We made a WEDNESDAY ADDAMS Animatronic!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Jaimie and Jay turn a 3’ haunted Home Depot animatronic doll into the new Wednesday Addams!
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Wednesday Adams Dress - amzn.to/3EWxjip
Acrylic Paints
Ping Pong Balls - amzn.to/3gjJ4Wq
Irises - amzn.to/3GyDf2g
Hot Glue - amzn.to/3qz1vbG
Super Glue - amzn.to/3ufbjIX
Paint Brushes - amzn.to/3cUgbhG
Hot Glue Gun - amzn.to/3Nv4iuR
Exacto Knife - amzn.to/3NquvuA
The new Wednesday show comes out on Netflix this week and we’re so excited! We’re huge fans of the Addam’s Family, it’s being directed by Tim Burton AND Jenna Ortega looks like she’s going to do FANTASTIC job. Fingers crossed that it will actually be as good as it looks.
While we were browsing Home Depot this past Halloween season, we came across this super creepy animatronic doll. She’s the size of a small child, but her face looks like it’s made of broken porcelain and one of her eyes glows red for some unknown reason. She was the perfect candidate for a Halloween animatronic makeover.
Our life sized custom Wednesday Addams doll started with a full face repaint. We gave her hand painted eyes, new hair, a new costume, and replaced her giant hobbit feet with boots.
We hope you enjoy our DIY Wednesday Addams OOAK doll tutorial. If you want to see more Halloween DIY projects or Spirit Halloween Animatronic makeovers, we have a TON on our channel. Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!! There are links to everything we used in the video description.
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I was the first one to comment
I have a question can you maybe make a scary Christmas craft?
Happy early Halloween 🎃
I watched this last night and I continue to be amazed by the creativity you both posess!!! You're the COOL house to visit on Halloween and you both seem really cool!! If I were still of this earth I'd certainly want to be your neighbor!!!
You should make an automatic calendar that counts down the days till haloween like the on in nightmare before Christmas
Couldn't have picked a better doll/voice box for Wednesday!!! Her wanting to play with you has the perfect sadistic undertones for her character!
Yeh fr she was my favorite mean character 😂😂
Drop the pitch a lil in the voice and it's gold
@@d.menace9256 that's not how you spell it...
I like how they show how the original animatronic works instead of just changing it and showing what they did. It really shows how complicated some of these peojects can be
She turned out great! Just one step into all year videos! Could y’all’s next video maybe be about or with Krampus? I want to make a krampus decoration of some sort and don’t know what. And it would go along with Christmas! I don’t know whatever y’all think I’m perfectly fine with! Stay safe and have an awesome day!
Thanks JM!
I support a krampus video. That would be amazing 🤩
@@cghancoc right?!
I really appreciate your videos and approach to crafting and I love that you went with a softer makeover compared to your most recent videos.
I'm in the doll customizing community and my advice about filling the cracks is to use a light layer of wet epoxy putty. You can squish it in the grooves and you'll need little to no sanding.
Thanks!! That’s a great tip. 😄😄😄
I was going to suggest the same thing. A two part epoxy putty, such as apoxie sculpt or milliput. You know that crack filler will crumble off eventually, but an epoxy should be permanent. It's what all of the pros are using to customize dolls, breyers, schleichs, etc. Lol
I love how the creepy factor is just amplified times 1000000 when you take her clothes off.
It was when the hair came off for me...
Having not watched the video yet.... that's really weird out of context.
That’s what my ex said about me! 🤣
@@Jasmine-wn9ek Admittedly, I also have that effect on people. _high five_
So excited to see y’all posting all year! Congrats on going full time!
Thanks!! 🤘🏼😄
I did this to our Spirit Halloween Angeline figure. She turned out great, like yours and the trick or treaters loved her.
As a fan of Halloween AND doll customization, this hits two points of interest for me that I never expected to see from you guys! 😆🖤 She looks so good!!
Same, its awesome!
I LOVE her! And I love the inclusion of her Marie Antoinette doll! Great touch! Super excited for the Wednesday search. Glad it coming out before thanksgiving as, well the scene from Addams Family Values, but mostly cause I'll be home and can watch it with my Dad who introduced me to the Addams Family
Ah that was the name of her doll I couldn't remember it's interesting seeing her in color when your used to watching the original show in black and white I hope the Netflix series will be good
That's an amazing transformation... Wow. You guys hit this transformation out of the park. The spackle compound to fill the gaps on the plastic head does make me a bit nervous because maybe when that dries out it will separate and then fall out. I would think something more like epoxy or a body filler of some type would be better in that application.... I mean we're usually add the cracks to our props LOL... But I'd like to know if it ever becomes an issue because if that works, that's really good to know!
Thanks!! Yeah we’ll keep an eye on it
@@WickedMakers LOL... Yes... I saw how you keep an "Eye" on things... that was hilarious that you guys put on the prop's hair and the ping ball eye. I have to admit that I've _NEVER_ done that myself (uh... well not admitting to it at least) LOL
LOVE the addition of the doll! Her face came out absolutely PERFECT! Love seeing these!!
She looks great!! her face paint makeup is perfect !! great job
You guys need to make “ Thing” hand now!
Amazing job!!! Fun fact: Her headless doll is actually called Marie Antoinette!
That was a stunning makeover! Love the process on the eyes!
Turned out great!
I add my voice and my vote for a massive over the top, all stops pulled out Krampus build with Christmas coming up! Go for it guys!
Awesome build as usually but Please make the whole family Please Please pretty Please with sugar on top!
So cool! What an amazing job on the head. The fact that your sphynx cat was hanging out is so funny, my family used to have a sphynx with the exact same coloring named Wednesday. Talk about a coincidence.
Wednesday Addams is my favorite Addams Family ever🖤 She's so cute👧🏻
Wow you guys are top notch when it comes to this sort of stuff…such talent😊
Please do a demogorgon!!! Also, loved this makeover! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Your my favorite TH-camr I love how you turn toys so cool
I'm jealous, rarely find good anamatronics in UK at non exorbitant prices.
This came out so good. So glad you guys are continuing to make videos even with Halloween over. I'd love to see Holiday themed stuff from you; a Krampus would be amazing to see. But honestly, anything yall put out is worth a watch.
Next time you buy this doll to give it a makeover, try making her actually look porcelain & other improvements upon the original intended concept! This was really great though! 👍
Aww your cat is cute
Welcome back guys! Love the Wednesday Adam's make over, looks great!
She's adorable! You should use the old feet for a little goblin guy, there's not enough Halloween goblins in my opinion.
Wow awesome!!! So much better than before 🖤the paint job on the face is so so good 😍
I know it's a bit off brand (or very off brand) but it would be cool to see you guys do some Christmas-themed projects.
We’re working on a big one now 🤘🏼🤘🏼😄
@@WickedMakers Nice! I'll stay tuned for that 😀
If you can score another one of those animatronics, it would be awesome to make a Chucky or Bride of Chucky version. That would be fun to watch.
Very cool 😀
This has to be one of your absolute BEST creations. It looks so different. Fan-frickin-tastic!!! Love it. I'm looking forward to the show as well. It's taking too long. #wednesdayaddams
Thank you!!!!
Oh my gosh I can’t believe that I didn’t see this video when it came out but I’m glad I found it now
You can always convert the battery power to a plug-in power, Just find a dc power block with the same voltage as the batters with the same or higher amp rating!
Yeah that’s a good idea
@@WickedMakers you can harvest the power connectors from other electrics or from electronic stores or even Amazon.
I have another idea, there is this thing that lets you direct sound like a laser, and ok only the people to uh aim it at can hear the sound. Imaging this being directed at people walking up your drive. It sounds like someone is standing next to you. Even the person next to you won't hear it unless they are in the direct path of the sound! I want to make one
The final result was amazing!❤❤Wonderful job guys!
I love this keep up the good work!😊
Another Wicked Transformation! Loved how this turned out and I am really looking forward to the Netflix series!
Thanks!! We are too
Please read to the end. 1st of all you guys are the masters of creating all things creepy and wonderful. I just finished watching the Netflix series in one night so good. So I'm a little confused Wednesday Adam's eyes are black not brown um just like solid black. It was very striking that's why I remember it. And she's very pale. But you gave her more human skin tones. I am not criticizing your work because like I said you are the masters and your doll came out gorgeous! There is nothing you too cannot do!!I absolutely love your personalities and who you guys are so thank you for sharing your imagination in your art with us God-bless.
I love this makeover, awesome stuff, looking forward to seeing your next one 👏💀🦇🪦
you guys need to make “Thing” now from “Wednesday”. I have been thinking about trying to make one
Yes totally!!
Awesome video
This is amazing! We need some scary Christmas decor next! ☺️🎄
@@WickedMakers Krampus! And or some Nightmare Before Christmas stuff!
We don't really have anamatronics in the UK or at least not ones that can stand. So I watch all these while thinking "lol I'll never do this but now I know how"
Haha there you go 😄
Looks amazing 💜💜
Aw she came out ridiculously cute
Oh my goodness she is absolutely darling. If I had the space I'd display her year round with all my creepy old stuff
I get excited when you guys post a new video! I like scaring people and electric projects!
Awesome paint job, Jaimie!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Stay at animatronic world. This is the video for you.😀👍
you guys are the best! Awesome Vid!!!
Wow she looks great, fantastic paint job, Jaimie!
Jaimie your painting skills are INCREDIBLE
Have you guys ever played around with 2 part Apoxie Sculpt? It's a staple in hobby toolboxes from dolls to models to fish tank decor. It's a compound that works like clay for filling cracks and sculpting, adheres to nearly anything and dries so hard you can file, sand and even drill through it. It's available at places around the interwebs or maybe hobby stores. There's also Milliput and "Greenstuff" but those tend to be more expensive.
Makers all year 'round, baby!
This by far one of my favorite customization you guys have made, she turned out amazing!!!
I feel like her complexion isn't pale enough. Overall though, looks great.
Jenna Ortega is not white that’s the Wednesday they chose not the original
@@dolly.gwendolynWhy are you bringing race into this? Jenna Ortega is paler than this in the show.
Wow! Great paint job as usual, but realism is so much harder, so very well done! Love the freckles, dress was such a great match, and the foot replacement worked well! No hobbit feet!
And little Wednesday is such a great touch!
Great idea. I may try it but I would go waaaay more pale and sullen in the skin tones.
when you sanded down the spackle it looks like there is a smiley face under the left eye
Haha yes!!!
One really good way to make the micro blood vessels for eyes is to use strands from red yarn and gloss mod podge on the whites of the eyes. It adds some nice detail and looks really good instead of plain old white.
Fantastic work! Loving the remakes of store bought items!
You did such a fantastic job!
Such a beautiful paint job, Jaimie! ❤
Thanks so much 😁😁
Totally fun and so happy to see you all after Halloween! 🧡🖤🧡
Love this! And I love that you are making more content throughout the year. Maybe you could make some sort of creepy Christmas decor/figure like possessed gingerbread men or snowmen. :)
She is the perfect balance between childlike sweetness and creepy .
Wasn't Wednesday's doll called Marie Antoinette, because she was beheaded by guillotine?
Lovely project, great video!
This was so good! The eye paint was amazing.
I love how you have all of these tools and spare parts and this whole workshop... but not a color printer 😂
Love love it. Now I can’t wait until the show starts. You two are awesome. Thanks!!
You guys hit it out of the park yet again. Just Love this.
Can you make a foxy from five nights at Freddy's
Why is nobody talking about how cool and detailed the eyes are? I think they look AMAZING
There is no way I would of been able to paint an iris! I would of been lazy and just printed some. Your talent is amazing!! I bet you guys could run a Santa into a krampus-like monster!
Here before this gets over 100,000 veiws
Your videos are so good!
Wow!! she turned out awesome. I just love watching you two make over things. By the way, love your cat too.
Please make Krampus puppet/statue for christmas season
She's soooo cute!!! I loved the makeover!!!
Fantastic as ever. I'm really excited to see what Christmas makes you guys come up with this year.
I love this channel because even if it's all about horror, you are both so calming to watch!
This probably one of the best ones you‘ve done so far! It looks so cool
I have 3 of these dolls (shipping error)! I put two out for Halloween as is, but wanted to change their costumes for next year (more like the Grady Twins from the Shining). Now i have more inspiration for the third doll, im making her into Megan! I’m going to use a static dark haired doll for Wednesday so I will have different creepy dolls for building up a haunted playground. Next year Im adding Swinging Rat Girl to the mix, and maybe a haunted tweeter totter.
Cool conversion, looking forward to your next project...stay safe!
So awesome!! You have so many great ideas!!! Love this… and the show was perfect.
You did amazing!! I wonder if you cut a lash set really short they can be added to make the bottom lashes if that would make it look even more realistic. That pain job was creepily realistic
You guys should do a exorcist regan from spirit halloween and make her look more like the exorcist
OMG!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOOVE This!!!!!!!!! I loved the Wednesday series, and I love this too!!
I love 💕 Wednesday she my favorite cartoon character in Addams Family movie 🎥
Your makeover is so cool!! Way better than the original! 🎃
This is so cool! Well done!
@@WickedMakers no, thank you for replying to me. You are my favourite content creators!
This one turned out great. It would be interesting to see your take on some of the 2023 Home Depot animatronics. I’ve bought a few so far, and I guess you guys are rubbing off on me, because I keep thinking of ways they could be made even better 😂
I love the transformation process from creepy little girl to Wednesday Addams. Also your cat is a very good helper. 😁 Here's an idea for the leftover feet: use them for a baby sasquatch.
Those eyes look really good.
wow that was an amazing transformation. good job, looks like her.
Another great one! I love the final outcome.
This is so cool! Those eyes look amazing!