Asalamu alaikum !!! In the times we Muslims are living in, we are facing a number of challenges and problems. In fact, the more we move away from the time of prophethood, the more difficult it becomes to cling to the religion which Allah (swt) taught and practiced by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions. One of the trials is listening to music, singing it even by us Muslims. So all those who sing and use only their voice belong to a thanksgiving because lately Muslims are making music permissible since it is forbidden. And do not forget that this day the Prophet knew and said that there will come a day when the Muslims of my Ummah will allow music, but know that this is one of the signs of Qijjamah.
Aslalamu alaikmu ln the times we Muslism are livig in mahrezain Allah challenges One music lnsahAllah song Thak You Allah. like your you liove😍 Live lt up. song mahrezain to poliho kdsi MZfana Kssi😘🛌🏠 car mahrezain companions Sollo mahrezain
Hallo bang maher zain apa kabar nya salam kenal sy gilang ramadhan dari jakarta sy lgi belajar bahasa arab dan menjadi youtuber di kenal oleh bang maher zain dan lain lain nya . Syukron
Assalamu Alaikum everyone.. Please everyone prayer for Indian Muslim and other religion people..🇮🇳 Ya Allah please forgive us and protect us from coronavirus Covid-19..(Amin)
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all.Before we can see that nothing last forever.Risk it all for love,love is from above.And my life,my life,my life is for You. 🖤
"يا رب إذا وقعتُ فعلمني كيف أقف وإذا وقفت فذكرني بالواقعين حتى أنحني وأساعدهم على الوقوف يارب.. إذا نصرتني على خصومي فلا تتركني أشمت بهم ربي لا تدعني أخلطُ بين القناعة والخمول ولا بين العزة والغرور ولا بين التواضع والمذلة"💙🇪🇬
The song " Live It Up" is very nice. I like the rhythms and the Latin language are beautiful and special. I love all the songs of Maher Zain and his wonderful voice, make me feel good and I listen to them every day, I start the day with them and I listen to them before I go sleep. I wish you a lot of success my best singer Maher Zain ❤💕💞😘
The song LiveltUpmis very nice l like the rhythms nad the Latin language are mahrezain like👍 Hanian Arzar hanian mahrezain one lnsahAllah mahrezain the songs of MahreZain and his love 😍😍 car
الحقيقة إن الحياة صعبة ... صعبة جدا ... مجهدة ... حتى لو أنت مبسوط أو راضي ... صعبة .... مرهقة جدا .... و أي حد هيقلك غير كده ... he is selling something .... الحاجة الوحيدة اللي بتهون مشقة الحياة هي مشاعر "الحب" و "الحنية" و "الاهتمام" و "الرعاية" من الأهل و الأصدقاء و الأحبة ..... أي إنسان بيواجه الحياة يوميا من غير ما يلاقي المشاعر دي معرض لكل الأمراض النفسية الممكنة .... الشيء الوحيد اللي بيحمي الإنسان من الانهيار هو "الشعور بالحب" و بأن وجوده مهم ..... Keep looking after each other everyday, every single day
الله يحميك من كل شر ياماهر الغالي جزاك الله خير على الأغاني الهادفة الملتزمة للشباب الواعية تعلمنا معك الأشياء كثيرة الحب يأتي من السماء هذا صحيح من عند الله عز وجل ولا يأتي من البشر أفضل فنان في العالم ❤❤❤😍😍😍🤲🤲🙏🙏
😊😊💜💜Assalamu alaikum.... Mahar zain Bro.... Masha allah Bro your thé Best singer in whole world.... Iam your big big fan of you Bro..... Love from india 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Beautiful! 🇹🇷🧡🇲🇾
Asalamu alaikum !!! In the times we Muslims are living in, we are facing a number of challenges and problems. In fact, the more we move away from the time of prophethood, the more difficult it becomes to cling to the religion which Allah (swt) taught and practiced by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions. One of the trials is listening to music, singing it even by us Muslims. So all those who sing and use only their voice belong to a thanksgiving because lately Muslims are making music permissible since it is forbidden. And do not forget that this day the Prophet knew and said that there will come a day when the Muslims of my Ummah will allow music, but know that this is one of the signs of Qijjamah.
@@makia50 Music is forbidden in Islam!!
4:53 Best Money Guide
Aslalamu alaikmu ln the times we Muslism are livig in mahrezain Allah challenges One music lnsahAllah song Thak You Allah. like your you liove😍 Live lt up. song mahrezain to poliho kdsi MZfana Kssi😘🛌🏠 car mahrezain companions Sollo mahrezain
This is shubha
And paissa?
Dark clouds they come and they go all the time 🚶
my eyes on the prize so I pay them no mind
And always give it my best ✨
معجبة بك جدا ماشاء الله عليك
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks♥️♥️♥️
Hallo bang maher zain apa kabar nya salam kenal sy gilang ramadhan dari jakarta sy lgi belajar bahasa arab dan menjadi youtuber di kenal oleh bang maher zain dan lain lain nya . Syukron
I like this song
Slms Zain. I see u found ur twin Martinez 😂😍 too cutie 😘
We want a duet song that combines Maher Zain and Sami Yusuf ❤
نريد أغنية دويتو تجمع بين ماهر زين وسامي يوسف ❤
نعم نعم نعم
Dark clouds they come and they go all the time!
This is Something that motivates us and gives hope that bad times will go away!
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️
Yesss for real
A wonderfully tantalizing voice,beautiful message, you are a unique super star,use your talent to earn the akhira,it's more fulfilling and satisfying
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️🇪🇬🌼🌼🌼
I love Maher Zain 😍😍😇 Elhamdulillah
💥 I make funny skits, please check it out on my channel I’ve put a lot of effort into it 🎥
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️
MasyaAllah tabarokallah😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️ haturnuhun Mr.Maher Zain🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Budak Pandeglang, ya 😅
Salam dari Sodong Saketi Banten
Love from pakistan 😍
Maher zain you are my most favorite singer 😍❤❤❤❤stay blessed
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️
Love form pakistan mahre zain you are you much stay 💩 bslessed mahre zain like👍 liove Love😍😍 mahre zain song. to my forem
Mashaallah maher zain very cute voice i love it🥰😊
Very uplifting, new side of Maher Zain song.
Salam from Indonesia 🇮🇩
I am from Bangladesh🇧🇩.This song is amazing in one word❤❤❤
Mashallah...May Allah bless you....stay you Zain ❤❤❤
I invite everyone to listen peaceful and 💓 soothing Quran Recitations
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks♥️♥️♥️
Yes better than this music...
@E B
Dzenina Lukac what do you mean this is naat a wonderful one too think before you say!
0:35 is absolutely my fav part, much love from Lebanonn!!!!!!
Assalamu Alaikum everyone..
Please everyone prayer for Indian Muslim and other religion people..🇮🇳
Ya Allah please forgive us and protect us from coronavirus Covid-19..(Amin)
In sha Allah...
Ameen ya rabbal alamin.
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks
Wa'alaikumsalam warahmatullah wabarakah
دايما نسمع الا اغانيك راءعة نتمنى ليك المزيد من النجاح.والتالق.بارك الله فيك.اخوك من algeria
سبحان والحمدلله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر❤️
أتمني دعمكم لقناتي♥️
@@aymantoema1998 شحات اشتراك
@@aymantoema1998 شحاتتتتتتتتتتتتت
Maa Syaa Allah, Tabbarakallah..
Love Maher Zain
From Indonesia
love from Bangladesh
i bet if any famous singer from america would do it will be viewed over 1 Billion
because they hated muslim less they watch this
Don't worry be happy.
Muslim or not are persons who Allah or God, GOTT ❤️
Much luv ❤️
تحيااااااا ماهرزين من عمري ثلاث سنوات وان بتابعك الحين انا اثنعشر سنة ولازلت بحبك اخوك من الجزائر
Love you from Thailand 🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all.Before we can see that nothing last forever.Risk it all for love,love is from above.And my life,my life,my life is for You.
Maher zain I love you very very much and I miss you💓💓
Big Big fan of Maher Zain !! Every song has beautiful meaning 👍👍
I hope you support my channel please and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️🇪🇬🌼🌼🌼🌼
"يا رب
إذا وقعتُ فعلمني كيف أقف
وإذا وقفت فذكرني بالواقعين
حتى أنحني وأساعدهم على الوقوف
يارب.. إذا نصرتني على خصومي
فلا تتركني أشمت بهم
ربي لا تدعني أخلطُ بين القناعة والخمول
ولا بين العزة والغرور
ولا بين التواضع والمذلة"💙🇪🇬
i love this song, amazing words , what a voice
هل صليت علي النبي اليوم
The song " Live It Up" is very nice. I like the rhythms and the Latin language are beautiful and special. I love all the songs of Maher Zain and his wonderful voice, make me feel good and I listen to them every day, I start the day with them and I listen to them before I go sleep. I wish you a lot of success my best singer Maher Zain ❤💕💞😘
The song LiveltUpmis very nice l like the rhythms nad the Latin language are mahrezain like👍 Hanian Arzar hanian mahrezain one lnsahAllah mahrezain the songs of MahreZain and his love 😍😍 car
ماذا تسمى اغنية نشيد اختلطت الأمور ببعض نسأل الله السلامة والهدايه للجميع لوتعمل ختمة قرآن لنستمع لكان أجمل وتبقى ثواب لك في حياتك وبعد مماتك 🌹
I like your all songs... specially your islamic songs....
Ma sha Allah... may Allah always bless you
Suka bgt sm lagu2 maher zain, genre apapun tetap terdengar sweet.. Sound nice bgt pokoke.. Salam dari Indonesia
Bro u r a great person. Only great person can create great thing👌👌👌
من احلى الاشياء انك تسمع ماهر زين😭💞
لا يشيخ
يا الله عل اناشيده تشعرك بكل انواع الاحاسيس في داخلك حلووووووووة
Mashallah maherzain
This is awesome 😍😍😍💖 we are from RWANDA we love you
Maher brother you are the most wonderful person that I ever see. May Allah SWT bless you. Wish you whatever you wish.
Subhanallah.... Masyaallah.... 💙❤🌼
putar ulang terus, asekkk dengerin lagi ini, bikin semangat nice nice
In love with this song 😍😍, it really inspiring me 😉
asyik..maz maher..zain..lagune..apik tenan..makyuss
Maşallah maher . Esselamu aleyküm from TÜRKİYE 🇹🇷🖐️
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️
Oktay kartal duyar
I want to be a friend of you...
Because I am a big fan of your country.....
Machaa allah
Aleyküm selam
forom habeshi
لا شيء يعيش للأبد 😎💪 جميلة جداً، ومبدع كالعادة 🌹
Alloh rozi bo‘lsin! Very good! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love Maher Zain
From KURDiSTAN ❤️☀️💚
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks♥️♥️♥️
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks♥️♥️♥️
From east africa Tanzania 🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿❤❤💚
I love you from 🇸🇴❤️ Somalia
Yeah ❤love for Somalia
¡Saludos Maher Zain y Lenny Martínez...👏👏👏🌷💕“Hermosas,voces,letra y música...¡qué Chévere Maher con compañero en español...súper!"🌷🌷
@E B
@Erzsébet Balogh
This song has a lot of energy and Life, God bless you Maher
Ģùuu uu7
@@betty-jacob ؤڠ د سيني تڤت ڤد ميڠڬو هادڤن كريتاڽ اڤابيلا مڠشكي ايت تله دتڠكڤ
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
Que orgullo para nosotros como latinos ver a lenny martinez un Hondureño 5 estrellas, abrazos primo departe de toda tu gente, sigue por mas
الحقيقة إن الحياة صعبة ... صعبة جدا ... مجهدة ... حتى لو أنت مبسوط أو راضي ... صعبة .... مرهقة جدا .... و أي حد هيقلك غير كده ... he is selling something ....
الحاجة الوحيدة اللي بتهون مشقة الحياة هي مشاعر "الحب" و "الحنية" و "الاهتمام" و "الرعاية" من الأهل و الأصدقاء و الأحبة ..... أي إنسان بيواجه الحياة يوميا من غير ما يلاقي المشاعر دي معرض لكل الأمراض النفسية الممكنة .... الشيء الوحيد اللي بيحمي الإنسان من الانهيار هو "الشعور بالحب" و بأن وجوده مهم .....
Keep looking after each other everyday, every single day
@abdu abdy شكرا 😊
The lyrics are beautiful and pure unlike the other mainstream rubbish. Mashallah
_نحن لا نكتمل بأحد و لا نضيع من دون_ _احد، نسعد بمن بقى و ننسى من نسى_
Yeah, LOVE is from above❤❤❤
Oh this is so good. now I wanna record my next song in Cuba .... I love it 😀 😍 ❤
😍😍😍😍😍😍💕💕 a fan since 2009! Really love all your songs Maher Zain 👍👍👍👍😍😍
Love you 🥰😍
From Kurdistan ❤️💛💚
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️🇪🇬🌼🌼🌼
I love kurdish people and i never saw or meet one of them
A huge love from a somalian boy😍🌹
أتمنالك التوفيق والنجاح ياأخي ماهرزين وصديق ووو الجميع👐
Hey! My music list is full of ur songs. Love u so much. Maher zain! 🖤❤️.
Woow amazing from Somaliland 💚💭❤️
Love from🇰🇪🇸🇴🇸🇴
الله يحميك من كل شر ياماهر الغالي جزاك الله خير على الأغاني الهادفة الملتزمة للشباب الواعية تعلمنا معك الأشياء كثيرة الحب يأتي من السماء هذا صحيح من عند الله عز وجل ولا يأتي من البشر أفضل فنان في العالم ❤❤❤😍😍😍🤲🤲🙏🙏
أتمني أن تدعمني في قناتي ، شكراً لك
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩♥️♥️♥️
😊😊💜💜Assalamu alaikum.... Mahar zain Bro.... Masha allah Bro your thé Best singer in whole world.... Iam your big big fan of you Bro..... Love from india 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Peacefull Smile 😁From me & My Friends in Indonesia🇮🇩... I Hope You still remember Us Maher😎and i hope you will come to Indonesia again.
I listened to your songs every day especially at work on my phone. Because their meaning n message makes sense. Just love them all.
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️🇪🇬🌼🌼🌼
From KURDiSTAN ❤️☀️💚
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️
5:43 Best Money Guide
جميل ماهر زين آحسنت و أبدعت كل مرة مع جميع الأصدقاء 💟💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
I love this song ❤ Maher zain the best 👌🏻
Masya allah
Sometimes it seems that we gotta lose it all before we can see that nothing lasts forever 💯
Always be my favorite, maher zain:))))
@@muhammadrahmadi6823 ??
@@cahyamareta4563 apa kabar 🐣
@@muhammadrahmadi6823 baik
Zain your voice so much good I like you l am from Bangladesh my son love you
LOVED Maherzin😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😃😃😃😃😃😃❤❤❤❤💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖👍👈💗💗💗💗💗💌💌
Wow what a nice change, loving this beat 💕😍💕
عنجد انا بحب اغانيك/اناشيدك وانشاء الله يوم من الايام سأصبح متلك ونتقابل ي ماهر ونغني معنا......😹😹❤️😘😊✌🏻
أتمني دعمكم لقناتي♥️
Much Lov from Tanzania 🇹🇿 East Africa
❤❤❤ from Uzbekistan
Manam Ozbekman
One of my favourite songs 💖 Thank you Maher 🌷
انشوده جميله جدا ،
اخوتي واخواتي اتمنى منكم ان تدعوا لابنت اختي مريضه سرطان بالدماغ والاطباء عجزوا من علاجها💔،دعوة اربعين شخص مستجابه
ربي يشفيها و يعافيها
ربي يشفيها ويشفي جميع مرضى المسلمين
اللهم عافي جميع مرضانا و مرضى المسلمين و المسلمات أجمعين كنت رح ابكي عليها والله😔
الله يشفيها شفاء لا يغادر سقما
رب يشفيها ويعافيها
Always the best ♥️
Çok güzel olmuş bayıldım 😍😍
You are big fan, From Bangladesh 🇧🇩
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks♥️♥️♥️
the master Maher zain ...soooooo impressive greeeeeeet work
sooooo thaaanks and big likee
Superb bro outstanding
I love it❤💙 go forwodddd bro maherrrrr💪
Gracias hermano Maher por los subtítulos en español! el mensaje de esta canción me cambio la vida!! 💜🤲🏼😊🇭🇳
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️🇪🇬🌼🌼🌼
I love this song. It's a wonderful performances..Congratulations ❤❤❤❤
Harikasın Maher Zain inşAllah daha çok izlenirsin. Seni seviyoruz👌❤😊
I hope you support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you like it ,thank you♥️♥️♥️🇪🇬🌼🌼🌼
@@aymantoema1998 senin dilini bilmiyorum maalesef.
Incredible voice
Dengan genre yg berbeda lebih fresh yaa lagu y :) barakallah buat qta semua yaa Abang Maher Zain :) salam dari Indonesia :)
This My favorite song ever!
Your smile is very nice you are a good person I think you are good ❤️ good heart person
Perfectly perfect!
💥 I make funny skits, please check it out on my channel I’ve put a lot of effort into it 🎥
Take love from BANGLADESH....
So energetic 😍👌🏻 salam from Turkeey 🇹🇷
I hope everybody support my channel and tell me about your think in comments and please share the video if you likeit ,thanks♥️♥️♥️
Loved this!! Lenny love you from 2003!!💜💜💜😇