Joseph Prince mocks the Holy Spirit by posturing Him as a double talker

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 พ.ค. 2024
  • For details of these 5 Articles, read them on my website:
    Joseph Prince mocks Lord’s prayer by giving mixed signals of its relevance (Article 1)
    Joseph Prince abused God to double talk on godly sorrow for repentance (Article 2)
    Joseph Prince mocks the Holy Spirit by posturing Him as a double talker (Article 3)
    Joseph Prince toys with Christ’s blood by his conflicting view of its efficacy (Article 4)
    Joseph Prince scorns the cross of Christ by presenting it in a contradictory way (Article 5)
    5 super short articles
    The first part of every of the 5 Articles is based on what Joseph Prince said in his Sunday sermon on 19 May 2024, 2 days ago.
    For details of these 5 Articles, kindly read them on my website:
    10 eBooks comprising 4,800 pages of notes, free for download:

ความคิดเห็น • 39

  • @thng9170
    @thng9170 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    For those who are still listening to Joseph Prince preach, l pray that God will open your spiritual eyes and ears. This man's words are binding your spirit and you have not been set free from sin.
    These damages are not immediately seen in real life. But l pray that God will reveal them to you in time to come. And you will be able to flee away from this man.

  • @WordsofGodThe
    @WordsofGodThe หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    When a preacher is a double talker, he will bring you around his 'wilderness'. He will bring you round and round and round and round and round and .. .. until you are exhausted. And when you are exhausted, he will come up with even more heresies. So, be wise when dealing with crafty character who does not have integrity with words. His 'principle' is to use any words that come to his mind to win arguments and make people think that he is still the very 'anointed' one. So, he won't feel any guilt even if he needs to twist God's words or make use of God's words to levitate himself over others. So, I foresee it is not going to be an easy task to expose his endless heresies and arrogant philosophies. However, I can tell from his recent preaching of heresies that he no longer enjoy the same confidence or pride over his heresies like before. He begins to 'look' worry that he might not be able to attract as many people to himself as before. Rev George, keep it up.

    • @WordsofGodThe
      @WordsofGodThe หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It is clear that JP is a heretic double talker who will not stop preaching lies and heresies. So, reserve our energy, but never give up the fight against heresies. It will be a long battle (between truth and heresies, humility and pride, and passion for truth and hypocrisy for self-glory). However, this website will also be a rare platform (like a 'gem') that is raised by God to shine, mirror, and reveal what is truly in our hearts when we've learnt what is the truth and lie, so that we know that God is just to judge (irregardless of whether we are the liars like Joseph Prince, or the disciples of Jesus Christ):
      2Th 2:9-17 KJV Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, (10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (11) And for this cause God shall send them *STRONG DELUSION* , that they should believe a lie: (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (13) But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: (14) Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. (15) Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. (16) Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting *CONSOLATION and GOOD HOPE* through grace, (17) Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
      I believe that this Bible passage is written for the 'battle' and for us. If there are no heretics like Joseph Prince, we will not need this. However, if there are heretics like Joseph Prince, we will have God's people like Rev George. If there are delusive channels like Joseph Prince Ministries, we will have Rev George's channel for the truth. In such a time like this, God will send *STRONG DELUSION* to those who love lies; but to those who resist and fight against heresies because of their love for the truth, God will send *CONSOLATION and GOOD HOPE* , especially in the end time or in difficult time.

  • @DvdLTW
    @DvdLTW หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I pray that those in NCC whether in position of leadership, servers or congregation (some of my dear brothers and sisters are still there 😓) to open up their ears and eyes to hear and see what this IMPOSTOR is mouthing week in week out.
    The only preaching that JP is consistent about is being CONsistently InCONsistent!!

  • @mayumshe54
    @mayumshe54 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    In the church, as long as you preached grace, super grace, you can preach whatever nonsense to make the believers feel good.

  • @matreen427
    @matreen427 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    the moment JP says “there’s nothing wrong with praying the Lord’s prayer”, seems to be posturing that it is a bad thing

    • @edmundsim6251
      @edmundsim6251 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I scare when i hear that from JP cos I need to say my lord's prayer almost daily.

    • @user-vo3iy4ur6d
      @user-vo3iy4ur6d หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      is that all he can say about the Lord's prayer? it belies his hypocrisy, he didn't believe what he was saying can see it, you can hear it, you can perceive it

  • @glennfong984
    @glennfong984 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    We won't have this problem if we can recognize that the Old Covenant saints are all saved by faith too. And in the Old Covenant, believers obey God's Laws, which is actually the same as New Covenant believers! All are saved by faith, and faith causes us to walk in God's Laws!

    • @royaldiadem324
      @royaldiadem324 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Through the Holy Spirit dwelling -He makes the church to be transformed that a OT believer would not have experienced.

  • @tanky815
    @tanky815 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I had tot only Mahathir is good at roti prata. He has met his match!

  • @vijayrem-mn6id
    @vijayrem-mn6id หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Its like Jp telling Jesus, " ' Father in heaven' is a faith blocker, the phrase isn't fitting" He doesn't impress one as being anointed to pass such comment on Lord's prayer.

  • @user-hd7qv8dx7x
    @user-hd7qv8dx7x หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jesus didn't say God in heaven . He said Father or Daddy in heaven . Tnat soeaks of intimacy not distance .. JP likes to twist & turn the scriptures

  • @christopherloh936
    @christopherloh936 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Theatrical & an entertaining preacher but misrepresent the bible.

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      JP is misrepresenting the Jesus of the Bible. Instead, he is manifesting anti-Christ teaching in NCC.

  • @desmondteng3025
    @desmondteng3025 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The congregation laughed when JP says Tian Ah. Is it a joke? Where is the fear of God?

    • @lindsaylim5806
      @lindsaylim5806 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats! - Charles Spurgeon
      In today's context, JP is the clown and ncc folks are the goats.

  • @8studio
    @8studio หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thanks for another good video to expose JP again and again. JP's "teaching" is nothing new and he repeats ans repeats his "teaching"... All thosw who attended NCC knows it after awhile. Only those with itchy-ears continue to stay. And I pray their ears be opened to the Truth according to Jesus' word. There is difference between "doctrine that sounds good" vs "sound good doctrine".

  • @xiangkexin4086
    @xiangkexin4086 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    No one is perfect
    The way he preached so lovely and cute 🥰
    George Ong if you are so right you should go and preach a big Church like JP.

    • @joyceliew4352
      @joyceliew4352 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      "....The way he preached so lovely and cute 🥰."
      Oh this what you're looking for from a pastor in a church?? 😢

    • @joyceliew4352
      @joyceliew4352 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      JESUS teaches people how to get TRUE LIFE:
      📖‭Matthew 7:13-14
      [13] ‘Go in through the narrow gate to get true life with God. There is a wide gate that is easy to go through.
      The wide path is easy to travel on.
      Many people find that wide gate,
      but it is the way to hell.
      [14] It is difficult to go through the small gate.
      And it is difficult to walk on the narrow road.
      But when you do go that way, you will get true life.
      Not many people find that narrow gate.’

    • @user-iu3dm5qk7p
      @user-iu3dm5qk7p หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Oh fren, don't mislead yourself by saying no one is perfect. Dig a little deeper. Thats why its said a wolf in sheep's clothing. You can't see the wolf, you see only the sheep. Obviously you have been seduced and have not really checked the Bible and other resources. Dont be seduced by the sight of a large crowd. Bear in mind what Charles Spurgeon says, " That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors"

    • @DvdLTW
      @DvdLTW หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      None is perfect, you're correct.
      They way JP preaches may be lovely and cute. However the question is, do you listen to JP lovely and cute sermons to save you or to entertain you?
      Friend, it's does not matter if GO or JP is right, it's who is sharing the Biblical Truth.

    • @Matrixqc777
      @Matrixqc777 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      "George Ong if you are so right you should go and preach a big Church like JP" -
      Xiang kexin @xiangkexin4086 - don't you know it only took a shepherd boy to kill Goliath?
      *“We can believe in men. You are RESPONSIBLE for your faith. For one may believe a LIE as he does the truth. The truth only, can make him free" - 24 Elders (revealed 115 years ago).*

  • @huios974
    @huios974 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Can’t believe a reverend cannot understand simple things that Joseph Prince is trying to relate 😂 in both scenarios.
    To all readers, remember the word of God that says God will blind those whose hearts are not right. Those who are vile let them continue to be vile.
    All who follow this channel and are in agreement, my advise is to repent before you see wrath of God

    • @charlesmisong6602
      @charlesmisong6602 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I agree with you, rev Ong is wasting his time sharing worthless accusations. It seems like he's very obsessed with JP😅

    • @vijayrem-mn6id
      @vijayrem-mn6id หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      If you think this channel is prejudiced, you can always watch other world channels poking holes in Jp teaching. Personally, I check Jp teaching against the Bible and other biblical resources. Jp teaching makes you feel good, comfortable and easy with God. It does not inculcate a sense of awe and reverence towards God. That kind of easy, fluffy preaching explains why many are drawn to him. Its chockablock with poor logic, contradictions, half-truths, twisted verses, omissions

    • @DvdLTW
      @DvdLTW หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @huios974 from your username,
      I can tell you have learnt some Greek words from JP as he has taught about ‘huios’ in some of his ‘eloquent’ sermons before.
      May I request for you to kindly show me what simple things that JP are trying to relate in these sermons?
      The simplest of things here are (and it’s so obviously clear) JP is teaching one thing at one time and then teaching completely the opposite thing at another time.
      Are you able to relate the hypocrisies and heresies? Or you’re just not willing?

    • @alfredchoo2470
      @alfredchoo2470 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      I had once attended New Creation Church for a short while and I can tell you that JP's preaching creates a sense of spiritual pride in me. I asked the Holy Spirit for discernment and the clear message I got was to leave the church and unlearn what JP had taught. I obeyed and over the years I knew exactly what was wrong. Also, Pastor George's videos were very helpful. To all NCC die hard fans. Start looking to the Holy Spirit for discernment and guidance and not depend on JP to be fed.

    • @Matrixqc777
      @Matrixqc777 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      *If, your eternal destiny (Heaven or Hell) will be determined by what you believe, {not just the "Who" you believe - 2Cor.11:4 - you could be believing in ‘another Jesus, another gospel, and another spirit’} and, what you do; wouldn't you be concerned about yourself and for other fellow believers?*
      *The overall lesson here is that a PERSON IN AUTHORITY (in leadership) MUST LEAD BY SEEKING (James 3:1 - in TEACHING) THE TRUTH IN ALL MATTERS that come before him. It is FOOLISH to decide a matter based on initial reports (unexamined sermons) from ONLY ONE SIDE (Proverbs 18:17) of a dispute, even if it sounds right. One should NOT ACT before taking the time and the effort to DISCOVER INDEPENDENTLY whether matters are (which party is telling the whole truth) as they have been presented, without prejudice. Now, if a leader takes this PRUDENT PATH, THOSE UNDER HIM will soon learn that it DOES NOT PAY to tell deceptive falsehoods (half-truths are actually whole lies) that will soon be found out, leading to their dismissal (and future divine judgment, 2Peter 2:1). In an atmosphere of truth, CORRUPTION finds it much harder to gain a foothold, and everyone under such an ADMINISTRATION OF INTEGRITY has a greater opportunity to be satisfied.*
      *'The first to state his case always seems right until someone comes to cross-examine him' - until someone else steps forward and asks the right questions' (ERV/ESV/ISV/NET: Proverbs 18:17).*
      *'There are two sides to every story. The first one to speak sounds true until you hear the other side and they set the record straight' (TPT: Proverbs 18:17).*
      *Sadly, this freedom to question is not 'free' in churches. .*
      *Revealed 115 years ago (1909): “All things TAUGHT OR BELIEVED that are OUT OF HARMONY with His (God’s) CLEAR REVELATIONS ARE BOTH FALSE AND MISLEADING.”*