Very sad to see what happened in Cambodia during the monsoon season that affected the ordinary people. It will a hug resources and capital to redo the drainage system around capital city which will never happen my guess. Profits over people daily life living.
អគុណសន្តិភាព អាខ្វាក់ៗៗៗៗៗ
You guys need to do protesting 👌
គួរឲ្យអាណិតអាសូរ ណាស់ ខ្មែរយើង😭😭😭
៥ ចំណុចបង្ហាញអំពីរោគសញ្ញាជំងឺគ្រុនឈាម និងការការពារ| 5 Tips on symptoms of dengue and prevention
ហេតុអ្វីមូសចូលចិត្តខាំ អ្នកមានឈាមផ្អែម | Mosquitos Prefer Sweet Blood | Health Care
❤ khmer 😢😢
របប តិរច្ឆាន ហ៊ុន សែន
សូមកុំបន្តលុបបឹងទៀតទភ ផលប៉ះពាល់ដល់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋបញ្ហាច្រើនមុខណាស់
Heavy rains bring high numbers of floodwater mosquitoes
Very sad to see what happened in Cambodia during the monsoon season that affected the ordinary people. It will a hug resources and capital to redo the drainage system around capital city which will never happen my guess. Profits over people daily life living.
Invasion de Moustiques Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
ជួយអី បើផ្ទះអាជ្ញាធរលិចដែរ 😅
Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?
😭😭😭😳😳😳 ព្រះអើយៗលិចរលកន្លែហដេកមិនចហ់បាមទេលោកអើយ
Une semaine pour mieux connaître les maladies transmises par le moustique
Flood Water Mosquitoes
How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood | Deep Look
What If We Killed All Mosquitoes? What If
La zanzara che ciuccia il sangue al microscopio: ha una maledetta proboscide a sei aghi
20 Mosquito-borne diseases
Mosquito season: How to identify symptoms of West Nile virus | Just The FAQs
Day And Night Walk! How To Deal With Mosquitos In Cambodia!