each other. Snowbarry forever ❤️😭
1:45 I know the I love you is edited from we love you but it still gave me chillllssssss
I was just gonna comment
Even if it takes another 7 years I'll still be waiting SNOWBARRY!!!!
breh almost1 year god damn
you're so me
Do you still? Cuz I am. ^^
@@tdz289 Yesss sirrrrrrrrrrrrr
@@1_z610 Damn, these two made me write my own fan-made story of The Flash. I'm thinking of these two should act together in a movie and play a couple. Is it too much to wish for? :(
Barry & Caitlyn are the best couple in the DC universe
Finally some on with taste
Yea xd. And not sibling love...
Not the best but they are a good couple lol. They argue like married couples. I have to admit I don’t think WestAllen will last long🥺
@@thatonedumbperson1402 very interesting
khairi price R.I.P Iris WestAllen and hello Dr. Caitlin Snow
this song is perfect for this video! loved it and love snowbarry
this edit made me realize how great they really are together. After the particle explosion and Ronnie dying/coming back and dying again-would’ve been a perfect opportunity for Caitlin to see what she gained because of Barry coming into her life instead of what she lost. Either the good and the bad of cause and effect. Could’ve been a perfect story line they could’ve grown on like 2-3 seasons!!! 😭
OMgoodness how can you not like this edit?! I love it so so much I was actually crying. Thank you for including the later season moments, I adore Snowbarry but I stopped watching the show after season 4 or 5.
I'm gonna watch this every day for the rest of my life
I've got a 2 month streak
Everyday i come to this song this song will remind me of the flash even 10 years after ^^
I swear if they don’t get together in season 7 , I’m going to freaking explode!😡But good job CDCS on the edit😇😅⚡️❄️💖
As much as I want it but it seems almost impossible. And that makes me really heartbroken
Wan Azfar I really hope it happens because season seven might be the last season
@@bliss9528 yeah, me too
Same man
It would be cool if it happens, I wish it #Snowbarry4life
This is a masterpiece!!! The showrunners need to see and accept the chemistry!!!! 😭
They are always in sync and matching clothes it's like the most of the cast and crew ship them but they won't let the viewers see the same. Them being parents to Cisco, sharing the looks, completing each others sentences... they're perfect together. And your video just makes it all the more alive. So thank you for letting us live the Snowbarry we're all dying to see on-screen.
you got the in sync, matching clothes, and parents to Cisco from Reactoutloud didn't you?
@@jacobsmith7254 yeah but you never seen WA be this in sync have you?
The part where they go to couple's therapy should be a straight evidence that these two need outside help just to be in the same headspace 😂
This is P-E-R-F-E-C-T
I was like "I'm not crying i'm not crying i'm not crying... Oh hell!!! I can't stop yo crying" :'( Your videos make me happy so... Thanks!!! :')
She's gorgeous. It's crazy
Beautiful!!! The song and the scenes ! Damn you are so talented!! I could watch it like ... all day !! How ?? Freaking great ❤❤
Thank you!!!
You always surprise me with your Snowbarry videos because they always get even better and better! You have so much talent! Keep it up with the good work!👏🏻❤️
THIS IS PERFECT! From the synchronized head turns to the slap to Cisco’s “just kiss already.” It beautiful highlights there friendship and feeling for each other. This is without a doubt my favorite edit of them ❤️
I watched this like 15 times!! Great job!!!
I love the editing,the smooth transitions and the parallels 💕🥰💖💕
I’m not a big shipper. In fact, I’m not sure I ship any characters. But this is so adorable, well done!!
Cisco at 1:39 is a damn frickin mood😂😂😂😂 he is completely done with Barry and Caitlin’s shit 😂
The last part and the piano made me so happy.
just imagine if iris didn’t come in when they were kissing 👀😳 wonder what would’ve happened maybe Barry would’ve gotten feelings and dated Caitlin and u can clearly see Caitlin liked it
That was everyman
It wasn’t really Barry but I’m curious what would have happened
@@MsBluebot yeah
Omg thanks so much I love Snowbarry and this video is amazing
Why do you hate this video
Its a piece of art
Im always happy to see your videos
@@hrenton3196 if you don't like them that's fine but at least don't hate on them because you don't like cuz we do
This looks amazing omg I love this this is definitely real and amazing also beautiful you deserve tons of subscribes and kindness since Snowbarry is amazing u are truely the kindest
I forgot about frost kissing Barry, TWO WHOLE KISSES AND NEITHER OF THEM COUNT!!!!!
This will never really happen but job well done
Thank youuuuuuuu
I came here so fast! I love your snowbarry videos
Amazing!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕And i love this song
Three words alone can describe this: amazing and beautiful!
I must say I am for snowbarry but also for west-allen. Ugh it's so hard to choose, but snowbarry is everything !! if snowbarry doesn't happen then I hope julian will return in season 7
They're SO cute !
i hope Ronnie come back instead of julian lol, i mean caitlin and julian are cute but snowstorm is just endgame 🥺 I love snowbarry but at the same time i love snowstorm. caitlin was so so so happy with ronnie 🥺❤️
Dominique C sameee 🥺
This video makes me happy, thank you for that.
so good
Absolutely amazing
Even If the kiss wasn't real, you can't tell me those connection between them, how they look at each other, it isn't true.
yes!!! 👏👏
Ok so this was like the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen and possibly the most well put together fan vid of all time!
This song is about the love between Barry and Caitlin.
That's gotta be akward for Frost, right?
oh my - I can’t express how I feel about this video. ITS AMAZING! AFTER THIS VIDEO, I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT SNOWBARRY TO HAPPEN! ( we all should want this beside the toxic WA fans ) YOUR EDITING SKILLS, BY FARRR ARE AMAZING!
This is so amazing and cheers my snowbarry heart.
Perfection in 3 mins
Thank you 🥺
Keep up your great works! :)
This is absolutely amazing. I believe this could be a good story
such great editing, just wow 😍😍
This is amazing. 😍⚡💞❄
Every single thing you do is indescribably amazing, like I’m basically speechless. Thank you for another incredible edit and as always you make sweet Danielle look even more beautiful. (Sry, I just love Danielle so much she’s been my fav actress ever since she started acting😂)
Thank you!!!
This is a pure masterpiece
so amazing!!!!
let's just save this to my Flash playlist... hehehehe
GachaTrix XD you said hehe
@@thatonedumbperson1402 ya? 😂
GachaTrix it’s just funny I’m imagining the way you said it
GachaTrix could you subscribe to me please
u got a Flash playlist?! Meh tuu
Snowbarry is FR everything
I dont know why haven’t I found this before....Bt dude u just nailed it.....perfect music video
tbh, barry and caitlin always had that connection, even from the start. Caitlin recently lost her fiance, and losing someone is tough. Barry understands that in a way as he lost his mother, right in front of his eyes. He understands her pain. Even though Iris sometimes made him happy, it was when he met Caitlin and Cisco he has a crazy amount of happiness pour on him. As the show developed, the more he was with Caitlin, the more you could just see in his eyes, he slowly is falling in love already . He made her smile, she made him smile. It truly is, "true love". on the side note, amazing editing skills! This was beautiful.
a perfect, but impossible couple!!!! SNOWBARRY, i still having hope!!!!
Best Edit ive seen x so in love
OMG, I love this so much 😭❤ Its amazing, the choice of song the way its edited ❤🥺❤
Istg they’re made for each otherrrr ahhh my #snowbarry heart
Ugh I'm crying 😭 this is so good
Why is this so good❤️❤️😍⚡️
Ok I’ve come back to this vid over and over again.
I have decided this is my fav vid you have made ♥️. They are 100% meant for each other. I am literally speechless, ur editing is one of the best I’ve seen.
Thank you, just thank you ♥️⚡️❄️
THANK YOU!! I don’t even know what to say... This comment makes me so happy! 🥺♥️ All your comments make my heart melt. Omg do you have an Insta? Mine is @caitlover_edits ✨
@@cdcs_edits U are SOO sweet 🥺!! Unfortunately I do not have an insta but I am planing on getting it again and when I do ur gong be the first one person follow ♥️. I just love ur edits and ur so sweet ♥️🥺!! I hope you have a wonderful day. ♥️♥️
I’ve been having a completely shitty week and I am telling you, this video made my frickin week so much better. I remember why I love them and ship them with my whole damn heart. I was starting to loose hope but this edit honestly urgh 🥺
This vid is so cute omg. Such fun vibes!!
Love your snowbarry video's please keep making them.
this is amazing you really did your research with the scenes wow good job
Yesssss snowbarry foreverrrr. Also u make the best edits ever ur amazingly talented with this kinda stuff
True love beyond a doubt
I love it 🥰
Thank you!!! 🤗♥️
It’s videos like this that make me believe in love and of course gives me hope for Snowbarry!⚡️❄️
This is amazing! Of course I didn't have to watch the whole thing to know it would be. I clicked the like button after 2 seconds.
Amazing Like always
I can't describe in words how great this video is) I watch this video more than ten times every day) it's incredible, keep up the good work!)))
Ur just rubbing it in that we never got the end of season 6 lmao but fr keep up the good work
Thank you! ♥️
EARLY! EEEEEK! 🥺💕💕 I’m not even done, but I already love it!🥰 I fricken ship them so much!😌✌🏻💕 SNOWBARRY FOR LIFE!
⚡️❄️ for ever
Aaah this is incredible!!! You definitely didn't fail!!! This is not "scrap" , it's *so awesome* 😱😍❤ I LOVE the song you chose and omg it goes so well with them! ❤ and the editing is absolutely perfect and flawless!!! I adore the text! 😍👌
I ship Snowbarry so hard!!!! Your vids make me so happy. :)
this made my day. absolutely beautiful.
Aw this is so cute! Snowbarry ⚡❄ the emojis are even right next to each other
I’m simply in love
Omg Perfecty ❤💙💚
Cool!! 🥰
I've been stuck with this song for the last few weeks and this edit happens 😂 i love this ❤️
2:38 did I hear “hey Caitlin I love you”??
Maybe 😏
I have a true love for this video, this is just amazing, they was how the scenes go exactly with the words, and the song speaks for itself, TRUEEEEE LOVEEEEE lol 😂😂😂 and then the ending when she said, “ you saved my life Barry” it just hit so hard, this is honestly so good
Bro I stayed up til 5am and didn't see this what
this is amazing !! you’re so talented !!
True friendship too! ❤️
Yeah! ❤️
Amazing video, unbelievable, wonderful, beautiful, most (everything great) and I'm in love with it ❤️
Yay great video bro
Congrats this video made it in to my "Snowbarry" playlist