His extraordinary talents were already shown in the early days! What a terrible lost treasure to the world of culture! He will be forever missed and cherished.
I love the way at 05:25 that Shklyarov waits for his partner at the end of the Spanish dance, gallantly extends his hand, and partners her out of the studio. So elegant, so gentlemanly, so Shklyarov 🌟⭐✨
A happy, talented boy; and you can see there's a soul in there. Of course, he became a good man. I am sorry for his early death. I hope it was not unnatural, although it is a tragedy, none the less. I'm sorry for his friends, fans, family, and for what he still had left to accomplish.
Изящный нежный темпераментный Маленький Принц! Родился Звездой - пролетел по жизни кометой!!! Его блистательный свет - на века!!!😢❤❤❤🎉
Спасибо , академия за этот гениальный талант ! Сколько радости и света успел подарить Владимир людям по всему миру ! Скорбим и оболезнуем близким !!!
Спасибо за видео , спасибо маме , что разглядела и направила ребенка , спасибо педагогам ! Непоправимая утрата для балета .
His extraordinary talents were already shown in the early days! What a terrible lost treasure to the world of culture! He will be forever missed and cherished.
Какая боль!!!! Никак не отпускает!
Какой он был музыкальный и талантливый!
I love the way at 05:25 that Shklyarov waits for his partner at the end of the Spanish dance, gallantly extends his hand, and partners her out of the studio. So elegant, so gentlemanly, so Shklyarov 🌟⭐✨
С детства вместе танцевали, просто чудо- дети, а потом такая пара была изумительная!
Владимир любил танцевать, а не просто позировать и любоваться собой. Это и сделало его уникальным.
A happy, talented boy; and you can see there's a soul in there. Of course, he became a good man. I am sorry for his early death. I hope it was not unnatural, although it is a tragedy, none the less. I'm sorry for his friends, fans, family, and for what he still had left to accomplish.