My 3 Biggest Concerns With Delta Force... (Extraction)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 401

  • @JesseKazam
    @JesseKazam  หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    Have you been playing the extraction mode in Delta Force? What do you think of it so far?

    • @CahDurToe
      @CahDurToe หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Hey there! Quick background rundown, I've got about 7k hours in eft, I've always been a mega sweat gamer, I have multiple games with 6k+ hours logged, but I'm now 28 years old and work 50-80 hours a week. That being said ive been playing this game since its release a few days ago and I think its pretty fantastic if you just want to get that extraction shooter pvp without having to worry about grinding out annoying/unfun quests or learning every inch of a map and all the easy to miss loot spawns just so that you can compete. I also thought that bringing "hero shooteresque" abilities into a game like this would be extremely cheesy and lame. However I was pleasantly surprised how much more fun I've had specifically because of these abilities (my absolute favorite ability is the "ultimate" ability for one of the operators that activates an exo suit and replenishes a portion of your stamina, makes you faster, and acts as a painkiller, no more getting shot at and being incapable of moving like in tarkov). When it comes to the ptw, although it's not great, it doesn't seem to be too aggregious and on the subject of the cosmetics I could not care less. All in all I think it has the potential to be an amazing game for anyone looking for a casual extraction fps experience. Side note: the battlefield mode in this game is terrible, I'd rather just go play battle bit LOL
      Edit: some may disagree and thats totally fine but I forgot to mention that I'm actually a fan of the low ttk I think it caters well to the casual feel of the game.

    • @echelon1899
      @echelon1899 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      My biggest issue is SBMM in the extraction mode, why grind better gear if I'm just going to get put with the top 5% of sweaty chads

    • @Teriell
      @Teriell หลายเดือนก่อน

      You should really check out how it really works, the graded bullets only works against armor. Many armor in the game have shitty protection on your body, a person can really just shoot you in the abdomen and you will still die with white bullets even with gold armor. The weapons do the damage displayed in details and if you really look deep into how the mechanics work then you will get what I mean

    • @marshmallow1627
      @marshmallow1627 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Jesse I've listened to a pretty good amount of your videos especially from the pogcast. I think streamers complaining about low ttk is what has ruined these games. If the armor works y'all want it nerfed if it doesn't work for you, you want it buffed. It's never going to be perfect.
      Specifically with tarkov when they first tried the armor plate system, people like you complained about getting armpit shot. Armor should be a "maybe" mechanic not an "always" especially after your first hit you tank. You have this platform that you keep using to tear these games apart. Embrace the "realism" and "alternative" styles these games have been bringing to the market.

    • @miciso666
      @miciso666 หลายเดือนก่อน

      got pretty far lvl 12 ish in 2 days or so.
      is it like tarkov yes. is it more accessible and easier. by far yes.
      but it also feels arcadey. which might or might not be a turn off for others. but i feel like this eases people more into tarkov.

  • @The-Caged-King
    @The-Caged-King หลายเดือนก่อน +131

    Add a dedicated solo queue. That’s all it’ll take for me to download and no life this game

    • @shanecody5023
      @shanecody5023 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Ah man, I'd really dig a solo mode. I like playing with randoms too but running into a 3 man every fight gets old.

    • @nicholasabraham259
      @nicholasabraham259 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Soloqueue probably won’t come if I had to put money down… splits the player base too much and can create dead lobbies if one mode becomes more saturated than another

    • @NoCTRL_
      @NoCTRL_ หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@nicholasabraham259 old news fighting agaisnt the solo's will create a dead game not lobby

    • @XRenegade
      @XRenegade หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There was solo q for normal mode in the Chinese version but only on weekends

    • @tirushone6446
      @tirushone6446 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      they'd also have to remove the ranked/easy queues then, because in low-population servers like mine, it's already hard to get games without jumping between different maps, ranked, unranked, easy and normal, adding ANOTHER queue would make that even more painful.

  • @SlimemanSimon
    @SlimemanSimon หลายเดือนก่อน +80

    TTK is in a good spot, if you make armor too strong then the gap between a new player and someone with lots of gear is too large and people will bring purple, orange gear to easy zero dam and noob stomp. The game would be similar to the early days of Cycle Frontier. Someone with full reds would shitstomp every other person and noobs would stand zero chance.
    Right now it’s nice and make sense that if you spend big money on armor then lower level ammo is negated. Big ammo should hurt big armor, little ammo shouldn’t hurt big armor. If big ammo doesn’t hurt big armor the little ammo doesn’t do anything = zero chance for beginners or people with low/no gear. Just my 2c , love the game so far

    • @jairosalaz1442
      @jairosalaz1442 หลายเดือนก่อน

      100% agree

    • @maciejstawowczyk3857
      @maciejstawowczyk3857 หลายเดือนก่อน

      TTK is in a good spot? .2 seconds to kill is a good TTK? Get a fucking grip mate. If you have all reds then noobs have no chance against you either, unless they rock some top tier ammo. Have you been playing the same game?

    • @Nevvalth
      @Nevvalth หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's why Tarkov is in a league of its own. Head-eyes=dead.

    • @ifailedcollege5692
      @ifailedcollege5692 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      That's a map cap issue. They need to cap the amount of value of items you can bring to the "easy" modes to people don't stomp greens. But in normal when people bring better stuff ttk goes from seconds to milliseconds.

    • @jairosalaz1442
      @jairosalaz1442 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @Nevvalth cool you can still play tarkov

  • @saucycarpdog6062
    @saucycarpdog6062 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    Some people already mentioned it but this game is way too brutal for solo players. IMO, solo players are the reason Tarkov is still popular. This game being so focused on Teams is gonna be what kills it for me. They either need to add a solo que or add a mode that gets rid of team makers and friendly fire.

    • @fbgmduck
      @fbgmduck หลายเดือนก่อน

      I've had a 2/3 experience. (1st game was absolute garbage and next 2 were golden.) TTK is way too fast I agree speaking from the breathing side of things. So much to do in the 2 good runs ended up having to catch up to my squad to find out what was next ha. Looking forward to how this game turns out honestly and hope EFT steps it up in response.

    • @lonewolfgaming5867
      @lonewolfgaming5867 หลายเดือนก่อน

      they did mention that they will be adding a 1 player que for the operations mode i just dont know when they are gonna add it. i feel your pain. especially if your a duo and you are forced to fight trio teams

    • @ThisIsmiXTV
      @ThisIsmiXTV หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​​@@lonewolfgaming5867Bro solo Q is already in the game? Ive been playing solo this whole time. Theres a button right above the deploy / loadout that says squad fill, just uncheck that.

    • @aleczanderlaw293
      @aleczanderlaw293 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Why are you playing solo there is no need to just queue up with a squad I’ve only been playing for a couple days and met some cool people!

    • @stevenli8816
      @stevenli8816 หลายเดือนก่อน

      why do ppl like solo cue team cue at least u can get revived by team

  • @Teriell
    @Teriell หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    The TTK is more than good, armor system is also good because it goes hand in hand with the ammo system. The problem is that people fully dec out weapons instead of buying the good ammo... There is a strat to the mechanics, it's a new extraction shooter... It's not tarkov either, it's more of a arcade ish extraction with how rarity functions. Like you can solo wipe several swuads if you run with purple ammo, you can go eco with green ammo, it's a balance...
    The best tips I got for you guys is to use the shooting range option settings to out on armor on the dolls and you will see the true TTK, it's not as fast as you think it is
    And also little to no armor protects your abdomen for example, or arms or legs, you will get the full force damage from the bullets... The graded bullets only work with the armor system. If you pay attention to where you get shot you will get what I mean

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Ttk isn't as fast as it seems? I've tested plenty of ammo against high tier armor that can kill you in under 0.3/4s

    • @bigbadbusta3871
      @bigbadbusta3871 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Thank you. The TTK is fine id hate it if TTK just got risen across the board and the game becomes too spongey like most other shooters.

    • @JusticeUnderGod
      @JusticeUnderGod หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@HudszgamingIt's the face arms and legs being hit is why TTK seems fast. You don't have armor on those parts so you go down quick. If you are leaning and get hit in face and arm your done. Don't lean so much. Never have lean on hold. My random squad mates die and I wipe a team most games. Repair armor and heal and rotate. So many times I rotate while repairing or healing and come back around the down them all. Also down players and let the crawl to teammates. Gives positions away. It's a different TTK but Arena Breakout Infinite TTK is slower because guns recoil a lot. DF guns mostly shot really straight.

    • @robertgarnsey3279
      @robertgarnsey3279 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      i hust tested white mp5 ammo no attachtments against full t5 armor.... .9 ttk

    • @Teriell
      @Teriell หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@robertgarnsey3279 the difference would be to test it at different meters, you would ofc see the damage falloff be way more prominent. You will usually meet people at 30m or 40m ranges

  • @recon1986
    @recon1986 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Everyone got a problem with TTK when they get shot but love it when they have the advantage and get the shots off first... funny how that works eh

    • @kvnxyz
      @kvnxyz หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      yeah, spoil gamers from COD, its kinda like people complaining about SBMM, where sweaty players don't want be match with players that are just as good as themselves 😆

  • @FolkvarthrGrim
    @FolkvarthrGrim หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    The ammo/armor relationship was my only really big problem. There feels like there is no bonus for buying high tier armor since anyone with purple ammo can basilica pen through it. If I spend 200k or more I better be taking some shots before I die

    • @4kZimmy
      @4kZimmy หลายเดือนก่อน

      there is a bonus if you run with golden armor and a actually good one people with purple bullets still need to destroy it in order to deal you some damage actually also you dont need to spend 200k you can just go layali groove above farm there are 2 locations i forgot the name and on the right one above the farm theres a bunker with a morse code puzzle where you basically jus need to get the code for the door using the morse code sound thats playing from a speaker and you get a golden armor which takes 2x2 slots in your eq and you can do that each game

    • @FolkvarthrGrim
      @FolkvarthrGrim หลายเดือนก่อน

      @ the armor is once per profile

  • @JusticeUnderGod
    @JusticeUnderGod หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    TTK is fine. You have no armor on face of arms/legs so you can be downed quick if hit in those spots. Players not getting Twitch drops is big for me. Since the 4th customer service still trying to figure it out. Twitch confirmed game is linked & I watched streams. Battlepass weekly limit is criminal. You paid & this limit never was explained. Servers sometimes lag could be issue. Anti cheat doesn't pick up Chinese players playing on US servers and wall hacking is crazy bad in some games with good loot available. Still love the game
    Only will be playing Delta Force & Arena Breakout Infinite from now on.

  • @CmdrWiggly
    @CmdrWiggly หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    I don't agree with the TTK being too low in operations, being able to kill people quickly with purple ammo is the ONLY reason I am able to 1v2 or 1v3. There are alot of solo players like me who will not be able to do well otherwise

    • @JesseKazam
      @JesseKazam  หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      yea that is totally fair. I personally would like it to be adjusted but not too much, definitely don't want it to be too long. But if it stayed where it is now maybe they could rework the armor system a little bit. Just doesn't feel worth spending all the money on good armor when ttk is low. Definitely a few different ways they could go with it.

    • @FireVols
      @FireVols หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Agree, high ttk in this would suck.

    • @balinthehater8205
      @balinthehater8205 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      ​@@JesseKazam out of curiosity, did you ever play the cycle: frontier in its forst year or so? Because in that game they did go for a stronger armor system where the legendary quality armors were able to shrug off a few hits from legendary weapons (there wasnt a seperate ammunition system in the game). Which functionally made everyone wearing them immortal to beginner tier weapons.
      What ended up happening was that people went seal clubbing into the beginners zone and I am pretty sure it was one of the factors that decreased the playerbase to its eventual sunsetting.
      So im just going to be careful with what i wish for as in my opinion the system is not perfect but i have seen what happens when the armor is buffed in relation to the ammo in a game with tiered equipment.

    • @tojagoryl
      @tojagoryl หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@JesseKazam try to get to fire range (click modify on weapon left bottom of the screen) use whatever ammo u want and test it on whatever armor u want, mostly its 1-3 bullet diffrience. Its good as it is. This is dynamic arcade extraction shooter, not immersive shooter like eft also u have so many abilities to rotate/reveal/heal that helps u get advantage

    • @LifetimeThiccness
      @LifetimeThiccness 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      For me personally, I think the fact that good armor is cheaper then good ammo helps keep armor relativity relavent.
      I like things the way they are personally. Especially after coming from other extraction shooters with armor

  • @Rafaatho
    @Rafaatho หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I come from tarkov w 3k hours I use to no life it. It’s just a job of a game. This game did alot of things very well for a FTP game where games like DMZ just couldn’t
    1. You don’t need to pay for insurance, a buddy picks up ur gear and extracts. You get it back in mail. It’s a nice balance too, rather tarkov dropping ur friends gear and you get it ALL back
    2. The loot is fun, it matters. There’s rare loot, the color rarity is nice dopamine, it’s fun. I’ve found graphics card in random bags , JUST like tarkov. Theres locked rooms, etc. This did this right
    3. They have an auction house , this is important DMZ never had that at launch & idk about nowadays. It’s important and fun to make money and sell rare valuables, they did this right
    4. Gunplay and customization & even gear, feels good
    5. Definitely improvements to be made but they did great.
    I will say TTK is kinda crazy. Go in the range, even green / blue ammo can shred purple armor in about 5-8 shots (depending on the guns damage) , it’s actually kinda crazy. I even tested the WHITE buckshot, will kill 4 shots in the chest with purple armor, that’s kinda crazy. I think ammo needs to be adjusted a bit when hitting armor, I think armor should tank just a tad more

  • @Magistratiss
    @Magistratiss หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Honestly if armor didn’t degrade , and armor repair had more points, I think it would improve the issue substantially

  • @robertXBOX233
    @robertXBOX233 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Without tarkov or arena breakout to run away to, console players are going to love this

    • @outdawayyy887
      @outdawayyy887 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Arena Breakout will be coming to console

    • @robertXBOX233
      @robertXBOX233 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @outdawayyy887 Hallelujah can't wait

  • @vulpix9210
    @vulpix9210 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think what they could do is give the limbs a shared 200-250 hp healthpool. Then give your chest 80hp or so, leave the head at where it is. Then it would be semi-arcady but also tarkov like to where you wont die instantly, but you can die quick if someone manages to center mass you or headshot you.

  • @Atlas.-7141
    @Atlas.-7141 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I came home from college to play the game for a few days. bought the battle pass, expecting to get it done or nearly complete so that I don't have to worry about falling behind. turns out if u miss a week u get absolutely screwed because that’s a whole weeks worth of battle pass rewards you will never get. I like how you are rewarded with delta coin, which you can then use to buy the next battle pass so you essentially get a LOT of stuff for free, but that means you cant miss anything ever which is a huge L because I'm constantly moving between my house and college where I wont be able to touch the game for weeks at a time.

    @IAMTRASHMAN267 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Agree on your points about TTK/armor and what feels like map choke points. There are so many fights that I feel like i’m being forced into meat grinder bottleneck points in order to engage in a fight. This is something that Call of Duty DMZ nailed with the almost limitless routes for approaching a fight, especially with good vaulting and mantling. Sometimes Delta Force feels like it is forcing you into areas via predetermined, unnatural lanes.
    This means if you are a solo player trying to avoid hunter squads, you have very limited routes to take. Fights are forced into lanes and makes disengaging even harder.

  • @aidenc1998
    @aidenc1998 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Not a fan of the ammo differences, unless they cap loot for easier raids so people dont come back with god gear

  • @SaltSpirits
    @SaltSpirits หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    player spawns are just too close. i’ve played 3 matches and all of them ended in under 3 minutes because someone rushed my squads spawn immediately. won’t ever touch the mode again. no solo mode is a complete fucking miss too

    • @Sky22.
      @Sky22. หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      learn the spawns lol like tarkov isnt WORSE

    • @xavierpadilla4113
      @xavierpadilla4113 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Chill out on spawn. Wait until you hear shots instead of being the shots people hear.

    • @Almost_Clutch
      @Almost_Clutch หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      You need to play something other than the dam brother.

    • @4nlimited3dition_4n3d
      @4nlimited3dition_4n3d หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Almost_Clutch Brakesh and Space shitty are even more garbage because of how small they are and the extracts suck. Also the matchmaking seems to not be functional currently. I'm Bronze and die immediately to some platinum or diamond players pretty much every game until I'm out of money and have to go back to easy mode...

    • @Jrock44
      @Jrock44 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@4nlimited3dition_4n3d play dam on normal. And play SLOW. Plenty of stuff gets left behind to pick up and sell or stash.

  • @iAmDiBBz
    @iAmDiBBz หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    operation related stuff needs to go from the battlepass. maybe the item packs where you get a chance to get certain items but remove teknik alloys from it and it would dramatically slow down the early game.
    - fix operations map. no one plays space city cause of how crap it is. barakessh was time limited but was poorly received because of the same exact problems space city faces. its over filled. its spawns are crap. youre stuck in alot of situations in which youre unable to rotate out of and third parties.
    - SMG needs another balance pass. the fact they got buffed this time around means its meta to SMG's now. QBZ was the previous meta king in the last playtests. but not anymore
    All the warfare matches honestly need a balance pass. shafted literately gets you shafted and terminal is just horrendous.

  • @ryangillespie8610
    @ryangillespie8610 หลายเดือนก่อน

    coming from rainbow six siege the ttk is unique to the space and it shouldn’t be changed there are plenty other games ppl can play if they want longer ttk not to mention it helps solo or duo players be able to clutch up against a trio since there is no solo or duo queues. The most annoying thing to me is how fast the armor breaks in the chest area headshots need to be rewarded much more than a body shot.

  • @Atlas.-7141
    @Atlas.-7141 หลายเดือนก่อน

    5:00 you can actually buy the mandlebrick keys with the tickets that you earn from the BP or selling skins and then unlock a another mandlebrick (you need one from raid) to get a different skin.

  • @davidyates7835
    @davidyates7835 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Being able to pick up another player or players like 6 man teams isreally good way to meet people and funny interactions can come frome this

  • @Bepiswawa
    @Bepiswawa หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think what they’re gonna do with the armor is change the damage values for bullets. I also think they’re gonna mess with the gun damage and ttk a BIT, but overall the armor is what I think will be changed. By that I mean that lower tier ammo will do substantially less damage to it (so a dude with green ammo can’t bust my golden vest in literally 3 shots) and reduce the damage pass through across the board, so that your armor actually kinda does something.

    • @bonkbingbamouch
      @bonkbingbamouch หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yea bullet damage needs to be lower with the high speed low recoil COD style gameplay

  • @HurtyTeefs
    @HurtyTeefs หลายเดือนก่อน

    My 2 biggest issues are
    1) too many menus and sub menus ! It’s totally ridiculous and confusing
    2) the wall hacks arrow. As a solo it’s just a game breaker, there is almost no chance of winning a fight against a squad if they have it. I think if you entered the raid solo, it just shouldn’t work on you.

  • @a0000a1234
    @a0000a1234 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the arguement for spend money on ammo and body armor would be the same for Tarkov but the difference is you can't buyhigh tier ammo in tarkov til late.

  • @jimmymontanaro311
    @jimmymontanaro311 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Battle pass is a little p2w but at the same time if you don’t have something like that, that gives the more casual player a chance to snowball then there will be alot of people who never even sniff purple ammo and get wiped and just quit the game. With how expensive base upgrades are + the price of a decent kit, BP seems like peanuts tbh.

    @CYBERHOUNDYT หลายเดือนก่อน

    The extraction genre will always be divided on ttk half the players prefer low ttk. Extraction shooters that want to appeal to both sides will have to create two modes where one has a low ttk. Otherwise it's kinda like choose what side to make a game for.

  • @MortalMilka
    @MortalMilka หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I only played a few rounds of extraction but I had a moment of the exact opposite you said regarding the TTK. I had an M4 with Green ammo (basically everything was green on me iirc) I walked on a guy looting, guessing he thought I was his teammate. At like 2 meters I shot 3 bullets into his ear and he just turned from looting and downed me instantly. Not sure if he had the best helmet I didn't have enough knowledge of the game, but that felt like an "arcady" TTK to me if 3 headshot is not enough.

    • @NeedsMoDakka
      @NeedsMoDakka หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      >green ammo
      There's yer problem. You want to be using purple against players. Keep it in your safe box and load up when you know you have a pvp fight

    • @MortalMilka
      @MortalMilka หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@NeedsMoDakka Yeah I know, I just wanted to state how oppisite it feels for you if you don't have the best ammo. Its the same as Tarkov you die in 1 headshot from the best ammo or you tank half a mag in the head from the worse.

    • @LifetimeThiccness
      @LifetimeThiccness 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Honestly, I just use blues. They get the job done without costing a damn fortune.

  • @lonewolfgaming5867
    @lonewolfgaming5867 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i dont like the fact that the weapons have a base damage but the ammo decides what armor i can pen. i feel like it can be better if higher tier ammo had more pen but less damage and vice versa with lower tier ammo. because if i get shot with a high tier ammo into my level 4 plate then its usually instantly destroyed and i still take the full damage from the weapon with its base damage. maybe a damage fall off after penetrating the armor would be better for the game to help people live longer in gunfights and make the game itself last longer because the less damage you take after the ammo pens you then maybe you would be able to get into cover easier especially in a area that is full of cover

  • @lanegiboney2449
    @lanegiboney2449 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe a way to help buff lower level ammo would be to add blunt trauma type injuries, maybe things like cracked ribs when low ammo hits a chest plate that reduce max stamina + stamina regen? It would provide more viability to budget builds and lower tier ammo. Great video, I appreciate the insight

    • @4kZimmy
      @4kZimmy หลายเดือนก่อน

      no need to when people are just gonna learn they can do leg meta in this game cuz most of ppl are braindead and dont use painkillers

  • @Wdbjr12345
    @Wdbjr12345 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Been playing this game for a few days now. It’s fun i like it. Wouldn’t say it’s a threat to tarkov but if they made the menus more streamlined and muted the helicopter id be happy. For a beta the games got a lot of potential. The PvP is nice

  • @bloodleshen1989
    @bloodleshen1989 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ABI also just nerfed all weapons range so in essence trying to lower ttk over distance forcing closer range fights but also giving armor more value against range weapons. .So I assume they had a similar issue with TTK from range anyways.

  • @ColeTheTweaker
    @ColeTheTweaker หลายเดือนก่อน

    for a free game it is really good and the only reason why there's so much monetization(skins, bp levels, bp premium, etc...) is because it is free and making it isn't

  • @Qban_Guy
    @Qban_Guy หลายเดือนก่อน

    The armor concern sounds like our concern last wipe when they initially changed Tarkov’s armor system. Wearing level 6 armor didn’t feel like it protected you more than level 4 so there’s not a point in spending money on it.

  • @daman8492
    @daman8492 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish there were more earnable weapon skins from just using a weapon. Like, the only skin you can earn from using a weapon is the Delta orange, white and black skin. Even if they were basic, it would've been nicer if there were like 3 or 4 skins as you progress through a weapon. CoD has done this since OG Modern Warfare and it works. It's good. As things stand, most people are casual spenders so 90% of people running around with skins are just using the battle pass skins, so everyone is using the same visual stuff. If there were 3 or 4 skins to unlock via leveling a weapon then there's at least be some variety as people picked what they wanted, even if it's just a simple woodland camo or something.

    • @Toothydeere
      @Toothydeere หลายเดือนก่อน

      go into normals/hard mode, get mandelbricks and unlock skins.

    • @daman8492
      @daman8492 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Toothydeere Did you just not pay attention to anything I said? My problem is that the game only has challenges like the weekend tickets and mandelbricks and stuff to unlock skins. It's lame. I'd like to just earn some normally by using a weapon, even if they're simple. 1 skin for getting a certain amount of kills with a gun, and that skin looking the same on every weapon, isn't really enough. Competitors like CoD or Battlefield always have a bunch of free skins you earn just by using a weapon. It's the one problem I have with this game, that skins are really lacking.
      And that's not even mentioning that the mandelbrick system is way too challenging considering 99% of the time you're going to be getting super basic things like 1 tone white skins or a basic camo. It's not worth the effort. I've got 3 so far, out of the like 75 you need to actually get something good.

    • @drinking_ice
      @drinking_ice หลายเดือนก่อน

      but the game is just release, give it more time to make more free skins.

  • @Nick-fr1wb
    @Nick-fr1wb หลายเดือนก่อน

    this game would be a 10/10 with a solo queue mode! i play solo most times and when i run into 3 stacks my only option is to hit and run but all that shooting gets me inevitably sandwiched. pretty annoying i think a solo queue mode would add worlds to this game

  • @LurkDelta
    @LurkDelta หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Good ammo just needs a nerf and it would fix a lot of the ttk issues. Also doesn’t help that you can buy the best ammo with no level lock

  • @Survhrr
    @Survhrr หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think ttk is totally fine, it’s especially important to keep the balance between solo play and teams

    @CYBERHOUNDYT หลายเดือนก่อน

    I like how tarkov handled ttk armor works but ammo works too. You will still get two tapped on tarkov if someone is using good ap ammo. Or instant headshot which is fine.

  • @dropshotter4419
    @dropshotter4419 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In what my death feeds have told me in my past 19 hours that are only on operations, that armor does do something...Sometimes it doesn't feel like it helps me at all. I have had blue ammo uzi 3 shot me all body shots vs my blue ammo but I have also used uzi blue AP ammo not RIP ammo and got 8-10 hit markers up close in admin buildings on a T4 armor and I lose the fight still.

  • @high1458
    @high1458 หลายเดือนก่อน

    TTK is fine, shooting up a "tier" usually is 3-4 more bullets. The system works fine.
    If they added a slower TKK on better gear, the game would be less skill based and more gear dependend.

  • @lonewolfgaming5867
    @lonewolfgaming5867 หลายเดือนก่อน

    if you get a weapon skin for a weapon that you dont have unlocked in the warfare mode then you get the gun for having the skin itself that is also something i felt like was an issue

  • @JadedCoD
    @JadedCoD หลายเดือนก่อน

    Been playing this non stop like you, my biggest gripe is the LOOONG crafting times. The blacksite makes no money. We need it to be more like Tarkov hideout crafting times imho

    • @bonkbingbamouch
      @bonkbingbamouch หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Wayzzted
    @Wayzzted หลายเดือนก่อน

    Played Extraction today for the first time with my brother and man, so many times I got killed within a second, couldn't even react to getting shot, but sometimes to stronger armor, lower tier bullets don't seem to do much damage, my brother had to shoot 1 person over 17+ times to knock him

  • @MakBlank
    @MakBlank หลายเดือนก่อน

    TTK is fine at lower levels with green or blue gear/ammo but spending 500k on gold armor isnt worth it in later stages of the game.

  • @Oxissistic
    @Oxissistic หลายเดือนก่อน

    Missed the issue of full purple gear squads being able to load into the same game as a new player with their green gear ticket. Zero Dam needs a gear cap, just as the others have a cost of entry.
    let ZD be the kiddy pool.

  • @capidano6248
    @capidano6248 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I play mostly warfare mode currently , mostly because I found getting beamer right off the bat (the spawn problem) in operations needs to get changed .
    Also totally agree on the capped battlepass, i was going to toss $10 at it for the game, but that made me pump the breaks. As I have odd play times due to family and work, there are weeks were I can grind out the pass and other weeks when I cannot play. Since the season expires.... This was a hard pass then

    • @Toothydeere
      @Toothydeere หลายเดือนก่อน

      considering I get max weekly battlepass XP in like 30-40 matches (only winning like 12 of them) I really don't think the battlepass would be difficult for the average 9-5 worker to do. especially if you play 2-3 matches during the weekdays and then finish the rest of the weekly XP on the weekends, I fully believe it would be possible. but it's just cosmetics and some crates that give you good ammo/loadouts, so whatever tbh

  • @TheHorzabora
    @TheHorzabora หลายเดือนก่อน

    For all that I love low, or higher, TTK, allowing low TTK on headshots just makes the game sweaty AF.

  • @iodred
    @iodred หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Playing Devil's advocate, the most notable reason I can think of why you can't get coins for selling skins, is that with more time played by the playerbase, more skins will be found over time and sold on the market. The market by its nature undercuts itself to achieve sales and, eventually all those skins will overpopulate and lose value, dumping the official skin shop as no one would then use it if those same skins are available on the market for cheaper. Where in actuality, the compromise of allowing you to sell for tickets which you can then use on the shop to buy other skins is a lot more than other games offer.
    Now this might not *necessarily* happen with the market, but I think from a game developer as a business standpoint, this kind of makes sense to not want to risk an avenue of income generation if possible. It's also not a /bad/ compromise per se, it just doesn't "feel fair" due to the human brain expecting equal exchange.
    Take this with a grain of salt as Im not trying to glaze, I dont even play the game, the argument Im trying to make is purely philosophical and is two-fold: a) whether you want the developers to maintain income over time to keep producing content and b) whether you want the possible future of the market becoming oversaturated and skins losing value. Feel free to make counter-arguments

  • @tirushone6446
    @tirushone6446 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I actually think the TTK is in a good spot, the price balancing just isn't. I thing I really like about delta force is that the difference between super gear and trash gear isn't that huge, so player skill and positioning is by far the biggest determining factor for how a fight turns out, where in tarkov for example, if you have only a glock with pst, good luck killing anyone with a face shield. In delta froce though, those fight are very winnible and when I lose fights it's because I was out aimed or cought of guard, not because the other guy just had better gear then me.
    That being said, amour costs generally about as much as ~200 rounds of the ammo to pen it, which is enough to kill the whole server between your whole squad (600 rounds), but that same amour can only take 5 or so hits before being competley zeroed by that ammo. So I think the easy solution here is just to 2-4x the price of ammo, and double the duriblity of all amours, meaning the cost of zeroing an amour, and the amour itself would be about equall, meaning more shitty ammo in use and making amour a relivant part of the meta.

  • @sailyourface
    @sailyourface หลายเดือนก่อน

    I agree with all of Jesse’s points. Been having fun but the ttk armor balance feels off and the hot drop raids feel terrible. The gear battlepass isn’t the end of the world but I hate the weekly battlepass limit

  • @mikecich
    @mikecich หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well, game is in its infancy at the moment, only time will tell what happens in the future. TTK is taboo, but again a lot of us are Tarky players where TTK can be 0.0 seconds because you get one tapped (assuming the timer starts the moment the player takes damage).

  • @ItsLukeDude
    @ItsLukeDude หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fully agree with the ttk. Gear doesnt really matter too much. It ends up noone wants to fight and ends up being a camping game waiting for players for a free kill

  • @bridytv
    @bridytv หลายเดือนก่อน

    my main concern is matchmaking. I am primarily solo queue. I get the worst awful teammates queued with me. Ive played with friends and we do great. But the randoms are awful. Also skills based matchmaking doesnt help being lvl 30 platinum

  • @me-A2B
    @me-A2B หลายเดือนก่อน

    They should just limit the ammo tier into 2 cost efficient one and slightly better one. Remove the blue tier ammo, this will fix the TTK in operation.

  • @luziferiii
    @luziferiii หลายเดือนก่อน

    Brakkesh and Layali Grove are too swarmed with player teams, I agree... would help to balance it if you mix squads of 1, 2 and 3 people instead of 5 teams of 3 guys.
    Zero Dam feels just balanced the way it is and I think as "tutorial map" it should never have NPC respawn... every other map could make use of NPCs respawning more frequently I agree

  • @dustin0133
    @dustin0133 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    the armor durability is crazy it breaks way too fast and nobody cared the whole time during testing except for people coming from tarkov where armor matters. ABI just had some sweeping nerfs, maybe DF will too.

  • @hend0wski
    @hend0wski หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    that battlepass weekly limit math does not check out for me. Im level 39 right now, and im at 155k of 235k and still progressing just fine.

    • @miciso666
      @miciso666 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yeah exact same here... im on day 3 of playing it.

  • @maihass883
    @maihass883 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the point of the battle pass exp cap is to balance progression for casual players from sleepless players

  • @bobdixon9346
    @bobdixon9346 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Im just happy its not solely an extraction shooter, there is already too many of em. I will say its a fun mode. Loving the BF style warfare mode.

  • @bldroux
    @bldroux หลายเดือนก่อน

    currently really enjoying it! i do agree with your points, along with the fact that theres no solo mode, and i dont like the way recoil feels for many of the full auto guns ive tried

  • @SmashIntoStones
    @SmashIntoStones หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Problem with battle pass is that you cant fully complete by playing. There isnt enough time for it bc xp limit

    • @miciso666
      @miciso666 หลายเดือนก่อน

      really? i been playing now on my 3rd day. im on bp lvl 39 and 146/235k left to earn this week.
      i was on lvl 20 ish on the 2nd day or so... as i didnt really play a ton on day1 just mostly figuring stuff out.

    • @SmashIntoStones
      @SmashIntoStones หลายเดือนก่อน

      @miciso666 you can earn only 23lvl per week (235k xp)..

  • @terryjarvis2485
    @terryjarvis2485 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Side note Pubgs armor is damaged when you pick it up if you damaged the player that you killed that had it.

  • @justing436
    @justing436 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yea there is a lot of spots where I feel like I should be able to vault over or on to things and you can’t that is a little frustrating

  • @Interstellama
    @Interstellama หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The clip where you peaked a corner and turned around to go hide and you died before you could even turn around tk get to safety is a perfect example of ttk being too fast. You literally cannot make a mistake or your dead.

  • @theeosteopath
    @theeosteopath หลายเดือนก่อน

    If TTK is too fast then run better gear. All the stats are in the game to see when you have level 4-5 gear you can only die fast to gold ammo. If someone is using white through blue it won’t do shit. I had amazing fights with green on green ammo and both wearing blue gear!! Then got smoked by an over achiever running purple ammo and gear, but it’s a good risk vs reward which is amazing.

  • @MakBlank
    @MakBlank หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    People saying ttk is fine havent experienced end game content with high firerate weapons and gold ammo making the best armor in the game feel like 2 sheets of paper its not worth spending 500k on good armor in its current state.

    • @ja-chrispy5566
      @ja-chrispy5566 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Cry harder

    • @balinthehater8205
      @balinthehater8205 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      People who say armor needs buffing have not experienced the seal clubbing that happens when players with top tier armor can just run roughshod on beginner maps with no chance for the players there to do anything beyond scratching paint.
      I understand it doesn't feel good but it is the lesser evil. Better the few meta chads suffer a little inconvenience than destroying the will to play on the new players.

    • @4kZimmy
      @4kZimmy หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      thats how it's supposed to be its golden ammo lil bro and a high firerate weapon ofc you aint gonna tank a full mag out of that gun with red armor nor even 15 bullets

    • @MakBlank
      @MakBlank หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@balinthehater8205 This is true armor needs a buff but more importantly a slight rework to make different armors balanced across maps and matchmaking pools pub stomping is fun but casuals and beginners need a safe place to play the game

    • @MakBlank
      @MakBlank หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@4kZimmy Once you get out of silver you can come to my lobbies and ill farm your kits ☺️

  • @venous-gaming55
    @venous-gaming55 หลายเดือนก่อน

    TTK should stay short.
    Increasing armor simply creates a try hard giga chad community.
    So many games make the mistake of catering to the tryhards, it kill growth from new players.
    Try hards need to be at real threat from new players. Shouldn't be able turn into terminator.

  • @E1iteWolf
    @E1iteWolf หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe this TTK thing is because content creators are playing so much that they run into certain situations a lot. I honestly think increasing TTK would hurt the game more.
    As a solo player I've had rare clutch moments where I'd kill 2 players in less than 2 seconds from flicking my aim from one to the other, if they increase the TTK it wouldn't be possible and I'd just be in a checkmate situation against a team. They can keep healing each other and use their gadgets 3x as much. It would break the game for solo play completely.
    Keep in mind I also die fast, but when I look at the death screen I can see what ammo/armor they have and how many hits they landed. Most of the time I don't find it jarring or strange.
    In Tarkov it's similar with armor no longer blindly protecting every part of your body, if you get shot in arms and legs you can just die without your armor doing anything.
    Like some people said in the comments: if you go into the gun range and test different ammo against different armor levels, it seems just fine.
    There could be some jank going on in the game, maybe it's networking related where it's like COD with their superbullets (lots of damage received in one tick update due to poor servers). Which would increase your perceived TTK. I don't know if anyone is testing networking for this game, but just my thoughts on this!

    • @murdurmuffin7872
      @murdurmuffin7872 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No it's not just them. When I die, it's almost always sub 200ms TTK (you can easily calculate it with the stat data and your death report). That's faster than the average human reaction time and well within the bounds of latency on a decent connection so even your client may not see it happen.
      Say it's not a problem all you want but it objectively removes skill and competitiveness from play. Everything is decided by 2 factors. Who has the best ammo and who has the higher RPM weapon. Everything else is out of scope of the firefight itself or of negligible effect.

  • @dopemanricky7196
    @dopemanricky7196 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Mandlebolt skins are per season? I didn't notice that. 75 of them is quite a bit for only being able to use a skin for one season. Maybe I understood wrong?

    • @Toothydeere
      @Toothydeere หลายเดือนก่อน

      mandlebrick skins CHANGE every season, you will still be able to use previous season skins. there'd be no reason to get mandlebrick skins if they were unable to be used after the season.

  • @notmynameanymore941
    @notmynameanymore941 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Imma prob try it regaurdless of issues, frick it I say I dont even play tarky. Im not even sure if im playing wipe
    watched the vid. will not be trying the game until changes to the battle pass are made. yuck not gonna let mobile game BS sneak onto my PC

  • @recon1986
    @recon1986 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I personally feel if your going to have an extraction mode with that many teams the maps should be WAY bigger than they are

  • @Crookgotjokes
    @Crookgotjokes หลายเดือนก่อน

    not just extraction the whole game has a future problem is supposed to be the battlefield killer but there are no boats, only 2 helicopters, jets and a decent list of ground vehicles, but the maps are actually small, too small to really have these vehicles be effective and not get killed within a minute and a half after you get it. Not to mention i see a bad foreshadowing in the Store, they are selling cases and keys which is odd because because the game has no workshop on steam period the point of skins and cases and keys were that you can sell buy and trade what keys, cases, or skins you have or want. anyone buying skins for the sole intent of looking flashy in a free to play title is goofy.

    • @Crookgotjokes
      @Crookgotjokes หลายเดือนก่อน

      especially if the items in said game have no value yet.

  • @awakenedBanana
    @awakenedBanana หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is kinday personal opinion, but if a game has a battlepass that can be considered pay to progress/win and it is free, I consider that a good thing. I dont really like the whole pay to win, but battlepasses are definitely an exception for me. If I like a game, I always feel like the game should have a battlepass that I can progress through. About the ttk, I think it is in a good spot. I like both tarkov and apex legends, so I can say that this feels really good. Delta force is just a new game I can switch to.

  • @iso_Bandit
    @iso_Bandit หลายเดือนก่อน

    I died 5 times in a row, no contest once moving to grove. Its impossible to progress. Ive debated myself all day quiting or not.

  • @sirnicholas6626
    @sirnicholas6626 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I don’t mind the battle pass or monitixatuon shut however the good safe boxes being locked behind a PayPal for 2 days pass or whatever is literally a fucking cancer. Love the Game though

  • @richieferrelli6318
    @richieferrelli6318 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Agree with everything except the ttk part. Why should delta try to be more like other games when the market is flooded with copycats? I don’t mind the fast ttk, it makes positioning/awareness more important. Also, ttk can be slowed down if you are shooting someone whose armor is higher rarity than your ammo (ex blue ammo vs purple armor). Anyway great vid and I played with you for a raid back in the beta, gg!

  • @elhefe7403
    @elhefe7403 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You completely missed the nr 1 problem, chinese hackers, which are present 1/3 games. Problem 2 is gear balancing. If I'm allowed to go in a game with gold gear, is it fair to play against grey boys? Why is easy vs normal a difference just in loot? If there's a min, there should be a max.

  • @HONDOR22
    @HONDOR22 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I get people's frustration with the low TTK, but higher TTK has its own problems. Best-in-slot meta items will influence engagements more (get ready to just simply lose fair gunfights to the newest broken youtube build), clutching up 1 v X situations becomes harder (and its already hard, solo play is basically not an option), and cartoony movement mechanic abuse is rewarded. Personally, I would much rather live with the downsides of Low TTK.

    • @JesseKazam
      @JesseKazam  หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Yea I think that is super fair. It's definitely a hard balance to strike. Since they want the game to be so team focused I think TTK can come up a little bit but you are definitely right that there are always trade offs to make.

    • @P1DZz
      @P1DZz หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Can't they have it like Tarkov where the body takes more DMG with better armor but the face can be 1 tapped unless you have a face shield? I feel like that's a better balance then me taking my gold chest in to get it melted to 0hp from a random mid tier gun

    • @ja-chrispy5566
      @ja-chrispy5566 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@P1DZzliterally tarkov tho? You bring good gear and get neck shot first fight. This is just a different version of that

    • @P1DZz
      @P1DZz หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ja-chrispy5566 thats what im saying. make it like tarkovs ttk

    • @ja-chrispy5566
      @ja-chrispy5566 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@HONDOR22 so, instant?

  • @Petercrossed
    @Petercrossed หลายเดือนก่อน

    Purple bullets penetrate armor. So if you don't wear armor, the bullets can't penetrate anything. Problem solved...

  • @swabbie2066
    @swabbie2066 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish sniping was a little more fun in this game I think the glint is a little too obvious even with the mesh put on scopes. I have roughly 1k hours in tarkov but I haven't played in about 2 years cause I just got bored of the game and ended up moving onto the cycle which I think was amazing but suffered from the ammo problem this game has. The cycle didn't have ammo types but the rarity of the gun you used would increase the pen and dmg but all the low tier guns would melt you even with the best armor so the only reason you brough higher tier weapons was for PVE because PVE in that game had a lot of health but if you have a good gun matching the tier of enemy you fought it would make it easier. And well the cycle closed down over a year ago due to lack of players and money circulating. Overall I love delta force and it has been something I was looking for since I stopped playing tarkov and if they can primarily fix the ammo and armor problem I think we will have a long running extraction shooter on our hands. Fixing ammo and armor will also help make fights a lot more fun and it will make it possible to turn on someone when they get the jump on you instead of just being dead.

  • @herossj1
    @herossj1 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don't wanna offend anyone but all these concerns are nonsense. The thing that makes this genre addictive is the ''punishment'' you get for everything. The only thing that should change is the pass limit. Nothing else. As for the Tarkov guy crying about ttk just get better, use brain instead of rushing like an ape. Warzone had the same issue but this game requires you to rush like an ape so it was only natural for people to cry. Extraction games should be punishing if you don't play smart.

    • @FireVols
      @FireVols หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @FrazierFPV
    @FrazierFPV 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I’ve died one time in an operation because the guy I was fighting was good. Other time they’re blatantly wall hacking aimbotting. Or I get stun locked by a riot shield. Or my favorite is when I mag dump 10000 worth of ammo break their armor hit 2 headshots and then they turn around and 1 tap me. This game fucking sucks.

  • @Toothydeere
    @Toothydeere หลายเดือนก่อน

    judging by the clips shown for the TTK segment, it genuinely just looks like an issue on Jesse's end. he's playing the game like it's Tarkov, just walking around while ADS and not doing any serpentine movements when he's getting shot. in this game, there is literally no reason not to sprint everywhere, while jump-peeking and jiggle-peeking every single opportunity you can.

  • @DeRealNiko
    @DeRealNiko หลายเดือนก่อน

    i wear lvl 4 and still die immediately, we both can only get 2 shot off before i die. and its not even headshot, its thorax.

  • @MillerTheOriginal
    @MillerTheOriginal หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fully agree with everything you said. You missed problem 4 though. SBMM. Me and many others won't be playing this game while that is in it

  • @jesseveazey230
    @jesseveazey230 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Brakash is like that I spawned in a less than 5 seconds team came right around corner wiped us no time to think. Beta on that map was easier

  • @Disruptor1990
    @Disruptor1990 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i really hope they dont take years to fix the TTK aspect like nikita does

  • @tzav
    @tzav หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There are like a 1,000 different menus I have no idea wtf is going on. I guess they are giving me stuff but i can't bother going through all of these menus

    • @HONDOR22
      @HONDOR22 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Its awful. Just spam click whatever has a yellow ! point I guess.

    • @tzav
      @tzav หลายเดือนก่อน

      @HONDOR22 i tried but it never fucking ends bro 😭

  • @chrisblandford8971
    @chrisblandford8971 หลายเดือนก่อน

    TTK is fine as you are better geared and if you and other guy shoot at eachother at same time with same gun/ammo ect then you paid the extra for that advantage.

  • @somedude5353
    @somedude5353 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That battle pass looks totally pay 2 win. Shame Pestily didn’t do his interview any justice with raising it

  • @blakeyad8830
    @blakeyad8830 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ttk, agents in extraction, all you need is surgical kits the game needs a lot of work multiplayer is fun and i think they are just pushing for launch to make that sweet mobile money

  • @ravenblack3474
    @ravenblack3474 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It was the same with PUBG mobile. There are too many currencies and things to buy. So many things to collect all over the main interface. It's like browsing internet without an ad blocker.

  • @kszytok
    @kszytok หลายเดือนก่อน

    u have a like from me for including what mode is this video about. Thank you for not wasting my time 👍

  • @shadrachlane5555
    @shadrachlane5555 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sweats (streamers and no lifes) hate fast TTK because they cant hide their unawareness behind unrealistic movements anymore. Go play cod.

  • @amriamri6496
    @amriamri6496 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tbh the only thing i didn't like that i wasn't font of is the ttk but the currency and stuff is understandable bcz they have to make money too

  • @chrisminepy
    @chrisminepy หลายเดือนก่อน

    the issues with loading time and lag is crazy for me

  • @runitbackgaming503
    @runitbackgaming503 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t know why people complain about the time to kill so much, I think too many people are just used to playing shitty games like call of duty where you’re a bullet sponge and take an entire magazine to kill, I think the TTK is great, I don’t want a game where it takes me two magazines before I even kill anybody that’s ridiculous even with armor you take an extra three or four shots before you’re down and that’s exactly how it should be

  • @diplo_yt
    @diplo_yt 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    10:30 ABI has AI that respawn, and lemme tell you, It's terrible. I prefer the way DF does it. My only concern is that AI in this game feels too artificial.
    The main problem with armor is that after you get shot 4 or 5 times it goes Paper mode. So low TTK, I don't mind it, Armor that degrades too quick, it's annoying.

  • @iamyourfan9729
    @iamyourfan9729 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Crying about a small Delta for good vs bad Armor just means it is more dependent on skill, and less on farm / playtime. Good.

  • @CrityCrit
    @CrityCrit หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really really like the game but yeah the crates are a bit sketch also the biggest issue is trail safeboxes that's the biggest issue for me this isn't a mobile game remove that also yes weekly xp limit needs to be removed asap and TTK needs to be changed and honestly the game is A tier after that people crying about SBMM is insane.