I remember one secret that was posted on BTB (if I'm not mistaken; maybe it was L-S) about a lolita who thought their own reflection was so cute, that they felt a strange impulse to pinch their own cheeks whenever they looked in a mirror. It's definitely one of the more wholesome secrets that were ever posted there, I hope that person is doing well today.
I loved poupee girl because it was the closest to alternative fashion social media we had that time. We could share our clothes photos, see other people's wardrobe, have some inspirations and dress up our avatars even if we still had no money or courage to show off to the world ourselves dressed up
I literally mourn the loss of Poupee Girl everyday. I played it since I has a highschooler in the 2000s. Every good report card, birthday, or holiday I begged my dad to buy me gems. I was active in the LiveJournal community for it and did comment clubs daily. So many hours and hundreds of dollars down the drain 😭
ive started using neocities as a way to basically hold all my wardrobe posts + blogging needs, it's basically just a free website host but it's a lot of fun that way! (Plus I made a coord builder on my site which is basically just a dressup game with all my pieces, has genuinely been helpful for planning out coords + new ideas)
One LJ that wasn't mentioned that I loved back in the day was wtfburando. It was for posting the worst/silliest/most ridiculous pieces. It was fun seeing some crazy stuff that you may not have before or roasting new releases that were not particularly liked at the time. I really wish that stuff existed outside of facebook now. I wasn't wearing the fashion for a long time, closed my facebook account and now can't make a new one. Then I realised that's where all the community is now. I wish I could meet other lolitas near me but I'm not sure how anymore😅
Lacebook started and ended during my hiatus so this is the first time I'm seeing what it looked like. As for the invitation system being accused of being "gatekeepy", it is abundantly clear to me from the moment you mentioned people complaining about it that the invitation system was for safety reasons. And all of the backstory that comes after that mentioning the reasons why it was started in the first place boils down to safety. The moment anyone complains about sign up requirements/vetting (like many fb comms now do, again for safety reasons) an alarm bell goes off in my head. Because why would you complain about something like that? If you're a lolita you won't have any trouble getting in because the community is for and by lolitas. The only reason I can think of that people would complain about it is because they're either creeps, predators or gawkers/spectators (people who like looking at people wearing lolita, and may even enjoy interacting with the comm, but have no intention to wear it themselves).
I wanted to respond about people finding lolita vetting gatekeepy. First, I fully support any style having rules and policies to keep it distinct and also keep members safe. I'm more of a gawker(in the very positive way, I just don't have time currently). A friend recently started putting chords together and was complaining how mean people are. I've been providing emotional support and last night, she said something that had me finally go look at her reddit posts. The mean comments were all super nice, understanding, and genuinely constructive crit THAT SHE ASKED FOR. I think some people see a subculture and they want people to blow smoke up their ass, to let them in and they get to be the popular girl. What they don't realize that they want, is lovebombing and is usually a very not good thing to have in your community.
@@dismurrart6648 If you've worn lolita in the past and simply don't have the time for it currently you're still more than welcome in the community in general. The gawkers/spectators comment is about people who just like to look at lolitas and don't have any intention of ever wearing it. Lor made a video about the time she was just starting out, and just like your friend she felt attacked by kind and genuine constructive criticism that she received from the community at that time. I hope that your friend will grow out of it as well. The reddit lolita community isn't the best (there are no safety features, there is no vetting, there is delayed and lax moderation, etc) but the one good thing about it is that there is a rule that concrit is allowed by default. That prevents it (or at least slows it down) from turning into a hugbox, as many other online lolita spaces have become. A hugbox is basically an online space where everything, regardless of quality, is praised and only positivity is allowed. Concrit doesn't fit within a hugbox so it's rarely given even if people ask for it. It's an environment in which growth is stunted. You're right, some people do find the lolita community and expect only praise. But then it's weird to ask for concrit in the first place. But I've seen it happen that people ask for it and then handle it poorly. Some years from now, hopefully sooner rather than later, your friend will look upon her beginner phase with a little bit of embarrassment, and then later with nostalgia.
@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 thank you! I appreciate it greatly. Tbh I love tons of different fashion and always wanted to do lolita but never got to. Earlier this year, we had a fire that destroyed my entire wardrobe and clothing collection so I'm reassessing everything from the ground up. I'm actually talking to a friend right now about getting started and hope to have a full coord or two within the year. And yeah, I can understand issues with some places being toxic and then the opposite side with toxic positivity. I like to make corsets. I remember my first one that actually fit, I was so proud of myself. I still think objectively i did do a great job! I posted it in fb and got some positive comments, but then also someone said "great job, xyz needs to be altered in this way." There was a period where this would have stung, and being reminded I'm not perfect still kinda did. I thanked the person and asked for suggestions and details instead. The next iteration looked even better and it's only because that person was generous with their wisdom, and I was receptive to concrit. The worst feeling when you want to improve is realizing someplace is a hugbox
getoffegl was one of the first groups I discovered when I got into the fashion and it’s a wonder that I continued wanting to be a part of the egl community so badly. It wasn’t anonymous and it was more like a public shaming ground for anyone posting things that were considered “too stupid” to post to the general EGL livejournal community. It was nice sometimes to see the community callout scammers and creeps but I know so many people who were victim to it simply for asking a “stupid question”. That being said, a lot of people are nostalgic for the LJ days but it’s the platform itself that fostered these types of blogs. Getoffegl wasn’t the first of it’s kind and the concept was taken from other shaming blogs like Fandom Wank or Stupid-Free which were dedicated to mocking people with certain hobbies or fandoms. On a lighter note, Hello Lace used to be my girl, I was devastated about her demise.
EGL LJ had absolutely no patience for anyone who asked a question that they could have found the answer to using the search function, even if it took hours of searching. Now things are really the opposite of that. We've made spaces exactly for people who want to ask questions without doing any homework themselves. This is fine, but it has given some people the impression that they can go around and ask basic questions everywhere, and that you're rude if you don't take time out of your day to answer them. You might be considered rude even if you give them a link to a guide instead of all of the info directly. Edited to add: the community was also much more aggressive in its approach to keep creeps out. That was a good thing, we need to start doing that again as a community.
I wish there was just a lolita based website. Maybe with how Facebook groups do the "answer three questions to gain access" to help keep it more lolita-based I really hate facebooks lay out, like a lot. Even if it was just a "hey, you can post pictures and comment on this lolita website (:" I would love that lol
Oh, wow! Learning things like this really is interesting. I got interested in lolita fashion when I was 11/12, so 2006/2007, but I was more of a background spectator, especially due to me having limited online time until the late 2010s. I didn’t know any of this.
I love Poupee Girl! I kept getting banned though because I guess the pictures of my clothes were too good haha. I like to take the background out of all of my clothing and the game just wasn't having it. It was too hard for me to fight against and eventually I just gave up.
Incredibly nostalgic. Thanks for making videos like this! I'm especially interested in web archival, and it's always nice to see people's discussions about these nostalgic lolita topics in the comments. Not only is it fun to reminisce, but there are always lots of important retrospectives in the comments.
Hi Lor! Love this video. Have you ever thought about making a video about the history makeup & lolita fashion or even a video about your makeup? I know a lot of lolitas used to say things like “natural makeup only” or even “makeup doesn’t have a place in lolita.” I love seeing people use makeup in interesting ways with their coords!
I used te go relatively OTT wi' a full face of make up in ma teens & most is twenties in Lolita(I copied a G&LBible ballerina inspired make up tutorial, that dusted blusher around the hairline, almost like Takarazuka stage make up) 🤔 only as ma spoons drop't, did I subscribe te the less is mair hing & went mair pseudo natural look. People should style their make up as they are fit, is ma feelin's, these days. Full face & bold choices are awesome. Though, ma low spoons butt, pats on some vintorte mineral silk powder, sometimes forgo's mascara fir sensory reasons(an' that bessame cake mascara refill is almost difficult te get in the uk), prefer a lipbalm(though, Ethique started te sell proper lippy, so allergy wise, I'm sorted these days), sometimes I'll forgo eyeshadow & blush, but I always try te put white eyeliner inside ma lower lashline if I can manage it. Sometimes,,,I "cheat" & use blusher as eyeshadow as well as blush. Other times I hink "well, mibbe ma glasses will somehow hide the severe dark circles round ma eyes,,,I'm only wearin' casual Lolita teday" 😸 an' I jus' wash ma face & put a wee bit of a light moisturiser on, then pop a cute sneezles mask on. I got some Sleep+ cotton gauze & thin cotton towelin' inner, allergy mask fir sleep, in 2018. But 2020 & beyond, they came in very handy beyond ma hayfever & dynamite allergies. So, now I take on the mask wearin' social attitude of Japan, when there's seasonal bugs about. So, long way fir a shortcut 😹 aye, yet video suggestion, I'm interested in that, as well. After watchin' the video about bullyin' 🤔 I wonder, no really expecting' the theme te be fully gone back te. But, the social stigma of a full face, or no face, of make up, seems a valid hing te discuss in a video on make up in Lolita fashion?
One way to engage in the lolita community that I really miss right now is the forum. Back in the 2000s there was the lolita forum called Blue Period. And it was pretty big for a while. I think it became inactive in 2007. It's listed in Ophelia's/cynicalneoprincessism's lolita history timeline post. My own local comm also had a forum (probably using the same system as Blue Period) for a while. We just organically moved to other platforms after a while, I don't remember when exactly or where we moved to. Could be we stayed solely on LJ for a while until we mass migrated to other platforms. I went on hiatus before the great migration wave from LJ so I don't remember the specifics. Never got into twitter, tumblr, etc.
I had completely firgotten about the Blue Period forum's 🙀 I hink I lurk't mair then posted there, as I was younger, less confident,,,an' really stress't disability wise(didny realised it's how much, until the past few years), back then. The memories are returnin' slowly, in a foggy wee haze 😹 most I remember is the layout & too banner hingy. The contents,,,I canne remember yet.
@kizzykhajiit Ah Kizzy it's good to see you here as well (we talk on fb sometimes as we are in the same groups, old school). I remember the banner well too, if you want to see the design of the forum and some of the topics that may be possible with "the way back machine ". I used to be really chatty on blue period because it had a section for lolitas who were sewing, and I was learning how to sew during that time.
loli secrets, getoffegl and a few other "drama sites" were operating in the same era iirc. GetoffEGL was originally intended to shame and make fun of people in the EGL LJ community who were bad for the community in some way or other, for example by repeatedly breaking the community rules, engaging in other boundary crossing behavior, ripping people off, asking the comm the same questions repeatedly, not wanting to learn despite being served help, etc. I don't remember if it kept to those original goals or if it became a more generalized drama site like loli secrets.
i looooove Poupeegirl! i completely forgot about that site omg. that site definitely kept my admiration for egl fashion growing when i couldn’t afford actual pieces 💗
Oh my lord, I remember browsing hellolace when I had to make a school homework and decided to talk about lolita fashion! And omg I spent so much time on poupee girl! ;;
tinierme was a similar website to poupee girl. it was a japanese virtual world where you can make your own chibi/anime style avatar and customize them as well as your in-game house. you could hang out in public areas or at your/your friends' houses, and there were also groups based on interests, typically relating to japanese media and pop culture, so within that space were a lot of j-fashion groups. you could also totally dress up your avatar in lolita style clothing and accessories that actually looked really good (because it was developed by a japanese company whose artists were assumably very up to date with japanese pop culture). the game shut down in 2012, but i still miss it every day. older internet users than me sometimes reminsce on niche forums they posted on in their youth, and that's how tinierme felt for me.
I was active on Poupee girl for a solid 3 years... I remember the only time I paid for anything on it was for a charity thing they were doing for the 2011 tsunami, If you donated a certain amount they gave you a little red balloon for your avatar to hold and a bunch of jewels. I laughed at the "poopie girl" comment because every time i'd be playing it and my older brother would see on my laptop he'd tease that i was on "the poopy website" (we were in our 20's btw lol)
kinda wish we could revive hellolace or have something similar that explains everything, maybe minus the wardrobe section where we could just link to lolibrary.
This was super informative and fascinating!! I remember all these websites and omg, it's making me miss my college years lol (To note: have I been pronouncing it wrong this whole time?? I thought it was Loh-LIE-brary?? I need to sit down)
Oh, nope. I don't use their specific apps for surfing internet places on mobile at all. :D I just go directly to my favorite website via phone's main internet browser and input the website's address or person's channel/patreon/profile direct link, same as I would do on computer. I don't really bookmark stuff unless it is like collection of niche shops or smth, I just either remember the full website's home address from the top of head, or I remember address of someplace else where I know the link is listed so I click through there. Rarely I just google specific websites with weird names or articles I want to read again or link to someone based on partially remembered phrases (and google's ability to find perfect copy of anything "inside these", and very very rarely I just randomly click through articles and read whatever catches my fancy, checking listed links as I go. So, I basically just remember bunch of about 50 addresses that I frequent more or less often and for shops and cafés etc. I just expect that any brand has set logicaly their web name as their brand name with .com or . national code.
There's a beneath the bows page but when I had a look at it, it was either straight up alt-right or something close to it. Either way, definitely avoid it.
i misssss websites so much lol sure having everything in basically a few websites its convenient but the early internet was so fun and colorful. i used to spend HOURS browsing those websites that just had a million links to other websites of the same theme (like anime turnpike? amazing) i know some websites still exist but the internet just isnt fun like it used to be lol now everything is so corporate looking. i desperately want there to be another poupee girl type website, i know its so hard for stuff like that to take off these days though so someone would really just have to have a passion for it and not care about turning a profit because they wouldn't. anyway on topic, i used hello lace so much in my early lolita days, it really is a shame that its gone because it was so informative. i did occasionally browse behind the bows. i never heard of lacebook until this video, its a shame it didnt take off because that would have been really nice. im all for more specialized websites tbh.
@@PrudenceSnickett I confess that it isn't the same experience anymore bc the wardrobe part was a very exciting part for me of poupee girl, to discover new brands, see different clothes, have inspiration for coordinates... They could have maintained it in bentewee. I'm sad because even this new site isn't very active nowadays. But I can't deny the dress up game is so beautiful, the clothes are so detailed and the itens are so pretty besides of the variety of styles
I considered leaving the informational parts online back when I was closing hello lace, but I didn't think anyone would really miss it tbh, so I didn't. Oops, haha. :') I'm still archiving things, but in a different community now. It's fun to see people enjoyed my old website back in the day though.
So I am brand new to Lolita. I've been admiring it over half of my life, but have not had the confidence or money. I'm in a better position now and would love any shopping tips. I went to taobao and am struggling to navigate. I'm also having issues knowing what I'm looking at, as most sites are in Chinese. I'm able to use translate for the most part, but certain things won't let me. Do you have any shopping tips for someone who is brand new?? I know Lolita is not a cheap fashion, but do you have any "budget friendly" sites for a newcomer?? Also, I keep hearing about shopping services but have no idea what that means or how they work. Could you maybe clarify that for me?? I also found a site called lolitian and am wondering if you have ever heard of it?? I am so sorry to bombard you with questions that I'm sure you're sick of answering, but i would truly appreciate anything you have to offer. I'm also on the bigger side. I wear like a size large, sometimes medium, but i also keep hearing that Lolita isn't always size friendly. But I really want a part of the fashion as well as the community. Any advice would be much appreciated, especially from you. If you have read this whole novel of a content, I appreciate it, and would appreciate a response even more. Lots of love. 💙💙
You in the bathroom for lolita secrets lmao. But honestly I just miss LiveJournal, like all the lolita comms and how you could make big posts like wardrobes.
As much as i loved PoupeeGirl, especially the artstyle🤔 i do feel, the whole "poupee police" hing went a wee bit OTT. The rules changed,,,so, people that before "no dolls" in yer photo uploads rules started, had posted a hairstylin' dolls heid wi' an IW bonnet on(aye, me)or a cuddly toy backpack wearin' an apron dress(basically whit Babytssb does these days), a couple years prior & had firgotten, could get their account lock't if the Poupee Police found out. I hae a suspicion, the hypocritcal rules,,,no doll item photo's on a doll dress up site 😹 really? *sigh* I feel that people used flaggin' profiles that didny know they had pre-crime broken the new rules, as a form of anonymous bullyin'. I hink, the fact the website wanted users wi' lock't profiles te formally apologise, basically grovel, in fluent Japanese, in an email, was enough te force english speakin' users aff the website. No everywan on the site knew Japanese. Personally, i know even japanese te read primary school level manga, so ma apology level woukd been like a toddler, an' it nade me feel really anxious & insecure. Back then, i didny know how te "speak truth to power", especially language barrier wise. I hink the web site moderaters, had some awfy misguided & misjudged rules & behaviours, that caused consequences fir the website. As a user that experienced it, i feel as if they didny really fully understand their own popularity wi' nonJapanese lolita, cultural differences, language barriers, an' how much the website attracted people that love dolls in general. An', well, we aw know elitism can grow bullies. An' the way the site was structured, had a tiered hierarchy mentality, that could lead te elitism & bullyin', almost accidentally encouragin' it. I hink quite a few factors led te its demise, an' its easy te see the website through PoupeeGirl sized rose tinted glasses, mibbe? I did consider the DS game, at the time, but it coincided wi' the new rules, that led te the Poupee Police sort of abusin' their power,,,or the users daein' it fir them. Sommit that wasny a crime, suddenly was, over their fear of ribbon farmin'. I got Wagamama Girls Mode, instead. I got heavier inte Style Boutique & Girls Mode, on ma ma sisters 3DS she handed doon te me, an' a 3DS LL i firced masel' te have te buy after i ordered Girls Mode(the wan wi' the dolls hoose theme, i hink)& couldny cancel it. In the Japanese version if the game, they do refer te "Babydoll", as lolita. So, aye,,,i hink the website "shot itself in the foot", and i assume users swap't tr different loli-able dress up games, that wereny as stressy in some ways.
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I remember one secret that was posted on BTB (if I'm not mistaken; maybe it was L-S) about a lolita who thought their own reflection was so cute, that they felt a strange impulse to pinch their own cheeks whenever they looked in a mirror. It's definitely one of the more wholesome secrets that were ever posted there, I hope that person is doing well today.
I loved poupee girl because it was the closest to alternative fashion social media we had that time. We could share our clothes photos, see other people's wardrobe, have some inspirations and dress up our avatars even if we still had no money or courage to show off to the world ourselves dressed up
This one
I would love to have something like this back again. Just having that avatar that I could dress up was so fun!
me too! I was Tiferet there :D
@YaelTiferet You were at Bentewee too? I remember an account with that name. Was Bentewee also closed? Lately it is impossible for me to login. 🥺
@@joicefreitas4135 No, I wasn't at Bentewee...I wonder if somebody else signed up as me?
I had a big closet for both IRL and my avatar...
I literally mourn the loss of Poupee Girl everyday. I played it since I has a highschooler in the 2000s. Every good report card, birthday, or holiday I begged my dad to buy me gems. I was active in the LiveJournal community for it and did comment clubs daily. So many hours and hundreds of dollars down the drain 😭
the loss hurts but the money and time isn't down the drain, it was well spent making you happy and giving you memories to cherish forever ❤
you can still play it, it's under another name and lacks some functions but the dress up and the stores are all there
@@PlayerLolita it's called bentewee!
What name?
ive started using neocities as a way to basically hold all my wardrobe posts + blogging needs, it's basically just a free website host but it's a lot of fun that way! (Plus I made a coord builder on my site which is basically just a dressup game with all my pieces, has genuinely been helpful for planning out coords + new ideas)
what is ur website called? i love neocities maybe I've seen it before !
@@cloversplace smokeylita! its mostly a personal site that i just keep up for my own needs but yea!
One LJ that wasn't mentioned that I loved back in the day was wtfburando. It was for posting the worst/silliest/most ridiculous pieces. It was fun seeing some crazy stuff that you may not have before or roasting new releases that were not particularly liked at the time.
I really wish that stuff existed outside of facebook now. I wasn't wearing the fashion for a long time, closed my facebook account and now can't make a new one. Then I realised that's where all the community is now. I wish I could meet other lolitas near me but I'm not sure how anymore😅
Oh man I miss wtf burando. That was so much fun
Lacebook started and ended during my hiatus so this is the first time I'm seeing what it looked like. As for the invitation system being accused of being "gatekeepy", it is abundantly clear to me from the moment you mentioned people complaining about it that the invitation system was for safety reasons. And all of the backstory that comes after that mentioning the reasons why it was started in the first place boils down to safety. The moment anyone complains about sign up requirements/vetting (like many fb comms now do, again for safety reasons) an alarm bell goes off in my head. Because why would you complain about something like that? If you're a lolita you won't have any trouble getting in because the community is for and by lolitas. The only reason I can think of that people would complain about it is because they're either creeps, predators or gawkers/spectators (people who like looking at people wearing lolita, and may even enjoy interacting with the comm, but have no intention to wear it themselves).
I wanted to respond about people finding lolita vetting gatekeepy.
First, I fully support any style having rules and policies to keep it distinct and also keep members safe.
I'm more of a gawker(in the very positive way, I just don't have time currently). A friend recently started putting chords together and was complaining how mean people are. I've been providing emotional support and last night, she said something that had me finally go look at her reddit posts.
The mean comments were all super nice, understanding, and genuinely constructive crit THAT SHE ASKED FOR.
I think some people see a subculture and they want people to blow smoke up their ass, to let them in and they get to be the popular girl. What they don't realize that they want, is lovebombing and is usually a very not good thing to have in your community.
@@dismurrart6648 If you've worn lolita in the past and simply don't have the time for it currently you're still more than welcome in the community in general. The gawkers/spectators comment is about people who just like to look at lolitas and don't have any intention of ever wearing it.
Lor made a video about the time she was just starting out, and just like your friend she felt attacked by kind and genuine constructive criticism that she received from the community at that time. I hope that your friend will grow out of it as well.
The reddit lolita community isn't the best (there are no safety features, there is no vetting, there is delayed and lax moderation, etc) but the one good thing about it is that there is a rule that concrit is allowed by default. That prevents it (or at least slows it down) from turning into a hugbox, as many other online lolita spaces have become. A hugbox is basically an online space where everything, regardless of quality, is praised and only positivity is allowed. Concrit doesn't fit within a hugbox so it's rarely given even if people ask for it. It's an environment in which growth is stunted.
You're right, some people do find the lolita community and expect only praise. But then it's weird to ask for concrit in the first place. But I've seen it happen that people ask for it and then handle it poorly. Some years from now, hopefully sooner rather than later, your friend will look upon her beginner phase with a little bit of embarrassment, and then later with nostalgia.
@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 thank you! I appreciate it greatly. Tbh I love tons of different fashion and always wanted to do lolita but never got to. Earlier this year, we had a fire that destroyed my entire wardrobe and clothing collection so I'm reassessing everything from the ground up. I'm actually talking to a friend right now about getting started and hope to have a full coord or two within the year.
And yeah, I can understand issues with some places being toxic and then the opposite side with toxic positivity.
I like to make corsets. I remember my first one that actually fit, I was so proud of myself. I still think objectively i did do a great job!
I posted it in fb and got some positive comments, but then also someone said "great job, xyz needs to be altered in this way."
There was a period where this would have stung, and being reminded I'm not perfect still kinda did. I thanked the person and asked for suggestions and details instead.
The next iteration looked even better and it's only because that person was generous with their wisdom, and I was receptive to concrit.
The worst feeling when you want to improve is realizing someplace is a hugbox
i used to be SO proud of my poupee girl, when the site discontinued i was soooo sad
getoffegl was one of the first groups I discovered when I got into the fashion and it’s a wonder that I continued wanting to be a part of the egl community so badly. It wasn’t anonymous and it was more like a public shaming ground for anyone posting things that were considered “too stupid” to post to the general EGL livejournal community. It was nice sometimes to see the community callout scammers and creeps but I know so many people who were victim to it simply for asking a “stupid question”. That being said, a lot of people are nostalgic for the LJ days but it’s the platform itself that fostered these types of blogs. Getoffegl wasn’t the first of it’s kind and the concept was taken from other shaming blogs like Fandom Wank or Stupid-Free which were dedicated to mocking people with certain hobbies or fandoms. On a lighter note, Hello Lace used to be my girl, I was devastated about her demise.
EGL LJ had absolutely no patience for anyone who asked a question that they could have found the answer to using the search function, even if it took hours of searching. Now things are really the opposite of that. We've made spaces exactly for people who want to ask questions without doing any homework themselves. This is fine, but it has given some people the impression that they can go around and ask basic questions everywhere, and that you're rude if you don't take time out of your day to answer them. You might be considered rude even if you give them a link to a guide instead of all of the info directly.
Edited to add: the community was also much more aggressive in its approach to keep creeps out. That was a good thing, we need to start doing that again as a community.
I wish there was just a lolita based website. Maybe with how Facebook groups do the "answer three questions to gain access" to help keep it more lolita-based
I really hate facebooks lay out, like a lot.
Even if it was just a "hey, you can post pictures and comment on this lolita website (:" I would love that lol
Oh, wow! Learning things like this really is interesting. I got interested in lolita fashion when I was 11/12, so 2006/2007, but I was more of a background spectator, especially due to me having limited online time until the late 2010s. I didn’t know any of this.
I love Poupee Girl! I kept getting banned though because I guess the pictures of my clothes were too good haha. I like to take the background out of all of my clothing and the game just wasn't having it. It was too hard for me to fight against and eventually I just gave up.
Lor your makeup in this video looks so gorgeous!! It compliments your features very nicely
Incredibly nostalgic. Thanks for making videos like this! I'm especially interested in web archival, and it's always nice to see people's discussions about these nostalgic lolita topics in the comments. Not only is it fun to reminisce, but there are always lots of important retrospectives in the comments.
Listening Lor talking about body wash scents made me crave tea. So midnight tea time it is~
You look so cute in this video and I'm really into the attention to detail in the editing! Awesome as always!
HelloLace was one of the first resources i came across in 2014. I loved that site!
Poupee girl and tinierme was my gacha in the 2011's ahahahahaha
For now I'm settling with the tinierme dupe cocopaplay
Hi Lor! Love this video. Have you ever thought about making a video about the history makeup & lolita fashion or even a video about your makeup? I know a lot of lolitas used to say things like “natural makeup only” or even “makeup doesn’t have a place in lolita.” I love seeing people use makeup in interesting ways with their coords!
I never agreed with this, lolita is such a ott fashion, why shouldn't the makeup match 😂
I used te go relatively OTT wi' a full face of make up in ma teens & most is twenties in Lolita(I copied a G&LBible ballerina inspired make up tutorial, that dusted blusher around the hairline, almost like Takarazuka stage make up) 🤔 only as ma spoons drop't, did I subscribe te the less is mair hing & went mair pseudo natural look.
People should style their make up as they are fit, is ma feelin's, these days.
Full face & bold choices are awesome.
Though, ma low spoons butt, pats on some vintorte mineral silk powder, sometimes forgo's mascara fir sensory reasons(an' that bessame cake mascara refill is almost difficult te get in the uk), prefer a lipbalm(though, Ethique started te sell proper lippy, so allergy wise, I'm sorted these days), sometimes I'll forgo eyeshadow & blush, but I always try te put white eyeliner inside ma lower lashline if I can manage it.
Sometimes,,,I "cheat" & use blusher as eyeshadow as well as blush.
Other times I hink "well, mibbe ma glasses will somehow hide the severe dark circles round ma eyes,,,I'm only wearin' casual Lolita teday" 😸 an' I jus' wash ma face & put a wee bit of a light moisturiser on, then pop a cute sneezles mask on. I got some Sleep+ cotton gauze & thin cotton towelin' inner, allergy mask fir sleep, in 2018. But 2020 & beyond, they came in very handy beyond ma hayfever & dynamite allergies. So, now I take on the mask wearin' social attitude of Japan, when there's seasonal bugs about.
So, long way fir a shortcut 😹 aye, yet video suggestion, I'm interested in that, as well.
After watchin' the video about bullyin' 🤔 I wonder, no really expecting' the theme te be fully gone back te. But, the social stigma of a full face, or no face, of make up, seems a valid hing te discuss in a video on make up in Lolita fashion?
poupéegirl is so nostalgic! I had completely forgot about it!!
One way to engage in the lolita community that I really miss right now is the forum. Back in the 2000s there was the lolita forum called Blue Period. And it was pretty big for a while. I think it became inactive in 2007. It's listed in Ophelia's/cynicalneoprincessism's lolita history timeline post.
My own local comm also had a forum (probably using the same system as Blue Period) for a while. We just organically moved to other platforms after a while, I don't remember when exactly or where we moved to. Could be we stayed solely on LJ for a while until we mass migrated to other platforms. I went on hiatus before the great migration wave from LJ so I don't remember the specifics. Never got into twitter, tumblr, etc.
I had completely firgotten about the Blue Period forum's 🙀 I hink I lurk't mair then posted there, as I was younger, less confident,,,an' really stress't disability wise(didny realised it's how much, until the past few years), back then.
The memories are returnin' slowly, in a foggy wee haze 😹 most I remember is the layout & too banner hingy. The contents,,,I canne remember yet.
@kizzykhajiit Ah Kizzy it's good to see you here as well (we talk on fb sometimes as we are in the same groups, old school).
I remember the banner well too, if you want to see the design of the forum and some of the topics that may be possible with "the way back machine ". I used to be really chatty on blue period because it had a section for lolitas who were sewing, and I was learning how to sew during that time.
loli secrets, getoffegl and a few other "drama sites" were operating in the same era iirc. GetoffEGL was originally intended to shame and make fun of people in the EGL LJ community who were bad for the community in some way or other, for example by repeatedly breaking the community rules, engaging in other boundary crossing behavior, ripping people off, asking the comm the same questions repeatedly, not wanting to learn despite being served help, etc. I don't remember if it kept to those original goals or if it became a more generalized drama site like loli secrets.
i looooove Poupeegirl! i completely forgot about that site omg. that site definitely kept my admiration for egl fashion growing when i couldn’t afford actual pieces 💗
This got me thinking about other defunct sites, like dolls palace
As a native french speaker, your pronunciation of "poupée" is perfect ❤
Oh my lord, I remember browsing hellolace when I had to make a school homework and decided to talk about lolita fashion! And omg I spent so much time on poupee girl! ;;
Lor you have hit the absolute intersection of my interests congratulations
tinierme was a similar website to poupee girl. it was a japanese virtual world where you can make your own chibi/anime style avatar and customize them as well as your in-game house. you could hang out in public areas or at your/your friends' houses, and there were also groups based on interests, typically relating to japanese media and pop culture, so within that space were a lot of j-fashion groups. you could also totally dress up your avatar in lolita style clothing and accessories that actually looked really good (because it was developed by a japanese company whose artists were assumably very up to date with japanese pop culture). the game shut down in 2012, but i still miss it every day. older internet users than me sometimes reminsce on niche forums they posted on in their youth, and that's how tinierme felt for me.
as a native french speaker I think calling it poopy girl is hilarious
I was active on Poupee girl for a solid 3 years... I remember the only time I paid for anything on it was for a charity thing they were doing for the 2011 tsunami, If you donated a certain amount they gave you a little red balloon for your avatar to hold and a bunch of jewels. I laughed at the "poopie girl" comment because every time i'd be playing it and my older brother would see on my laptop he'd tease that i was on "the poopy website" (we were in our 20's btw lol)
kinda wish we could revive hellolace or have something similar that explains everything, maybe minus the wardrobe section where we could just link to lolibrary.
when the curtain opened and I saw you were filming the lolita secrets part in the bathroom I actually shrieked out loud
This was super informative and fascinating!! I remember all these websites and omg, it's making me miss my college years lol
(To note: have I been pronouncing it wrong this whole time?? I thought it was Loh-LIE-brary?? I need to sit down)
really hoping a programmer watches this and gives us something cute lol I liked that one that was only up for a month it was really cute
Lol I still do the bookmark thing on my phone...I don't have a lot of apps
Poupée actually had 2 ds games, mint and pink.
A website that I recall from the late 00’s to the early 10’s was a little site called Lolita Snap.
Oh, nope. I don't use their specific apps for surfing internet places on mobile at all. :D I just go directly to my favorite website via phone's main internet browser and input the website's address or person's channel/patreon/profile direct link, same as I would do on computer. I don't really bookmark stuff unless it is like collection of niche shops or smth, I just either remember the full website's home address from the top of head, or I remember address of someplace else where I know the link is listed so I click through there.
Rarely I just google specific websites with weird names or articles I want to read again or link to someone based on partially remembered phrases (and google's ability to find perfect copy of anything "inside these", and very very rarely I just randomly click through articles and read whatever catches my fancy, checking listed links as I go.
So, I basically just remember bunch of about 50 addresses that I frequent more or less often and for shops and cafés etc. I just expect that any brand has set logicaly their web name as their brand name with .com or . national code.
There's a beneath the bows page but when I had a look at it, it was either straight up alt-right or something close to it. Either way, definitely avoid it.
I feel like Discord servers have replaced a lot of the small individual websites, for better or for worse.
i misssss websites so much lol sure having everything in basically a few websites its convenient but the early internet was so fun and colorful. i used to spend HOURS browsing those websites that just had a million links to other websites of the same theme (like anime turnpike? amazing) i know some websites still exist but the internet just isnt fun like it used to be lol now everything is so corporate looking. i desperately want there to be another poupee girl type website, i know its so hard for stuff like that to take off these days though so someone would really just have to have a passion for it and not care about turning a profit because they wouldn't. anyway on topic, i used hello lace so much in my early lolita days, it really is a shame that its gone because it was so informative. i did occasionally browse behind the bows. i never heard of lacebook until this video, its a shame it didnt take off because that would have been really nice. im all for more specialized websites tbh.
The "social part" of poupeegirl with the real wardrobes and such is quite gone but you can still play dressup with your poupee (google bentewee)
@@PrudenceSnickett I confess that it isn't the same experience anymore bc the wardrobe part was a very exciting part for me of poupee girl, to discover new brands, see different clothes, have inspiration for coordinates... They could have maintained it in bentewee. I'm sad because even this new site isn't very active nowadays. But I can't deny the dress up game is so beautiful, the clothes are so detailed and the itens are so pretty besides of the variety of styles
Poupee Girl my beloved 😢
*zoom eyes on the blurred out Avant Gauche logo in the last slide*
I used hello lace and pouppeee girl back in the day. But, um I’d be down for a long furb community website 😂😂😂😂 ❤
I considered leaving the informational parts online back when I was closing hello lace, but I didn't think anyone would really miss it tbh, so I didn't. Oops, haha. :')
I'm still archiving things, but in a different community now. It's fun to see people enjoyed my old website back in the day though.
i LOVE the classic shoujo OP Lor is wearing in this video, may some1 tell me where it's from please? thx !!
hiya !! thank you so much for all of your videos lor, i really love them and as a beginner lolita it really helps me out ! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Personally I use the internet in both ways but I miss those days when the forums I like were more active than nowadays.
Oh that's gonna be nostalgic to watch huh
So I am brand new to Lolita. I've been admiring it over half of my life, but have not had the confidence or money. I'm in a better position now and would love any shopping tips. I went to taobao and am struggling to navigate. I'm also having issues knowing what I'm looking at, as most sites are in Chinese. I'm able to use translate for the most part, but certain things won't let me. Do you have any shopping tips for someone who is brand new?? I know Lolita is not a cheap fashion, but do you have any "budget friendly" sites for a newcomer??
Also, I keep hearing about shopping services but have no idea what that means or how they work. Could you maybe clarify that for me??
I also found a site called lolitian and am wondering if you have ever heard of it??
I am so sorry to bombard you with questions that I'm sure you're sick of answering, but i would truly appreciate anything you have to offer. I'm also on the bigger side. I wear like a size large, sometimes medium, but i also keep hearing that Lolita isn't always size friendly. But I really want a part of the fashion as well as the community. Any advice would be much appreciated, especially from you.
If you have read this whole novel of a content, I appreciate it, and would appreciate a response even more.
Lots of love. 💙💙
the absolute menace that is milan-ew, to still have to tiptoe around them😅
👗 history! 💗💗💗
You in the bathroom for lolita secrets lmao. But honestly I just miss LiveJournal, like all the lolita comms and how you could make big posts like wardrobes.
Imho, invitation only sites while yes sucks that you're excluded, helps monitor the site better, you know who is on the site
God I miss hellolace. Lolibrary is clearly the superior replacement but hellolace just had so much charm
I’m still on tumblr but I’m not anything resembling a good example
nice new hair
1st like!
As much as i loved PoupeeGirl, especially the artstyle🤔 i do feel, the whole "poupee police" hing went a wee bit OTT. The rules changed,,,so, people that before "no dolls" in yer photo uploads rules started, had posted a hairstylin' dolls heid wi' an IW bonnet on(aye, me)or a cuddly toy backpack wearin' an apron dress(basically whit Babytssb does these days), a couple years prior & had firgotten, could get their account lock't if the Poupee Police found out. I hae a suspicion, the hypocritcal rules,,,no doll item photo's on a doll dress up site 😹 really? *sigh* I feel that people used flaggin' profiles that didny know they had pre-crime broken the new rules, as a form of anonymous bullyin'. I hink, the fact the website wanted users wi' lock't profiles te formally apologise, basically grovel, in fluent Japanese, in an email, was enough te force english speakin' users aff the website. No everywan on the site knew Japanese. Personally, i know even japanese te read primary school level manga, so ma apology level woukd been like a toddler, an' it nade me feel really anxious & insecure. Back then, i didny know how te "speak truth to power", especially language barrier wise.
I hink the web site moderaters, had some awfy misguided & misjudged rules & behaviours, that caused consequences fir the website. As a user that experienced it, i feel as if they didny really fully understand their own popularity wi' nonJapanese lolita, cultural differences, language barriers, an' how much the website attracted people that love dolls in general.
An', well, we aw know elitism can grow bullies.
An' the way the site was structured, had a tiered hierarchy mentality, that could lead te elitism & bullyin', almost accidentally encouragin' it.
I hink quite a few factors led te its demise, an' its easy te see the website through PoupeeGirl sized rose tinted glasses, mibbe?
I did consider the DS game, at the time, but it coincided wi' the new rules, that led te the Poupee Police sort of abusin' their power,,,or the users daein' it fir them. Sommit that wasny a crime, suddenly was, over their fear of ribbon farmin'.
I got Wagamama Girls Mode, instead.
I got heavier inte Style Boutique & Girls Mode, on ma ma sisters 3DS she handed doon te me, an' a 3DS LL i firced masel' te have te buy after i ordered Girls Mode(the wan wi' the dolls hoose theme, i hink)& couldny cancel it. In the Japanese version if the game, they do refer te "Babydoll", as lolita.
So, aye,,,i hink the website "shot itself in the foot", and i assume users swap't tr different loli-able dress up games, that wereny as stressy in some ways.
...milanoo still exists?