That was fucken awesome! Soundtrack, riding, filming, editing and the camaraderie.....Clint is doing it all right and building one of the best BMX communities in the world.
If this doesn’t take you back to the early 2000s nothing will. Clint and coopers editing have really created something special with these events. I’d love to come and watch one day. The variety of riding plays a big part two! Love your work!
Goo to hear! Yeah both those guys would be awesome to see ride the place. We always do invite a couple overseas riders to the events but it's a long and costly way for them to get here unfortunately. Hopefully more do come visit here for it though.
That was fucken awesome! Soundtrack, riding, filming, editing and the camaraderie.....Clint is doing it all right and building one of the best BMX communities in the world.
So good to hear that mate, much appreciated!
Why thank you so much. Really appreciated.
This was tits as was the sound track 🤘
Thanks fa sharing 🙏
Never stop riding
Soo good seeing Luke Fink there wish there was more footage of him! Dude is a Aussie icon
Fink sure has done some wild moves over the years.
@@ColonyBMXBrand yeeah he sure has great edit by the way, 🤙🏽
If this doesn’t take you back to the early 2000s nothing will. Clint and coopers editing have really created something special with these events. I’d love to come and watch one day. The variety of riding plays a big part two! Love your work!
Kind words mate, much appreciated!
Thank you, much appreciated
This is BMX. Great editing and soundtrack!
Thanks very much for that, good to hear.
The soundtrack 🔥
What an event!!! Soo good to see the OG's there, and getting tricks to! Clint you're a bloody legend! Australian BMX thanks you 🙏❤🔥
Thanks mate, we always try to include a good variety of rider styles in it.
Thank you, much appreciated!
BMX! sick jam!
Thanks Harry.
Seeing alex haim riding in this absolutely crushes my soul. He's so good. Hopefully he has a speedy recovery
Let's hope so! Alex killed it at Hard Yards which was great to see.
That 270 truck-over ice-alley top 270 in looked so sick, that must've felt so gooood lol hell ya that was a sick video
Such a wild move! Pat sure did lock it in. Glad you enjoyed the video.
Bro! The riding was fire of course.
But this sound track! You nailed this video 100%
Thank you for this masterpiece
Love to hear that! Thanks very much.
Double bar on the double guitar chug @1:22 was so 🔥
Nailed it with this one! Felt I was travelling back in time. Thank you.
Love to hear it!
Exactly what we’re aiming for!
This was just fantastic once again, thanks guys!👊Loved the editing and sick music choices, especially stoked to hear AFI in a riding video again.
Love to hear it, thanks mate.
AWESOME as always !! Thanks guys ;)
Jyelan is my FAVOURITE rider
Respect ✊
Jyelan is awesome!
❤bmx for ever❤
Some great local talent!
Sure is!
Backyard Jam is such a dope format. 😎
Sure is!
like every year, impressive, please next year invite, tom justice, mark webb, this guys need this type of contest
Goo to hear! Yeah both those guys would be awesome to see ride the place. We always do invite a couple overseas riders to the events but it's a long and costly way for them to get here unfortunately. Hopefully more do come visit here for it though.
Cooper j Brown wheels with the soundtrack!! Dang mate, killing it in general! 👌
Haha, thanks mate. Always enjoy putting these together.
Soundtrack on point boys this is sick. Nice to hear some proper nofx 🤘🏼
Thanks mate, editing to that NOFX track was my favourite for sure.
fkin loved the nofx intro edit , and the rest of the musics were awesome too 🤘🤘
Thanks for that! Definitely enjoyed editing it.
Daaannngg 🤘
Wicked edit. B roll rocked. Well done
Thanks very much mate.
There is way too much going on to pick anything. What is this level 👀💥
Joshua kings expression was on point ✨️
Such a wild day of riding!
Soo rad! Luke fink riding, what year is it? 😅
Haha, full time warp!
So good!
Genios que isieron el video y los rider grasia amigo saludos de Argentina bmx
Thank you!
Luke fink an Jason watts in one video year made
A rare sighting that's for sure!
Fucking awesome
Thanks! Glad you're stoked on the video.
on dirais Mark Webb de nos jours
nice mustache my friend
pops vibes
boa magrão!
What track is playing penultimate ?
Sorry which one? Just let me know a time code.
@@ColonyBMXBrand19:58 thanks in advance
@@strssstr Time Stands Still - Life Long Tragedy
Holy moly!
Glad you enjoyed!
Pete Mayer is God