I was pretty delighted that Zhao Yun finally got more deserved spotlight in Warriors Orochi 4. An improvement over his pathetic showing in Warriors Orochi 3 and Ultimate. I mean seriously, in WO3 and Ultimate, Zhao Yun only had one cutscene in this battle but he didn’t speak at all and had spoke generic lines in-battle. In WO4 however, he got a cutscene fighting Yukimura in a deification form and it gave Zhao Yun more screen time along with unique dialogue than he had in WO3/Ultimate... It’s kinda sad actually.
I was pretty delighted that Zhao Yun finally got more deserved spotlight in Warriors Orochi 4.
An improvement over his pathetic showing in Warriors Orochi 3 and Ultimate.
I mean seriously, in WO3 and Ultimate, Zhao Yun only had one cutscene in this battle but he didn’t speak at all and had spoke generic lines in-battle. In WO4 however, he got a cutscene fighting Yukimura in a deification form and it gave Zhao Yun more screen time along with unique dialogue than he had in WO3/Ultimate... It’s kinda sad actually.
My favorite 3 characters are: Benkei,Ina and Zhao Yun.
Who is your favorite 3 characters?
Sima Yi, Yuan Shao, Kotaro Fuma