I’m not bored of the reviews, I’d be interested to see how the Kabota stacks up. I’ve seen a few reviews where the kabota has out pulled and out worked more expensive tractor
Hello Farmer P 😊. Over here the seasons seem to be starting later each year. We are at the end of Winter (10 more days), and the trees are still dropping their leaves as Autumn, from Nature's point of view, started in May instead of March. Nature is confused so are all the Creatures. They are also hibernating too early. Less bees 🐝and butterflies🦋. Unfortunately not so with Mosquitoes 🤪😵. When you started to drive the Case and the peep peep came on, I thought 'Uh Uh handbrake not right down' at the same time you sighed and raised you eyes to the heavens.... priceless 😀😅. I thought that hand brake would drive you crazy 🤪, if you settled on the Case. Great to see the chooks 👍😊. Thanks for the video Farmer P, great content. Take care and hug for Biskit 🤗♥️🐶
"Mine" haha come up and tap on the window ~ been feeding them for 40 years ... and id I forget, they are just staring in the window and if I ignore them one will always start tapping. haa ha aa but true.
Farmer p Hope all goes well 4 tomorrow and i hope u get good results Im praying 4 u and keeping my fingers crossed 4 ur cows to get good results Love u guys❤❤❤
I went and checked out a barn where the swallows had been nesting today expecting to see them with their last brood for the year. Not a bird to be see, as quiet as can be. I’m in Suffolk at the moment, bone dry here as had only a tiny bit of rain over the last few months. Doesn’t seem to be so many flies about.
Farmer P, my name is John and I live in the USA. I watch your videos all of the time and love 💕 them. I get a lot of information from you. I have a New Holland T6 and T5. I've had no problems with them.
Hedges only produce berries in their second year of growth so we should really only cut half the hedges every 2 years to make sure the birds have enough to eat. Enjoy the videos.
We have had lots of swallows here in Tipperary in Ireland, but I'm seeing a lot less lately. However, they arrived quite a bit earlier than usual in spring too, possibly due to the mild spring 🤔 So the young might just have been ready to migrate that bit sooner too. Lots of berries on the Rowan tree's around here, but the whitethorn is not looking as good.
@Tipperary Mick. Greetings from South Africa. If I may ask, do you know any of the O'Dwyer family in Tipperary🤔. My brother Aean Ferguson was married to the late Mary O'Dwyer. 🤗
@@tipperarymick5337 I guess so. Rather like Smith, Jones and Murphy 😅. William, Mary's brother, or Bill as we knew him (deceased a few yrs back now), was the green keeper at Tipperary golf course ( in 1994) . Mary's mother had the local nursing home (in the 1950s onwards). When the mother died, Mary took over running it. Mary also had an elder brother, Patrick, as probably dozens of other O'Dwyers did too 🤦♀️😅 I used to get so confused when visiting.... so many Mary's, Maeves, Patrick's etc 😀He was a Priest but left the priesthood after a while. Thank you for replying. I enjoyed the chat 👍😀🤗
@@maevephipson2803 Interesting, small world 😀 Tipperary golf course is just at the other side of Tipperary town from me, about 10 kilometers away, so quite local.
You aren't the only ones to be in the midst of a small bird drought, Ian. Anything smaller than a blackbird have been notable by their absence for several weeks now here on the Isle of Wight; but, there have been loads of corvids over here, too. Worrying, isn't it.
you can tell how quiet the new case is compared to the old one when it was starting up Another great video has always farmer p ian and Mrs p Sam emma Abbi and holli and miss biskit miss crumble miss gypsy miss pepper and miss pickle 👍
Thankfully we still have swallows and house Martins here in Carlisle area .but have noticed less than other year's love to see them turn up in spring hate to see them go off in autumn. Things thankfully nice and green round here , Mike
At first I was all for the T5 as once being a Ford guy. But after all the 3 comparisons I’ve seen so far the Massey would be my preferred choice. My reasons are based on what you told us in your video of the Massey papers. You’ll never get everything you want so you we’ll need to compromise on some things. Some comfort is better than no comfort and biggest thing is the price and the added features they gave to in writing. Remember shocks on the tractor are for the vehicle not really for the driver and/or passengers. Cabin suspension and air seat are for the driver were they act like a ship in rough seas which roll side to side and up and down motion. The potholes around here across the pond small cars can disappear in them. In the end it’s you(Ian) and Mrs. P’s decision not mine I’m only giving you my opinion. Good luck on what you decide to do but, I still keep watching your videos and liking them. I’ve never disliked any of your videos and I enjoy every one of them.
I think we might have your swallows here Ian ( just south of Dublin). I notice when mowing pitches in early summer there was a lack of swallows but lately there is a good few of them . I understand a lot of swallows died on the way up s a result of high temp. in Spain
Hi Ian I'm the guy who came and asked you about metal detecting on your land I have been watching with interest your dilemma with the case tractor I was thinking why don't you save about £49,500 and just buy a 12 volt air suspension seat These are available on several sites inc ebay etc Best of luck
Hi Ian, I'm not a fan of stacking equipment on trailers if it's needed in a hurry it has to be unloaded. OK for a quick fix but what about building a low roofed shelter with some second hand steel and roofing. Or cutting the side out of a container and fitting a rack to double stack items, even putting a rack in a building to put little used stuff on and the often used underneath. We have lots of birds flying around us here, it's the bird catchers I don't like and the amount of caged birds in the villages. I much prefer them free and flying and the bird song when I'm enjoying my morning coffee or evening beer in bliss. We catch rain water and have lilly tubs that the street dogs and birds love drinking from, I think there must be some minerals in the water.
I'm from Lincolnshire no very few swallows however we have finished harvest here so went to Whitby up there harvest is only half way through how we would normally be and swallows are still there
That's interesting as I've not seen any at work for a couple of weeks either and the corvids on dad's farm are rampant, have been all summer and the last few years, I'm talking hundreds if not in the thousands, even after shooters have had lots! Corvids are doing well and pigeon! I'm amazed pigeon get off the ground these days!
Im sure the birds, small mammals and insects have had a tough time this summer. Here in bone dry East Anglia, I have noticed how any windfall fruit is immediately eaten by the birds to get moisture. I have shallow trays of water around the garden and what birds there are, are all around them even when im fairly close by. Hedgerows seem to be very light on berries, so hopefully we have a mild winter, otherwise they are going to suffer.
The swallows are definitely getting the autumn feel now they have started lining up on the telephone wires on the estate and the geese have started flying back into the reservoir next door. Seems to be a fair bit of hawthorn berries here though🤷♂️
Good evening Ian, As for the birds we have a bird table a bird bath the food is always there and the bird bath is all year round we have sparrows and pigeons with one or to more Species But as you say No swallows, Apart from all that one more great video, You take care of yourself and stay safe and well☀️🚜👍⭐️⭐️.
I think at this stage, it's obvious the Massey has gone to the top of your list. The Case having the same dodgy hitch as the New Holland, doesn't inspire confidence, given one of the replacement tractor's primary functions is to haul a rather large and heavy trailer over public roads. Also, the familiarity of the cab and the controls is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you don't need to spend time getting up to speed on new controls, on the other, it means Case haven't really moved on in the 20 odd years since you bought your old Case. My gut instinct, as well as interpreting your body language, is the Massey is the way to go for you. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out though!
I thought it strange how the New Holland salesman was very reluctant to suggest a T6 which to me should have been the best fit option for your needs , he brought a T7 which was always going to be too big and then the T5 which although short wheelbase is obviously a better more up to date range than the T6 which you seem to concur with the case version . Best of luck with whatever you choose I’m sure they’ll all do a good job 👍
They have moved on but those are all options, wich he said he doesn't need, want and cost money. On the 5s the tractor is smaller, therefore cheaper so they put some options on it and that was it still in budget. Just like the t5. The Maxxum costs a bit more but is way more tractor. Hope he has set his expactations and doesn't buy a loader tractor when he needs a transport tractor. Or vice versa. Is the loader the main thing go with a t5 or 5s, is the loader a side thing go for Rider comfort with the Maxxum and it's longer wheelbase. But be sure to even the weight, because that's what the weightrack is for
I live in salt lake city Farmer P and was feeding the birds but it Got to be expensive and I ha 11 squirrels having at it . Soo I cute way back slowly . Now I see hardly anything including squirrels. I was getting some wasps and occasionally a bee , but they are all gone too . I left water out for them . The remaining squirrel s are really thin . I have heard in other places in the country the geese have been headed south west .not south and very early . Last year we had mass bird die offs all kinds of them . So sad . I know the swallows have been declining in the states since the seventies. Thank you for the observation . We've been in drought starting in 2001 .
Yes Farmer P, we noticed back a week ago no little birds ie,finches,sparrows swallows and doves,think it was to hot for them as well,all back now.case does look smart.
Blackrock, Cork Ireland. Concur. Thought the Swallows were late this year, but did have a magical moment on the 25th of June as there was a good strong updraft and at least a few families were flying around me like in a Disney Movie. I said grand, I just mist not have seen them, but I've noticed them missing more or less since ~ tend to walk the dog there every other day, every other week sort of thing. Definitely could not see any this week. So I assumed they migrated early ~ a heat wave is bad weather ~ by the way, whilst Starling numbers are down as well and officially by the Bird UK Garden count ~ not just colloquially, I seem to have seen three sets of fledglings this year ~ definitely two sets ~
Another enjoyable video Farmer P - all the tractors that you have featured so far are great in their own way, the one that starts in M and ends in N gets my vote!
My only concern with the MF 5S is the delay on the frontloader, it kept lowering after you let lose of the stick, maybe there is a setting. Otherwise i consider it dangerous. Good luck with the Tractor update!😃
Evening farmer p mum p abbi holli emma sam bisskit and ur other dogs Great vlog as always and its getting to the time where u farmer p and the real boss (mum p) has big big decissions to make about whether u buy a tractor or not The one i think u mite like best is the t5 with the front grabber as if u get that u wont have to drive 2 things to the other farm when u r working there Love u guys❤❤❤
Good evening Mr.P. I always have water out for the birds and wildlife and at the moment the birds and insects seem to like my runner bean flowers and I always leave some soft fruit on the bushes for them. Must admit I'm not that impressed with the 125 think at the moment it's between the T5. and the MF. unless anything else comes along. Keep well and stay safe.
A few years ago when riding my motorcycle i used to have a visor full of squashed flys and bugs on my helmet , so much so of a evening you had to stop and clear them off, nowadays nothing. Little wonder the birds are having a hard time.
..... when out for the walk today will have to notice if the swallows here are nested under the highway bridge as normal. Interesting to watch when they first show up how they plunge their beaks into the mud at waters edge and then off they go to fortify their nests hanging under the bridge ..... your bird waterer, might be an idea to have one of those quick release hose ends so you can take it away and spray it down. Just because of your concern re bird transferred bugs. Also if cleaned out in the evening then ready and full when birds let out in the morning ... might be fun to have a bird bath situation for birds of all sizes .. just sharing ideas that go though the grey matter while watching ..... so with us here if lots of berries cold winter and few berries mild winter .. maybe you'll be putting the herd out to graze on occasion this winter .... had to laugh when you said I think it was "it did not blow up my skirts like I thought it would" .... good idea storing kit on the trailer, do you have an attachment for the Mustang to quicky-like shunt the trailer in and out, and others ..... thx for sharing FP .... as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ....
not just the bird's bees and butterflies have been scarce this year I've got a few buddleia bushes in the garden and all i have seen is cabbage whites no peacocks red admirals
Hi Ian up here in Northern Ireland everything has been less here for many years. Insects such as butterflies have dropped dramatically here in the countryside bee numbers are fewer. The front bumpers/windscreens of cars are the same, not plastered with flys etc that’s been like that for a good few years. I didn’t really pay much attention until Clarkson’s farm. Bird wise plenty of crows, magpies and starlings. Swallow’s come earlier in the seasons than usual and there is less numbers, the sky uses to be full of them. I have a water stream running in the back garden I created back in 2012 and in the passed few years I’ve noticed a lot more birds using it to drink and bath themselves especially the starlings. Are garden has plenty of flowers etc for insects but the numbers are down but on another note. Out of the row of 8 houses we are the only one with running water/drinker and seasonal flowers.
I'm lucky here in Vietnam we have plenty of insects, birds and butterflies. I noticed over the last few weeks the butterflies species seam change colour to match the flowers, now does that happen all the time and I just haven't noticed.
In NE Notts we have been short of Swallows all year. You can hear the odd Swift about but not seen one, even around the Church. We have got a few Red Kites about though. They’re normally 25 miles South of here but I guess they are picking off the fallen birds. I actually had a ripe Blackberry mid July this year from a bush while walking the dog. Weird old year all round. As for Tractors - your reaction to the Case already aligns with where I thought you were heading when you were loading. Maybe the fact that it’s just not that much different to what you have now has also been it’s downfall but that hitch would annoy me and the noisy cab. Not good for a 20 mile round trip when the change is for comfort primarily.
Could the hitch pin issue be more of an over cautious factory setup? Both tractors using the same system seemed to need adjustments made when trying to lift a weight into the lock position. It seems the factory set them so they just about lock when unloaded when really they should be giving it a few more turns to ensure it locks every time.
Don't know if you noticed Ian but the sloes are very early this year and so are the blackberry's not seen alot of elderberries this year this year either.
I have the funny feeling this tractor buying, is going to be like an episode of Eastenders possibly a Christmas special dragged out about ,😂😂 funny enough during the really hot weather the swallows and some of the visiting birds just dispersed
the 125 is just a bigger better version of the one you have now, just no bells and whistles, its a work horse not a Ferrari, question is does it tick the boxes of horse power, durability, comfort and cost? does your current equipment fit it now or are you gunna need new attachments? i still say you gunna go for it, its red, it does what it says on the tin and the comfort isnt that bad. it also matches your trailer...
Don't think its worth saying to much today, but buy your reaction yesterday when you drove it back Id say goldilocks was not the dish that was just right.
1635 in the other tractor theres a bar you sticks up horizontal? theyve scrimped no air vents no handles i think you want a different tractor dont blame you buying the same make seems hollow victory
Haven't really noticed a dearth of birds up here 🏴 tbh did see the Swift's etc sitting on telephone wires at weekend 🤔 the bird 🐦 feeders in our garden are just overrun by sparrows and ringneck doves an one or two blue tits😁 good video Ian 👍
So why thinking of hedge trimming. It is not yet autumnal breakfast festival for the animals. So you have the time but .... be nice to the bride and the insects. And I am surprised of your word choice. It did not blow the farmer away. The maxxum? To little of a power difference with your old tractor. ? Let's dins out tomorrow.
we still seem to have a lot of small birds round down here, loads of tits and sparrows, first time in a while finches as well which used to be a rare sight ,did see swallows early on and swifts, but not recently , we do have a water feature in the garden so that my be the draw, and we do feed as well . that said yes we do also seem to have a lot more crows/rooks and a shed load of magpies round this year . way more than normal.
All the Swallows have been nesting in the Toilets at my Favourite Watering Hole as they do every year Ian 😂😂😂
I’m not bored of the reviews, I’d be interested to see how the Kabota stacks up. I’ve seen a few reviews where the kabota has out pulled and out worked more expensive tractor
Hello from the Netherlands and thanks for the video. Sincerely, Hollandduck
A very good Sunday morning to you all
Hello Farmer P 😊. Over here the seasons seem to be starting later each year.
We are at the end of Winter (10 more days), and the trees are still dropping their leaves as Autumn, from Nature's point of view, started in May instead of March. Nature is confused so are all the Creatures. They are also hibernating too early. Less bees 🐝and butterflies🦋. Unfortunately not so with Mosquitoes 🤪😵.
When you started to drive the Case and the peep peep came on, I thought 'Uh Uh handbrake not right down' at the same time you sighed and raised you eyes to the heavens.... priceless 😀😅. I thought that hand brake would drive you crazy 🤪, if you settled on the Case.
Great to see the chooks 👍😊. Thanks for the video Farmer P, great content. Take care and hug for Biskit 🤗♥️🐶
"Mine" haha come up and tap on the window ~ been feeding them for 40 years ... and id I forget, they are just staring in the window and if I ignore them one will always start tapping. haa ha aa but true.
Plenty of swallows here in Turriff Aberdeenshire still 👍
Farmer p
Hope all goes well 4 tomorrow and i hope u get good results
Im praying 4 u and keeping my fingers crossed 4 ur cows to get good results
Love u guys❤❤❤
I went and checked out a barn where the swallows had been nesting today expecting to see them with their last brood for the year. Not a bird to be see, as quiet as can be. I’m in Suffolk at the moment, bone dry here as had only a tiny bit of rain over the last few months. Doesn’t seem to be so many flies about.
Strange you mentioned about the swallows. Stil plenty of pigeons .....flying rats . Had a bit rain here in the north yesterday Sat 20 .
Farmer P, my name is John and I live in the USA. I watch your videos all of the time and love 💕 them. I get a lot of information from you. I have a New Holland T6 and T5. I've had no problems with them.
New Holland Mr p me dad went for it and what a tractor with front loader can wait to try it out myself
Plenty swallows here in the northwest of Ireland.
Hedges only produce berries in their second year of growth so we should really only cut half the hedges every 2 years to make sure the birds have enough to eat. Enjoy the videos.
We have had lots of swallows here in Tipperary in Ireland, but I'm seeing a lot less lately. However, they arrived quite a bit earlier than usual in spring too, possibly due to the mild spring 🤔 So the young might just have been ready to migrate that bit sooner too. Lots of berries on the Rowan tree's around here, but the whitethorn is not looking as good.
@Tipperary Mick. Greetings from South Africa. If I may ask, do you know any of the O'Dwyer family in Tipperary🤔. My brother Aean Ferguson was married to the late Mary O'Dwyer. 🤗
@@maevephipson2803 Hello Maeve 🙂
I know a few different O'Dwyer families, quite a common name in this part of the world 😀
@@tipperarymick5337 I guess so. Rather like Smith, Jones and Murphy 😅. William, Mary's brother, or Bill as we knew him (deceased a few yrs back now), was the green keeper at Tipperary golf course ( in 1994) . Mary's mother had the local nursing home (in the 1950s onwards). When the mother died, Mary took over running it. Mary also had an elder brother, Patrick, as probably dozens of other O'Dwyers did too 🤦♀️😅
I used to get so confused when visiting.... so many Mary's, Maeves, Patrick's etc 😀He was a Priest but left the priesthood after a while.
Thank you for replying. I enjoyed the chat 👍😀🤗
@@maevephipson2803 Interesting, small world 😀 Tipperary golf course is just at the other side of Tipperary town from me, about 10 kilometers away, so quite local.
I think the 5s all day long, followed by the blue thing. Blew my skirt bit did for me.
You aren't the only ones to be in the midst of a small bird drought, Ian. Anything smaller than a blackbird have been notable by their absence for several weeks now here on the Isle of Wight; but, there have been loads of corvids over here, too. Worrying, isn't it.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Interesting vblog. Though I am out of covid jail I still feel rough 😢 all the best from Worcester
Great video again
i agree we had lots swallows here in June July now nothing just seagulls still
Loads of swallows up here in Scotland.
Olly of Ollys farm fame raves about his John Deer.. Good luck whatever you decide on in the end.
you can tell how quiet the new case is compared to the old one when it was starting up
Another great video has always farmer p ian and Mrs p Sam emma Abbi and holli and miss biskit miss crumble miss gypsy miss pepper and miss pickle 👍
plenty of swallows here in n ireland we have plenty of insects but its not raining like they said it would so maybe things will change.
Must admit think they have gone will have to look tomorrow but have seen a lovely white barn owl with two young been trying to get pic 🤞
Hi lan the swallows left here about a week ago 🤔
Nice video can't for a new tractor one day
Thankfully we still have swallows and house Martins here in Carlisle area .but have noticed less than other year's love to see them turn up in spring hate to see them go off in autumn. Things thankfully nice and green round here ,
At first I was all for the T5 as once being a Ford guy. But after all the 3 comparisons I’ve seen so far the Massey would be my preferred choice. My reasons are based on what you told us in your video of the Massey papers. You’ll never get everything you want so you we’ll need to compromise on some things. Some comfort is better than no comfort and biggest thing is the price and the added features they gave to in writing. Remember shocks on the tractor are for the vehicle not really for the driver and/or passengers. Cabin suspension and air seat are for the driver were they act like a ship in rough seas which roll side to side and up and down motion. The potholes around here across the pond small cars can disappear in them. In the end it’s you(Ian) and Mrs. P’s decision not mine I’m only giving you my opinion. Good luck on what you decide to do but, I still keep watching your videos and liking them. I’ve never disliked any of your videos and I enjoy every one of them.
I think we might have your swallows here Ian ( just south of Dublin). I notice when mowing pitches in early summer there was a lack of swallows but lately there is a good few of them . I understand a lot of swallows died on the way up s a result of high temp. in Spain
I heard the same, not a good year for them 😕
Loads of swallows at my farm in Northumberland Ian.
Good to hear Rob, I hope to see them passing through on their way South, and then back here again next March / April 🤞🏼🙂👍🏼
Hi Ian
I'm the guy who came and asked you about metal detecting on your land
I have been watching with interest your dilemma with the case tractor I was thinking why don't you save about £49,500 and just buy a 12 volt air suspension seat
These are available on several sites inc ebay etc
Best of luck
Thanks Mark, I already have a top notch air seat in the MXU. 🙂👍🏼
Hi Ian,
I'm not a fan of stacking equipment on trailers if it's needed in a hurry it has to be unloaded. OK for a quick fix but what about building a low roofed shelter with some second hand steel and roofing. Or cutting the side out of a container and fitting a rack to double stack items, even putting a rack in a building to put little used stuff on and the often used underneath.
We have lots of birds flying around us here, it's the bird catchers I don't like and the amount of caged birds in the villages. I much prefer them free and flying and the bird song when I'm enjoying my morning coffee or evening beer in bliss. We catch rain water and have lilly tubs that the street dogs and birds love drinking from, I think there must be some minerals in the water.
I'm from Lincolnshire no very few swallows however we have finished harvest here so went to Whitby up there harvest is only half way through how we would normally be and swallows are still there
That's interesting as I've not seen any at work for a couple of weeks either and the corvids on dad's farm are rampant, have been all summer and the last few years, I'm talking hundreds if not in the thousands, even after shooters have had lots!
Corvids are doing well and pigeon! I'm amazed pigeon get off the ground these days!
Plenty of Corvids here too.
Will we be seeing any green sometime soon ??? New 6m ?
1.03 sure sounds like a swallow call to me🤣
Saw a load on the power line yesterday, here in Anglesey
Im sure the birds, small mammals and insects have had a tough time this summer. Here in bone dry East Anglia, I have noticed how any windfall fruit is immediately eaten by the birds to get moisture. I have shallow trays of water around the garden and what birds there are, are all around them even when im fairly close by. Hedgerows seem to be very light on berries, so hopefully we have a mild winter, otherwise they are going to suffer.
The swallows are definitely getting the autumn feel now they have started lining up on the telephone wires on the estate and the geese have started flying back into the reservoir next door. Seems to be a fair bit of hawthorn berries here though🤷♂️
Good evening Ian, As for the birds we have a bird table a bird bath the food is always there and the bird bath is all year round we have sparrows and pigeons with one or to more Species But as you say No swallows, Apart from all that one more great video, You take care of yourself and stay safe and well☀️🚜👍⭐️⭐️.
I think at this stage, it's obvious the Massey has gone to the top of your list. The Case having the same dodgy hitch as the New Holland, doesn't inspire confidence, given one of the replacement tractor's primary functions is to haul a rather large and heavy trailer over public roads. Also, the familiarity of the cab and the controls is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you don't need to spend time getting up to speed on new controls, on the other, it means Case haven't really moved on in the 20 odd years since you bought your old Case. My gut instinct, as well as interpreting your body language, is the Massey is the way to go for you. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out though!
For us that has drove those tractors, its pretty obvious the Ferguson is better.
I thought it strange how the New Holland salesman was very reluctant to suggest a T6 which to me should have been the best fit option for your needs , he brought a T7 which was always going to be too big and then the T5 which although short wheelbase is obviously a better more up to date range than the T6 which you seem to concur with the case version . Best of luck with whatever you choose I’m sure they’ll all do a good job 👍
They have moved on but those are all options, wich he said he doesn't need, want and cost money. On the 5s the tractor is smaller, therefore cheaper so they put some options on it and that was it still in budget. Just like the t5. The Maxxum costs a bit more but is way more tractor. Hope he has set his expactations and doesn't buy a loader tractor when he needs a transport tractor. Or vice versa. Is the loader the main thing go with a t5 or 5s, is the loader a side thing go for Rider comfort with the Maxxum and it's longer wheelbase. But be sure to even the weight, because that's what the weightrack is for
I live in salt lake city Farmer P and was feeding the birds but it Got to be expensive and I ha 11 squirrels having at it . Soo I cute way back slowly . Now I see hardly anything including squirrels.
I was getting some wasps and occasionally a bee , but they are all gone too .
I left water out for them .
The remaining squirrel s are really thin .
I have heard in other places in the country the geese have been headed south west .not south and very early .
Last year we had mass bird die offs all kinds of them .
So sad .
I know the swallows have been declining in the states since the seventies.
Thank you for the observation .
We've been in drought starting in 2001 .
I live on the Norfolk coast not far from Norwich and have noticed that the swift’s have also gone early this year
Yes Farmer P, we noticed back a week ago no little birds ie,finches,sparrows swallows and doves,think it was to hot for them as well,all back now.case does look smart.
Blackrock, Cork Ireland. Concur. Thought the Swallows were late this year, but did have a magical moment on the 25th of June as there was a good strong updraft and at least a few families were flying around me like in a Disney Movie. I said grand, I just mist not have seen them, but I've noticed them missing more or less since ~ tend to walk the dog there every other day, every other week sort of thing.
Definitely could not see any this week. So I assumed they migrated early ~ a heat wave is bad weather ~ by the way, whilst Starling numbers are down as well and officially by the Bird UK Garden count ~ not just colloquially, I seem to have seen three sets of fledglings this year ~ definitely two sets ~
Fingers crossed for a third. 🤞🏼
its going to be a very long winter in the north our trees are full with berries but we dont have any Swallows
After you mentioned about the swallows Farmer P, i have had a look around and the ones we had around the house have gone.
Hunger will drive them to richer counties, those that have had a bit more rain.
Another enjoyable video Farmer P - all the tractors that you have featured so far are great in their own way, the one that starts in M and ends in N gets my vote!
My only concern with the MF 5S is the delay on the frontloader, it kept lowering after you let lose of the stick, maybe there is a setting. Otherwise i consider it dangerous. Good luck with the Tractor update!😃
Farmer P,in case you haven’t already,check out ,George Saunders loading bales with a T5.
Evening farmer p mum p abbi holli emma sam bisskit and ur other dogs
Great vlog as always and its getting to the time where u farmer p and the real boss (mum p) has big big decissions to make about whether u buy a tractor or not
The one i think u mite like best is the t5 with the front grabber as if u get that u wont have to drive 2 things to the other farm when u r working there
Love u guys❤❤❤
Good video mr. P. I think the MF is the tractor for you 👍👍👍
Good evening Mr.P. I always have water out for the birds and wildlife and at the moment the birds and insects seem to like my runner bean flowers and I always leave some soft fruit on the bushes for them. Must admit I'm not that impressed with the 125 think at the moment it's between the T5. and the MF. unless anything else comes along. Keep well and stay safe.
A few years ago when riding my motorcycle i used to have a visor full of squashed flys and bugs on my helmet , so much so of a evening you had to stop and clear them off, nowadays nothing. Little wonder the birds are having a hard time.
I remember those days. 🦟
Evening ian, nice content again cheers 😄
I noticed that you always do an extra check on the power reverser to make sure it is really in neutral. The one on the MF has a better layout.
Wild fruits are very scarce its been a hard year so fare for the birds and other small animals. 🚜🇮🇪👍
..... when out for the walk today will have to notice if the swallows here are nested under the highway bridge as normal. Interesting to watch when they first show up how they plunge their beaks into the mud at waters edge and then off they go to fortify their nests hanging under the bridge ..... your bird waterer, might be an idea to have one of those quick release hose ends so you can take it away and spray it down. Just because of your concern re bird transferred bugs. Also if cleaned out in the evening then ready and full when birds let out in the morning ... might be fun to have a bird bath situation for birds of all sizes .. just sharing ideas that go though the grey matter while watching ..... so with us here if lots of berries cold winter and few berries mild winter .. maybe you'll be putting the herd out to graze on occasion this winter .... had to laugh when you said I think it was "it did not blow up my skirts like I thought it would" .... good idea storing kit on the trailer, do you have an attachment for the Mustang to quicky-like shunt the trailer in and out, and others ..... thx for sharing FP .... as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ....
I think the T5 is the one tbh 👍💯%
Well I know where the Swallows have gone..
They got married 🤣🤣🤣
not just the bird's bees and butterflies have been scarce this year I've got a few buddleia bushes in the garden and all i have seen is cabbage whites no peacocks red admirals
Have you watched George's review on the t5
I have 🙂
Hi Ian up here in Northern Ireland everything has been less here for many years. Insects such as butterflies have dropped dramatically here in the countryside bee numbers are fewer. The front bumpers/windscreens of cars are the same, not plastered with flys etc that’s been like that for a good few years. I didn’t really pay much attention until Clarkson’s farm. Bird wise plenty of crows, magpies and starlings. Swallow’s come earlier in the seasons than usual and there is less numbers, the sky uses to be full of them. I have a water stream running in the back garden I created back in 2012 and in the passed few years I’ve noticed a lot more birds using it to drink and bath themselves especially the starlings. Are garden has plenty of flowers etc for insects but the numbers are down but on another note. Out of the row of 8 houses we are the only one with running water/drinker and seasonal flowers.
I'm lucky here in Vietnam we have plenty of insects, birds and butterflies. I noticed over the last few weeks the butterflies species seam change colour to match the flowers, now does that happen all the time and I just haven't noticed.
all the swallows are up at my stable yard flying around like mad and outside my office window!
As long as they are surviving I’m happy. 🙂👍🏼
And we have to wait again? Farmer P. Grrrr.... Get on with it man.
In NE Notts we have been short of Swallows all year. You can hear the odd Swift about but not seen one, even around the Church. We have got a few Red Kites about though. They’re normally 25 miles South of here but I guess they are picking off the fallen birds.
I actually had a ripe Blackberry mid July this year from a bush while walking the dog. Weird old year all round.
As for Tractors - your reaction to the Case already aligns with where I thought you were heading when you were loading. Maybe the fact that it’s just not that much different to what you have now has also been it’s downfall but that hitch would annoy me and the noisy cab. Not good for a 20 mile round trip when the change is for comfort primarily.
Could the hitch pin issue be more of an over cautious factory setup? Both tractors using the same system seemed to need adjustments made when trying to lift a weight into the lock position. It seems the factory set them so they just about lock when unloaded when really they should be giving it a few more turns to ensure it locks every time.
How did the test go . Hopefully all went well .
We still have swallows here in south west Scotland and their still feeding on nests
I assume your insect population is better than down here. Plenty of moths at night but very little in the day.
Hi Ian you still need to try a nice green class tractor out good video keep them coming
I may be looking at a green one sometime.
@@FarmerP You might be surprised just how good a Claas is!!
I have to agree we have a claas arion 450 loader tractor can't find a fault, I did think the hitch wouldn't be as strong as it is,
Don't know if you noticed Ian but the sloes are very early this year and so are the blackberry's not seen alot of elderberries this year this year either.
Sloes are patchy around here this year.
i personally think a puma would be ideal for you ,
We have seen loads of swifts and not 1 house Martins or swallow at all
I've not seen any swallows since the end of April
I know it's extra work but would it be a good way to keep diseases out if placed out in the field where they are to keep it seperate.
The swallows have gone to get a swallow.😁
I have the funny feeling this tractor buying, is going to be like an episode of Eastenders possibly a Christmas special dragged out about ,😂😂 funny enough during the really hot weather the swallows and some of the visiting birds just dispersed
Saw a few yesterday and today, but they were all heading North.
Hi Ian
Starlings Yes
Magpies Yes
Pigeons Yes
Swifts No
Swallows No
According to my mate Peter there wasn't many last year I haven't seen one this year
It’s a bit worrying. If there is no food for them they won’t stay.
the 125 is just a bigger better version of the one you have now, just no bells and whistles, its a work horse not a Ferrari, question is does it tick the boxes of horse power, durability, comfort and cost? does your current equipment fit it now or are you gunna need new attachments? i still say you gunna go for it, its red, it does what it says on the tin and the comfort isnt that bad. it also matches your trailer...
love the vid t5 is good
What is the condition of your tadpole ponds in this heatwave?
Dry since June 😕
Don't think its worth saying to much today, but buy your reaction yesterday when you drove it back Id say goldilocks was not the dish that was just right.
1635 in the other tractor theres a bar you sticks up horizontal? theyve scrimped no air vents no handles i think you want a different tractor dont blame you buying the same make seems hollow victory
Heard a gulp
I guess it's not worth asking about the "pond"...
Been dry since June 😕
Why move the young cattle to the other farm when the source of TB the last twice is from cattle that have been over there.
To ween them. The main source of infection has been removed, so although there is a risk it’s still the best option we have.
Haven't really noticed a dearth of birds up here 🏴 tbh did see the Swift's etc sitting on telephone wires at weekend 🤔 the bird 🐦 feeders in our garden are just overrun by sparrows and ringneck doves an one or two blue tits😁 good video Ian 👍
ps try a john deere i am a recent convert and now i have 2 great tractors i have to say.
So why thinking of hedge trimming. It is not yet autumnal breakfast festival for the animals. So you have the time but .... be nice to the bride and the insects. And I am surprised of your word choice. It did not blow the farmer away. The maxxum? To little of a power difference with your old tractor. ? Let's dins out tomorrow.
I have most of them here in Staffordshire, sh1tting on my car...
Hard to know what tractor you'll go for know,it looks like MF now is best.
Hi I Have Just Been Watching George Saunders's Video And He Is Trying Out THE NH T5 DC And He Loves It CHECK OUT HIS SITE xxx
I commented on his video yesterday.
Hope they not got bird flu
we still seem to have a lot of small birds round down here, loads of tits and sparrows, first time in a while finches as well which used to be a rare sight ,did see swallows early on and swifts, but not recently , we do have a water feature in the garden so that my be the draw, and we do feed as well . that said yes we do also seem to have a lot more crows/rooks and a shed load of magpies round this year . way more than normal.
If it looks like a crow Shoot it . STOP DISEASES.
Hope they not got bird flu