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Ghost vs Artyom 🤯 ft
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Call of duty MW2 Ghost in real life vs King Artyoms
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inspired loadout, Airsoft or cosplay, larp use.
This is for educational and Artistic purposes to show the sort of gear and equipment they use, featured in video games and movies.
My friends 👋🏼
Ghost vs Artyom..
Artyoms AK MOE Replica by LCT Airsoft
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Wsg my friend
So what did what did artyom do to piss ghost off😂😂😂😂😂
He just killed Ghost like a General Shepherd in Modern Warfare 2.😂
he’s gonna respawn with price and soap mate, watch out
Maybe not so much for soap
price for soap? how much?
I read “he’s gonna respawn with a price and soap mate” lol
Artyom bribed the writer so he gets the most plot-armor...
Yes he also demanded he directed the video 😅
That last moment of artyom in the vid was simply legendary 😎
Got a feeling somebody stole Ghost's wallet.
And boots
Артëм как всегда на чиле на раслабоне 🤣
Артёму надо было позвать Джаггернаута,но и он вряд-ли справился😂😂😂
Ghost flies away
Guess I found my new wallpaper
Ghost became ghost by cleaned off by soap but now he's in the gulag. He'll redeploy soon.
fr but no one beats ghooooostt
I thought Artyom was gonna say “ghost! Today is the day… you become a real ghost!”
You know I would ask why were they fighting, but after the last couple of months of watching Artyom and what he does on a daily basis I'm honestly honestly surprised ghost in try killing him sooner.
he got cleaned with soap :D
Man,we should have Artyom skin in COD Warzone
Fly high ghost..
Bro already flew 😭🙏
Artyom is just built different.
Artyom...my most fav character...hell yeah for eternity
Ghost+soap+price vs artyom
Artyom wins always
no complete because without Gaz.
"Today will be the day- You ALMOST got the Artyom.... But not TODAY!!!"
I didn't actually think Artyom would actually win that.
How could you man..
@pulsare.m.6719 I'm giving my honest opinion
Artyom : where's is soap, where's soap😁
Ghost : ☠️
Artyom switch to his secondary weapon😂
Artyoms >>>>>>>>ghost 😂😂😂
Bro hit that walk 🥶🥶🔥🔥
That is right Artyom , you show him !
I am your big fan bro your I like your loadout love from kashmir❤❤ artyom op❤❤❤
Felt like an episode of the A-team from the 80s. with all that lead flying around and no one getting hit.... Thank god for the RPG!!
Bro if this was real ghost only needs one shot 😂
Would have been auper funny had Ghost landed on him at the very end.
And the king holds his crown!
Ghosts "oh crap " expression
I think He hast Bad AIM today...😂 Because Ghost never miss good for Atyum
Ah the classic Ghost. I much prefer the look of the OG Ghost's mask compared to the new one.
I see what you did there. Loved it.
i like the fact that Artyom hid behind the car door, but car doors are NOT bulletproof especially on an old jeep like that
A tin can is more bullet proof than the door 😂
@TrueMobster eh fair enough. (also Artyom would be a good friend with Romanian's because we all love stealing wallets)
i love your vids
Artyom would be dead in Seconds against Ghost xD
I forgot to say it in the last video, *amazing* Ghost cosply!!
Legend! 🙌🏼
Now this one was good
Artyom op
I'm surprised he didn't miss and get screwed over by the very tiny blast radius being half the size of the visuals because "muh balance"
Well, that's obviously not the real Ghost because Artyom doesn't have 6 new holes from a knife.
Artyom Shepard's successor
So good 👍
The air support sound😫
ghost!! my fav character from cod!
This ia fucking epic , i mean this is out of this world❤
Could you ever make a Russian EMR load out set?
Pretty slick magazine changes.👍🏻😎
King Artyom, cars are poor concealment at best unless you put the engine/wheels/hub etc between you and the threat.😉
Watch your six, I reckon ghost will be back.
Very fierce fight!!. Friend
bro they need to add u guys to call of duty lol
For a second I through he would appears in artyom's back and hit him with one of his many knifes😂
we need more mil-sims like Artyom.
Well to be honest legend is Ghost not artyom 😂😂 Im mean ghost is legend and legend never gonna die
Ghost Is not like this he so good
so Artyom is Kortac operators?
Esse não deve ser o Ghost legítimo, só um fã trajado como ele, ou Artyom trabalha para Imran Zakhaev e Makarov.
Bro artyom cooked ghost will always comeback
Ghost was a console player💀
what’s the brand of the tracksuit??
Scavenger vs pmc
My name is Artyom
They would both die
Good songs
Ratyom kilil☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Even if he disappers, you can't kill a ghost
Not again
No crying from players???
Fart in Egypt 🇪🇬❤❤🥺
아르티옴이 가진 총 진짜 못생겼다
Let me guess, he stole his wallet?
Ghost is way cooler he is a legend in my heart
Hell yeah antyom
Ghost. danger Artyom .😂
Not again