Top 25 Patreon Supporters! 1. Antonio Sanna 2. Terratoe 3. Simon R. 4. Dr. Quir 5. Daniele82 6. Hunter6043 7. Pseudo99 8. Corey Kidwell 9. Plantimaters 10. Animator gamers 11. Jon Lee 12. Absolute Drake 13. ShiningStarry 14. Nakuma Vecaan 15. Chaos 16. Halcyon Lu 17. Pinnen 18. Sharky 19. Patjaa 20. Normal_StikBot 21. 파이 제곱 22. jijiangjie JI 23. Nop 24. Evan Henry 25. Someoneweird12 The rankings on this list are based on a combination of Supporter Tier, and total Time as a supporter. Only active supporters are on the list. (It may therefor differ a bit from the Tier based list at the end of this video.) All Patreon Supporters And TH-cam Members get early access to All my videos! (1-14 days early access depending on supporter level.) Thank You for supporting me!
Honestly, I don't blame the Chaos Magician or the Anti Magician. They seem pretty close to each other as well as the Poison Magician. Their just trying to do what is right for their family, although their ways are retributive which is something I don't like. I'd like to know more about their backstory and bond.
Wow, this magic system sure is more versatile and interesting, I'm just sad the power levels are gone though... but IN THE OTHER HAND, SHE WAS ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED! and I loved the new magician types, incredible episode, I have been waiting for SO.. long.. congratulations, it was worth the wait!
Actually glad for new music appearing more and more on your animations, Im really glad you've come this far and continue to animate after more than 4 YEARS! Appreciate your work very much and I hope you keep entertaining us really we appreciate you greatly!
Because of the new health bar system,I have a question, would this just increase their durability making the damage lowered or does this increase their health like justice’s one is 10 so wouldn’t this mean she would have about 1000hp?
@@snowiechy6887 I can't believe because almost no one talks about the incredible change in the design of the invisible magician, it seems very strange to me in my opinion!
when the protagonist (the new overseer) is weak but the plot loves her they literally came to fight for her thats, next level of "plot armour" and i love it .The story is so exciting so many twists so many mystery's i don't know how The creator is doing it but the series keeps getting better and better
0:59NOOOOOMY ROCKKKKK 1:04YOU CAME BACK 1:06I dont care what my patents said ı am will marrying with you rock! 1:09Our children will be beultuful(wrong writing) Me:.....What.
Damn, Stickworld Season 3 is starting extremely well, you never fail to amaze me. I really like the new system (the one that replaces PL and MPL) Those monsters seem very intresting even tho we know so little about them. it feels really nice to see some new magicians other than the basic ones. The Anti-Magician Seems really powerfull, and I wonder how Mike is going to react to his Wife and Son almost being killed(and Marcus has a little red cap, so cute).
Damn the supporters are getting bigger! I would love to see them have more advance magicians! (Like the advanced myth, legend, master, or expert. Or even the energy versions , or the time, clone, maybe some unique ones) We would love to see them as like a main character in the future!
-YES!! Finally! -Clone magicians, summon magicians, an anti-magic field magician...nice! -Heh, the rock. Nice to see your humor is still here, Zeruel! -Those summoned monsters ARE very cute...nice to also see some nonviolence! Not everyone has to kill each other! -Hmm, the Anti-Magic Magician is that sister of the Status Effect duo? I feel kinda bad for them all: they just wanted revenge. Granted, they did kill a lot of stickmen. -Ooh, fight time! She's POWERFUL! More than half on an Overseer's health with one blast!! -Yay the Supporters! ALL of them in fact, even the normal stickmen! Haven't seen them in a while. -3:57 That's a lot of stuff...That much magic might've even killed someone like Overseer Lolph, disregarding Magic Control...or at least a *good* bit of health. -There are FOUR weird eye creatures plotting something, and SOMEONE in the castle and their minion in the path of Lolph and Rolph...this will be cool. ...This comment took longer to type than expected.
Dark devourer? Also I’m glad that the Lolph/Rolph arc actually exists, I thought the whole vacation thing was an excuse to not use them as characters anymore.
The new Hp Attack and Defence system is cool, but it’s kinda hard to get a general idea of how powerful someone is. I often find myself curious of what some characters pl would be, like the anti magician, which I think would be around 9,000-10,000. Looking at three stats instead of one will definitely take some getting used to. Maybe don’t remove pl entirely, perhaps an “overall power stat” would work better, so that some people can look at that instead, and still get a good idea of a characters power.
Giving an accurate overall power stat would be very difficult, probably impossible. I definitely didn't succeed with the old pl system, as it was completely inaccurate and messed up.
@@Zeruel82Mk2 but most people don't really care about why exactly that being has that exact PL, they just like looking at numbers so that they can estimate it's power level, so you can just add an "estimated PL" just like u did to Green, Pink, Purple, Blue and Black before
Damn... totally not a big fan of that new overseer... that how insanely weak she is plus her kinda weird posture. Also I just saw a lot of new things/styles that were added to ur video! Great job on that! I will always hope for lolph to return soon as an overseer. (Maybe next season) Also that creator introducing justice to the stickworld ppl at the start... that was kinda weird. Other then that, the effects and background/movements and camera angles are all extremely good. Keep up the good work
Justice has the same power as all other beginniner Overseers, but many beings in the Stickworld have become a lot more powerful than before. The reason for the introduction is to spare the viewers from a lot of unnecessary and repetitive "A new Overseer?" "Who is that?" etc from the many different main characters later on. Thanks!
A lot of new magicians, lore, and creatures in the background! This series will be better than ever! Ore characters, magicians, cliffs, monsters, etc. also I love at 4:39 how one of the myth supporters almost said Teen titans lol. You’re doing great Zeruel! I’m excited for the up coming episodes! Also can you add a prime magician made by me? Brown magician, a bit stronger than legend, it’s unique ability can form a shield which lasts for a few seconds and can shoot magic like a myth magician how it goes like a hexagon around them! Also the new magic system, life bars and all that is really cool!
The animations now have absolutely no problem anymore, no feeling that it's rushed, mystery at the end with the beings' eyes and of course, plot twists and pure action! This series has improved a lot from the first animations all the way to here. (Happy now, nerd?)
@@OverHeatVD "And the first video is Slow motion gnome(Using Samsung Galaxy Note ll) But the real first video was AQ random battles, and the Zeruel82mk2 trailer featured a character from buttman named lars, so his first cameo wasn't there, it was in his other channel named Zeruel82 which is here"
I liked how the old magic look I love the new type's of magic imagine if 5 mythic summoners made a pentagram formation in the later episode and summoned a friggin serpent.
Two things I want to say/ask. 5:16 this scene looks just like the inside of the computer shop in buttman with the clones on the TV's. Also has the magic orb sizes been changed? because they look much smaller than before
For anyone who is still confused, here’s a brief explain to the new health-attack system Health: self explanatory, indicating how much damage an individual can take in before death Defence: indicates how much damage an individual can absorb before taking damage, i.e. 80 damage is inflicted to an individual that has 40 defence, 40 damage will be dealt Attack: indicates how much damage an individual can inflict to their enemy with one shot of normal magic orb Attack and defence will be doubled when the attack and defence stat is increased by 1, i.e. attack 3 = inflict 40 damage, attack 4 = inflict 80 damage Attack is varied based on when type of attack an individual is used The base attack and defence is unknown, it’s much appreciated if any of you solve for base attack and defence in the reply section -god I feel like I’m a nerd after typing all this-
Man that's was a lot of new music! Season 3 looks very promising so far. One question though, is every Master Magician uses Beam Shot or just some of them?
Wow, pre-season 3 is really looking good so far. The idea of hundreds of evil supporters (not supporters anymore?) weighing down and destroying The Creator or something like that is very clear in my mind right now.
Oh my? Am I First here? Lol Also cool episode! I think it was great as showcase of all new stuff, including reworked art. (I also helped to save a day again! Yay!)
I really like the improvements Zeruel,especially the new health system and magic adjustments and the hat of marcus is so cool I wonder where he got it?
Is it just me or does anyone feel that anti magic field creation ability is just too op to exist, they are so strong that they cancel overseer level magic. Even if it affects the user itself, imagine the possibilities with those fields, with a big enough field u can cover yourself on land and essentially never die lol
It seems like more magicians learned "blasts" and dang that Anti-Magic magician is really powerful! I knew it was the sister of those 2 nasty "puke" and "chaos" magician as soon as she said she was looking for them! I really thought in the trailer we would finally see Ava! But no... It was an attack of that stickwoman
Here's a surprise! I and many other fans are developing an array of Stickworld based games! This is a few of them: "A magician's excursion" By 1103, Playable on Roblox "Stickworld Renewed" By Entertainment Animations, Playable on PC "Stickworld Sandbox" By Nicekoo, Playable on Roblox "The Stickworld" By Myth Overseer, Playable on Roblox
The new power level system, if i am correct it works like that: - With attack: We have seen that Master magician with Attack 5 dealt 40 damage to 5 defense beginner clone magician Also that Intermediate Magician with attack 3 dealt 10 damage So there is a high probability that each increment of attack increases damage dealt two fold. - With defense: We have seen that The anti-magician delt 960 damage to 6 defense legend magician and 480 damage to 7 defense myth magician. Which would mean that each increment of defense decreases damage taken by two times.
Correct. Each increase in Att doubles the damage dealt, and each increase in Def halves the damage taken, with a base damage of 40 for when Att and Def are the same.
All the Supporters came to the rescue to save Justice from that very Awful Anti Magician And I loved the Beginner Summon Magician, I have been watching the Stickworld and I did not see any greenish magicians in any of the other episodes, and I finally saw one
The stats are great! It's interesting to soon understand the nitty-gritty of the power scaling (Like how MPL 13 was attributed to PL 100000+). See more comments about it below! The message at the start was fun too, maybe it could be used as announcements??? Anyways, it's great to see more lore! PS. I love the variations of magicians, it really sets apart each individual! I thought that the overseer really would beat the Anti-Magician (Even though she IS new), by controlling the anti-magic fields...
A problem with the old system is that not even I knew why pl 100000 and mpl 13 belonged together etc. No Overseer has so far been able to control anything but normal magic, as it's very difficult.
that overseer, is a new and inexperienced one. lolph would absolutely destroy you considering he knows basically alot of skills.. also alot of experience and battle experience
Top 25 Patreon Supporters!
1. Antonio Sanna
2. Terratoe
3. Simon R.
4. Dr. Quir
5. Daniele82
6. Hunter6043
7. Pseudo99
8. Corey Kidwell
9. Plantimaters
10. Animator gamers
11. Jon Lee
12. Absolute Drake
13. ShiningStarry
14. Nakuma Vecaan
15. Chaos
16. Halcyon Lu
17. Pinnen
18. Sharky
19. Patjaa
20. Normal_StikBot
21. 파이 제곱
22. jijiangjie JI
23. Nop
24. Evan Henry
25. Someoneweird12
The rankings on this list are based on a combination of Supporter Tier, and total Time as a supporter.
Only active supporters are on the list. (It may therefor differ a bit from the Tier based list at the end of this video.)
All Patreon Supporters And TH-cam Members get early access to All my videos! (1-14 days early access depending on supporter level.)
Thank You for supporting me!
1:03 here we go... Myth is riding her pet again... (with Ruby this time)
the face at the first part lol
what happned to the big black monster is it one of them?
I prefer the old power level
Honestly, I don't blame the Chaos Magician or the Anti Magician. They seem pretty close to each other as well as the Poison Magician. Their just trying to do what is right for their family, although their ways are retributive which is something I don't like. I'd like to know more about their backstory and bond.
Finally it's here!
It's nice to see the new power and health system. The Era has changed!
It also makes me want to animate again.
Nice job!
How is this comment from 2 weeks ago?
@@_.EK._ patreon
@@_.EK._ patreon
Luck you
Wow, this magic system sure is more versatile and interesting, I'm just sad the power levels are gone though... but IN THE OTHER HAND, SHE WAS ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED! and I loved the new magician types, incredible episode, I have been waiting for SO.. long.. congratulations, it was worth the wait!
Dude how Is ur comment 2 weeks ago
They probably became a supporter, but after Zeruel82mk2 started making this video.
Power levels are too predictable and makes fight boring but now it makes beginner Mahican can fight a blue magacian it’s more skilled now
Actually glad for new music appearing more and more on your animations, Im really glad you've come this far and continue to animate after more than 4 YEARS! Appreciate your work very much and I hope you keep entertaining us really we appreciate you greatly!
Thank you!😃
I watch all of youre shows every one of them every episode
Because of the new health bar system,I have a question, would this just increase their durability making the damage lowered or does this increase their health like justice’s one is 10 so wouldn’t this mean she would have about 1000hp?
100 health (that Justice and most other beings have a base health) is the same as one full health bar.
i think it means the percentage of health
@@Zeruel82Mk2 you change MPL to atk?
Atk is the base damage, it if it hits a target it gets subtracted by the amount of def it has
So in short
Atk dmg - def = the registered damage
@Edward Chong how do you even know these
“Do you seriously think anyone can threaten us”
Famous last words of Legend Magician
Nice! Justice has a lot of training to do though.
with this, The Stickworld becoming a game eventually is just inevitable, this is so good
the invisible magician looks amazing in this chapter :0
Thanks! I worked very hard on his/her design.👍
@@Zeruel82Mk2 You can tell just by looking at your design that it took you a lot of work and time to do it and I love it 👍
@@Zeruel82Mk2 yes i agree the invisible magician design looks stunning like wow its better than lolph's butt
@@snowiechy6887 I can't believe because almost no one talks about the incredible change in the design of the invisible magician, it seems very strange to me in my opinion!
@@Zeruel82Mk2 I will look forward to the next episode to see more incredible appearances of the invisible magician 😎👍
Wow, Zeruel sure knows how to flatter his patrons!
They deserve it.👍
It's amazing to see how far your animation skills have evolved since the first part.
when the protagonist (the new overseer) is weak but the plot loves her they literally came to fight for her thats, next level of "plot armour" and i love it .The story is so exciting so many twists so many mystery's i don't know how The creator is doing it but the series keeps getting better and better
Pretty sure the protagonist is Mike
1:06I dont care what my patents said ı am will marrying with you rock!
1:09Our children will be beultuful(wrong writing)
0:21 that face when zeruel82mk2 says have a great day is hilarious
hey i saw myth and ruby sitting on the monster on the cliff battle in the background 1:03
Damn, Stickworld Season 3 is starting extremely well, you never fail to amaze me.
I really like the new system (the one that replaces PL and MPL)
Those monsters seem very intresting even tho we know so little about them.
it feels really nice to see some new magicians other than the basic ones.
The Anti-Magician Seems really powerfull, and I wonder how Mike is going to react to his Wife and Son almost being killed(and Marcus has a little red cap, so cute).
4:20 fun fact: there are only 3 girl supports (Pinnen, Sharky, and Hunter6043)
And all of them are myth supporters
Damn the supporters are getting bigger! I would love to see them have more advance magicians! (Like the advanced myth, legend, master, or expert. Or even the energy versions , or the time, clone, maybe some unique ones) We would love to see them as like a main character in the future!
Wow! I never Expected to be in a video! Thanks Zeruel!!!!
This remindes me so much of the buttman series.
I also like that there's more than one castle!
I just love how you explored with new types of magicians and new mysterious characters, please keep up the good work 👍
Glad you liked it. Many more types of magicians and beings are on the way.👍
Zeruel i beg you whats up with the eyes at the end of the vid?
@@muyimm u can make theories it support zeruel to see early
5:06 serious buttman vibes
@@MOMKUNG999 who that
-YES!! Finally!
-Clone magicians, summon magicians, an anti-magic field magician...nice!
-Heh, the rock. Nice to see your humor is still here, Zeruel!
-Those summoned monsters ARE very cute...nice to also see some nonviolence! Not everyone has to kill each other!
-Hmm, the Anti-Magic Magician is that sister of the Status Effect duo? I feel kinda bad for them all: they just wanted revenge. Granted, they did kill a lot of stickmen.
-Ooh, fight time! She's POWERFUL! More than half on an Overseer's health with one blast!!
-Yay the Supporters! ALL of them in fact, even the normal stickmen! Haven't seen them in a while.
-3:57 That's a lot of stuff...That much magic might've even killed someone like Overseer Lolph, disregarding Magic Control...or at least a *good* bit of health.
-There are FOUR weird eye creatures plotting something, and SOMEONE in the castle and their minion in the path of Lolph and Rolph...this will be cool.
...This comment took longer to type than expected.
And the Level 1 Supporters have finally a chance to be known!
@@enriquesebastianhuaroc9017 Yep! That's very nice.
0:27 multi powered stickman [well 1/64 multi powered stickman]
Dark devourer?
Also I’m glad that the Lolph/Rolph arc actually exists, I thought the whole vacation thing was an excuse to not use them as characters anymore.
Nah, they will be seen just as much ( maybe even more) as the other characters.
1:30-Is it just me,or Myth magicians are now used just to show who is an Overseer level thread in this show?
Guess so
The new Hp Attack and Defence system is cool, but it’s kinda hard to get a general idea of how powerful someone is. I often find myself curious of what some characters pl would be, like the anti magician, which I think would be around 9,000-10,000. Looking at three stats instead of one will definitely take some getting used to. Maybe don’t remove pl entirely, perhaps an “overall power stat” would work better, so that some people can look at that instead, and still get a good idea of a characters power.
Giving an accurate overall power stat would be very difficult, probably impossible. I definitely didn't succeed with the old pl system, as it was completely inaccurate and messed up.
@@Zeruel82Mk2 but most people don't really care about why exactly that being has that exact PL, they just like looking at numbers so that they can estimate it's power level, so you can just add an "estimated PL" just like u did to Green, Pink, Purple, Blue and Black before
@@Azrathos good idea, tbh an "estimated" power would be rlly helpful, but also super interesting to see how powerful they COULD be
Me too...
I cant understend those att and def (sorry for say)...
Damn... totally not a big fan of that new overseer... that how insanely weak she is plus her kinda weird posture. Also I just saw a lot of new things/styles that were added to ur video! Great job on that! I will always hope for lolph to return soon as an overseer. (Maybe next season)
Also that creator introducing justice to the stickworld ppl at the start... that was kinda weird. Other then that, the effects and background/movements and camera angles are all extremely good. Keep up the good work
Justice has the same power as all other beginniner Overseers, but many beings in the Stickworld have become a lot more powerful than before.
The reason for the introduction is to spare the viewers from a lot of unnecessary and repetitive "A new Overseer?" "Who is that?" etc from the many different main characters later on. Thanks!
This was surprisingly short, but still worth the wait
A lot of new magicians, lore, and creatures in the background! This series will be better than ever! Ore characters, magicians, cliffs, monsters, etc. also I love at 4:39 how one of the myth supporters almost said Teen titans lol. You’re doing great Zeruel! I’m excited for the up coming episodes! Also can you add a prime magician made by me? Brown magician, a bit stronger than legend, it’s unique ability can form a shield which lasts for a few seconds and can shoot magic like a myth magician how it goes like a hexagon around them! Also the new magic system, life bars and all that is really cool!
I love the fact that the first scene just hosts Zeruel82mk2 acting so casual peeking over the horizon without blinking once. 🤣
Seeing The Creator with those facial expressions got a laugh out of me
Yoooo let’s go new magic shading!
I also like how the supporters come in clutch lol (this episode is more like a meme/semi-video to stickworld)
Zeruel82Mk2 when he first appeared in the series: an ominous voice
Zeruel82Mk2 now: 0:06
The animations now have absolutely no problem anymore, no feeling that it's rushed, mystery at the end with the beings' eyes and of course, plot twists and pure action! This series has improved a lot from the first animations all the way to here. (Happy now, nerd?)
"Um actually the first Cliff video was The Cliff 1"🤓
@@OverHeatVD "And the first video is Slow motion gnome(Using Samsung Galaxy Note ll) But the real first video was AQ random battles, and the Zeruel82mk2 trailer featured a character from buttman named lars, so his first cameo wasn't there, it was in his other channel named Zeruel82 which is here"
I liked how the old magic look I love the new type's of magic imagine if 5 mythic summoners made a pentagram formation in the later episode and summoned a friggin serpent.
@@eduardogames5240 ye
Nice one supporters! You really hit some magic in her face!
Underrated animator, also I love the fact he never forgets small details!!!
Two things I want to say/ask.
5:16 this scene looks just like the inside of the computer shop in buttman with the clones on the TV's.
Also has the magic orb sizes been changed? because they look much smaller than before
Yes, the overall sizes of magic is adjusted down a bit.
@@Zeruel82Mk2 I don't think it's just adjusted down a bit
MPL 4 is now around the size of MPL 1
MPL 10 is now around MPL 5-6
@@Zeruel82Mk2 who os that in the shadow? 5:16
0:48 the secret i found
1:53 a mountain is moving, it's like the mountain in the cliff 0.5 part 3
4:15 "She got away..." and proceeded to never bother anyone ever again, solely existing for the Plot of this Video
She will return later this year.
@@Zeruel82Mk2 would've been funny tho
@dergecko92 Her return wasn't that impactful, though.
Justice used physically brute force on her
@@Zeruel82Mk2Probably because she instantly died after like 20 seconds
For anyone who is still confused, here’s a brief explain to the new health-attack system
Health: self explanatory, indicating how much damage an individual can take in before death
Defence: indicates how much damage an individual can absorb before taking damage, i.e. 80 damage is inflicted to an individual that has 40 defence, 40 damage will be dealt
Attack: indicates how much damage an individual can inflict to their enemy with one shot of normal magic orb
Attack and defence will be doubled when the attack and defence stat is increased by 1, i.e. attack 3 = inflict 40 damage, attack 4 = inflict 80 damage
Attack is varied based on when type of attack an individual is used
The base attack and defence is unknown, it’s much appreciated if any of you solve for base attack and defence in the reply section
-god I feel like I’m a nerd after typing all this-
1 is 10
base attack 40 at mpl1 to other mpl1
Man the supporters are powerful they may be weak alone but insanely strong together
Damn the Anti-Magicians are just OP, I hope Justice didn’t lost her taste for guns because she’ll probably need it !
This Part was really good! it would be funny to see the stickman with the giant rock in future parts
2:18 there's a water monster I think
4:23-Only more powerful than the WEAKEST Overseer.😒
She's just inexperienced
Thanks for bringing us joy Zeruel82Mk2.
You're Welcome!
no matter how long i wait and how short a video could be i am always happy that of when he uploads
Man that's was a lot of new music! Season 3 looks very promising so far.
One question though, is every Master Magician uses Beam Shot or just some of them?
That will vary greatly. Everything will be more unpredictable (and hopefully more exciting) with the new system.
The first master magician in the cliff 3 could change the trajectory of his magic like Ava
It would be nice seeing new magicians with special abilities
Like a Spam magician where he can shoot magic very quickly like gabriel
And some others
We are the supporters! *Avengers disneyland cali adventure plays in the background*
Wow, pre-season 3 is really looking good so far. The idea of hundreds of evil supporters (not supporters anymore?) weighing down and destroying The Creator or something like that is very clear in my mind right now.
No matter how many normal magic users that faces a being with the Magic Control ability, they would still lose.
@@Zeruel82Mk2 wait does the one didnt use magic or not?
@@LEditz889 hmm i think he's not, but in the cliff 5, he used it when fighting lolph
@@lonelyone0 what he use when he fight TFO
@@LEditz889 wait.... now i remember. The one couldn't use any magic, he just absorb somebody magic and used it
Oh my? Am I First here? Lol
Also cool episode! I think it was great as showcase of all new stuff, including reworked art. (I also helped to save a day again! Yay!)
I just realised,
0:48 is the demon monster thing we see at the end... I think.
If you look closely in the background you can see it.
So by understanding the new magic system
The Anti Magic Magician has
H: 100
ATT: 10
DEF: 8
Is this correct? I im pretty sure it's accurate.
It's correct. You also get to see her stats in the video.
Oh really? I never saw them.
Around 2:32 You see the Anti Magician stats.
I wonder, will any magician channel magic to boost their speed like the old days when Lolph was training to strengthen their magic power to 9?
It was a very beautiful episode! Btw I am glad to see a very funny face of the creator XDDD
dang the amount of villains in this season
I really like the improvements Zeruel,especially the new health system and magic adjustments and the hat of marcus is so cool I wonder where he got it?
Is it just me or does anyone feel that anti magic field creation ability is just too op to exist, they are so strong that they cancel overseer level magic. Even if it affects the user itself, imagine the possibilities with those fields, with a big enough field u can cover yourself on land and essentially never die lol
Stickfigure used gun. It is super effective
@@GDFinale Yeah but everything depends on the defense now that's why it was super effective
I totally forgot guns exist
I also like the fact we see how much damage is done to someone like a game
ima support this channel 100 000 000/10
Y'know if we get to 90 or 120
the supporters will be so damn powerful with the power of freindship n teamwork
3:40 he did the myth supporters
2:51-Can't Justice use the trident now?Or did Lolph keep it?
The trident is made from The One before.
instead of just stats will also there be shown the pl?
PL was just a random number with no real meaning, so it was removed. Why show a number if it doesn't mean anything?😉
@@Zeruel82Mk2 Look! It's a big bad evil guy with...A BIG BAD SCARY NUMBER! Will Lolph be able to beat this one? Seems like a challenge...
It seems like more magicians learned "blasts" and dang that Anti-Magic magician is really powerful! I knew it was the sister of those 2 nasty "puke" and "chaos" magician as soon as she said she was looking for them!
I really thought in the trailer we would finally see Ava! But no... It was an attack of that stickwoman
Will we learn more about the different types and species of creatures in this world, now that they are becoming more important with summoners around?
everyone gangsta until the supporters join in
the more you quantify the stick people's stats the more i want to turn this series into a game
Here's a surprise! I and many other fans are developing an array of Stickworld based games!
This is a few of them:
"A magician's excursion" By 1103, Playable on Roblox
"Stickworld Renewed" By Entertainment Animations, Playable on PC
"Stickworld Sandbox" By Nicekoo, Playable on Roblox
"The Stickworld" By Myth Overseer, Playable on Roblox
@@entertainmentstickworld9162 im going to try the game now
by the start of season 20 there gonna be 80 brothers and sister in that same family also love the idea of summoner
The new power level system, if i am correct it works like that:
- With attack:
We have seen that Master magician with Attack 5 dealt 40 damage to 5 defense beginner clone magician
Also that Intermediate Magician with attack 3 dealt 10 damage
So there is a high probability that each increment of attack increases damage dealt two fold.
- With defense:
We have seen that The anti-magician delt 960 damage to 6 defense legend magician and 480 damage to 7 defense myth magician. Which would mean that each increment of defense decreases damage taken by two times.
Correct. Each increase in Att doubles the damage dealt, and each increase in Def halves the damage taken, with a base damage of 40 for when Att and Def are the same.
I've been looki g forward to this for 2 weeks, I'm gonna watch it at home later
1:01 ruby and myth are in the background
If big brother ever returs to the castle he will be shocked to see how ruined it is
This is one of my favorite episodes. I feel bad for that other magician though
All the Supporters came to the rescue to save Justice from that very Awful Anti Magician
And I loved the Beginner Summon Magician, I have been watching the Stickworld and I did not see any greenish magicians in any of the other episodes, and I finally saw one
My eye had problems cuz I thought it was red
1:21 imagine a rookie magician using summoning magic
Ahhhhh I wish I could be a supporter but I guess watching and loving the videos is enough for now
looks like a reboot, however it looks kinda promising
Did anyone notice Ruby and myth from the obstacle course series on a pink flying fish in. 1:04?
this sure feels alot different its ganna take 1-2 more parts to get used to it
Obviously, the supporters have more plot armor than any other character in the stickworld.
There are so much things! Really love how you put efforts in your videos!
Glad you like them! Thanks!
The Series of Legends Return
This is very good ngl,this health bar is cool.
I haven't watched in a while, this made my day, I liked the video too! Thanks for making my day!
Thanks for watching!
0:48 the sky really said "💀"
4:36 damn, dr quir and Simon R is 3 stars old
The stats are great! It's interesting to soon understand the nitty-gritty of the power scaling (Like how MPL 13 was attributed to PL 100000+). See more comments about it below! The message at the start was fun too, maybe it could be used as announcements??? Anyways, it's great to see more lore!
PS. I love the variations of magicians, it really sets apart each individual! I thought that the overseer really would beat the Anti-Magician (Even though she IS new), by controlling the anti-magic fields...
A problem with the old system is that not even I knew why pl 100000 and mpl 13 belonged together etc.
No Overseer has so far been able to control anything but normal magic, as it's very difficult.
@@Zeruel82Mk2 That was me, and thanks for answering!
"Fire when ur Ready!"-The Supporters
I see the background music from 2:28 and 5:05 weren't added to the description, can I have their names, please?
3:20 really went and ripped a hole in the fourth wall LMAO
i think the beginner summon magician's power level will estimated be 30 or 25 (same as rookie magician), or it could be more higher or lower
that overseer, is a new and inexperienced one. lolph would absolutely destroy you considering he knows basically alot of skills.. also alot of experience and battle experience
Shouldn’t justice have at least a little bit of training with her magic with it looks like she is only able to use the basic blasts
She has the same powers as the previous beginner Overseers once had, so she indeed needs to train.
Fun Fact: i made a OC that could clone for like a year or so before this existed. its nice.
it's rudy and myth 1:04 ?
Sure is a hairy fella