Gear For Live Music Photography with Todd Owyoung

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @bigboi36
    @bigboi36 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm here in 2022!

  • @TrevorMcGrathPhotography
    @TrevorMcGrathPhotography 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi Todd, This video is 4 years old. What are you now using in 2024?

  • @warrentaylor8428
    @warrentaylor8428 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Todd, just a quick question about event photography, or any "once in a lifetime" or simply "can't repeat the situation" photography. Need to admit that I am just an amateur, and only purchased my first DSLR in 2017 as I was preparing to head from So Cal to Oregon for the total solar eclipse that August. Our timing worked out great, we sold a rental that March so we had a few bucks in the bank, and my wife said "get what you want". I had four absolute requirements:
    1. Nikon F mount - all my other astronomy attachments and adapters are Nikon mount.
    2. Full frame - wider coverage at prime focus of my various telescopes.
    3. Excellent low light sensitivity and high dynamic range.
    4. Articulated viewing screen, working on a telescope can place the camera in any position.
    The D750 best met my requirements, and it was not until I had it in my hands did I realize that it had one other feature that made me a bit more comfortable: Dual memory card slots. I set them up to write the same images to both cards, giving me backup in the unlikely (but NOT impossible) event of a memory card failure. I am a retired electrical/software engineer, and had experienced a situation on a military system where we used a CF card instead of a conventional disk drive for our mass storage, another software engineer (not me!) had made a mod to the code that wrote some diagnostic info the the CF card VERY frequently. After about three months in operation on our first unit we had a CF card failure. When a few weeks later we had another, in EXACTLY the same spot in the file directory, and I KNEW what had happened, we had been doing so many writes to that location that we exceeded the maximum number of writes allowed and the location failed.
    Do you ever use this feature? I note that of your cameras the D850 has it while the Z7 does not. Is this at all a consideration for you?

    • @toddowyoung
      @toddowyoung 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey Warren. Very good question. In my experience, XQD cards are the most reliable card I have used in the last 15 years of shooting digital. If I had to choose between two SD cards or one XQD cards, I would absolutely choose XQD for the performance and reliability I have experienced. I have had SD cards fail, but never XQD.

  • @einarjulieb5567
    @einarjulieb5567 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    In an ideal world, if you didn't have to think about your budget, what would be your dream setup with the Nikon system? Two bodies and four lenses (cause that's about max of what you could carry on the strap and the Think Tank belt with holsters)? Hoping to hear from you! Thanks for your informative videos!

  • @getnished3847
    @getnished3847 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Heya @Todd Owyoung, I'm shooting Live music and E-Sports. I'm looking to upgrade from my D7000 I have a 70-200 2.8 and a 24-70 2.8, I Am between the D500 and the D750. that is my budget for now and they are the same price over here. Many thanks!

    • @jamiej.tilleyphotographyar5177
      @jamiej.tilleyphotographyar5177 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I can't speak on the d850, but I just upgraded from the d7000 to the d750 a few months ago. The low-light ability is impressive, with much less noticeable noise at high iso than the d7000. The colors seem much improved over the d7000. 24mp is plenty for me, since I don't make a habit of heavy cropping, but I did some as an experiment and was amazed by how far I could crop and still have useable images. I love the d750 and wish I could afford a second one as a back up. Hope this helps.

  • @ryanmontreal5883
    @ryanmontreal5883 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is so over the top it's comical ! 🤣

  • @Ddegrawpnotography
    @Ddegrawpnotography ปีที่แล้ว

    If you still have the D850 and you STILL never use it can you just give it to me 👀😂😂😂 but for real though i need a 2nd body alongside my D750

  • @greg.arious
    @greg.arious 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does he realize the AVERAGE person can afford to swing maybe one body and at most 2 lenses lol? I wish I could lol...

    • @trekkeruss
      @trekkeruss 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I covered 19 shows for a band this past fall using just two lenses; a 24-105 mm F/4 and a 70-200mm F/2.8. That said, I just picked up another lens for this year's tour, because at some venues I could have used even more reach.
      If you only need/want to do an occasional show, you can always rent equipment.