In the overlay, the background of the timer, there's grey bars. And they actually indicate the time in binary for each hour/minute/tens/seconds/milliseconds vertically.
Hey guys so I've spent 35 mins looking for a video that not just skips the vile text for the fight but the actual fight altogether... I've looked at famous runners and none... So I don't know how I did this but I was able to skip the entire fight and proceed with the stage altogether.. I recorded for proof but again I dunno what I did lol...
Epic! :D walrus is too hard on himself tho, he was showcasing the hardest strats even while blowing it on the easy stuff xD not everyone is as critical as the couch
"Games Done Quick Express is our new mini-event series, expanding upon GDQ's two main events. GDQx 2018 took place at TwitchCon 2018, benefiting the TwitchCon Charity Plaza, from October 26th-28th."
If you play the NA Super Nintendo version the Hadoken DOES work on the final rat boss, it takes two hits though. I tried hundreds of times to get it right.
Hayden Brown I finished the one on psp and the app store. With all the armor hehe. Played it on the SNES before but i didn’t get the chance to 100% it back then.
Runner introduction starts at 0:28.
Run starts at 1:17.
The way he looked at the camera :D
In the overlay, the background of the timer, there's grey bars. And they actually indicate the time in binary for each hour/minute/tens/seconds/milliseconds vertically.
Lol I just noticed that
Oh hey legend has it that hadouken power-up was unveiled in Nintendo Power magazine on April Fools day! xD lmao
Zero is like “ you could have killed him in 1 shot? Why didn’t you lead with that?”
15:32 one of the hardest jumps in MMX, he did it with no effort lol
I need him to do that for me lol
That jump is child’s play compared to iceless in Kuwanger lol
this one is pretty easy for me and i can't even pull out half of the speedrunning tricks he did, i think you just get it with practice
Hey guys so I've spent 35 mins looking for a video that not just skips the vile text for the fight but the actual fight altogether... I've looked at famous runners and none... So I don't know how I did this but I was able to skip the entire fight and proceed with the stage altogether.. I recorded for proof but again I dunno what I did lol...
This is probably the one game I could speed run. That and SMW
Great Hadoken% run!
Doing armored armadillo’s stage without taking damage also works to make it show up. Only if all items are with you.
No, it doesn’t.
I have no idea what the phantom grabs are
Best part is I just beat this game last weak, now its time to see how bad I was!
How I feel watching any speedrun on any game I've ever played.
So fun fact: In Street Fighter II World Warrior, Ryu did have a special move that did 32 damage. It just was the Hadoken. It was the Shoryuken
28:39 Why does he intentionally take damage here? I know he gives a brief explanation, but I didnt understand??
He is about to go in a unwinnable fight with the Vile armor and wants to trigger the plot asap
When spark mandrill dies he dabs
Fuck, now i cannot unsee it
Epic! :D walrus is too hard on himself tho, he was showcasing the hardest strats even while blowing it on the easy stuff xD not everyone is as critical as the couch
That final boss in the gauntlet reminds me of the final form of Onox in Oracle of Seasons
Capcom also helped develop Oracle of Seasons. Oh, they knew.
Is Zero orange or red? I used to ask that question about Ken from Street Fighter 2!! (I had it on the Genesis.)
Keep it up for all the runners
I never watch these live, wtf is GDQX? A third one?
From what I understand, it's a new, smaller event in between SGDQ and AGDQ... maybe for runners who can't make it to the Winter event?
Read the description
It was a mini-GDQ held during Twitchcon
"Games Done Quick Express is our new mini-event series, expanding upon GDQ's two main events. GDQx 2018 took place at TwitchCon 2018, benefiting the TwitchCon Charity Plaza, from October 26th-28th."
Yeah. It's a way smaller event
I was wondering the same thing. I've not heard of this before, but it's got a full room of people and a whole ton of runs so I'm really curious.
No magic carpet :(
I love so much this gme
What's happening at 9:47 ?
He explains it shortly after. It's a frame perfect play
damn, if that sting chameleon run wasn't the smoothest thing i've ever seen! haha
The RNG is strong in this one
No Mega Man XI runs yet, or is that coming up?
TSLMachine the game is to new so we might not see it until AGDQ but more than likely at SGDQ.
@@onlylk He said Mega Man XI, not Mega Man 11. He was making a pun on the name.
...Unless he somehow really didn't know.
If you play the NA Super Nintendo version the Hadoken DOES work on the final rat boss, it takes two hits though. I tried hundreds of times to get it right.
Final rat boss? Hadouken does not affect signma 2 at all. The dog yes, and signma yes it works but not Sigma 2. Hes immune.
X1 is so arcade. The sigma form 2 is the best Sigma battle, they've made harder but none have topped this.
I hate sigma 2 cause he’s damn near impossible without shoryuken.
Zero death count: 1
He’s goin on a Fun Run...get it?
Ummm I think that you forgot to get the heart in chil penguin.
Royal Collectables 17:20 18:10
18:08 :)
Walrus: I'm sure we'll never see Zero in a MMX game again.
Megaman X3: 🤨🤨🤨
Man I just beat Megaman x for the first time and I played this game completely wrong
Lol only at gdq.
jerk birds are the worst
F 😂😂
I still can’t beat the game even at 100%. Leik if u cri evreytim
Ddawg McDawg I beat it for the first time yesterday and I sucked at it. You got this!
Hayden Brown I finished the one on psp and the app store.
With all the armor hehe.
Played it on the SNES before but i didn’t get the chance to 100% it back then.
anything wrong happens in a run rng rng ! lol