+HalfwaytoHazardv2 i have the same problem, maybe i should stop storing it at that bargain booze depot? there always seems to more than i remember, but the the guy says as long as i keep paying for storage i have "no worrys mate"
I've always liked the mini bottles for hiking , camping , fishing . Makes for a great trade items . I got a full BBQ dinner for three mini bottles of rum on a hike .
scotch with honey and lemon in some hot water is an old scottish remedy to help sleep when youve got a flu or cold, but I prefer it with bourbon. and when stuck in the wilderness drinking one of these can make sure your body gets the rest it needs to recover properly. this is known as a hot tody for any one interested
Cultural anthro scientist note : Alcohol in human history goes back at least 20,000-30,000 years. Alcohol w/ honey and citrus goes back about 8,000 - 15,000 (!) years -- Documented in North Africa, France, Spain. The first recipe for Mead is from India ( the _Rig Veda_ ) about 6,000 years ago. The staying power of hot toddies in tons of cultures on Spaceship Earth for 1,000's of years is impressive. :)
Did you know that 5% acidity white vinegar can also sterilize instruments, silver ware, sterilize water etc...it just won't pickle you like liquor will.
Oh yeah the good old sweat out remedy. Rock n rye, lemon juice and honey. Works like a charm every time. Cuts down on the doctors office visits big time.
Whisky is a great pain killer. At least for a tooth ache. Back when I was 12 I had a bad tooth ache and no dentist was available for four days. My step dad at the time soaked some cotton batten in whisky and stuffed it in my molar's cavity and the tooth ache was controlled till I got to a dentist. I felt no pain . . . That was back in the 70's :) Cheers
Alcohol has caused more pain, misery, and death throughout time than all wars combined. "Wine produces mockers; beer and other alcoholic drinks lead to fights. Those who consume such poisons are NOT wise." Proverbs 20:1
The ever clear can also be used for making tinctures for those who practice herbalism in addition to first aid. Making a tincture of lavender that can be mixed into water may help with sleep or stress during a crisis.
Alcohol has caused more pain, misery, and death throughout time than all wars combined. "Wine produces mockers; beer and other alcoholic drinks lead to fights. Those who consume such poisons are NOT wise." Proverbs 20:1
Thank you so much for these videos always have thought the "world as we know it" will end and these videos i feel are really providing alot of info for people like me thank you again!
I love it don’t be drunk when shtf, so good I hade to laugh but as a nurse , I would carry the booze for all reasons and more in medical and stress situations thank you for sharing the truth , we will need these .dont be judgemental god loves us all..
Thanks for the video, there was a couple things like water purification that I hadn't thought of. I think that rubbing alcohol if properly stored in glass would perform many of these functions at a fraction of the cost, not really drinkable, well not for anyone who doesn't want to go blind! Just an idea let me know what you think if you by chance happen to see this amidst the thousand comments lol.
Yep ... as an experienced paramedic ...isopropyl alcohol is NOT to be ingested or used to purify water. Do not take a shot of that 190 proof alcohol. ..even wetting ones lips will cause discomfort could cause ones throat to spasm closed. Again experience speaks...
As a child growing up in Spain in an area where the water could be potentially hazardous my parents used to put Anisette in a tall glass with water and ice. As children we liked it for its sweetness, and I never did get sick from the water. For diner we often had red wine, that didn't make me sick either but at 4 years old I did get drunk once because I drank not only my own but my mom and dads too.
alcohol was used as water in the middle ages (beer)because it was safer than drinking water and was mixed with water for children would of improved the tast no one drank water look up royal navy rum
I consider liquor as generic for ........ Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Advil and all other pain relievers. ..... including but not limited to relieving broken hearts.
I like the way you tell it to us,and I love the out takes at the end,I'm a new sub to you and quite enjoying the content,I prep a little myself and am located in the UK
+nuclearskull i once took a double chug of 98% proof polish vodka, if we hadn't been parked next to the site toilets...#2...faster than superman, right though me
If you got a Big SHTF situation like full or partial world wide crop failure due to volcanic activity, floods or any number of unexpected scenarios like bees dying out due to a virus. You will need to rely heavily on food preservation techniques. So 95% rectified spirited would an essential item in your prep kit.
Hey Sootch! Some of us live somewhere north of the carolinas and we have this situation where water gets so cold and hard it just won't come out of your canteen anymore. One time a friend and I went out for some winter activities in 10 degree weather. He got thirsty, but his canteen had turned into a block of ice. My canteen water was still liquid because I had thought to add a shot of whiskey to the mix. I've heard a few guys say not to do that for this or that reason. But I have never heard of any other way to keep your canteen from freezing in the winter.
I use everclear for years. Making medicines like herbal tintures, cough medicines and pain medicines. As Food preservative with sugar, brandied peaches, cherries, most fruits in this nature. In the old days, we had a spray gun called a "flipt" spray gun that we use a mixture of camphor oil,water, tobacco and everclear to keep the area of flying bugs on warm summer evenings. Good video.
Hey sooch have you done a video on honey. It can be used as a disinfectant on cuts or burns. Can be used to raise the blood sugar of a diabetic in an emergency. And it latterly last forever.
Sootch00, in this, you said you had a pool this set my brain to thinking. How many Preppers have cement ponds as part of their prepping plans for drinking water? Do you use liquid muriatic pool acid? Well I do, I have a large cement pond that will be distilled to remove the salt and purify the water. I find that the acid jugs are not a cash value recyclable unlike other plastics so they are just a throw away. So I wondered are they reusable as a water jug. My answer is yes. I first emptied a one gallon jug of standard cement pond acid in to my cement pond as I normally would do. Then as I normally do becauze I'm a cheap old fart. I rinsed out the jug with cement pond water making sure I covered the whole of the jug’s interior with pool water three times. Triple rinsing is a standard practice in the chemical industry. After that a sniff test didn’t yield an acid smell, just a cement pond water smell that’s a good sign. Then I filled the jug up with my compound's softened tap water to see if the pH was the same as tap water which tests at a pH of 7.2. I took 2 samples from the jug about 10 min apart both samples were also a pH of 7.2, So it is my opinion that cement pond acid jugs can be used to hold drinking water at least for a short period of time 2-4 weeks. One advantage is pool acid jugs are about 100 % thicker then milk jugs and even the cheaper Walmart purified water jugs.
A colloidal silver generator would come in handy for a SHTF also. As long as you can get or make distilled water. It can be used to kill germs, viruses, bacteria, good to treat cuts, treat colds/flu, ect.... Mine uses a 9-volt battery. You could use a solar panel to power it.
Dont know if you got this in another video or not, but sugar is good for treating wounds, its not sterile but it will super charge your blood platelets causing them to clot faster. Know this for a fact, ive done it before. Just remember to steralize the wound after
Salt, sugar, alcohol, tobacco and fuel will be in very high demand in a shtf scenario so if your going to stock up on anything stock up on them. And if your going to barter make sure you only ever deal so much and only carry so much on you because people will rob you, and only trade so much in the same place form the same reason.
Good idea. I have been adding booze. I go out and purchase some alcohol for trading and all of the other things you mentioned. I need more variety ;-) I don't drink either so having booze around isn't a temptation whatsoever. I think having some cigarettes or cigars would also be a good barter item, especially better brands.
My best SHTF skill, it seems, is that I make my own beer and wine. They’ve closed down most liquor stores in Pennsylvania and I don’t even have to leave the house for mine. I only use glass to bottle my brews. It’s the absolute best for keeping freshness at its best.
I've also read about the filter and vodka method. In the test I read about, they used a Brita water filter and it basically made bottom shelf Mohawk-type vodka indistinguishable from something like Smirnoff or whatever (blind taste test). I never cared much when I was a drinkin man, I drank the cheapest shit you could buy.
A solid concept. Great video. The new currencies...Booze and 22 ammo. I'm not kidding. I might add toilet paper....but then don't throw away your phone books. Lots of wipes (and fire tinder) there! >;)
Double check me on this, but we were told NOT to use alcohol for a wound, internally, as it increases blood flow. It does work to kill pain and help sterilize wounds. If you have tooth pain, holding it in your mouth can kill the pain for a little while. My guess is that if you let it soak into a wound, it may numb it somewhat. You just might have increased bleeding in the area.
Most amusing video I've watched today. But it is a good prep. I'd stick with the higher proof as it's more versatile. It's easy to dilute the strong stuff if required.
Heard a friend talking the other day he picks up the 2 for $1 shooter bottles for stockpiling. This way he can dole out a few at a time, don't necessarily want someone to get a half pint, pint or half gallon of liquor but a few shots is safer.
Holy! I never thought of this! I haven't drank in over 3 years but always hated liquor just drank beer. But this could be useful to even just have a small container of on hand or for camping.
I've heard in a pinch any alcohol over 80% will run a gas engine . Problem though is engine will run hotter and it will eventually damage a fuel system. Another use is an antifreeze or deicer fluid. Have a great day
It is like keeping currency. 1/2 pints for 1 chicken and dozen eggs. 1 pint for 10# deer meat. 750 ml for 1/2 hog. ETC. Also good for bribes, to look other way. Good to xchange for ammo, gas, other needs. Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.
Man that gem clear is no joke.... I remember the one and only time I drank it. I was a fresh 21 and I saw a friend almost choke to death it was so strong for him. I called him a sissy and took a nice big swig (rum is my usual drink of choice, & I wasn't thinking) & holy crap. Then, being the genius that I am, I decided to do another ten shots.... Not only have I never let the stuff touch my lips again, I didn't even have so much as a beer for several weeks! Lol Some of us have to learn our lessons the hard way. That tip on running vodka through a filter was really interesting though... Definitely gonna try it. Thanks for the vid!
A doctor once told me that he uses a 50/50 mixture of 80 proof vodka and white vinegar as his "swimmer ear" solution. It helps keep the eardrum at the proper Ph level so the eardrum doesn't dry out and become leathery.
What do you think about using protein jugs to bury ammo and what not? Would the plastic be thick enough to stand up over years, and what type of steps should you take to help secure the contents. Like is you wanted to store ammo in it, should it be bagged in a freezer bag, double bagged, vacuum packed, any suggestions would be great.
The quality of liquor is based on the speed it is distilled, keeping the temperature stable to provide evaporation without boiling the mash creates smoother higher proof alcohol. Then you have the blend, the heads are always higher proof than the tails. In the blending process you put it all together, this also takes some of the bite out of the heads and brings up the proof on the tails. So what you end up with is better quality product. Just remember to discard any that is bitter, usually the first 1/2 to 1 gallon depending on how much mash your distilling. While it can be used for cleaning solutions it should not be consumed.
Some people think alcohol helps warm you up if you are freezing. However, you will actually freeze faster because it brings the vessels closer to the surface.
Good video Soocth, I personally like the idea of small sizes and cheaper brands, you can afford to stock more and it keeps forever. Travel size and half pints maybe a few pints...I think in a grid down type situation if cheap booze is all that one can get then it becomes top shelf and quadruples in value.
Most of the benefits described in the video can also come from isopropyl alcohol at about 1/10 of the cost. One benefit of vodka not mentioned is making herbal tinctures. I'd store whiskey, rum, scotch, etc for their intended purpose...😁
If you have access to lots of grain/sugar/fruit, you could distill spirits. If you get real good at it you could make large amounts of 180-200 proof for cheap. The heads and tails of the run can be used for fuel or chemical production. Good clean moonshine could demand a higher value in trading or be cut with flavorings/water for large group consumption.
I drank a whole small bottle of russian standard for a tooth ache. Stopped the tooth ache for sure, but the headache in the morning might not have been worth it xD
Good video. I maintain a well-stocked bar at all times although my wife and I barely drink at home. I will include a handle of Everclear in my bug in kit (now that my boys are grown, lol) I'll also get some small bottles of Vodka and Bourbon for my SHTF bags. I like the point you made aboutJD and JB. I like Beam better anyway, but I keep JD, Buffalo Trace and Maker's Mark for parties (which have been few a far between this past 18 months)!
Don’t forget: those who are physically dependent on alcohol will NEED to stock up on alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening and in a shtf situation such people can be a risk to not only themselves but also those around them. Also, remember that anytime an alcoholic enters the hospital they are at risk of DT’s after 48 hours or so. I have seen doctors prescribe alcohol for patients for this reason when the patient will be in the hospital for an extended period.
i have a couple of jugs of 100 proof moonshine stored,im from sw wisconsin,im a disabled dude in wheelchair,if cant make it out because it snowsmi get cabin fever,i take a nip,it helps me stay loose but i just started taking cbd flower,helps with my aniexty being cooped up in my apartment
I was also raised Baptist. I am more now just a follower of Jesus Christ. I follow his words not establishment church rules. Anyway my thought was that Jesus drank and gave wine to his disciples wine. He did say not to be a drunkard but I don't remember being taught not to drink at all. Maybe I conveniently forgot that part.
Crawl itc No. Jesus's first recorded miracle was turning water into wine. He said because "he likes" his wine he was actually accused of being a drunkard. Back to the miracle.. He made the wine after the guests already "had a few". It is a sin to get drunk. It is not a sin to have a few. If Baptist really want to follow John the Baptist [ who really did have an austere lifestyle} they should almost exclusively be eating locust and wild honey :)
@@albertbryan7132 I'm not sure what the relevance of your statement is, but I have abstained in front of problem drinkers. I just have a problem with people dictating what others should do all the time. We get enough of that from the government. :) No offense intended.
as an admitted alcoholic I will take into consideration your point of, dont a huge supply, and would find it better to invest the cost of liquor into another commodity
The first step is admitting you have a problem. Had plenty of family in those shoes who acknowledged it and worked through it. You're a better man than most by the fact that you can call yourself out on that.
matt linthicum I know I have an addictive personality, and have never drank or smoked. So stockpiling these had not occurred to me. We may just be safer staying away from this kind of prep.
I've been stocking up alcohol for the past three years. Only have one bottle. It keeps getting lost...
HalfwaytoHazardv2 Lol! Keep trying brother!
"Noting like having your last Shot before your heart stops" words to live by
No crap
HalfwaytoHazardv2 I keep finding it...
+HalfwaytoHazardv2 i have the same problem, maybe i should stop storing it at that bargain booze depot? there always seems to more than i remember, but the the guy says as long as i keep paying for storage i have "no worrys mate"
carefully with using it as a painkiller it is a blood thinner and can cause you to bleed more heavily
Good point ... Aspirin too can make you bleed ... Cayenne pepper stops bleeds best external and should work internally too ...
I've always liked the mini bottles for hiking , camping , fishing . Makes for a great trade items . I got a full BBQ dinner for three mini bottles of rum on a hike .
Use 16: Get drunk as shit and forget there is a apocalypse
+Fj Mountain Biking Apocalip, I'm mean Apopyolip, I'm Apocolit, I mean Tupaco..... ahhh forget it!!!
XD yeah, get drunk and forget there is an apocalypse. lmao.
I don't want the HANGOVER 🤢🤢😵😂😂
scotch with honey and lemon in some hot water is an old scottish remedy to help sleep when youve got a flu or cold, but I prefer it with bourbon. and when stuck in the wilderness drinking one of these can make sure your body gets the rest it needs to recover properly. this is known as a hot tody for any one interested
I believe the first one was made with cognac.... which even by itself is good for calming or sleep.
That's an old black women as well except you replace the scotch for bourbon it's called a hot toddy
Cultural anthro scientist note : Alcohol in human history goes back at least 20,000-30,000 years. Alcohol w/ honey and citrus goes back about 8,000 - 15,000 (!) years -- Documented in North Africa, France, Spain. The first recipe for Mead is from India ( the _Rig Veda_ ) about 6,000 years ago. The staying power of hot toddies in tons of cultures on Spaceship Earth for 1,000's of years is impressive. :)
Did you know that 5% acidity white vinegar can also sterilize instruments, silver ware, sterilize water etc...it just won't pickle you like liquor will.
Where's the fun in that?
Kill joy
Oh yeah the good old sweat out remedy. Rock n rye, lemon juice and honey. Works like a charm every time. Cuts down on the doctors office visits big time.
Whisky is a great pain killer. At least for a tooth ache. Back when I was 12 I had a bad tooth ache and no dentist was available for four days. My step dad at the time soaked some cotton batten in whisky and stuffed it in my molar's cavity and the tooth ache was controlled till I got to a dentist. I felt no pain . . . That was back in the 70's :) Cheers
Thank you for sharing a 'sensitive' item. But very practical that many forget. Bless you and your family! (Frank from Vancouver)
I have a moral objection to running out of booze.
Alcohol has caused more pain, misery, and death throughout time than all wars combined. "Wine produces mockers; beer and other alcoholic drinks lead to fights. Those who consume such poisons are NOT wise." Proverbs 20:1
@@bldlightpainting you already did that
@@bldlightpainting you could use a drink tight wad
100% agree - being out of liquor is morally objectionable to me ;) lol
wow, once again, sooo many creative uses. Thank you Don, youre awesome
Thank you so much for this necessary information. I plan on sharing it with my church members 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I like the 190 proof, you can run a car on that stuff or use 3 to 1 mix for drinking liquor, kind of a compact way to carry a 3 week drunk!
The ever clear can also be used for making tinctures for those who practice herbalism in addition to first aid. Making a tincture of lavender that can be mixed into water may help with sleep or stress during a crisis.
Do you know the difference between a baptist and a catholic? Catholics speak to each other in the liquor store! Lol 😜
hancock brewer Do you know how to make holy water?
Boil the hell out of it...
Alcohol has caused more pain, misery, and death throughout time than all wars combined. "Wine produces mockers; beer and other alcoholic drinks lead to fights. Those who consume such poisons are NOT wise." Proverbs 20:1
LOL that's a good one!
@@bldlightpainting ww3 bout to end this man's whole career
Thank you so much for these videos always have thought the "world as we know it" will end and these videos i feel are really providing alot of info for people like me thank you again!
I love it don’t be drunk when shtf, so good I hade to laugh but as a nurse , I would carry the booze for all reasons and more in medical and stress situations thank you for sharing the truth , we will need these .dont be judgemental god loves us all..
"Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!" - Homer J. Simpson
Words to live by
Thanks for the video, there was a couple things like water purification that I hadn't thought of. I think that rubbing alcohol if properly stored in glass would perform many of these functions at a fraction of the cost, not really drinkable, well not for anyone who doesn't want to go blind! Just an idea let me know what you think if you by chance happen to see this amidst the thousand comments lol.
Yep ... as an experienced paramedic ...isopropyl alcohol is NOT to be ingested or used to purify water. Do not take a shot of that 190 proof alcohol. ..even wetting ones lips will cause discomfort could cause ones throat to spasm closed. Again experience speaks...
Canadian Prepper purify water with alcohol is maybe possible, but with liquor it would take A LOT of it
As a child growing up in Spain in an area where the water could be potentially hazardous my parents used to put Anisette in a tall glass with water and ice. As children we liked it for its sweetness, and I never did get sick from the water. For diner we often had red wine, that didn't make me sick either but at 4 years old I did get drunk once because I drank not only my own but my mom and dads too.
alcohol was used as water in the middle ages (beer)because it was safer than drinking water and was mixed with water for children would of improved the tast no one drank water look up royal navy rum
TOM M medic ive heard boiling it would make it drinkable is this false
I've been wondering about this topic. Thanks for the great info.
Out of all the prep videos I've seen your the first to suggest at carry alcohol as a prepper or in a bug out bag. Definitely makes sense! good video
I consider liquor as generic for ........ Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Advil and all other pain relievers. ..... including but not limited to relieving broken hearts.
Whiskey is also good in moderation to boost your immune system. I like to have a dram ounce in a while and I rarely get sick.
See my point above where those who drank whiskey did not die from the Spanish flu in 1918 ...
You can also use alcohol to make extracts l
Thanks man! Awesome! Can't go wrong with this.
I like the way you tell it to us,and I love the out takes at the end,I'm a new sub to you and quite enjoying the content,I prep a little myself and am located in the UK
I've never really been a big liquor person but I think bartering is probably the #1 reason to stock up on some firewater. Good video.
Nice video, like the multiple use videos!
Here's something you can add. Many medicinal things can be made from alcohol. Tincture & things use vodka & grain alcohol to create them.
I once took a big swing of 190......theres a couple things you ONLY do once and that was one of them.
+nuclearskull i once took a double chug of 98% proof polish vodka, if we hadn't been parked next to the site toilets...#2...faster than superman, right though me
nuclearskull : Pussy! I've done it twice!
Mix it with kool aid and you won't taste it
Hump punch
Running the vodka through a filter makes a ton of sense.
Mrgunsngear Channel I usually filter it thorough my kidneys.
mixter102 best reply ever^
mixter102 👍🏾
Thanks for all the great videos Sootch.
In a pinch you can use everclear to run flex fuel cars.
This is a great video. Hope you realize how much you’re genuinely helping people, friend. Folks gonna need to be prepared…….
Spot on Scootch. I want l all the Jack Daniels I can get my hands on if the SHTF. This is you best video
If you got a Big SHTF situation like full or partial world wide crop failure due to volcanic activity, floods or any number of unexpected scenarios like bees dying out due to a virus. You will need to rely heavily on food preservation techniques. So 95% rectified spirited would an essential item in your prep kit.
Hey Sootch! Some of us live somewhere north of the carolinas and we have this situation where water gets so cold and hard it just won't come out of your canteen anymore. One time a friend and I went out for some winter activities in 10 degree weather. He got thirsty, but his canteen had turned into a block of ice. My canteen water was still liquid because I had thought to add a shot of whiskey to the mix. I've heard a few guys say not to do that for this or that reason. But I have never heard of any other way to keep your canteen from freezing in the winter.
"No one was drunk during the making of this video"
I was while watching this video!
@@MrHandsome520 Mever wix yur nurdszup, dooya? 😳
The everclear is cheaper than firestarter logs for igniting wood for cooking. Awesome idea. Thanks
We did notice the alcohol is much cheaper in the United States than up here in Canada. Great video. We never even thought about that in our prepping.
I use everclear for years. Making medicines like herbal tintures, cough medicines and pain medicines. As Food preservative with sugar, brandied peaches, cherries, most fruits in this nature. In the old days, we had a spray gun called a "flipt" spray gun that we use a mixture of camphor oil,water, tobacco and everclear to keep the area of flying bugs on warm summer evenings. Good video.
Makes a great solvent (particularly for water based latex paints) also for cleaning stains, spills or brushes.
Hey sooch have you done a video on honey. It can be used as a disinfectant on cuts or burns. Can be used to raise the blood sugar of a diabetic in an emergency. And it latterly last forever.
Sootch00, in this, you said you had a pool this set my brain to thinking.
How many Preppers have cement ponds as part of their prepping plans for drinking water?
Do you use liquid muriatic pool acid?
Well I do, I have a large cement pond that will be distilled to remove the salt and purify the water.
I find that the acid jugs are not a cash value recyclable unlike other plastics so they are just a throw away. So I wondered are they reusable as a water jug. My answer is yes. I first emptied a one gallon jug of standard cement pond acid in to my cement pond as I normally would do. Then as I normally do becauze I'm a cheap old fart. I rinsed out the jug with cement pond water making sure I covered the whole of the jug’s interior with pool water three times. Triple rinsing is a standard practice in the chemical industry. After that a sniff test didn’t yield an acid smell, just a cement pond water smell that’s a good sign. Then I filled the jug up with my compound's softened tap water to see if the pH was the same as tap water which tests at a pH of 7.2. I took 2 samples from the jug about 10 min apart both samples were also a pH of 7.2, So it is my opinion that cement pond acid jugs can be used to hold drinking water at least for a short period of time 2-4 weeks. One advantage is pool acid jugs are about 100 % thicker then milk jugs and even the cheaper Walmart purified water jugs.
Be strong, be of good liquid courage, and God bless 'Murica.
I like your sensible prepper channel . Even though i relearn alot of stuff sometimes there are things i didnt think of. thanks
A colloidal silver generator would come in handy for a SHTF also.
As long as you can get or make distilled water.
It can be used to kill germs, viruses, bacteria, good to treat cuts, treat colds/flu, ect....
Mine uses a 9-volt battery. You could use a solar panel to power it.
Some suggest stocking tobacco, even if you do not smoke for the same reasons. Stock it, or growing it in your garden if you have the climate.
like your stuff brotha, Semper Fi
Very informative and I keep it for medical and fuel but like the other ideas
Dont know if you got this in another video or not, but sugar is good for treating wounds, its not sterile but it will super charge your blood platelets causing them to clot faster. Know this for a fact, ive done it before. Just remember to steralize the wound after
I barely drink at all... but I do have a storage of whiskey specifically for bartering... Seems lots of tradesmen are functioning alcoholics.
Salt, sugar, alcohol, tobacco and fuel will be in very high demand in a shtf scenario so if your going to stock up on anything stock up on them. And if your going to barter make sure you only ever deal so much and only carry so much on you because people will rob you, and only trade so much in the same place form the same reason.
Sooner or later, they will find out where you live, and wait til you are gone, and help themselves.
if you gunna be pulling a bullet out best give me a a gulp of that 190 lmao great video brother I love your work :)
Good idea. I have been adding booze. I go out and purchase some alcohol for trading and all of the other things you mentioned. I need more variety ;-) I don't drink either so having booze around isn't a temptation whatsoever. I think having some cigarettes or cigars would also be a good barter item, especially better brands.
My best SHTF skill, it seems, is that I make my own beer and wine. They’ve closed down most liquor stores in Pennsylvania and I don’t even have to leave the house for mine. I only use glass to bottle my brews. It’s the absolute best for keeping freshness at its best.
I read somewhere that you can use Cyanne powder or chili powder to stop the bleeding. I forget which one.
9:32 can you explain what toy i saw at the top left corner of the screen?
I think I see a Korean cook pot in the background. I would love to know where you got that, they are fairly uncommon in the United States.
I've also read about the filter and vodka method. In the test I read about, they used a Brita water filter and it basically made bottom shelf Mohawk-type vodka indistinguishable from something like Smirnoff or whatever (blind taste test). I never cared much when I was a drinkin man, I drank the cheapest shit you could buy.
Love ur videos dude!!!! Keep up the great work!!
A solid concept. Great video. The new currencies...Booze and 22 ammo. I'm not kidding. I might add toilet paper....but then don't throw away your phone books. Lots of wipes (and fire tinder) there! >;)
Double check me on this, but we were told NOT to use alcohol for a wound, internally, as it increases blood flow. It does work to kill pain and help sterilize wounds. If you have tooth pain, holding it in your mouth can kill the pain for a little while. My guess is that if you let it soak into a wound, it may numb it somewhat. You just might have increased bleeding in the area.
i have used rum for aftershave it works really good
Most amusing video I've watched today. But it is a good prep. I'd stick with the higher proof as it's more versatile. It's easy to dilute the strong stuff if required.
The Sootch Hootch. LOL I do not drink, but keep this on hand anyway.
Heard a friend talking the other day he picks up the 2 for $1 shooter bottles for stockpiling. This way he can dole out a few at a time, don't necessarily want someone to get a half pint, pint or half gallon of liquor but a few shots is safer.
I'm not an alcoholic or anything like that but loved that you mentioned it.
Holy! I never thought of this! I haven't drank in over 3 years but always hated liquor just drank beer. But this could be useful to even just have a small container of on hand or for camping.
I try to put ETOH away but I think my Dog drinks a lot, when I get up in the morning there are beer cans all over the place!!
the clear bottles that are still full could be used as a substitute for a lens for starting a fire
Thanks Sootch!
I'm also proud to be part of this "Shit Hits Fan The" comment section.
Hilarious. Thanks for great comedy. You don’t see much these days
I've heard in a pinch any alcohol over 80% will run a gas engine . Problem though is engine will run hotter and it will eventually damage a fuel system. Another use is an antifreeze or deicer fluid. Have a great day
It is like keeping currency. 1/2 pints for 1 chicken and dozen eggs. 1 pint for 10#
deer meat. 750 ml for 1/2 hog. ETC. Also good for bribes, to look other way. Good
to xchange for ammo, gas, other needs. Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.
Man that gem clear is no joke.... I remember the one and only time I drank it. I was a fresh 21 and I saw a friend almost choke to death it was so strong for him. I called him a sissy and took a nice big swig (rum is my usual drink of choice, & I wasn't thinking) & holy crap. Then, being the genius that I am, I decided to do another ten shots.... Not only have I never let the stuff touch my lips again, I didn't even have so much as a beer for several weeks! Lol Some of us have to learn our lessons the hard way. That tip on running vodka through a filter was really interesting though... Definitely gonna try it. Thanks for the vid!
A doctor once told me that he uses a 50/50 mixture of 80 proof vodka and white vinegar as his "swimmer ear" solution. It helps keep the eardrum at the proper Ph level so the eardrum doesn't dry out and become leathery.
What do you think about using protein jugs to bury ammo and what not? Would the plastic be thick enough to stand up over years, and what type of steps should you take to help secure the contents. Like is you wanted to store ammo in it, should it be bagged in a freezer bag, double bagged, vacuum packed, any suggestions would be great.
The quality of liquor is based on the speed it is distilled, keeping the temperature stable to provide evaporation without boiling the mash creates smoother higher proof alcohol. Then you have the blend, the heads are always higher proof than the tails. In the blending process you put it all together, this also takes some of the bite out of the heads and brings up the proof on the tails. So what you end up with is better quality product. Just remember to discard any that is bitter, usually the first 1/2 to 1 gallon depending on how much mash your distilling. While it can be used for cleaning solutions it should not be consumed.
Some people think alcohol helps warm you up if you are freezing. However, you will actually freeze faster because it brings the vessels closer to the surface.
Thanks for sharing. Left a 👍
Been stocking up on alcohol and tobacco for a while, not only is a drink and a cigar a good stress reliever (for me anyway) they're great barter items
Good video Soocth, I personally like the idea of small sizes and cheaper brands, you can afford to stock more and it keeps forever. Travel size and half pints maybe a few pints...I think in a grid down type situation if cheap booze is all that one can get then it becomes top shelf and quadruples in value.
Most of the benefits described in the video can also come from isopropyl alcohol at about 1/10 of the cost.
One benefit of vodka not mentioned is making herbal tinctures.
I'd store whiskey, rum, scotch, etc for their intended purpose...😁
I was also wondering if once the bottles are long, do they not last as long?
What are your thoughts on using say everclear as a gun solvent ?
If you have access to lots of grain/sugar/fruit, you could distill spirits. If you get real good at it you could make large amounts of 180-200 proof for cheap. The heads and tails of the run can be used for fuel or chemical production. Good clean moonshine could demand a higher value in trading or be cut with flavorings/water for large group consumption.
Nice video, like the multiple use videos just got to figure out how I'm not going to drink it all first
I drank a whole small bottle of russian standard for a tooth ache. Stopped the tooth ache for sure, but the headache in the morning might not have been worth it xD
Where did you find that antique ash tray! Haven’t seen like that in years🤠🇺🇸
Good video. I maintain a well-stocked bar at all times although my wife and I barely drink at home. I will include a handle of Everclear in my bug in kit (now that my boys are grown, lol) I'll also get some small bottles of Vodka and Bourbon for my SHTF bags. I like the point you made aboutJD and JB. I like Beam better anyway, but I keep JD, Buffalo Trace and Maker's Mark for parties (which have been few a far between this past 18 months)!
To me, Crown Royal is the absolute king of whiskey
Great points!
Your new nickname: Scotch00 :). nice and useful video! Regards from Spain
Look into tea tree oil.Tea tree oil is really good for dry skin, tooth aches and and sores.
Don’t forget: those who are physically dependent on alcohol will NEED to stock up on alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening and in a shtf situation such people can be a risk to not only themselves but also those around them. Also, remember that anytime an alcoholic enters the hospital they are at risk of DT’s after 48 hours or so. I have seen doctors prescribe alcohol for patients for this reason when the patient will be in the hospital for an extended period.
i have a couple of jugs of 100 proof moonshine stored,im from sw wisconsin,im a disabled dude in wheelchair,if cant make it out because it snowsmi get cabin fever,i take a nip,it helps me stay loose but i just started taking cbd flower,helps with my aniexty being cooped up in my apartment
I was also raised Baptist. I am more now just a follower of Jesus Christ. I follow his words not establishment church rules. Anyway my thought was that Jesus drank and gave wine to his disciples wine. He did say not to be a drunkard but I don't remember being taught not to drink at all. Maybe I conveniently forgot that part.
Crawl itc No. Jesus's first recorded miracle was turning water into wine. He said because "he likes" his wine he was actually accused of being a drunkard. Back to the miracle.. He made the wine after the guests already "had a few". It is a sin to get drunk. It is not a sin to have a few. If Baptist really want to follow John the Baptist [ who really did have an austere lifestyle} they should almost exclusively be eating locust and wild honey :)
@@kingdavid7571Many Baptist practice lead- by- example so that it doesn't cause someone else to stumble i.e. drinking in front of an alcoholic.
@@albertbryan7132 I'm not sure what the relevance of your statement is, but I have abstained in front of problem drinkers. I just have a problem with people dictating what others should do all the time. We get enough of that from the government. :) No offense intended.
it also lowers blood pressure and you want to avoid using the dark liquors and flavored liquors for pour on wounds.
What is Medicimal purposes ? LOL.....Just playin
American Coin Hunting & Hobbies yeah that m was starting to wear on me too!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who heard that.
Nobody was un-drunk in the making of this
as an admitted alcoholic I will take into consideration your point of, dont a huge supply, and would find it better to invest the cost of liquor into another commodity
The first step is admitting you have a problem. Had plenty of family in those shoes who acknowledged it and worked through it. You're a better man than most by the fact that you can call yourself out on that.
matt linthicum good man for acknowledging that. As the kid of an alcoholic, I'm wary of stocking up booze, in case he's there during shtf
matt linthicum I know I have an addictive personality, and have never drank or smoked. So stockpiling these had not occurred to me.
We may just be safer staying away from this kind of prep.